The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Still alive and well

Novichok  4 | 8501
12 Oct 2021   #151
How was it harsh?

I was just playing the non-existing compassionate me.

JR had sent a picture of his to my e-mail address some years ago and it is obvious to me that JR...

Did you ask him for proof that's him? Like his passport or DL? You just took his word for it...
johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Oct 2021   #152
Because Jesus was an unemployed freeloader.

Really, that just shows more of your ignorance as Jesus was not only a carpenter but also a fisher of men ya dumb ass.
More of a job than you could ever imagine.

Did you ask him for proof that's him?

Why would he or are you just trolling again ?
You are worse than an old busy body woman Ricky.
Who, what, why, when, where with your nose in every post that is of no concern to you.
Just like women do.
Is it a wonder why your family and neighbors stay as far away from you as they can ?
I am beginning to think you may be a female.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #153
Jesus ... carpenter

Certainly not from an impoverished background. Craftspeople were the technocrats of their day.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Oct 2021   #154
Certainly not from an impoverished background.

His father was a jewish carpenter wasn't he ?
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #155
Joseph? At a time when people had to make their own tools and metal was rare and massively expensive, that was probably quite a thing.

Not exactly a heavily wooded part of the world either...
johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Oct 2021   #156
I was hoping you could make a video and we can post it on PF via YT...

More like you wanted a copy for evidence to sue me with for giving you false teeth and a limp the rest of your life.

Hey, hes coming to Chicago to kick my ass now:

Another projected lie by you Shrimp.
What i said was:

'I am just about ready' to come to Chitcago and wipe the street up with your little punk ass.

See how your little lie starts rumors.
What you said was 'that you are going to':

Ill just kick your ass instead

Hey Shrimp, write that on your forehead. lmao !
Damn it must suck to be you.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
12 Oct 2021   #157
But the point is you are provoking him all the time !!

He is just a very high strung little bully with a huge inferiority complex from being raised a little spoiled brat and is crying like a little biatch because I stole his thunder here.

And his mommy can't buy that or fix it for him. Hoot !


Yes, Joseph the carpenter.
You and the rest of the heathens here should start going to church on Sunday to learn the gospel.
Novichok  4 | 8501
12 Oct 2021   #158
Certainly not from an impoverished background.

An unmarried affluent carpenter at 30? Then he was gay.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #159
Trying to apply the terminology of modern Europe to the iron age Fertile Crescent is rarely useful.
Novichok  4 | 8501
12 Oct 2021   #160
There were no gay guys then? Or affluent carpenters?
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #161
See above.

You don't need to butt into every discussion. It is a bore.
Novichok  4 | 8501
12 Oct 2021   #162
...said the guy who butts into every discussion and every thread.
Do you know who created the opportunity for you to post #155? It was me. So, say thank you and don't play a mod.
jon357  72 | 23483
12 Oct 2021   #163
He probably even half believes his own verbal incontinence.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 Oct 2021   #164
He took the bait Cargo, good job.

JR,did you remember the PM i sent you?
johnny reb Member27 Sep 2021

Ill start a rumor that theother died from covid,tag along and see how any one reacts,maybe get some results.
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Oct 2021   #165
Ill start a rumor that theother died

Wow pig! You're a real Machiavelli!
Joker  2 | 2375
13 Oct 2021   #166
If you are so blind to JR' s provocations that you accuse others of provoking him.

Its hard to believe he would back the forum bully with a long track record of fighting with everyone, its like hes blind or a Perhaps, TheOther was correct and Zholes account is now Johnnys sock puppet. Look how immature his post have become over the past few months, something aint right, its like he hit his head on something.

More like you wanted a copy for evidence to sue me

Sue you! Hahaha! What would I possible want from you?? This beat up old hoarder house with a hole in the roof! yikes! Clean up that mess you slob!

  • jimmysdomu.JPG
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Oct 2021   #167
JR,did you remember the PM i sent you?

Yup and it worked perfectly as we both knew he was lurking here under his new nick.
You smoked him out.
What a genius.
But what really cracked me up is how Jester sucked right up to him after treating him like dog sh/it for years.
He apologized to him and then posted that only pussies apologize.
I mean I have this little turd so rattled that he is losing it with his rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.
So I rinse and repeat him right back making him look like the immature little liar he is.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Try shutting your bug fuicking mouth and I wont have to kick your ass up and down this forum anymore! You're a smart lipped punk ass bully that never grew up, Loser ! LOL
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
13 Oct 2021   #168
Wow pig! You're a real Machiavelli!

Hey 26yo Millionaire,still sniffing grannys underwears?Do you use your own grannys or buy them on line??I was thinking to start that business using my cat lol you wont smell the difference if you do ill give you money back gurantee,you pay the postage.
Bobko  27 | 2081
13 Oct 2021   #169
@Cargo pants

What's it with you and underwear? BTW, heard your name is Deepak - that's quite a name for a Jew!
Joker  2 | 2375
13 Oct 2021   #170
He apologized to him

Prove it???? Liar! You really like to twist every comment. No wonder nobody will talk to you

While youre at it, show me where I claimed to be sponging off my in-laws, you cant, because its just more lies, one after another, youre such a scumbag.

Please, come to Chicago and kick my ass, chicken **** pussy.

g fuicking mouth and I wont have to kick your ass up and down this forum anymore

Wow! did you learn how to talk like this at your Church, Jimmy? Such a delusional hypocrite as well!

