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johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jun 2022   #181
Of course not. Stop writing the new version of the Bible.

Of course he did P, are you really that lost on the subject ?
Remember that Paul and Saul are the same person.

we need true words of Jesus aboiut the subject matter.

I already told you, "if you want to argue with what the Bible says than go right ahead."

Let me remind you then these holy words:

And let me remind you of these holy words, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. All I can do is salt the oats." ;-)

Keep digging guys as this is how you will learn.
jon357  72 | 23528
8 Jun 2022   #182
you are wrong about Paul

Yes, he is wrong as usual.

Perhaps he should read the Bible sometimes instead of wibbling on about a religion he only pretends to follow.

quote=johnny reb]Remember that Paul and Saul are the same person.[/quote]
An irrelevance, since he didn't "study for three years" with Jesus under either name.

Perhaps you're confusing Jesus with Gamaliel (who was as I recall a Pharisee). Do you often confuse Jesus with his opponents? Explains a lot.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jun 2022   #183
Yes, he is wrong as usual.

No joun, I am spot on, it's you that can't tell us what a woman is.
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Jun 2022   #184
Remember that Paul and Saul are the same person.

And it doesn`t contribute any new light into our musings. :):) Whether Saul or Paul, he didn`t study with Jesus as you wrongly claimed.

I already told you

And I told you: Give me Jesus. :):)


Yes, are are trying to help you with it. :):)
jon357  72 | 23528
8 Jun 2022   #185
I am spot on

No, you are wrong and not mam enough to admit it.

At Paul did not "study with Jesus for three years". Consider yourself told, admonished and thoroughly ass-whuopoed with broken ostrich eggs pouring down your face

a woman

Perhaps Phoebe. She was a woman (we don't know what chromosomes she had) and is considered by some to be a putative author of the acts of the apostles or at least part of that text.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jun 2022   #186
Whether Saul or Paul, he didn`t study with Jesus as you wrongly claimed.

Personally, who knows, I don't think it could be proven if he did or didn't personally.
He did however study Jesus's teaching for three years so in spirit he did study with Jesus.
Ya trackin' my Catholic buddy ?
You are an infant Pawian and still on milk so before I feed you meat I guess I should be more precise in my wording to you.

Joun however, just likes to knit pick but never offers anything.
Hell, he can't even tell us what a woman is.

Bottom line Pawian, The moral majority of the world (Christians & Muslims) sees homo sexual perversion acts as sin.
Now you can sugar coat sh!t but it will still be sh!t.
Sin is sin and homo sexuality according to Jesus's teachings is sin and that is exactly what the Bible teaches us.
The perverted freaks will not inherit the Kingdom which is spelled out very clearly.
You want to argue that FACT with the Bible then have at'ter.
Case closed.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
8 Jun 2022   #187
Yes, he is wrong as usual

Talking about Jim.(JR)

No, you are wrong and not mam enough to admit it.

Talking about Jim (JR)

Personally, who knows

Jim's response after he has been found out....

I am no expert on the bible,a book that, to me, is just a lot of made up fables.
But what is clear in these exchanges is that Jim (JR) has very little biblical knowledge.
jon357  72 | 23528
8 Jun 2022   #188
But what is clear in these exchanges is that Jim (JR) has very little biblical knowledge.

He forgets the most important bit of all. The sermon on the mount and its message.

so in spirit he did study with Jesus.


Did he walk with dinosaurs too?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Jun 2022   #189
And I told you: Give me Jesus. :

You sound and act just like a Pharisee back in Jesus time, Pawian.
The rest of them are just lost sheep.
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Jun 2022   #190
I should be more precise

Yes, let`s. So, before you pinpoint gays as sinners, think about yourself first. Are you eligible to cast the first stone??? Answer my question.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
8 Jun 2022   #191
Answer my question

He won't.
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Jun 2022   #192
Pharisee back

Actually, you are mistaken again. :):) Amasing. Pharisees were strict about their dogmas, even relentless, stone and cross happy to eliminate sinners. Who is closer to them in gay subject: you or me??? :):):)
Bobko_V  - | 6
8 Jun 2022   #193
I am curious, as a suspended Russian Bot... Why is it ok, to discuss theological questions in Best Posters thread, but I get #cancelled for asking Poles about how they managed to get colonized by retards? It is the mystery of the Polish brain.

To bring things back to topic - my updated list of top 5 written from bed of my barracks in GULAG:

1) Still Crow
2) Novichok - he is a genius
3) Gefreiter - blessed are the peacemakers
4) Cojest - stoic farmer man, earns grudging respect
5) Pawian - stupid, irritating baboon, somehow mystically charming
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
8 Jun 2022   #195

You are a Russian with a sense of humour.

You need to return to Russia to teach your compatriots this valuable trait.
In which they be sorely lacking.
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Jun 2022   #196
3) Gefreiter - blessed are the peacemakers

Kania, you see how they tried to trick you into peacemaking on their Mongol terms??


