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Still alive and well

johnny reb  49 | 7930
17 Oct 2021   #211
Thanks for the crap diagnosis but coming for an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a proprietorship and a corporation

More Rinse and Repeat with his obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Zzzzzzzz !
Joker  2 | 2377
17 Oct 2021   #212
Where did you obtain your degree at, inside a crackerjack box? LOL

Are you ready to start another week of lying on the internet or did you see the light????

Im glad I m not a crack and meth addict anymore, you such a great fake doctor Jimmy, tell us some more lies:)

Youre the KING!
johnny reb  49 | 7930
17 Oct 2021   #213
but coming for an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a proprietorship and a corporation

You were talking a company and then a corporation and now a proprietorship.
Now what is it, a proprietorship, company or corporation ?
Lie after lie after lie

then claim he's a stock broker ?

Do you know the difference between a Day Trader and a Stock Broker ? Another lie...... Hoot !

Where did you obtain your degree at,

Let me ask you the same question only I will put it in a proper sentence...."Where did you obtain your degree ?"

Im glad I m not a crack and meth addict anymore

Unfortunately you still have the consequences of the after effects though. :-(
Joker  2 | 2377
18 Oct 2021   #214
You were talking a company and then a corporation and now a proprietorship.

Wrong again idiot, your reading comprehension is so bad you cant keep up with I was saying or youre just twisting it around the way you always do.

Its obvious you have bee lying around here and the whole forum knows what a pos you are.. Where is your one friend LACKOWIT? hes jus a sock puppet anyhow, so he dont count.....

How many hour per week do you spend on PF?

Stock Broker!!! LOLOLOL

johnny reb  49 | 7930
18 Oct 2021   #215
You were talking a company and then a corporation and now a proprietorship.

Really !

but coming for an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a proprietorship and a corporation

And YOU ACCUSE ME of twisting your lies ! Hoot !
Caught you in another one of your bold faced lies now didn't I.
Hoot !
johnny reb  49 | 7930
18 Oct 2021   #216
Stock Broker!!!

Please quote me where I ever said I was a stock broker, Liar !
You can't because it is yet another lie by Jester.
One might come to the conclusion that you are a pathological liar.
Still don't have enough gas money to come to Michigan or is it fear and common sense that is delaying you ? Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2377
18 Oct 2021   #217
Still don't have enough gas money to come to Michigan

Whats your address pussy?

Caught you in another one of your bold faced lies now didn't I.

Nope, as you post doesnt even make sense... Did you graduate H.S,?

Its your job trolling thru old posts, since youre the unemployed one around here.

How does that imaginary Deer meat taste?
johnny reb  49 | 7930
18 Oct 2021   #218
Whats your address pussy?

Why, you gonna send me a postcard of how you're going to beat me up ? lol

Did you graduate H.S,?

LOL - I ask you the same question when you post sht like this............

Nope, as you post doesnt even make sense..

It's, "Nope, as YOUR post doesn't even make sense, not you post doesn't and it is DOESN'T, not doesnt.
You are at about about a sixth grade writing level, Dummy.
I know the Chitcago school system isn't the best but it seems a college graduate that brags about being a C.E.O. and owner of a company/proprietorship/corporation would have much better writing skills....unless he was a liar of course. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2377
18 Oct 2021   #219
Why, you gonna send me a postcard

I knew youre too much of a pussy to give it to me,,bak, bak, says the chicken...Hahaa

Actually, I have better plans:)

I thinking about stopping by your Church one of these Sundays armed with about 20 pages of your posts. Im wondering if the other parishioners condone this type of behavior?

Oh, the egg on your face!!!


Youre the moron that didnt know the difference between them, Im sure you have googled it by now.

When did I claim Im a CEO of a huge corporation just more lies out of your septic mouth.

Did you know a single person can start a corp and pay lower taxes dummy? You didnt know what the difference between S and C Corp was.... Stock trader..LOL Too Funny!

Doesn't sound like youre paying federal taxes on your stock profits to the IRS. I bet this whole stock charade is the same BS as your cattle ranch and deer hunting lies. Just another broke clown that makes up grandiose stories and brags about them.

See ya in Church, Preacher Jimmy! and I aint telling you when either!

Hey Rich, you wanna go on a road trip to Michigan?
johnny reb  49 | 7930
19 Oct 2021   #220
Hey Rich, you wanna go on a road trip to Michigan?

So you need Rich to back you up now. lol
Chicken bak bak bak HOOT !

Doesn't sound like youre paying federal taxes on your stock profits to the IRS.

This shows that you know nothing about stock trading.

Did you know a single person can start a corp and pay lower taxes

So now you have gone from a company to a corporation. Oh yi yi the lies !

I thinking about stopping by your Church one of these Sundays armed with about 20 pages of your posts.

Can you imagine if I showed him 20 pages of your posts where you call his 6'-8' 300# roommate a pedophile. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2377
19 Oct 2021   #221
s 6'-8' 300# roommate a pedophile.

We all know he s your roommate and you just admitted it by giving us the description of him.

No wonder your wife left you, hanging out with pedos all the time, what a disgrace to humanity.

See ya, in Church Jimmy...When you least expect it, expect it:)

So you need Rich to back you up now.

