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Still alive and well

Joker  2 | 2377
14 Oct 2021   #181
You just lie and lie........hopeless.....

That one was a Whopper lie as the whole forum already knows that it was him circulating Delps school video. Or whatever it was, I have never seen it.

I don't think he had much cred to start with but it has certainly all gone now

I must have really gotten under his skin as hes keeps making up lie after lie about me in I dont really care, I know what I got....

Hey, Preacher Jimmy!! When are you coming to Chicago to kick my Ass?????
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Oct 2021   #182
When are you coming to Chicago to kick my Ass????

Yes Jimmy, answer the question lardass, all mouth and no trousers.....Probably because the trousers no longer fit......
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Oct 2021   #183
I must have really gotten under his skin

I don't know how old you are, Joker, but if you're my age or a bit older, you might remember that American TV show (we used to get repeats on Saturday mornings on Yorkshire TV) called the Banana Splits. That picture of Jim really reminds me of one of them. Was it Fleagle, Bingo, Drooper or Snork?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Oct 2021   #184
Joker is the right age to remember.
I remember that show but was a bit too "grown up" to appreciate it.
Over to you Joker......
Joker  2 | 2377
14 Oct 2021   #185
Yorkshire TV) called the Banana Splits.

I do remember this show. It was one of those classic kid tv shows. It was in syndication for years.

I remember that show but was a bit too "grown up" to appreciate it.

How about the Monkees or instant Beatles is what I called them.

They had good shows back then , all lousy now.

Was it Fleagle, Bingo, Drooper or Snork?

Omg that song is so annoying, I must have drove mom nuts! lol

Hes Drooper the one with no teeth.
Joker  2 | 2377
14 Oct 2021   #186

Do you recognize this Pub? I have tons of photos from York , my wifes sister lives there. I walked the entire wall around the city centre and popped into this pub for a few brewskis.. Very nice place, the shambles was my hangout for a few days:)

  • york.jpg
jon357  72 | 23483
14 Oct 2021   #187
I googled the name in the picture and there are two called that in York. One is a Wetherspoon (a crappy chain) and the other is a very old building on Stonegate which looks really nice - it looks like this is the one, black and white timber on the outside). I used to go to a pub on that street called the Roman Baths (because it had the ruins of one in the cellar). The York Arms (tucked away behind the Minster, doesn't look much but a good pub and OK food) is pretty good too.

Sometimes I think it would be great to live (maybe retire) in York (I'm from about 30 miles away) but real estate prices there are crazy now.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
15 Oct 2021   #188
How many times did you watch that video of little kids rolling on the floor?

None, I watched delf rolling around on the floor like beached whale.
Funny that you noticed the kids though.

Nope, because it never happened and Ive never watched this pedo video,

You seem awfully sure it was little kids rolling around on the floor though. lmao
You probably forgot that it was your idea originally to call delph's wife when you were in Poland too when you were setting me up.

And your latest lie of owning a company made me burst out laughing.
Don't you remember that you had just told us that you were switching jobs and would be out on the road a lot more ?

You seem to be a pathological liar that keeps digging his hole deeper and deeper.
If you are going to be a good liar you have to have a good memory too, Snitch.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Oct 2021   #189
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back. I won't be staying long, though. Just wanted to demonstrate

The guy is so insecure in his real life that he wants name recognition on a public forum,in fact most here are.I wonder what secure person in life would care what anyone thinks of him on a public forum.

It looks like he got suspended for a bit - it's always something, I guess..

lol now that I lost weight and am down to just 2 warnings from 4/5.......I saw that pic where you took a pic and posted on some thread i dont remember and care to look for.MAN* your hands in that pic look like a midgets hands,are you one?Seriously that fat on those short bones that never grew:)When you walk in public do people really look at you and sneakingly and look away when you look at them back?(Oh a midget,no no not nice to look,ouch she is looking back).LOL being a midget you must have closely looked at the pic i posted, you admitted looking at very closely:),I remember it didnt effect you cuz most normal people would puke but you had fine day cuz its your every day routine......looking at fresh human shi/t lolololol.

