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EURO 2024 (Po-Polska)

Ironside 50 | 12620
1 Jul 2024 #241
Germany robbed Serbia of a talented player

Rather he would earn some moment than stay in Serbia for peanuts and be exploited by Serbin mafia. His choice.
Torq 8 | 1217
1 Jul 2024 #242
It seems every country has its own Miroslav Klose & Lukas Podolski...

Looks like...

Anyways, judging by football we can definitely say that God is Catholic - look at all the World Champions titles that Catholic countries got...

... 15 Catholic titles (17 if we count France which is technically a Catholic country) in 22 competitions - total domination.

Alien 21 | 5397
1 Jul 2024 #243
total domination

Prayed to God.
Vesko Vukovic - | 119
1 Jul 2024 #245
Portugal is a hostage of Cristiano Ronaldo

the match is like Cristina's private training session in front of 55,000 people: every attack must be finished by him, every free kick is taken by him after a minute of preparation, the camera is on him every 15 seconds

Portugal is woeful and Cristina is a burden on the team
OP AntV 5 | 829
1 Jul 2024 #246
Let's go Slovenia!
OP AntV 5 | 829
1 Jul 2024 #248
I'll let you know in 20 mins. Haha
Vesko Vukovic - | 119
1 Jul 2024 #249
Kiki go off yourself

The Portugal coach Martinez obviously doesn't have the balls to sub him off.
Vesko Vukovic - | 119
2 Jul 2024 #250
Slovakia and Slovenia both missed an historic opportunity.

Today with all my heart cheering for the sons of Muma Paduri!



Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12107
2 Jul 2024 #251
"Muma Paduri"???

The chances for another win but a dutch one aren't high.....
Alien 21 | 5397
2 Jul 2024 #252
Can Romania beat the Netherlands? They would deserve it because they are more democratic. 🤔
Vesko Vukovic - | 119
2 Jul 2024 #253
I didn't know that Alec Baldwin is the coach of Romania..
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #254
Wow! That was quick from Turkey :)
Alien 21 | 5397
2 days ago #255
quick from Turkey

Like the Turks near Vienna?
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #256
More like Karánsebes or Mehadia so far. But we're only 15 minutes into the game, so maybe it will be Vienna in the end. :)
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #257
2:0 Turkey 0_0
Bobko 26 | 2131
2 days ago #258

Not the same Austria as before...
Alien 21 | 5397
2 days ago #259
2:0 Turkey

This time Sobieski will not help...🤔
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #260
Not the same Austria

They won against the Netherlands (not to mention Poland) and finished first in the "group of death" ahead of France, and now they are losing to Turks whom they trashed 6-1 three months ago. Football... crazy sport, but that's why we love it I guess.

EDIT: 2:1 - Austria's back
OP AntV 5 | 829
2 days ago #261
Austria'll win.
Bobko 26 | 2131
2 days ago #262
Certainly doesn't look that way. This is a different Turkish team from what we saw recently. Their coach must've given a good kick in the butt on top of the horrendous press.
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #263
Austria'll win.

About 8.5 live odds at the moment, but I wouldn't risk any money on it.
OP AntV 5 | 829
2 days ago #264
but I wouldn't risk any money on

Hellno! I'm just running off the mouth.
Bobko 26 | 2131
2 days ago #265
Juventus is my club, so I remember Demiral from those days... but honestly considered him just as a pretty forgettable player. What he's doing now is great, it's crazy he plays in KSR with Ronaldo.
OP AntV 5 | 829
2 days ago #266
Game of the far.
Torq 8 | 1217
2 days ago #267
Well done, Turkey. Good night, lads. :)
Miloslaw 20 | 5014
2 days ago #268
Well done, Turkey. Good night,


TBH, I didn't expect that, I thought Austria would win.
johnny reb 48 | 7476
2 days ago #269
Game of the far.

I agree, a superb game.
Alien 21 | 5397
2 days ago #270
Well, this time the Turks captured Vienna.

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