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Still alive and well

johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Feb 2022   #241
Do you know where Bal Harbour marina located at Miami beach is?

Never heard of it.

I've caught more fish than you ever have seen!

Prove it ! Post pictures of you with them. Hoot !
Sure you have and have a newer truck than I do, have a more expensive house than I do, make more money than I do, have driven to Florida more times than I have (B.S.), go on more vacations than I do, make more money than I do, AND LOW AND BEHOLD HAVE CAUGHT MORE FISH THAN I HAVE AND EVEN HAVE A BIGGER DICK THAN I DO ! LMFAO !

Face it Shrimp, you are flat out jealous and do your insecurities ever show.

I knew you would come back to boast about the imaginary fish stories.

I knew you would be jealous and would chime in within minutes of my post so I threw the bait out and within minutes it was, FISH ON ! LOL

L@@KIE L@@KIE.......A yellow back sucker. HAhahahahahaha
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
13 Feb 2022   #242
Post pictures


No, you post pictures of the Marlin you caught or even some of your "holiday" in Florida.....what is holding you back loser?

have a more expensive house than I do

I have no idea how much Joker paid for his house but I do know that houses outside of major cities are pretty cheap in the states.

I also know that Joker has a lovely house in a secluded area just outside of a large suburb.
You live In a wooden shack in the sticks....... Who is the jealous one here?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Feb 2022   #243
What does one do with "a huge Marlin" while on vacation in Florida? Feed the homeless?

No, you turn them loose, Walt.
It would be a sin to kill one.
I wonder how many Marlin Poker has personally caught on hook and line ?
((Zero is the correct answer))

This is a fish that is caught during the warm waters of the summer months. Yet, Johnny seems to land them during February...

Summer months are the best time when most of them are caught but the expert fisherman you are telling us that you can't catch them in February ?

You might convince an ignorant troll like Mr. Angry that, who has never been out on the ocean fishing in his life, but not a seasoned deep-sea fisherman who would laugh in your face.

You would think such a braggart would take a photo and show us since hes boasting about it,

I agree, so where are your pictures ? :-)
Bet I have a better tan than you do. Hahahahahaha
Have you bought your plane tickets for your upcoming fantasy vacation at Easter to Poland that you have been bragging about ?
I wonder what your excuse will be this year for backing out of going. lol
How has your rehabilitation been going ?
Still on the wagon ?
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Feb 2022   #244
No Pic , No Fish, just more BS!

If any of it was real you wouldnt be telling the same stories over and over every year.

Nobody believed you last year and nobody believes you now.

Basically, you're the laughing stock of the forum and you dont even realize it. LOL

You need to go into rehab for your habitual lying.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #245
I do know that houses outside of major cities are pretty cheap in the states.

Compared to what and what is cheap to you ?

I also know that Joker has a lovely house in a secluded area just outside of a large suburb.

So you are saying it is cheap then ?

Joker has a lovely house

Post some pictures of it.

You live In a wooden shack

Post some pictures of it.
After you do that, please tell us how any of this concerns you or is any of your business besides to troll with, you little pussy Yipper.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #246
Post some pics of the HUGE MYSTERY MARLIN??

Was it a Blue or White Marlin??

A malignant narcissist such as yourself surely couldn't resist not to take a pic of the "whopper" he landed!

No Pic, Never Happened! Just like all your other BS stories😂
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Feb 2022   #247
No, you turn them loose, Walt.

Catch and release like at the border and in Bolshevik cities?
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #248
No straight to the taxidermist are you kidding! LOL No expense is too much for Pan Bogaty!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #249
you're the laughing stock of the forum

Poker my friend, if you only knew how you are laughed at every time I jerk your chain.
After you have had a few beers and start bragging how you have caught more fish than I have, how you live in a more expensive house than I do, how you make more money than I do, how you have been to Florida more times than I have, all confirms your inferiority complex of jealousy.

Sometimes I even PM another member and say, "Hey, watch me push Pokers button on my next post."
And sure as sht within three minutes you jump on it swinging and swearing with one of your rants that are full of lies and b.s.

You are just too easy of a clown to pick on.
You sure do make us all laugh though so keep posting.
You really should do yourself a favor and not post after you have had more than three beers though. :-(
How IS YOUR Rehab going anyways ?
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #250
I must be living in your empty head rent free again as you continue to write me a bunch of lying drivel from your imaginary "Fakecation"

Is it over yet or are you just that boring of a person thats worried about what is being said about him on

No Super Bowl parties in Florida or are you just too old and tired after muscling in that pretend whopper Marlin?

