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Still alive and well

Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Oct 2021   #91
the third most unpleasant psycho of the PolishForums

BS. What you don't see cannot be unpleasant. I don't see your buddy JR and Strzelec and don't care if they are pleasant or "unpleasant".
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2021   #92
even smallest of texts upset you easily.

That is your personal opinion and mine is, Rudeness breeds rudeness.

Maybe cause you love this forum so much, but all act as if you hate it.

Where can you say that I ever said that I hated it, those are your words, not mine.
You are the one that is b!tching about the Mods and the most popular members as if you have an inferiority complex of some kind.

Get over yourself.

That's mostly directed towards you JR

I agree, it's time for me to tone it down and just let these immature bullies walk all over everyone.
One thing for sure is that you nor me is going to change a thing here by ourselves.
Let me ask you, "Why did you even start this thread" ?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
9 Oct 2021   #93
@johnny reb
You as in all of you who, not in sense of singular.

You are the one that is b!tching about the Mods

Excuse me? Only time I have been "bitching" about mods have been when it was too harsh penalties and in the avatar conflict.

I didn't start this thread
TheOther did
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Oct 2021   #94
Only time I have been "bitching" about mods

Our differences aside, DON'T DO THAT! I mean argue with this a-hole.

Arguing with him is like trying to swim in a swamp. Eventually, you will drown.

Here, you will be in a forever circle of the madness of recalling, retrieving, multiple quotes, evidence...Talking to the KGB was easier. There is no end to it and no matter what you say, he will have a response. Unrelated, but a response nevertheless.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2021   #95
@Ricky Novicocky
For a guy who boasts of never losing an argument, that post was nothing short of pure irony. HooT !

I didn't start this thread TheOther did

I stand corrected, I got you mixed up with the Udder while multi tasking.
(Michigan State football game starts at noon and pizza just came out of the oven)
My apologies to you.
Let me ask TheUdder then.
What is the point of starting a thread like this ?
Coleslaw started another one for the same purpose and that one was, "Why the P.F. has died".
Both these threads start right out for ONE PURPOSE of attacking other posters.
If I were a Mod I would have deleted them both after the first post knowing that nothing good could follow the first post in them.

Again, my apologies to you.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
9 Oct 2021   #96
@johnny reb
And I apologise if I was too harsh, I just had to write.
We are good

Oh I know perfectly well who the the aholes are, especially one who has so many he could be a swiss cheese mind you!
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Oct 2021   #97
I knew if I came on here today Johnny would be fighting with someone. What a scumbag as he goes crying to the mods again. It's no surprise Admin took away his reporting feature. Lol He must have been annoying the mods around the clock with that thing.

I wonder what else he does besides sitting on this forum 24/7 what a loser!!!!
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
9 Oct 2021   #98
At least he knows when to apologise, I can't remember you doing that ever. The thing I remember about you is gossip, accusations and constant degrading attacks combined with pictures from a horrible villain with cartoon inspirations.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Oct 2021   #99
Go cry to Dr. Phil because I don't owe you anything at all. I almost puked reading your brown nosing posts on here.
Regarding TheOther, im glad he came back and wish he would post more. He's a valuable member of PF and we always haven't seen eye to eye, but I respect his opinion.

Only girly men ask others for apology lol
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Oct 2021   #100
At least he knows when to apologise,

Only girly men ask others for apology lol

Pure genius, Joker. You beat me to it.

Hey, OB, we apologize for what we regret doing. I regret nothing. I post with full premeditation and if I ever regret my post is that it was not mean enough when directed at some a-hole who stupidly decided to get personal and nasty with me.

That is why to me Z will be Zhuj and JR a blank - forever. As a perfect atheist, I never forget and forgive. Christians are stupid for doing it.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
9 Oct 2021   #101
Apparantly you have no clue how to resolve conflicts. Normal people apologise and move on, so it's very clear what your goal here is.

And swiss cheese being swiss cheese -.-
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Oct 2021   #102
There's nothing to resolve. I think he's a pos and he hasn't shown us he's capable of changing. You sound like a woman, are you pretending to be sth your not? It wouldn't be the first time it's happened here.

Johnny must have done something in other for TO to create this thread? He seems to have a habit of pissing ppl off, and it not just me. Hoot!
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Oct 2021   #103
Apparantly you have no clue how to resolve conflicts.

Who the hell said that anyone here wants to "resolve conflicts", Mr. Nice? Conflicts are good. That's why men play sports.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2021   #104
to be sth your not?

