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I am a polish communist.

jon357  72 | 23654
24 Aug 2024   #31
Kamala is unfortunately not a communist.

Quite. Nobody in that party is, despite the toxic rhetoric from reactionaries.

According to Polish law this sentence is equal to "I am a Polish nazi".

It isn't. Promoting totalitarianism is I think illegal, however Communism in itself isn't totalitarian; people confuse it with the failed iteration of it in the Soviet Union and other states which weren't even ready for Social Democracy, never mind anything else.

it wasn't real communism. Not in Russia, not in China, not in Cambodia, North Korea, Latin America

This is true. These were third world countries so chaotic it was possible to create dictatorial, usually military, regimes.
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Aug 2024   #32
dictatorial, usually military, regimes.

These are the two key things.

In Indonesia, an autocrat backed by the military actually massacred half a million Communist sympathizers. This was done in the space of a few weeks.

In South Vietnam, a dictatorial regime composed of military men killed hundreds of thousands more in extrajudicial killings.

The reason Communist states around the world were so brutal, could very well be because the main exporter of Communism was Russia. In Russia, it took on a severe bent because it was shaped in a context of civil war and famine, and where most of the men in charge had spent a long time either in prison or in the military.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Aug 2024   #33
it took on a severe bent because it a context of civil war and famine, and where most of the men in charge had spent a long time either in prison or in the military.

That's pretty well it.

A writer (I forget who) wrote two interesting things about Communism. One was that if it had been achieved first in Japan rather than the Soviet Union or China, it would have worked very differently and the other thing was that if it had been achieved in 1950s Britain, especially the northern industrial regions and Scotland's central belt, nobody would really have noticed much difference.

The countries that got it were an uneasy mix of rural poverty, intellectual ideological absolutism and a huge military infrastructure.

I slightly knew someone (he was called Professor Ludwik Haas) who spent 17 years in the Gulag for being a Trotskyist and 17 months in a PRL jail after the Soviet Union let him go. He was certainly a Communist however they hated him because he was a real one. And sometimes I think the far left in the U.K., the Trots and Tankies, hate people like me who are middle of the road Labourites from the trade union movement even more than they hate capitalists.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #34
nobody would really have noticed much difference


Oh, how I would like to see Britain turning communist! Not very Christian of me but I would. Actually, the entire Western Europe should turn communist for 45 years at least. I bet they would see some difference then.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Aug 2024   #35
meh is that somebody brand new or an old poster returned with a new moniker? I wonder.
Anyway, whoever it is it is intended for trolling.
I'm a woman.

304? PM me your number.
Ironside  51 | 13083
24 Aug 2024   #36
Religion did their bit of killing as well

Religion didn't kill anybody -People did.
At least Christianity put an end to sacrificing humans in some pagan rituals.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Aug 2024   #37
Oh, how I would like to see Britain turning communist

Socialist for sure.

What Poles and others from more absolutist societies don't grasp about the U.K. is that we invented Socialism, via Owenism and the Cooperative movement. Nothing was ever imposed from outside, there were no revolutions, no Esbeks and Ubeks and any corruption there was never a fraction of what it was in Poland or is even today.

And if we had been Communist, don't think for a second that there would have been the sort of repression that existed in Central and Eastern Europe.

meh is that somebody brand new or an old poster

It's ee cummins.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Aug 2024   #38
first of all - don't assume my sex.
I'm a woman.

No you are not, you already tried that one on us as AntiRussianPutinHater last week
Do you have a penis ? Yes, yes you do so you are a man, a very fem man, but still a male.
Is your name Michael, yes it is.
or an old poster returned with a new moniker? I wonder.

I don't, I smell Delph written all over his posts
If I were a Mod I would immediately delete this troll thread as it has nothing to do with Poland or Polish people.
He claims to be Polish but clearly he isn't with that Scottish accent.(Bloody hell)
since only pedophilia disgusts me.
(guilt from his old moniker)
You're busted again ole boy.
Man up and admit that you can't fool us with your trolling as a Polish Communist.
How disgusting of you.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #39
Do you have a penis ?

No, I do not and never have had a penis.

No, my name is not micheal.

He claims to be Polish but clearly he isn't with that Scottish accent.

I'm raised in a part of the UK where we all use bloody hell, xD.

And Johnny Reb ain't no polish name.

If I were a Mod I would immediately delete this troll thread.

It certainly has more than a thread about the USA's elections.

This is my first time on this site. Mods can check IP records.

(guilt from his old moniker)


Man up

man up and admit - ty to chlopak co nie ma nic lepszego do robienia niz policiowac fora internetowe.

tak to dla ciebie wazne to a: zrob se forum swoje, albo b: stan sie moderatorem.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #40
Opiate for the masses is better than gulag for the masses. :)

I'd rather be stuck in a gulag then 'confess'.

Betcha I could pal up with some guards and be out in no time /s.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Aug 2024   #41

'Than' is the word you were looking for.

Be careful what you wish for. Revolution likes to eat her own children. :)
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Aug 2024   #42
How disgusting of you.

Another sick Brit coming to an American forum to talk shlt...

Revolution likes to eat her own children. :)

...because they know too much...
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #43
'Than' is the word you were looking for.