Hey Paulina can I ever shake your hands?I would love to shake that midget fat fluffy hand like handling a cotton ball on a Q tip.Where do you shop for your midget dress sizes?"Kids r us" stores are closed I heard,just curious.:)
Joker  2 | 2377
15 Oct 2021   #190
The York Arms (tucked away behind the Minster,

This Pub was right down the street from the Minster

I like it there as well and will be going back at some point in time to visit. I rode around on the public transit so I could really get the feel of the city. A very nice place to live, Indeed.

Don't you remember that you had just told us that you were switching jobs

It was a year and half ago dipshit and need to be Licensed and Insured in Illinois to do my kind work.... You obviously are clueless, keep trolling, how much time to you waste fawning thru my old posts? And all this time you claimed to have hunted down and killed 2 deer all in one day while still posting! And youre already to eat them in worlds record time... Hahahaha, sure Ted Nugent.

You seem awfully sure it was little kids rolling around on the floor

Thats bc you were constantly talking about it for years stupid!! You've told so many lies you cant remember them all... Hey lets see this phots of the deer you killed and butchered, you can afford a cell phone right? Take a pic and show us liar?????????????

Guess where, Jimmy? Another place you will never go too! Hahahahaha

  • bridge.jpg

  • minster.jpg

  • york2.jpg
jon357  72 | 23483
15 Oct 2021   #191
The place in the first pic has pretty hefty real estate prices too, but a bit more affordable than York. It's in the so-called Golden Triangle and is maybe the best connected small town by rail etc.

It's a few miles away from the even posher place (Boston Spa) where the guy who bought Segway died accidentally by going over a cliff on one. He was an ex-miner who invented Hesco Bastions, something your army and mine were very grateful for when in the desert. Apparently they helped during Hurricane Katrina too.
johnny reb  49 | 7930
15 Oct 2021   #192
It was a year and half ago dipshit

LOL - oh, that makes a difference now doesn't it. LOL

how much time to you waste fawning thru my old posts?

Just enough to confirm your lies which makes them undisputable. ;-)

Hey lets see this phots of the deer you killed

What photo's ?
Only braggarts take pictures and besides, they would only make you more jealous of me.
Now get off to your Corporation that you claim to own (LOL) and pretend to sit at a desk with your C.E.O. title on it while you troll the P.F. all day again.
Bobko  27 | 2081
15 Oct 2021   #193
When you walk in public do people really look at you and sneakingly and look away when you look at them back?

Is this what people do when they see your smelly ass, Pigsy? Also you never told me about how a Jew gets a name like Deepak. So much ink spilled over how you would love to work Customs and Border Protection or be a cop to stop people coming to this promised land, and then it turns out you're a stinkin stowaway yourself. Truly, I worry for you, pig, and your declining mental health.

On an unrelated note - I wanted to ask you if you know why your pedo bff has gone quiet? Is this because your super glue surgery did not go well and he is now permanently retarded? I certainly hope so.
Novichok  4 | 8508
15 Oct 2021   #194
Truly, I worry for you, pig, and your declining mental health.

That was so touching...I mean your concern. You are a good person, Bobko.
Paulina  19 | 4464
16 Oct 2021   #195
Is this because your super glue surgery did not go well and he is now permanently retarded?

OMG ;D Thanks for the laugh, Bobko lol
Joker  2 | 2377
16 Oct 2021   #196
Now get off to your Corporation that you claim to own

Obvious you have never paid any federal business taxes and are unaware that an individual cannot be an "owner" of a corporation and it doesnt have to involve a certain number of employees as well.. You wouldn't know the difference between a S-corp and a C- corp without googling it.

And you claim to be a stock broker and haven't a clue about paying taxes at all! LOL

Another one of your lies BUSTED!
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Oct 2021   #197
Your first post of the day starts out attacking me AGAIN.

You wouldn't know the difference between a S-corp and a C- corp without googling it.

More rinse and repeat. ( yawn )

Time you grow up Liar & Loser
Joker  2 | 2377
16 Oct 2021   #198
Your first post of the day starts out attacking me AGAIN.


The truth is now called an

Time you grow up Liar & Loser

How old are you again, 12?
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Oct 2021   #199
The truth is now called an attack..

Your attacks are mostly lies.

How old are you again, 12?

12 is twice as old as you are.
Time for you to grow up, Snitch, and get some new material.
It must just suck to be you.
Joker  2 | 2377
16 Oct 2021   #200
It must just suck to be you.

