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johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Dec 2024   #121
How can an avowed racist be religous? It seems a tad hypocritical do ya think?

You tell us
You tell us what you meant by your "nygga" comment. Hoot !

Yes, just a tad hypocritical from yet another Chicago White Trash.
Joker  2 | 2374
13 Dec 2024   #122
That doesn't matter. I've never preached on PF as you constantly do, idiot.. I've never told ppl they're going to hell like you have ...moron.

You're the only person that preaches religon on PF

I'm sure you will deny that as well.

Total hypocrite and lying old man is all you are!

Johnny Poorhouse, with all your millions all you can do is sit on PF everyday. 😄
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
13 Dec 2024   #123
I have a nation widesurprise for Poles. It's going to be so confusing but good, even if died will eat it, it's not that hard either :P
cms neuf  2 | 1839
13 Dec 2024   #124
To get us back on track.

What do people think of the Christmas markets that are appearing in all Polish towns ? Overpriced, sugary rip offs of Hermany OR a pleasant place to take the kids and tescowie for an hour ?

I'm somewhere in between - they are fine in the week, horrible at weekend. If I was a young man I think it would be great for a date - girls love Christmas
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
13 Dec 2024   #125
Polish people are slavable to any nation with some money. like when arabs come to poland, they **** your women for like 100usd per night.
you judged the jews for hundred of years, yet you're 10x worst than any jewish nations.
Chrismas in poland just for creepy people. I know, I saw it.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Dec 2024   #126
You tell us what you meant by your "nygga" comment.

That doesn't matter.

Oh but it does matter.
I just proved that you are a racists and hypocrite by your old posts.

That matters even if your Racist Chicago White Trash ass denies it.

You're the only person that preaches religon on PF

Its spelled "religion" and that is my job.
Why does that rattle you so much that you feel you have to shame me about it ?
Are you feeling some guilt of some kind ?
Oh that's right, you don't answer my questions because you can't without looking even more like an idiot.

Johnny Poorhouse, with all your millions

My Faith and my Wealth seems to be a constant with you.
You shouldn't be so jealous as you could have them too if you worked a little harder at it.
Total hypocrite and lying old man is all you are!

Your diminishing name calling and shame game are worn out, punk, get some new material as we are tired of your Rinse & Repeats.
Now please quit trashing this thread.
You've been told.
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
13 Dec 2024   #127
I mean the shame is going to be dominant catholic vision, everyone will be ******** on you especially your future children, you will be disconnected from real life and will live alone. so they sell their **** and come over to sleep with your family members? how do you take it?
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Dec 2024   #128
@johnny reb

Yet, another incoherent meltdown from Jesus Jim the charlatan.

Does anyone else read his posts past the first 2 sentences?
sambeliskiv  2 | 58
14 Dec 2024   #129
Sadly, you're subhumans. not real humans. you've had your chance space jews and you blew it, but that's not all. even one second spare would mean the word.
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Dec 2024   #130
space jews

Oy Vey

sambeliskiv  2 | 58
14 Dec 2024   #131
But seriously life is BEATIFUL, dont miss out for vodka night out :P
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Dec 2024   #132
BEATIFUL, dont miss out for vodka night out :P

Judging by your spelling you've been hitting the vodka already.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Dec 2024   #133
Yet, another incoherent meltdown

What is incoherent about posting your racist remarks. Hoot !
This is the first time in our history that honkeys, spicks and nigs are on the same side, we all hate Biden!

Illinois is turning Red this election, just ask any Nygga.

What a racist
Just shows that White Trash Joker Clampett is not only a racist but also a hypocrite.
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Dec 2024   #134
You must have spent hours trawling through your silly archives on another fools errand! Hahaha

I dont have to prove anything as your posts speak for themselves Jesus Jim!

Damn it Lyzko, get it right, we are avowed PROUD racists.

Im not the charlatan that has been preaching on PF for over a decade like you have... Youre the only poster that pretends to be highly religious, scolds ppl, then.... PROUDLY proclaims to be a racist!

Oh, the hypocrisy!
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Dec 2024   #135
You must have spent hours trawling through your silly archives

Took me about two minutes to find a couple of your racial slurs that you claim that you were, "just joking" lie.
I dont have to prove anything

I proved it for you as there your White Trash racial slurs are for everyone to see.
Can't deny it can you. Hoot !
Youre the only poster that pretends to be highly religious,

I pretend no such thing as that is just another of your projections to take the focus off your racists slurs.

Oh the hypocrisy !

You've been had again, Chicago Boy. Hoot !
You had quite a load on last night.
How is your hangover doing this morning ?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Dec 2024   #136
I proved it for you as there your White Trash racial slurs are for everyone to see.
This is the first time in our history that honkeys, spicks and nigs are on the same side, we all hate Biden!

Illinois is turning Red this election, just ask any Nygga.

No wonder you have to sleep with a loaded gun under your pillow when you get drunk and start writing checks with your racist mouth that you can't cash with your racist Chicago Trash ass.
Now we all know the truth so quit pretending with your lies.
Joker  2 | 2374
14 Dec 2024   #137
WoW what a meltdown from the PROUD racist Jesus Jim. Haha

How come you don't preach on here anymore?
pawian  226 | 27475
14 Dec 2024   #138
Speak for yourself,

No, I am also speaking for you. Are there any recent posts of yours in which you don`t insult, abuse, bicker or diminish?? )::):)
What will you do with your bile if the forum is closed? :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7927
15 Dec 2024   #139
What will you do with your bile if the forum is closed?

