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Still alive and well

amiga500  5 | 1539
7 Oct 2021   #31
So, stop lying to cover up for Jimmy.

Who is jimmy?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #32
I dislike the least is pawian.

Oh the irony.
Nobody cares who you like or dislike.
Pawian puts you in your place and that is why you dislike him.
Same way I put Jester in his place.

Certainly he posted as Lazarus. There is no doubt about that!

Of course there is no doubt about it.
He was the first one I guessed when Vincent ask me who I thought Lazarus was.
We first suspected when Lazarus appeared on 5-20 after TheUdders last post was 2-20.
He was so steamed at me that he took 12 weeks playing detective googling his little brown fingers off to track my identity down and then reappeared with some poor guys identity that lives far away from from me. lol

He got egg all over his face for botching his efforts and became the laughing stock of this forum.
Now he reappears as TheUdder again (after Cargo smoked him out) with his first post about Lazarus.

I heard you are living together with a kiddy fiddler. Does your church approve, Jim?

Now how would he quote Lazarus to know if he was not in the building as he claimed in his profile ? Hoot !
Gottcha Lazarus !

TheOther - ✉ - View All Posts
Joined13 Jul 2009
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WarningsAA A - Abusing [2]
PostsTotal: 3,687 / Live: 3,333 / Archived: 354
Country, cityTheOther has left the building...
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Oct 2021   #33
TheOther was one of the most aggressive posters here on PF, and one always looking down on Poland.

Good one.
Ah sorry, assumed you were joking...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #34
No, he wasn't joking, he was telling the truth as the archives clearly show.
The Udder, like Rich, are immigrants to the United States that should have never been let in.
I wonder if The Udder ever got his U.S. citizenship ?

If you're a US citizen, then you only need your passport,

but if you are a permanent resident (holding a permanent greencard) then you need both greencard and passport. Just happened to me.

If I remember right he said that his father was Polish/German and his mother was Aboriginal from Australia.
At any rate he is a transplant from Australia living in New York.
That got to him so bad that his inferiority complex exploded and his sock puppet Lazarus had to make up a fake character with lies to demonize me. lol
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Oct 2021   #35
You are the most gullible poster on this forum since you believe everything Johnny says

C'mon, you'd better tell us where has your stupid boy-friend Miloslaw gone. Probably the most stupid of all the boy-friends you've ever had ...

Ah sorry, assumed you were joking...

No, I was not. I carefully followed his posts concerning history and I can assure you he always looked down on Poland and her past. And he was really delighted when doing it.
Novichok  4 | 8677
7 Oct 2021   #36
And the forum KGB is busier than ever...Like who gives a fu*ck who is who and where...How about just reading them letters on your screens with comprehension and responding in kind, a- holes...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #37
Just where does all your depressing hate come from Ricky ?

Like who gives a fu*ck who is who and where..

Any tid bit of some ones personal life here is used to diminish them when some Loser gets their superiority complex knocked in the dirt.

You should know that better than any one Ricky.
Have you forgotten the golden rule here, Provoke, attack, diminish, gang up on, insult and lie when someone knocks you off your high horse when you get to big for your britches to get even.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2021   #38
And the forum KGB is busier than ever

Don't worry, Rich. Everybody knows that Jim Boy and Cargo Pants are our resident psychopaths; only here for our entertainment. The admin was nice enough to give us two village idiots to laugh about and make fun of. Sometimes you are even allowed to slap them silly.

immigrants to the United States that should have never been let in.

Says the anchor baby whose parents overstayed their visa. There's a reason why all your neighbors call you a certain name behind your back. How does it feel not to be one of them? Must suck to be you.

Now how would he quote Lazarus to know if he was not in the building as he claimed in his profile ?

Do you know the exact date when I finally left the building, my little village idiot? LOL!

I can assure you he always looked down on Poland and her past. And he was really delighted when doing it.

