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An average brain weight by ethnicity/nation

Vlad1234  16 | 883
29 Dec 2019   #1
An average brain weight by ethnicity/nation in grams:

Belarussians - 1429
Germans - 1425
Poles - 1420
Ukrainians - 1414
Russians - 1399
Koreans - 1376
Czech - 1368
British - 1346
White Americans - 1323
Japanese - 1313
French - 1280
African Americans - 1223
Native Australians (aboriginal) - 1130
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Dec 2019   #2
A link?

Japanese - 1313

Japanese are tiny...

Theoretically if you go by average height and weight the Dutch should lead this list!
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
30 Dec 2019   #3
A link?

This one data is from article in Russian gathered probably from various sources. I am not sure there is any study originally in English of that kind which deserves be trusted and published openly and include Central/Eastern European brain studies. If you want try to find any.

(Bean; Mall; Pearl) determined in study of 1261 American adults, that White Americans averaged 1323 g and Black Americans averaged 1223 g
I think all samples mentioned earlier are male brains cause female ones are smaller.
Velund  1 | 497
30 Dec 2019   #4
female ones are smaller.

Oy vey, you are sexist and absolutely non-PC person... ;)
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Dec 2019   #5
On average females also have smaller hands, feet etc. There's nothing sexist about it. Don't be so sensitive. ;)
Fun fact: Neanderthals had bigger brains than people today.
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2019   #6
in English of that kind which deserves be trusted and published openly

And a Russian one does?? Da komrad.

An average brain weight by ethnicity/nation in grams:

And your point is?? Let's hope it's not some nonsense about intelligence because the Japs have higher IQs and outperform Europeans in standard testing as indeed do most people from that region of the world.

Anyway, it's all a load of old cobblers. As a teacher myself, I can tell yout that IQ tests and standardized testing don't necessarily reflect peoples' abilities.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
30 Dec 2019   #7
some nonsense about intelligence because the Japs have higher IQs and outperform Europeans

I never meat such claims, therefore I don't. Western IQ tests are typically done by country than by ethnicity. Therefore when they claim Japanese or other Asians outperform Americans or Russians, it doesn't take in account Americans or Russians could be of any ethnicity.

As a teacher myself, I can tell yout that IQ tests and standardized testing don't necessarily reflect peoples' abilities.

I think the highest known form of human mental abilities are creative abilities. IQ tests don't necessarily reflect their presence directly. Regarding particular people and ethnicities there exist an important difference between creating something new and coping someone else advancements well. I don't know if it related to an ethnic traits or not but if we count Nobel Prize laureates by an ethnicity then N1 place probably comes to people to British ancestry.
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Dec 2019   #8
Even in terms of IQ the size of the brain doesn't seem to matter. Einstein's weighted 1230 grams apparently.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
30 Dec 2019   #9
Einstein's weighted 1230 grams apparently

Do you know this figure for Lenin perhaps?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
30 Dec 2019   #10 gauge the IQ by brain weight is a new one! :)
Velund  1 | 497
30 Dec 2019   #11
this figure for Lenin

1340 g.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
30 Dec 2019   #12
Even in terms of IQ the size of the brain doesn't seem to matter.

Hopefully. However people with microcephalia are typically regarded as disabled.

Einstein's weighted 1230 grams apparently.

Einstein is heavily accused in plagiarism. Do you think this accusations could be valid?
Atch  22 | 4299
30 Dec 2019   #13
f we count Nobel Prize laureates by an ethnicity then N1 place probably comes to people to British ancestry.

That has as much to do with the place they live and work in, as it does with ethnicity, when it comes to the sciences anyway. You need to have the conditions in which you can do the work, the funding etc. That's one of the reasons why America, the UK, France, Germany etc come out tops in Nobel Prizes.

So anyway, what exactly is the point of this thread then? Why would anybody be interested in weight of somebody's brain?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
30 Dec 2019   #14
For example it wouldn't be spare to take in account that an average human brain weight on Earth has tendency to decrease. I hope this is not an alarming tendency and requires no immediate correction?
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Dec 2019   #15
The thing is that it's not the weight of the brain that matters apparently.
BTW, I wonder how it depends on one's physionomy.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
30 Dec 2019   #16
IQ scores have been steadily falling for the past few decades
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
4 Jan 2020   #17
Oy vey, you are sexist and absolutely non-PC person

A purely scientific facts cannot be "".
Alien  26 | 6528
18 Jul 2024   #18
African Americans - 1223

Einstein's weighted 1230 grams apparently.

I didn't know Einstein was genetically African American.

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