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Assasination attempt? Warning? Member of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's police escort killed in Germany

Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #1
Member of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's police escort killed as car hits convoy leaving Euro 2024 match

The Hungarian prime minister, however, wasn't harmed in the accident and continued his journey to Stuttgart Airport as planned, a police spokesperson told CNN.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
28 Jun 2024 #2
Yeah....a german police officer, nice of you to remember him!

....A German motorcycle police officer died and another was seriously injured when they were involved in an accident on Monday while escorting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Stuttgart airport, police in the west German city reported.


During the journey to the airport, the car of a 69-year-old woman collided with a motorcycle driven by a 61-year-old police officer. He was severely injured and died later in hospital.....

OP Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #3
Yeah....a german police officer, nice of you to remember him!

Sure. Its in the article. But, for the point of this thread, it could be any policeman. I personally thinks it was warning to Orban not to push certain things or otherwise he could face consequences.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
28 Jun 2024 #4
....and the german victim was just an accident?

Then the female driver of that car needs to be investigated....
OP Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #5
Point is that somebody from the escort of Orban died. I see that as warning to Orban.

Then the female driver of that car needs to be investigated....

By whom? By the NATO or EU? Please. Its them who warned Orban
jon357  73 | 22632
28 Jun 2024 #6
Assasination attempt? Warning?

Accident, involving a 69 year old driver.
OP Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #7
Look. I hope so. Most sincerely. I have a different opinion but I would still tend to agree with you and hope. Because, if you are wrong, and that was deliberate operation in order to kill or warn Hungarian PM Orban, then EU/NATO entered (or giving one more bad example) in a very dark phase of its existence. To say the least.

I don`t wish to believe we have THAT in Europe.
jon357  73 | 22632
28 Jun 2024 #8
Look. I hope so

There's no suggestion otherwise, unless malign state actors are suddenly hiring old ladies in hatchbacks.

The world would certainly be a better place without Orban in it, however in this case, you're just wibbling nonsense about nothing.
OP Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #9
The world would certainly be a better place without Orban in it,

Exactly same what said (about Fico) attacker on Slovak Fico.

Attacker that is himself a trivial man. Like that old woman that crashed with Orban`s escort. Trivial, at least on the first look.
jon357  73 | 22632
28 Jun 2024 #10
And on every other look.

The guy who had a go at Fico was bonkers, this is just a mundane road accident between two boomers, one in a hatchback one on a motorbike.
OP Crow  154 | 9098
28 Jun 2024 #11
Let us hope.
Alien  22 | 5456
1 day ago #12
Yesterday the police shot some idiot who was running around with a rifle near the Israeli consulate in Munich. Maybe he wanted to apply for a visa, but chose the wrong day because the consulate was closed and therefore empty. If he was supposed to be an assasin, then he was a complete idiot.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11909
1 day ago #13
....not an Idiot...a muslim!

A Kulturbereicherer....a of those many Europe invited in without any control....there is more to come, lotsa more!
OP Crow  154 | 9098
1 day ago #14
Generally speaking people likes to shoot at something. We live in just a right era and many opportunities will present itself.
Alien  22 | 5456
18 hrs ago #15
people likes to shoot at something.

Yeah, e.g. at Lagopus, lagopus.

Home / Off-Topic / Assasination attempt? Warning? Member of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's police escort killed in Germany

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