Make me old man!
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Oct 2021   #171
Did anyone catch post #109 ?
An all time classic.

{TheOther} Speaking of JR: his church's web site seems to have now implemented a so-called geo-block for Poland, which means that visitors from that country cannot access the site anymore.

Boy i bet that just steams old Lazarus but good dunnit.
(j.r. whispers ....did jon tell you that by any chance and if so I wonder who told him.) URG !

{TheOther} Very interesting, because -- again -- there is only one individual on PF who knows that Lazarus comes from Europe and who is also totally paranoid about people finding out about his dirty little secret identity: our dear Johnny Reb.

Now how would I possibly know that but thanks for confirming that he is posting from Poland. Hoot !
That kind of narrows things down to confirm things now doesn't it.
Loose lips sink ships. ;-)
Joker  2 | 2375
14 Oct 2021   #172
What a stupid post! LOL Im laughing my ass off how TheOther has you shaking in your boots.... The more you post it just proves his point.

Why do you insist on trolling this forum when everyone hates you here??
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Oct 2021   #173
TheOther has you shaking in your boots...

Actually The Udder finally confirmed the identity of Lazarus in this thread.
I see it went over your head.

Why do you insist on trolling this forum

To steal your thunder and make you look like the immature idiot that you are, Shrimp.
It must suck to be you. :-(
Novichok  4 | 8501
14 Oct 2021   #174
Guys, you need new material.

Only I have the right to be repetitious because my targets don't budge.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Oct 2021   #175
Lazarus and jon started all this non sense by creating Jimmy.
Harry and jon put endless hours into stalking me with their googling skills only to botch it.

Speaking of JR: his church's web site seems to have now implemented a so-called geo-block for Poland, which means that visitors from that country cannot access the site anymore.

WoW, only someone living in Poland would know that so who told you ? jon or Harry ?
Where have we heard that before , oh ya.....only one member here has ever used that geo-block until now and that was back in 2016 by the head of the Snake himself. LMAO !

How do you think people in Poland access BBC i-Player and Channel 4 On Demand across all their devices given that those are geo-blocked to all IP addresses outside the UK? That's right: we spoof our IP addresses.

Really Harry, REALLY ! lol
What happens when you forget to turn your "spoofer" on just one time though ?

Very interesting, because -- again -- there is only one individual on PF who knows that Lazarus comes from Europe

Thank you for confirming that for us, so is it Harry or jon or both ?
Even an amateur hacker with the sport of a pastime could locate you.
Must have rattled the hell out of you when I posted your location in Poland didn't it, Harry. Hoot !
Back 150 years ago we would just put up Wanted: Dead or Alive posters in the area you live in but that since has been outlawed.

Now we are instructed to contact the E.U. Cyber Bullying Services instead.
**** on that noise, this clown needs an old fashion tune up.
At any rate TheUdder, thanks for confirming (even though everyone knew except for Jester) Lazarus's identity for us. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2375
14 Oct 2021   #176
Harry and jon put endless hours into stalking me

How many endless hours did you spend on stalking Delpf and his wife? How many times did you watch that video of little kids rolling on the floor?

I dont believe a word you say, your too fuicked up in the head.

Dont talk to me anymore and I wont talk to you, deal?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Oct 2021   #177
How many endless hours did you spend on stalking Delpf and his wife?

About as many as you did.
We were in it together back then before you 'snitched' and threw me under the bus with your lie.
Everyone remembers.

That's right jon about the teacher delph not wanting to take the risk but Harry was anything but appalled as appalling as he was nasty.

They both left only to have one of them resurface as your buddy Lazarus.
Guess which one. Hoot !
johnny reb  49 | 7927
14 Oct 2021   #178
Another day off work today ? Urg !

How many times did you watch that video of little kids rolling on the floor?

YOU sent me that video, Moron, remember !

I dont believe a word you say, your too fuicked up in the head.

Oh the irony lmfao

Dont talk to me anymore and I wont talk to you, deal?

Sure, we belive everything you say Jester. lol

Jester, for goodness sake, it's high time for you to relax and take a short holiday!

Sure, I can deal with that..

Your promise didn't even last twelve hours and you were right back attacking me.
We don't believe a word you say Liar.
Nobody likes you.
Joker  2 | 2375
14 Oct 2021   #179
YOU sent me that video, Moron, remember !

Nope, because it never happened and Ive never watched this pedo video, but delpf has your ip addy and said you watched it over 100 times,

Hahaaaaa, The biggest lie you ever told! Why dont you try and blame me for circulating it around the forum as well.

Everyone already knows it was you!

You've really outdone yourself with this lie and have zero credibility around here.

Another day off work today ? Urg !

Im working right stupid... Did you ever hear of working from the office before.

Still jealous of me making more $$$$$ than

Do tell how many times you snitched before Admin took away you button???????
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
14 Oct 2021   #180
Nobody likes you

Hey Jim, it's you that nobody likes.
Jimmy "No Friends"......

How many times did you watch that video of little kids rolling on the floor?
YOU sent me that video

You just lie and lie........hopeless.....

You've really outdone yourself with this lie and have zero credibility around here

I don't think he had much cred to start with but it has certainly all gone now.
Only Brown nose Lackofwit still believes him, Deepak doesn't but likes to support his lies because he is a troll.

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