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Miloslaw  20 | 5121
8 Dec 2024   #91
No, it is you we are talking now. Every time you come to the forum and peddle your aggressive insults and abuse,

Really? Do you really find me aggressive,insulting and abusive?Despite the posts I am responding to?
If so, you must have led a very sheltered life........;
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Dec 2024   #92
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Dec 2024   #93
I suggested you do sth with it coz you intruduce unhealthy atmosphere in the forum each time you come here.

WHO ? Mr. Insult the problematic poster !
Like I said, "Click on his name, then click on all posts and you will see where 90% of his post include an insult.
That trait shows a very insecure individual. (A mama's boy)
So, leave the thread alone because it also features other content than your stupidities.

Very well said however his British ego will never allow that to happen.
He trashes thread after thread by going off -topic with his childish insults.
A real nuisance every night at 10 o'clock sharp he shows up here unsupervised with his insults.
Hurt people, hurt people.
Feniks  2 | 809
8 Dec 2024   #94
Why my Christianity rattles you so much shows that demons live in you.

What I don't like is you constantly banging on about your so-called Christianity. This is a Christmas thread and instead of wishing people a happy Christmas, you decided to divide people into Christians and non-Christians based on how people greet each other over the festive season. What right do you have to preach to anyone on here with your holier than thou attitude?

Are you such a good Christian that you have the right to behave and judge like you're some kind of Christian authority?

Take note:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and every impurity. In the same way, you appear to be righteous on the outside, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

You are the worst example of a Christian I have ever come across.

the Woke and Atheists that refuse to acknowledge the reason for the season.
Anytime they hear the word Christ as in Christmas they start trembling in fear.

What absolute bullsh!t is this?

Now quit being as thick as pig shlt and let that sink into your pee brain, Love.

I really do wonder how you can square the type of sh!te that you write with being Christian.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 Dec 2024   #95
What I don't like is

I don't care what you like or don't like, really.
I don't need or want your approval, honest.
Blow it out your ear.
I really do wonder

Simple, don't because we all have heard you the first ten times that you don't think I am a Christian.
Doesn't change a thing no matter how hard you try to shame me about that.
You claim to be an atheist.
Do I come here every month and try to shame you about it ?
Hell no because I don't care what you are.
You however want to play a Karen shaming my Faith.
We've had this same conversation many times and I think the last time I told you to go play with your pussy.
Don't worry about my Christianity, Karen, because it is of no concern of yours,
Got it this time so you can put it to rest ?
Now go away......Git !
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
9 Dec 2024   #96
I told you to go play with your pussy.

Jerzy, you bang on about me being rude and insulting but JRJim's comment is far worse than anything I have ever posted!

JR Jim is a whingeing,whiny wimp, who just bangs on about how he is bullied and abused all the time.Like a 14 year old schoolgirl(Which he likes) complaining about school!He needs to grow some and become a proper man and not behave like an immature schoolgirl!
Lefties,Gays and Brits are his worst enemies.......because they can see right through him.
Having said that, most of us Rightist Hetero's can see right through him too.
He is nothing more than a pathetic blancmange.
pawian  226 | 27475
10 Dec 2024   #97
pathetic blancmange

Cut down on this pathetic aggression. You are spoiling the atmosphere.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
10 Dec 2024   #98
JR Jim is a whingeing,whiny wimp,

More Diminishing insults and look who is whining with his blame game.
You are spoiling the atmosphere.

Really easy to fix, if everyone would just stop attacking people with their hostile immature aggressions of insults, diminishments and shaming.
Game over for the bullies that insist on ruining the atmosphere here with their personal character attacks.
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men.
jon357  72 | 23483
10 Dec 2024   #99
More Diminishing insults and look who is whining with his blame game.

Crikey, it's like the dreadful boomer uncle that starts fighting under the mistletoe and can't hold his drink
Joker  2 | 2374
10 Dec 2024   #100
In the same way, you appear to be righteous on the outside, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."

You really have him pegged.

JRJim's comment is far worse than anything I have ever posted!

Did Jesus talk to ppl this way, Jim?

Ive never saw such a hypocrite.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
10 Dec 2024   #101
Game over for the bullies that insist on ruining the atmosphere here with their personal character attacks.

And yet another personal character diminishing and shaming attack.
Did Jesus talk to ppl this way, Jim?

My name is Jim, not Jesus.
Why do you keep comparing me with Jesus.
Ive never saw such a hypocrite.

Go look in the mirror.

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johnny reb  49 | 7927
10 Dec 2024   #102
Ive never saw such a hypocrite.