I was hoping he would video it for PF, thats all.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
19 Oct 2021   #222
When you least expect it, expect it:)

I got ya stuttering like joe now. lol

you just admitted it by giving us the description of him.

It was posted here by Lazarus, remember Stupid.

I was hoping he would video it for PF, thats all.

Sure, we believe that. HAhahahahahaha
Bak bak bak
Joker  2 | 2377
19 Oct 2021   #223
It was posted here by Lazarus

Tell us who you think Lazarus again.... How is the secret mod again this week, Jimmy?

What your address tough guy??
johnny reb  49 | 7930
19 Oct 2021   #224
Your wife has it written on a used condom wrapper in her purse.
Joker  2 | 2377
19 Oct 2021   #225
Did you buy that stupid line off Cargo! LOL You just keep proving my point that you dont have 2 brain cells you can rub together! Come on Jimmy, do try and think of something original for once in your life, old man.
Joker  2 | 2377
19 Oct 2021   #226
York (I'm from about 30 miles away) but real estate prices there are crazy now.

What about Whitby? Its a really interesting town, wish I had more than one day to spend there. They have good fish and chips too!

  • _MG_4387.JPG

  • _MG_4400.JPG

  • whitby4.jpg
jon357  72 | 23483
19 Oct 2021   #227
What about Whitby?

It's great to visit for a short holiday. Otherwise it's one of those places where cousins marry.

But yes, nice fish and chips. Staithes, just along the coast, is pretty good too.
Joker  2 | 2377
19 Oct 2021   #228
Staithes, just along the coast, is pretty good too.

I seen a little bit of Scarborough and always thought Simon and Garfunkel wrote that song...l found out it centuries old! lol

The ride from Manchester to York was all green rolling hills. I was pleasantly surprised by the scenic beauty of England and it seems like a great place to live.

I haven't been to London yet, its probably like Chicago..All big cities are the same, Im starting to like the countryside better now.
Joker  2 | 2377
21 Oct 2021   #229
I am just about ready to come to Chitcago and wipe the street up with your little punk ass.

Promises, promises: What happened fatso?

I told you I'll pay for you gas since you cant afford to fill up your $2800 minivan.

Just another lie, give it up old peasant, go shoot some more imaginary Deer and shut up already.

wipe the street up with your little punk ass.

Hey, Preacher Jimmy! Is this something Jesus would say???

I wonder if the other parishioners at the Holy Roller Church would approve of your nasty behavior towards the Polish Community? Especially, all the women you have abused around here!

I heard you are living together with a kiddy fiddler. Does your church approve, Jim?

It certainly would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it?

There is something definitely weird going on with this guy thats for sure...

We owe it the children to try and help them!
johnny reb  49 | 7930
21 Oct 2021   #230
Is this something Jesus would say???

Why don't you tell us, Jester.

No its where you daughter gives blow jobs in the bathroom for $10

Im more Christian than you could ever be. I dont go around telling grandiose lies and stalking ppl like you do.

Really !
Do you think Jesus believes you when you make up such lies ?
And you call yourself a Christian........ ?
You just don't know when to STFU !
Dig Jester, Dig ! HOOT !
Joker  2 | 2377
5 Feb 2022   #231
I am just about ready to come to Chitcago and wipe the street up with your little punk ass.

Im still waiting big mouth.......
johnny reb  49 | 7930
6 Feb 2022   #232
I already told your inbred clown ass, when you least expect it, expect it! Hahahaha
Joker  2 | 2377
6 Feb 2022   #233

I see you're having another meltdown on PF during your pretend Fakecation...LOL

Whats the matter, nobody believes you???

Keep posting, dummy!😆
johnny reb  49 | 7930
13 Feb 2022   #234
Keep posting,

Oh I will.
You until you hear about the huge Marlin and the big Wahoo I caught this week while out deep-sea fishing.
What a sport going 40 miles out on the ocean for these lunkers.
You should give it a try at least once in your lifetime.
Joker  2 | 2377
13 Feb 2022   #235
Do you know where Bal Harbour marina located at Miami beach is? I was a mate on a charter boat there when I was 21 years old. I've caught more fish than you ever have seen!

Once again, No photo, Never happened.

I knew you would come back to boast about the imaginary fish stories. Captain Ahab!😆
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Feb 2022   #236
Captain Ahab!😆

Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Feb 2022   #237
What does one do with "a huge Marlin" while on vacation in Florida? Feed the homeless?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Feb 2022   #238
Feed the homeless?

Joker  2 | 2377
13 Feb 2022   #239
Catching Marlins are extremely rare even around the Florida Keys these days.
Except for Johnny, of course! He always wins no matter what, just like he does with stock market as well.

Hes what real Anglers say about it.

This is a fish that is caught during the warm waters of the summer months. Yet, Johnny seems to land them during February.... LOLOL

You would think such a braggart would take a photo and show us since hes boasting about it, last year he claim to caught one too!
Novichok  4 | 8508
13 Feb 2022   #240
Catching Marlins are extremely rare

That's why to be sure I eat that day I prefer catching my salmon at Denny's. Ten minutes and it's in front of me. They even take my AARP card.

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