I hope so. :):):)

Why is it ok, but I get #cancelled

It is very simple. This is an off topic thread, viewed only by registered members, where you can say anything. You were suspended as Bobek for off topic content in the public forum open to all viewers, which was illegal on your part. .
Vincent  8 | 800
8 Jun 2022   #197
I am curious, as a suspended Russian Bot... Why is it ok, to discuss theological questions in Best Posters thread, but I get #cancelled for asking Poles about how they managed to get colonized by retards? It is the mystery of the Polish brain.

Ask one of your friends to explain to you, what an off topic thread is, and what an off topic post is. BTW as you seem to be using two usernames, which is against the forums rules, please let me know which username you want me to delete.
Bobko_V  - | 6
8 Jun 2022   #198

Sanction me, silence me, lock me away... Accuse me of illegality - and yet you cannot live without me. Is this because only a Pole can understand the meaning of Russian love?


Alright, alright - see ya tomorrow. Delete this guy. Keep my main.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
8 Jun 2022   #199
please let me know which username you want me to delete

Of course, you won't tell us what his other user name is,will you?

But you should.
Bobko_V  - | 6
8 Jun 2022   #200

It's Bobko, dumbass.
Miloslaw  20 | 5141
8 Jun 2022   #201
It's Bobko, dumbass

I only just noticed the v you Russian shitbag.
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Jun 2022   #202
Sanction me, silence me, lock me away.

No, it is not my Polish style. :):)

Pole can understand the meaning of Russian love?

I am not into males. Russian, Polish or whatever. Thank you for your attention, anyway

my updated list of top 5

You forgot Dirk Diggler. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8602
8 Jun 2022   #203
You are a Russian with a sense of humour.

I am still not sure if I should be honored or offended by being on Bobko's list.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2022   #204
Yes, let`s.

Sorry Pawian, I had to wait until the little annoying Yipper went to his bed.
He contributes NOTHING and only comes here to annoy and provoke for attention.
So where were we ?

Are you eligible to cast the first stone???

Are you projecting again ?
The Homo perversion stone was cast over 2000 years ago by Jesus's inspired words that He taught to His disciples who taught to their disciples.

So, before you pinpoint gays as sinners,

Pawn my brother, how many times do I need to post it, "We are all sinners."
The difference is that I don't come on here and try to promote and indoctrinate others daily with perversion as being acceptable when it is anything but acceptable.

I WILL NOT ACCEPT SUCH DETESTIBLE SIN no matter how it is served to me.
And for these Perverted Freaks to try to instill these disgusting acts into our youth as being 'normal' is beneath contempt.
Only a very insecure sick individual would come here and talk about their sex life.
Novichok  4 | 8602
9 Jun 2022   #205
And for these Perverted Freaks

Ask him how many of them would be too many for the tribe to be sustainable. He likes you so maybe you will be luckier.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2022   #206
O.k., Pawian, now lets get back to Saul/Paul being taught by Jesus.
Tell us Pawian, "Why did Jesus make Paul blind if it were not to teach him ?"
Spiritually Jesus took Paul's sight because Paul had to lose his old ways (humble Paul) before he could see his new ways.
Paul sat in the dark for three days wondering if he would ever see again.
When his sight returned he saw God in a new light and a new perspective.
So if that isn't being taught by Jesus you please tell me what is.

Let me quote:
While we lack any direct evidence, there are several considerations that may favor the idea that Paul had possibly seen Jesus prior to the crucifixion. First, Paul had been a resident of Jerusalem as a child (Acts 22:3) and was also there years later to approve of Stephen's stoning (Acts 8:1). The presence of Paul's nephew in Jerusalem after Paul's conversion (Acts 23:16) suggests that Paul and his family had resided there for some time. Jesus was known to have visited Jerusalem (Mark 11:11; John 2:13; 5:1). It is quite possible that Paul could have seen Jesus or heard Him speak during one of Jesus' several trips there.

You can dig deeper if you want to keep arguing with the Bible.
I accept Gods inspired words and parables by Faith as a Christian.
It really saddens my heart to see how Godless the E.U. is, Pawian.
Velund  1 | 493
9 Jun 2022   #207
how they managed to get colonized by retards?

I have some ideas, but fear that I'll got new capital letter after my nick on the top. ;)

Novichok - really is a genius, but you have to be halfway as genial to understood what he write.
pawian  226 | 27595
9 Jun 2022   #208

You see. So stop talking about sins of others coz you are a sinner too, on the same level.

We are all sinners.

Yes, that is why leave gays in peace coz you aren`t better. :):):)


Stop shouting. I can easily read you without those outbursts. Such emotions are really unnecessary. Fortunately, you aren`t God who decides who is accepted or rejected. The case is simple - you are sticking your nose into other people`s matters. Leave them alone and take care of your sins first. :):)
jon357  72 | 23528
9 Jun 2022   #209
So stop talking about sins of others coz you are a sinner too

Some of the born again evangelicals believe they don't sin.

God who decides who is accepted or rejected

The protestant doctrine of sola fides is a broad one.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2022   #210
So stop talking about sins

Don't try to tell me what to do, what to believe and judge my sins.
You are no better.

that is why leave gays in peace

The hell I will, when they throw sin in my face I will call it as I see it.
They can keep their sins to themselves and not try to indoctrinate our youth into thinking their perversion is normal and not sin.

Stop shouting.


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