It's "you're" not as Dick would say. :-)

He seems to have a habit of pissing ppl off, and it not just me. Hoot!

It's not hard to **** off a little hot headed spoiled brat like you.
We see after the bars closed at 2 a.m. you came on posting here at 2:30 a.m. today.
Then at the crack off noon you were back here posting again, after sleeping all morning, most likely with a pounding headache from your hang over.

Is your hate alcohol related by any chance ?
Must suck being you.

Conflicts are good. That's why men play sports.

You're nuttier than a twelve pound fruit cake.
You never played any sports have you.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Oct 2021   #105
Nope, wrong again with your projections, now I'm an alky too! Hoot! So, does that's mean I'm no longer a crack head? Hoot! Hoot!

Come on Jimmy, that's all you have in your primitive vocabulary?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2021   #106
I don't think so.
Are you denying your drinking problem ?
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Oct 2021   #107
Let's take about you being a pedo. That's the rumor going around here. I can't wait for TheOther to bury you!!😆😆😆😆
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
9 Oct 2021   #108
before you got suspended for three weeks

You just lie and lie...... I have never been suspended for three weeks.
Ask your mate Vincent and he will correct you.

Did you notice that not one single person missed you

Didn't you notice that apart from Deepak and Lackofwit everyone on PF hated you?
Nah, you are too stupid and thick skinned to notice.....

After long absences by TheUdder, Miloslaw and Jester (Joker) that their very first post back was attacking me

And yet you are so stupid as to never answer the question why so many people post against you and so few support you?
You really are a very stupid person.
Your nose must be very smelly and very brown...... Disgusting behaviour.

, Rudeness breeds rudeness.

So quit being so rude.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
9 Oct 2021   #109
Okay, I've got some really important stuff on my plate on right now, so this will be my last post in this thread dedicated to the psycho brigade. I apologize that it has caused such a ruckus, but it needed to be done. Also, sorry in advance for any lady that will become the target of a personal attack from the Ziemowit account because of this thread. The account that had viciously attacked a French gal (can't remember her name) a few years ago, and that has made it a habit to go after PF's females on an irregular basis ever since. Very atypical for the real Ziemowit, as you all know. So don't forget that there is only one person on this forum who bragged about beating a nun, who loves to attack the gals on here, and who has a deep hatred for women in general -- our dear Johnny Reb, a.k.a. Jim.

Speaking of JR: his church's web site seems to have now implemented a so-called geo-block for Poland, which means that visitors from that country cannot access the site anymore. They also took down the members page on which some information and a photo of Jimmy-Johnny-Boy, the church elder, was on display. Very interesting, because -- again -- there is only one individual on PF who knows that Lazarus comes from Europe and who is also totally paranoid about people finding out about his dirty little secret identity: our dear Johnny Reb. Make of it what you want, but to me and many others it's crystal clear that this creep is actually the guy who harbors a convicted pedophile in his home. Historic food for thought from Delph, if I may...

To the two psychos and their appendix Ziem: have fun with your barrage of insults, lies and badmouthing that will surely flood this place once I'm gone. To the decent and normal people: if you still love this forum, put these three clowns on Ignore, don't respond to them, or -- as Maf always says -- don't feed them. To the many members who sent me PMs over the past few days: take care and it was a pleasure to have known you for so many years.


A parting gift for Joker:
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Oct 2021   #110
have now implemented a so-called geo-block for Poland, which means that visitors from that country cannot access the site anymore.

Now how would you know that if your sock puppet wasn't posting from Poland and trying to stalk me ? lol

which means that visitors from that country cannot access the site anymore.

LMAO - and just how do you know this if you don't have a friend in Poland working with you Lazarus.
You are so dim in letting your cat out of the bag. Hoot !
Oh you're Lazarus alright as your buddy in Poland was making your posts for you.

Amazing how he couldn't support his allegation with any of my posts though isn't it.

-- there is only one individual on PF who knows that Lazarus comes from Europe

No, actually three, you, your cohort Lazarus and Vincent ? HOOT !
We all know now though that it was you behind Lazarus.....especially after this last post of yours above.
Thank you Cargo for finally helping me smoke him out for everyone to see.
Game over Jerk Face.