Didn't Poker & Piehole say they were going to buy this place and rename it to, "Insults & Diminishments", by two immature Nerds ?
Joker  2 | 2374
15 Dec 2024   #140
Youre the one that recently claimed to have made 1.5 million from the stock market, moneybags.

Im surprised you havent purchased the forum instead of only donating a paltry $5.00 lol

You would have bought the forum already if you actually had the money. Youre foaming at the mouth to get everyones IP addys so you can stalk them and their families.

And you claim to be this holier than thou religious zealot... Such a disgrace!

What will you do with your bile if the forum is closed? :

Youre on here more than I am dumbass! The internet will be happy when another leftard polock is shut down... What will you and Jim do? This forum is your entire life.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Dec 2024   #141
Youre the one that recently claimed to have made 1.5 million from the stock market,

Show us where I claimed that.
If you can't it will prove you are lying again.
And you claim to be this holier than thou religious zealot...

Show us where I claimed that.
If you can't you are lying again.
YOU are the one claiming those thing Fvck head, not me.
It must suck to be you.
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Dec 2024   #142
Youre the one that recently claimed to have made 1.5 million from the stock market, moneybags.

Remember that Jim the rapist claims to have made the best part of half a million dollars from a single stock in a single day. But he still lives in a shack his mother gave him. Hoot!

You would have bought the forum already if you actually had the money.

Jim could buy this place with what he claims to have made in 20 minutes from just a single stock in his portfolio. The problem is that Admin wants real dollars and Jim only has fantasy bucks.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Dec 2024   #143
Jim the rapist claims to have made the best part of half a million dollars from a single stock in a single day.

I knew that would trip your jealousy meter.
OP johnny reb 48 | 795226 Jan 2023 ☓ #574
I wish I would have posted on January 6th of this month when I bought 200 shares of TESLA again @ $109.

Do you remember mocking me when TESLA was at $217 after it doubled two years ago ?
Jimmy Poorhouse tipping the stock at 257. Of course it immediately dropped, to 254. Since then things have got much worse, and the price has slumped to 217.

Today TESLA is at $464 for a modest $247 per share gain since then but jealous and broke Lazarus wonders how mystic Jimmy does it.
Jim could buy this place

He could but why buy a cow when the milk is free.
You are not a very good business man either.
Maybe you should buy it. lol
Do you think jon would sell it to a 'dead man walking' on credit ?
Cargo still holds your debt from when you fled Warsaw on those pedophile charges so I doubt it. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Dec 2024   #144
Youre the one that recently claimed to have made 1.5 million from the stock market, moneybags.

Of course, the best bit about Jim the self-confessed rapist claiming to have made nearly half a million in a day was that just ten days before that stock went up, he was boasting about having sold all his shares in that company and laughing at people who still owned shares in it. LOL! What a f*cking retard! Can't even keep his lies straight! Maybe the water in that well is contaminated with lead?

  • Jimswell.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Dec 2024   #145
Well of course except for the fact that I posted this.
OP johnny reb 48 | 795226 Jan 2023 ☓ #574
I wish I would have posted on January 6th of this month when I bought 200 shares of TESLA again @ $109.

Those 200 shares today are presently at $471, up $362 a share times 200 shares or $72,400 this year but Mystic Lazarus missed out again with just makes him even all the more jealous.
That's more money than he has made in his last ten years in Poland !
In fact he is so rattled that he is to embarrassed to even tip a stock of his own all year here. HOOT !
All he is capable of doing is diminishing others success to destroy the stock market thread and now destroying Ms. Atch's Christmas thread with his OCD Rinse & Repeats.
You do know that you are mentally ill don't you Hairy Lazarus.
Lazarus  3 | 364
18 Dec 2024   #146
Jimmy the self-confessed rapist is getting old, he no longer remembers things. He tries to boast about making half a million on Tesla shares, but forgets that just ten days before the day he claims to have made that money he was laughing at people who still owned Tesla shares:
And I bet you still own TESLA don't you. lol
No, I put mine in VOO & VUG remember.

And in much the same way he forgets about trying to boast here about drugging and raping teenagers.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Dec 2024   #147
He tries to boast about making half a million on Tesla shares,

The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.
Joker  2 | 2374
19 Dec 2024   #148
He tries to boast about making half a million on Tesla shares,

Or the 1.5 million he recently earned and previously claimed to have won the lottery as well. He calimed to be a yachtsman, learjet and Jamacian cattle ranch owner. Also, an avid skier, but sneaks through a hole in the fence to abscound from paying admission.

You would think someone with all this wealth and James Bond lifestyle, would have better things to do except sitting on a Polish Forum 24/7/

Last year when he claimed to go on fauxcation he flew commercial....l Guess, jet fuel prices were just too high! HooT!

  • LearjetJim.jpg
Feniks  2 | 809
19 Dec 2024   #149
I've already found the perfect gift for Novi,

I don't blame you for not opening a Christmas gift thread given that this one developed into the usual bickering, but I must admit to being curious about this perfect gift........
pawian  226 | 27475
19 Dec 2024   #150
What will you and Jim do? This forum is your entire life.

It is my life right now but I still have reserves in my own forum which hasn`t closed down and can be revived any minute. It will happen if this one is terminated due to your scanty contribution, poor man. Ha!!!!

when another polock is shut down.

Mission Impossible part 11. You can`t shut me down. Anybody who tried ended miserably. :):):)


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