I think it is, "I've never 'seen' such a hypocrite."
pawian  226 | 27475
10 Dec 2024   #103
Did Jesus talk to ppl this way, Jim?

Jesus abused, kicked and whipped bad people. If you read the Bible, you would know such basic facts.

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Joker  2 | 2374
10 Dec 2024   #104
Why do you keep comparing me with Jesus.

Youre the one that keeps preaching on this forum, but dont follow the teachings of Jesus as we all can witness from your toxic posts.

What right do you have to preach to anyone on here with your holier than thou attitude?

Hes been doing it for years and then turns around and tells everyone theyre going to hell.

Hes a total fraud and liar, nothing new thats for sure.
pawian  226 | 27475
10 Dec 2024   #105
toxic posts.

We consider your posts much more toxic. :):):)
Joker  2 | 2374
10 Dec 2024   #106
We consider your posts much more toxic.

Whos "we" everyone hates you just as much as him! LOLOL

At least you dont create grandiose ficticious stories about yourself like Jesus Jim does:):):)
pawian  226 | 27475
10 Dec 2024   #107
Whos "we"

Decent posters who dislike your toxicity. HA!!!


Who`s everyone???? :):):)

At least you dont create

Are you sure???? Prove it!! hahaha buhahahaha
Joker  2 | 2374
10 Dec 2024   #108
Decent posters

Name one? Certinally not you! LoL

Coming from a guy who claims to spit on ppl in the name of decency. I dont believe you actually know what the word means.
pawian  226 | 27475
10 Dec 2024   #109

Of course. I am like Jesus who whipped and kicked bad people. I can`t whip you so I spit on you in contempt online. Isn`t it obvious that I am trying to educate you like Jesus did in his days???

I dont believe

Yes, we know. :):):)
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Dec 2024   #110

Yet, you have never kicked anyone's ass on PF.. I'm sure you couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag in reality.
pawian  226 | 27475
11 Dec 2024   #111
you have never kicked anyone's ass

I am too decent for that. I deal with you by the means of sardonic irony. Ha!!! ):):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Dec 2024   #112
I am too decent for that. I deal with you by the means of sardonic irony

What utter bollox, you are as insulting as JR Jim, there is nothing clever or funny in your vile,abusive posts.
You just go to the gutter when you insult.
pawian  226 | 27475
11 Dec 2024   #113
the gutter

Do you mean I pay you a visit?? No chance. Stop daydreaming. :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
11 Dec 2024   #114
Do you mean I pay you a visit??

No Jerzy, you never leave your Krakow,Tarnow domain do you?
OP Atch  22 | 4299
12 Dec 2024   #115
RIP Christmas thread - thanks gentlemen.

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johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Dec 2024   #116
I apologize to you Ms. Atch for responding to those two immature trolls.
As you can see after pointing out another of their Off-Topic unprovoked diminishing insults that trashed yet another of your threads.
I did not respond to the two self centered immature drunks last night as Pawian was doing a very good job without me.
Cut down on this pathetic aggression. You are spoiling the atmosphere.

They don't care Pawian, it is all about them.
Until we get a Moderator with some balls to hand out some suspensions, the foul language, unprovoked personal character attacks, and Off - Topic trolling will only get worse trashing thread after thread.
Again Ms. Atch, I apologize for responding to their attacks.
Lets give this thread one more try to see if they can control themselves or better yet, stay out of it completely unless they have something constructive to add to it that is On - Topic.
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Dec 2024   #117
I apologize to you Ms. Atch for responding to those two immature trolls.

The brown nosing snitch is back! LOL

Until we get a Moderator with some balls to hand out some suspensions, the foul language, unprovoked personal character attacks

Or they could just ban you as you meet all that criteria youre constantaly complaining about... Talk about Pot=Kettle.

Why dont you go find a hobby? Like standing on the corner with a megaphone preaching your PROUD racist tropes?
pawian  226 | 27475
12 Dec 2024   #118
Why dont you go find a hobby?

Yes, Joker, why don`t you? You do nothing but pollute the forum with your useless rants and insults. The last time you posted sth valuable about Poland was a year or two ago.
You are a worthless asset to this place and one of the reasons it might be dissolved soon. Shame on you.
pawian  226 | 27475
12 Dec 2024   #119
thanks gentlemen.

The guys who did it aka us are not gentlemen. We are nasty creatures - of human or simian origin. Shame on us.
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Dec 2024   #120
We are nasty creatures

Speak for yourself, go back to your zoophilia sites, freak.
Damn it Lyzko, get it right, we are avowed PROUD racists.

How can an avowed racist be religous? It seems a tad hypocritical do ya think?


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