One can only hope as all the ruckus you caused here driving a lot of people out of here.
Tootles and let the door slam shut on your Aboriginal brown ass and curly hair.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Oct 2021   #111
Speaking of JR: his church's website seems to have now implemented a so-called geo-block for Poland,

Naming that church would not violate the forum privacy rules since that church and its website are open to the public. Why don't you name it...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Oct 2021   #112
Only girly men ask others for apology

He claims to be a Christian but I guess he has never prayed the Lords prayer, Oathbreaker.
Tell me Oathbreaker, how many Christians do you know that don't know or shun the Lords prayer ?
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
10 Oct 2021   #113
Naming that church would not violate the forum privacy rules

Rich, I think we all know his church anyway.
Jim has already been exposed as a fat hypocrite.
amiga500  5 | 1539
10 Oct 2021   #114
Rich, I think we all know his church anyway.

local offshoot of the branch davidians?
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Oct 2021   #115
Christians do you know that don't know or shun the Lords prayer ?

Projecting lies again on Sunday, what an abomination to hide behind religion while constantly doing the exact opposite of Jesus` teachings.

Prove it Preacher Jim???? KLamca!

local offshoot of the branch davidians?

Worse! Born agains, they are all demented up there in the Northern woods, a lot of in-breading going on.

Jim has already been exposed as a fat hypocrite.

And he keeps own doing it over and over.. I guess, every village has its idiot and so does PF..Haha
Paulina  19 | 4556
10 Oct 2021   #116
you are already on their permanent sh/t list.

So are you.


Meh, Zerowit, you could've think of something original... But I guess the nickname I gave you fits you well, since you have... zero wit... :)

Btw, I don't hate johnny_reb. I'm past that stage. But it doesn't mean I've changed my opinion about him. I still think he's a sociopath. This opinion of mine won't change, because sociopaths don't change. They only get worse with age - just like it is in your case, Zerowit.

I do dislike johnny_reb though and quite often I despise him.

And my mind didn't change about another thing - johnny_reb, his buddies and other trolls and psychos are ruining this forum aided by the lack of will on the side of mods and Admin to do anything about it.

TheUdder's vicious intention was to pop in to the forum for a little while just to stir the pot and raise unhealthy emotions .

You missed one small, but significant detail - Cargo_pants started it by claiming that TheOther died from COVID-19. Maybe for sociopaths - like you and your buddies - something like this is "funny", but for normal people it isn't. It seems that Ironside, for example, believed that Cargo_pants wrote the truth. I wasn't sure myself either. TheOther had every right to get angry/disgusted and to make this thread and inform us, normal people, that he's alive.

As far as P, she has a superiority complex and lives the pretend fantasy of a bad ass GROM girl that hates men's superiority. lol

In your head lol Like many other things... For example - TheOther isn't Lazarus.

all the ruckus you caused here driving a lot of people out of here.

TheOther and his thread didn't drive anyone out of this forum. You and your buddies do. And your sh*t-stirring. And other PF trolls and psychos. You thrive on conflict.

@TheOther, you have absolutely nothing to apologise for.

And Novichok is spot on in his post #94 about what it's like to "discuss" with johnny_reb:
johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Oct 2021   #117
Btw, I don't hate johnny_reb.

Love and hate are very close to the same thing, P.
Everyone here knows that you have had a crush on me for a very long time now.
When you posted about your over active ovaries you thought I would get on an airplane and come to Poland didn't you.
I didn't take your teenage bait did I.

TheOther isn't Lazarus.

Oh I know that P.
It sure was funny though how he knew the church had block Poland from their website, wouldn't you say. lmfao
Who is your guess ?

Cargo_pants started it by claiming that TheOther died from COVID-19.

And it worked !
We all knew he was lurking here under a new nick.
Cargo just confirmed it after a year and a half. Hoot !
And I bet you know what name he is using now, don't you. URG !

I do dislike johnny_reb though and quite often I despise him.

Even when you are dreaming about me ? :-(
Even with all your creative diminishing projections.......I still like you.
I think we should just arm wrestle to see who is the toughest guy and get it over with P.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Oct 2021   #118
Rich, I think we all know his church anyway.

As a crime show addict, I already know that the phrase "a good, church-every-Sunday Christian" means nothing. In fact, they are the very worst among normal people like you and me because it seems that the credits they earn by being godly enable them to commit the worst atrocities later.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
10 Oct 2021   #119
OH Ricky, STFU for a day....would ya.
Miloslaw  22 | 5202
10 Oct 2021   #120
, they are the very worst among normal people like you and me

Absolutely! And Jim is one of those!

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