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EURO 2024 (Po-Polska)

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
2 days ago #181
England's NT is probably the most overvalued, overpriced and overpaid team in the world

...I'm abit more sympathetic here...Germany had looked so bad the last tournaments too....sometimes there is nothing you can do!
(besides to hide in a dark corner and cry quietly)
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #182

Don't even compare the two teams - England's national team hasn't won anything since 1966. Maybe football is just not their sport. What are they good at? Volleyball? Handball? Ice hockey?

No, wait - they're good at egg-ball (aka rugby) and cricket (kinda like baseball but even slower and even more boring).

besides to hide in a dark corner and cry quietly

That's what Polish fans do.
Alien 21 | 5366
2 days ago #183
Nobody told me today that England would lose to Slovakia.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #184
I can't decide whether I would prefer the Slovaks to score two more goals or the English to somehow scrape one in and end up going out on penalties.
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #185
@Vesko Vukovic

I think 1-0 to Slovakia still at the end of the game and England missing a penalty in the 96th minute would be the cruelest scenario.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #186
This referee is not up to the task, but if he is going to rob the English, everything is forgiven to him.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #188

And I also remember that wonderful evening when the cradle of football was bummed and knocked out by lovely Iceland.

When the Bayern striker Kane took corners for the two dimwits from the defense because no one else could turn the ball in and score. Then life was more beautiful and better.
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #189
why all the hate?

It's not hate, it's healthy contempt for the rich and privileged - I bet Jon can relate. :D

that wonderful evening when the cradle of football was bummed and knocked out by lovely Iceland

Aaaaahh, yes. ♥️♥️♥️
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
2 days ago #190 also bad luck! It's not their day.....

Yesterday England? And Spain is watching :)
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #191
It's not their day

It's not their sport.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #192
Great counterattack...

I can't wait for the SUN cover tomorrow

Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #193
This is their fourth match, without the English being able to connect with each other. They're playing slow, however they're also clueless. If you were the dumbest coach, you would have arranged something by now.
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #194
EDIT: Damn it... :-/

So, we're back to this scenario...

the English to somehow scrape one in and end up going out on penalties

OP AntV 5 | 826
2 days ago #196
Slovakia seemed like they were content to give England possession and play defense the last 15 mins or so.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
2 days ago #197
....2:1....everything back to (more) normal....maybe Slovakia overtaking England would had been to big of a sensation!
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #198
2:1... this is ridiculous 😡

It's a good thing that one Slavic team is already in the quarter-final.
Alien 21 | 5366
2 days ago #199
There will be no penalties in this match.
OP AntV 5 | 826
2 days ago #200
What the hell..I take a pi$$ and just like that 2-1.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #201
if the English were leading 1-0, there would have been 3 minutes of stoppage time, and the ref would have blown the whistle 20 seconds earlier
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #202
When England plays against any team who can play with higher intensivity than Slovakia, and has more quality (Spain, Germany, Portugal), they will be owned.
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #203

WTF, ref? That was a clear foul.
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #204
What a chance it was for Nino Pekarik... unbelievable miss...

Slovakia deserves at least penalties

Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #205
Slovakia deserves at least penalties

I hope so. If England goes through it will be a very sad result for football - a victory of money and hubris over heart and fighting spirit.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
2 days ago #206 bad for Slovakia, that would had been a ja, maybe next time...
Vesko Vukovic - | 114
2 days ago #207
Pickford looks like these British tourist dudes who I came across while on holiday in Cyprus, they "kill" each other from early in the morning with rum-cola and then beat up their missus in the evening.
Torq 8 | 1169
2 days ago #208 bad for Slovakia


Sad day for football. Fingers crossed for the Swiss now.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 12090
2 days ago #209
Maybe Georgia is more lucky tonight....

Fingers crossed for the Swiss now.

They have more than only a good chance to make it! *nods*

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