Actually, my life couldn't get any better at the moment. Im not all alone sitting on a forum 24/7/365 detached from reality like you.

Is this really how you plan to spend your golden years? Rumor has it youre almost 80 years old, Bidens age. Now wonder you cant travel ( besides being broke) and are reduced to just sitting around, all alone with only imaginary internet friends..

Quite the contrary, IT MUST SUCK TO BE YOU! LOLOL
johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Oct 2021   #201
Is this really how you plan to spend your golden years?

Rinse and repeat

Rumor has it

I will admit that you are good at starting rumors alright by adding a little lie in there.

Now wonder you cant travel ( besides being broke)

More rinse and repeat

Any normal thinking person can see that you suffer from OCPD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder)
It's time to face the music, Milk Toast, and go get some professional help.
No wonder you are broke and in debt up to your ass.
It must suck to live with such a disability.
Did you have a father that lived in the same home as you when you were a child ?
Do you still wet your bed and bite your fingernails ?
It must suck to be you.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
16 Oct 2021   #202
Typical Preacher Jim..... Accusing others of what he does all the time.
Truly pathetic behaviour.... Like a pathetic, moronic, spoilt child.....

It must suck to be you

Back at you mate, you pathetic old loser!

You really need to grow up and notice that we can all see right through you.
Your lies don't work!
Joker  2 | 2377
16 Oct 2021   #203
I like that post where he claims he isn't a braggart. Lol
He's the worlds biggest hypocrite as well.
I wonder how he shot 2 deer, butchered them and was eating steaks all in one day while continuously posting on PF? He must be a magician too!😂

I think Jimmy's brain is getting tired as he can't think of anything new, just the same old stupid lies and making up ridiculous stories. He is like a 5 year old.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
16 Oct 2021   #204
I think Jimmy's brain is getting tired

What brain?
He has no brain.
He just mirrors what you say and throws it back at you!

He is like a 5 year old

johnny reb  49 | 7930
16 Oct 2021   #205
He just mirrors what you say and throws it back at you!

You must feel like a real idiot to be the last one to catch on to that. Hahahahahahaha
Joker  2 | 2377
17 Oct 2021   #206
You must feel like a real idiot to be the last one to catch on to that.

He was talking about you, Idiot! LOL Man, are you dumb!!!

I swear, your reading comprehension has to be worse than migrant level....

He just mirrors what you say and throws it back at you!

You could have better conversation with a brick wall.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.....HOOT!
johnny reb  49 | 7930
17 Oct 2021   #207
He was talking about you,

NO ! REALLY ! (Dripping with sarcasm)
Read it again real slow so you can comprehend it if that is possible.

your reading comprehension

You still don't get it do you. LOL
hint: I have been mocking you by mirroring you for the last six months and you keep right on rinsing and repeating so I throw your rinse and repeat right back in your face by repeating your rinse and repeat jerking your chain.

I guess you are to short to understand that as it obviously went right over your head. lol
Why do you think everyone has been laughing at you stupid.
You just don't know when to stfu.
It's game over and you lose.
Now shoo you little lying back stabbing Loser Biatch.
Joker  2 | 2377
17 Oct 2021   #208
Now shoo you little lying back stabbing Loser Biatch.

LOOKIE! LOOKIE! Preacher Jimmy giving another Sermon before he goes to Church tomorrow. ( yeah right)

Ive never met such a nasty person that claims to be a devout Christian, has anyone else?

Why do you think everyone has been laughing at you stupid.

Name one person????? Im still waiting on the post where you claimed I own 6 houses, it will never happen as we all know everything you say is a lie.

P.S. Ill still pay for you gas money for you to come to Chicago and kick my ass..Hahaha


What a pussy! Johnny Reb..LOL Rebel???

johnny reb  49 | 7930
17 Oct 2021   #209
More Rinse and Repeat with his obsessive-compulsive personality disorder mental illness.
Joker  2 | 2377
17 Oct 2021   #210
Do you have a psychologist degree or just making up lies again? Thanks for the crap diagnosis but coming for an idiot that doesn't know the difference between a proprietorship and a corporation then claim he's a stock broker, lol, another lie!! your credibility around here is lower than dirt.

Speaking of rinsing did you go cleanse yourself this morning of last weeks lies yet? You're not fooling God but only yourself. Good luck clown!

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