Aah, Johnny's butt plug likes to add some BS to the conversation. Hey Ziemo-twat, how's it hanging? I see you have handed over your account to Deepak.
Novichok  4 | 8677
7 Oct 2021   #39
Everybody knows that Jim Boy and Cargo Pants are our resident psychopaths;

That's why I asked you to stick around. It seems that it takes 10 normal people to balance these 2 morons out.
Being left or right is still normal. It can actually be fun - like playing chess. Talking sh*it about other guys' wives and kids is not.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2021   #40
Has been tried before, doesn't work. The forum gods know all too well that these creeps are collecting information about other members which they then use to actively destroy people's private lives. Nothing has ever been done to stop that disgusting behavior (except once when Delph got a permanent suspension). Instead, snitching is welcomed and they hand out childish warnings or suspend you when you verbally kick some psycho ass.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #41
Says the anchor baby whose parents overstayed their visa.

Prove it.........oh wait, you can't can you, Green Card baby. lol

do you know the exact date when I finally left the building,

Yes, your last post was February 12, 2020 according to your profile and here it is:

And low and behold look when Lazarus joined ! lmao

And just read your posts, Udder, before you left in how you were abusing Milo, Rich, Joker and me before you left.
You were getting your ass kicked but good by all of us.
No wonder you went into hiding and changed your nick to post here.
You then spent 12 weeks stalking me and googling the area that I live in to only come up with some innocent guy to use in your charade of lies.

You will never get all the egg off your face for that one that you botched so poorly. HOOT !
It must really suck to be you.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2021   #42
Yes, your last post was February 12, 2020 ... And low and behold look when Lazarus joined ...

Cool, and that tells you that I'm Lazarus? Ha ha ha. Village idiot.

Prove it.

Prove that you are not, anchor baby.

how you were abusing Milo, Rich, Joker and me

Poor wuss. Did mean old TheOther hurt your little feelings? Here's a hankie to dry your tears. LOL!

Nice trick by the way that you and Deepak are using Ziemowit's member account on occasions now. In the past you would always create guest accounts when you desperately needed someone to agree with your own posts. Kudos.
Novichok  4 | 8677
7 Oct 2021   #43
how you were abusing Milo, Rich, Joker and me

Hey, village idiot, if I need a secretary I want one with big tits.
Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Oct 2021   #44
Maybe yes or maybe no.

If you don't know, then quit making stuff up.

Ask the Reb and he will tell you ...


I finished that for you :)

I carefully followed his posts concerning history and I can assure you he always looked down on Poland and her past.

As "carefully" as you followed my posts? lol Sorry, but I don't trust your memory nor do I trust johnny_reb's word about... anything.

So, prove it or it didn't happen (with quotes and links to comments).

Of course there is no doubt about it.

How many people have you accused of being Lazarus already? Because I think I already lost count. The most ridiculous of your accusations was when you claimed it's Chemikiem. Don't you have anything better to do in life?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #45
Prove that you are not, anchor baby.

You are the one that claimed I was so I don't have to prove anything because I never claimed anything, you did so prove it, dimwit.

You can't can you ? lol

Nice trick by the way that you and Deepak are using Ziemowit's member account

Koo Koo, Koo Koo lmao ! Boo Hoo Hoo ! Poor little Udder hallucinating again from his paranoia. BOO ! JUMP !

How many people have you accused of being Lazarus already?

We had to smoke him out and let him hang himself, stupid.
Hey Paulinass, you claimed right from the git go that you knew who Lazarus was so lets hear it Ms. Snooty Pants.
Joker  2 | 2447
7 Oct 2021   #46
Same way I put Jester in his place.

Still lying all the time! Boy, TheOther has you $hitting Bricks! Hahahaha More popcorn please!!

If you don't know, then quit making stuff up.

He is only capable of lying and everyone on the forum knows it. Watching him grasping for straws is very pathetic.

Don't you have anything better to do in life?

Obviously not, as he's here everyday arguing with someone on a daily basis, it's what he thrives on.

Quite comical how many ppl he has accused of being Lazarus, it really means he doesnt know a thing! LOL

I wonder when TheOther will unleash the dogs:)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 Oct 2021   #47
Looks like you two kissed and made up.

Hey Paulinass, you claimed right from the git go that you knew who Lazarus was so lets hear it Ms. Snooty Pants. (Crickets)

She must be taking this to her defense attorney to get a mature reply to save face.
Pauly old girl, you are about as creative as they come.
I can't help but like you. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2447
8 Oct 2021   #48
Probably the most stupid of all the boy-friends you've ever had .

Certainly not as stupid as your post or sticking your nose so far up Johnny Liars dupa, if he farted he blow your brains out.