I hope your $2800 jalopy mini van makes it home.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #251
No Super Bowl parties in Florida

None in freezing Chitcago ?

whopper Marlin

Thanks for making it a "whopper Marlin"........ lie.

your $2800 jalopy mini van

Your jealous inferiority complex has surfaced yet again with yet another lie because your rusted out old Dodge Ram gas guzzler is all you got.

Remember, you said you were going to post a picture of the title of it for us to see which turned out to be another of your lies. Hoot !

And you call yourself a Christian........ :-(
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #252
Marlin you caught or even some of your "holiday" in Florida.....what is holding you back loser?

We all know it never happened just like him being a Cattle Baron or water-skiing with young girls and parties at his house with his "state of the art " sound system! Hahaha!

Every year its the same fish nauseam

He does all this boasting about himself and his daily feats and also how much hes spending, but never once backed up any of it. LOL

Then he tries to shift the conversation by saying Im drinking or doing coke and meth. Its always something stupid. The same childish drivel he always uses.

Ill post a pic of my Dodge Ram as soon you post a pic of the pretend Marlin.

I already posted a pic of my Lexus before.Rich has seen it.. Milo has seen my house.. You are just are a liar, plain and simple!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #253
Ill post a pic of my Dodge Ram as soon you post a pic of the pretend Marlin.

You are always moving the goal posts.
You said you would post a picture of the title of your rusted out old truck (lie) but I never said I would post a picture of any fish but I did say I wouldn't stoop to any of your demands.

I post a picture of my fish and then you will want a picture of the hard bellies that I water skied with last summer and after I post them you would want pictures of my house and after I posted them you would call me a liar and say that wasn't my house and it would never end so why start.

Besides, it's more fun jerking your chain and watching you jump. Hoot !

He does all this boasting about himself and his daily feats

Yet you boast whatever I do or have, yours is bigger, shinier, faster, better, and longer. lol
You're just jealous and have a huge inferiority complex because you live paycheck to mouth.

Im drinking or doing coke and meth.

Is that step one in rehab, admitting it ?

I already posted a pic of my Lexus Milo has seen my house.

So you say it was YOUR old car and YOUR house but with your reputation of being the biggest liar on this forum, who would believe you.

Remember when you threatened me about coming to my church parking lot to beat me up and you never showed lie.
You need to get a grip before you lose it completely.
It must suck being you.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Feb 2022   #254
but I never said I would post a picture of any fish

That's what normal guys do and write, hey, look at that fish I just caught!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #255
Well this is not a normal forum, Walt.
If I posted, "look at the fish I caught", with a picture, it would be met with, "LIAR ! you didn't catch that fish !"
How many times do I need to repeat myself, "I don't stoop to bully trolls demands."
Did ya get it that time !
I am not required to prove or defend myself to anything or anyone here.
I guess I could just say, "F-Off" like you do, Walt.
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Feb 2022   #256
I am not required to prove or defend myself to anything or anyone here.

Normal human behavior doesn't require proof. If you greet a guy with "how are you" and he says "I am fine", you wouldn't ask him to show you his medical records.

Unless you are a KGB kind of freak that documents everything for future forum debates.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #257
That's what normal guys do and write, hey, look at that fish I just caught!

Its been well established that practically everything this idiot claims is a lie.
Just like when he claimed to have talked to your neighbor and when caught deflects and then states its Nope its called lying.

"I don't stoop to bully trolls demands."

Yet , you make all kinds of demands from everyone else and try get them defend themselves from your made up, fictional stories a.k.a. "lies". What a Phucking hypocrite!

Some fantastic vacation when all your can do is continually post nonsense on PF the entire time... LOL Its a Fakecation and we all know it, such a Troll Loser!

  • jimmysbiglie.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #258
More Rinse & Repeat. (yawn)
Guess how many times you have used the word 'fakecation' in the last two weeks ?
Your obsession with my vacation (as if it is ANY of your business) shows just what a little jealous bully you are.
At least I got you off Crows ass.

and try get them defend themselves from your made up, fictional stories a.k.a. "lies".

So you don't like it when the table is turned on you. Boo Hoo Hoo !
Now tell us the truth why you got fired from your last job even though the answer is quite obvious. lol
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #259
d 'fakecation' in the last two weeks

Not as many times as your copied Paulina

More Rinse & Repeat. (yawn)

You have never been able to think of anything on your own always a copt cat. A mindless bulldog is what you are.

Now tell us the truth why you got fired from your last job

I did? Its news to me! Hahahahaha

At least.. I dont go around pretending to be on vacation and as you haven't noticed yet, nobody cares bc we all know its total BS!

freak that documents everything for future forum debates.

He edits most of them or just picks pieces from them, like a CNN propagandist.