Thank you, that is indeed what I meant.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Aug 2024   #44
Hey, commie, why are you here on this forum?

Don't you have one like this in the UK or are you afraid of your Internet police?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Aug 2024   #45
No, my name is not micheal.

I didn't ask you if your name was micheal, I ask you if your name was michael.
Your buddy Mr. Twister (jon) taught you well.

You are the only one I know to have ever used that term in the last ten years that I have been here.
In fact we bust another one of your sock puppets when you used it before, remember now. 😳
And Johnny Reb ain't no polish name.

Who claimed that it was or are you just throwing a cheap diminishment out there in your defense.😋
It certainly has more than a thread about the USA's elections.

No, no it does not.
That thread is on the back page blocked out to all nonmembers by the P.F. Admin. (jon) even though it does concern Poland.
That is why your thread should be moved off the front page because it has nothing to do with Poland or Polish people

You have been using a VPN to hide your I.P. for years for all your sock puppets.
You seem to navigate around this site pretty well for being your first time here. 🙄
ty to chlopak co nie ma nic lepszego do robienia niz policiowac fora internetowe.

Its my hobby

What makes you think that I am not a Mod.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #46
Another sick Brit coming to an American forum to talk shlt...

Tacy sami - a staw miedzy nami!
I didn't ask you if your name was micheal, I ask you if your name was michael.

I am neither one nor the other.

You are the only one I know to have ever used that in the last ten years that I have been here.

That is not my problem.
You can cross check my Ip - it is quite obviously a Tmobile Ip and not a vpn.

Don't you have one like this in the UK or are you afraid of your Internet police?

No, we actually don't have one in the UK.

Why aren't you on Vkontakte and not some little american forum?
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Aug 2024   #47
No, we actually don't have one in the UK.

You don't have forums like this one or Internet police?
Feniks  2 | 857
24 Aug 2024   #48
You are the only one I know to have ever used that term in the last ten years

A quick forum search shows that it has been used by Milo, Jon, Atch, Dolno, Wroclaw Boy, Dolno and many others, primarily from the UK. You really do talk out of your arse.

What makes you think that I am not a Mod.

The fact that moderator isn't written next to your name.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #49
Internet police is busy arresting boomers with fascist tendencies that voice them a tad too loudly on facebook.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Aug 2024   #50
I didn't ask you if your name was micheal, I ask you if your name was michael.

I am neither one nor the other.

It is a yes or no question, not "neither one" nor "the other".
Mr. Twister trained you well.
You can cross check my Ip - it is quite obviously a Tmobile Ip

I did and that is not what it is showing but I just did a quick search that is not always correct.
A quick forum search shows

Oh shut up, Karen and read again only slower this time before you ejaculate all over yourself in excitement.
Put emphasis on the words, the only one I know
I said that
You are the only one I know to have ever used that term

Now get lost and quit your stalking/trolling.
The fact that moderator isn't written next to your name.

LOL - we both know that when the Mods post they don't always have Moderator written by their names if it is a personal post, stupid.
Now Git !
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Aug 2024   #51
I did

You didn't and you can't, since you aren't a mod.

And since you're pretending to be, what's the location associated with the IP I'm posting from now and have mostly posted from all year?

they don't always have Moderator

And you never have.

Switch it on, and make one post or admit you're a liar.
Feniks  2 | 857
24 Aug 2024   #52
, the only one I know

And I just pointed out that numerous forum members have used that exact same phrase so are you going to accuse them of being 'commie' too? Your powers of deduction are crap

we both know that when the Mods post they don't always have Moderator written by their names if it is a personal post,

Stop talking more sh!te! Yes, they do if they're making a personal post. If you see red writing on someone's post that could be a mod or admin. The only stupid person here is you.

You're not a mod and have no idea of anyone's IP address.
OP commie  1 | 16
24 Aug 2024   #53
It is a yes or no question, not "neither one" nor "the other".

Neither one nor the other means that no, I am not either Micheal nor Michael.

Do not criticize my completely correct grammar just because you can't understand it.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Aug 2024   #54
Do not criticize my completely correct grammar just because you can't understand it.

Criticising the grammar of second language speakers is never nice.

Though (and I'll hope your not offended), the word criticise is spelt criticise.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Aug 2024   #55
I am not either Micheal nor Michael.

English, please..

I am neither X nor Y.

I am not X or Y.
OP commie  1 | 16
25 Aug 2024   #56
Though (and I'll hope your not offended), the word criticise is spelt criticise.

Both spellings are correct.

We are on an American forum, and with the hate I'm receiving for being a brit, I'm trying to use American English.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 Aug 2024   #57

The running dogs of late stage capitalism.


Me too.

There's English English and there's local variants.
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
25 Aug 2024   #58
I can't imagine anyone vomiting upon seeing a communist.

I would...... all over you......communists are as disgusting as fascists and perverts.
OP commie  1 | 16
26 Aug 2024   #59
Your first incorrect assumption is that you'd get close enough to me.
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
26 Aug 2024   #60
HaHaHa!..... you are very stupid....... of course I would get close enough to you and you would make me feel sick......fait accompli!

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