His entire life revolves around this forum and he creates fictitious stories just to glorify himself.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Feb 2022   #260
Not as many times as your copied Paulina

Do you have any idea how many times you have repeated that line too ? lol

A mindless bulldog is what you are.

Talk about mindless, everytime you kick the bulldog you get bit yet you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting to get different results. Duh !

nobody cares bc we all know its total BS!

Except for you who somehow thinks it is your business, for some odd reason, besides me having free rent in your empty head. Duh !

just to glorify himself.

You really shouldn't be so jealous of me and just build a little bridge and get over it.
Stalking and attacking me with your hate from hell constantly seems to keep you wound up tighter than a rubber band.
Stress like that will kill you.
Only about 70* here today but by the end of the week it will be in the upper 80's.
Why don't you grab a plane and fly down for a few days for some deep-sea fishing in the sun and fun at the dog track ?

Maybe it would take your mind off other people's business so you could relax and mellow out.
Joker  2 | 2447
14 Feb 2022   #261
Why don't you grab a plane and fly down for a few days f

Thats nice of you to offer.. Perhaps, youre not such a bad guy in person.

keep you wound up tighter than a rubber band.

Na, I think its funny and just messing with you..

d relax and mellow out.

You do the same.
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
14 Feb 2022   #262
You really shouldn't be so jealous of me

Trust me.
I know Joker probably better than anyone else on PF.
He has absolutely no reason jealous of you.
His lifestyle and standard of living is way above yours.....
You may be jealous of him, but hey Jealousy is a Christian sin......
Novichok  4 | 8677
14 Feb 2022   #263
You may be jealous of him, but hey Jealousy is a Christian sin......

...showing it here childish.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Feb 2022   #264
You may be jealous of him

No, he is jealous of me by the way he stalks me and attacks me about the deer in my front yard, the hard bellies I water ski with, my winter vacations and etc.

Pull your head out of his ass and pay attention, wimp.

I know Joker probably better than anyone else on PF.

Let me quote you on this one......
"Prove it, let's see pictures or some evidence or stfu." Hoot !
I knew him years before you were even a member here junior.
All you know about him is what you project to paint a fantasy picture of him.
You may very well be in love with him by the way you adore him. :-/
Not that there is anything wrong with being gay.

...showing it here childish.

He has always childishly attacked others, boasted about his wealth, how he has already done it, has already been there, and how successful he is in life.

All showing his insecurities and jealousy.
I still like him though. :-)
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
15 Feb 2022   #265
showing his insecurities and jealousy.

You describe yourself perfectly, you sad old man.

All you know about him is what you project to paint a fantasy picture of him.

I know that is what you want to believe.
But like many things you believe,it just ain't true buddy.........

Now quit showing off your insecurities and jealousy, it was funny at first but now it's getting very sad and boring.
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Feb 2022   #266
No, he is jealous of me

Jealous of what??? Being a habitual liar? No thanks!

As far as anybody can tell... you do nothing else but post a bunch of lies on the internet day in and day out.

"Prove it, let's see pictures or some evidence or stfu.

Youre the forum braggart and have been coined "The Malignant Narcissist" what a honor that must be!

No Pic = No Fish

You keep boasting about your imaginary fishing trips that nobody believes or responds, except me.

Just because, I find it hysterically funny watching an idiot continually posting from his "Fakecation" and trying to convince ppl its actual real! Hahahahahahaaaaa
Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Feb 2022   #267
No Pic = No Fish

I just got a pic with JR and his Marlin. I guess he likes me more.

  • Marlin.jpg
Joker  2 | 2447
15 Feb 2022   #268
I just got a pic with JR and his Marlin

Thats a big one! And Jimmy has such a nice suntan as well. I take it all back now:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Feb 2022   #269
What does one do with "a huge Marlin"

It would be a sin to kill one.

I just got a pic with JR and his Marlin.

Oh lord, Walt has been indoctrinated into Pokers Liars Club along with Mr. Angry. Hoot !
I thought you were smarter than that Walt, but it just confirms your false claim of being a genius.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Feb 2022   #270
You describe yourself perfectly,

Pull your head out of his ass and pay attention, wimp.

Is your head so far up there that you can't hear ?

you do nothing else but post a bunch of lies on the internet day in and day out.

And we all laugh at how you are so obsessed with me mocking your lies with obvious sarcastic lies.
Proving that I live in your head rent free.
I bet you even dream about me getting under your skin. lol
You will never mature into an adult at the rate you are going.
Maybe a vacation to some place warm would help you grow up. Hoot !
Gonna be in the high 80's here by the end of the week.
Grab a plane and fly down and get some sun on that jealous skinny white body of yours.

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