Nice trick by the way that you and Deepak are using Ziemowit's member account

It does make perfect sense. I remember Zhole used to speak intelligently rather the latest drivel that seemly are written with a childs mentality ( Johnny). I think youre on to something here. Hoot!

It must really suck to be you.

Id rather be him that you! LOL

Just wait until he exposes your dirty deeds,,kept taunting:)
Novichok  4 | 8677
8 Oct 2021   #49
I remember Zhole used to speak intelligently

Good point! Zhole lost his class. I never liked him but I admit that he used to be better.
BTW, who is Bobko? Did he post under a different name?
Also, what happened to Dyrdymałki o Niczem? Dead as a nail.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Oct 2021   #50
Good point! Zhole lost his class.

As if either of you two have a clue to what class even is. Hoot !
Your pet lackey has his head so far up your *** that it is most comical to watch him make a fool out of himself.
In fact your buddy there runs around with two big L's on his forehead for Loser & Liar.
He still doesn't know how to put his underpants on by himself even after his mother has repeatedly told him that the yellow goes on the front and the brown in the back.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
8 Oct 2021   #51
Poor little Udder hallucinating again from his paranoia.

Hey village idiot, getting really uncomfortable for you now, eh? Even Ziemowit will find out what a piece of excrement you really are. You are selling out the handful of Internet "friends" that you have left behind their backs at the first opportunity and when it suits you. I know for example for a fact that your little charade with Ziem's login creditials has been going on for several years already. One of your "friends" played tweety bird and confirmed that you had bragged to that individual about it. Seems that betrayal is the default behavior in your little group of psychos. Stupid clown.

It does make perfect sense. I remember Zhole used to speak intelligently rather the latest drivel that seemly are written with a childs mentality

Exactly. It was about 2 or 2.5 years ago when Ziemowit changed from a halfway decent guy to a totally obnoxious Johnny suck-up. I even made fun of him by telling him that he is so far up JR's rear end that he runs the risk to suffocate. Shortly thereafter I received a boatload of PMs from other members who asked me if I knew what was wrong with Ziem and why he had turned into a pathetic brown-noser. That's when I first became suspicious. A few weeks later I received another PM from one of Jim's Internet "friends" telling me that Johnny had bragged about using Ziemowit's login credentials to troll the forum. Nice one, eh?
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Oct 2021   #52
We had to smoke him out and let him hang himself, stupid.

He's not the one who's "hanging himself" here. And, no, you didn't "have to". Noone is putting a gun to your head and forcing you or Cargo_pants to troll people on this forum. You're doing it because you're enjoying it. And you're paying a price for it. What goes around, comes around.

lets hear it Ms. Snooty Pants

You still don't know? Really? lol

I can't help but like you.

Do you say it to Bambi too, before you kill it? 🙄

Exactly. It was about 2 or 2.5 years ago when Ziemowit changed from a halfway decent guy to a totally obnoxious Johnny suck-up.

I don't think his account was taken over. Ziemowit was already an a-hole when he was Atch's lapdog. I remember how he was attacking me when I had arguments with her. Later his blind and unwavering loyalty turned (only God knows why) to johnny_reb and whoever criticizes or attacks or simply doesn't like johnny_reb is automatically becoming Ziemowit's enemy, it seems. His behaviour got visibly worse, but people change. PF changed me too - for both better and worse, I guess.

And as for timeline - I noticed that Ziemowit became more openly pro-johnny_reb and anti-his-enemies when pawian got into an alliance with johnny_reb. I got an impression that it emboldened Ziemowit and he has shown his true colours finally :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Oct 2021   #54
@Oathbreaker, what's wrong? ;D
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
8 Oct 2021   #55
There are some chicken farms, even a fox wouldn't bother to enter ;)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Oct 2021   #56
One of your "friends" played tweety bird

I bet you wish you were able to actually confirm that lie but as usual, you can't because it is yet another lie.

I received another PM from one of Jim's Internet "friends" telling me that Johnny had bragged about using Ziemowit's login credentials to troll the forum

LOL - and I bet that you conveniently delete that PM didn't you ?
Waiting for a screen shot of it unless of course that is another lie.
It must really suck to be a liar like you.
How do you live with yourself ?

You still don't know? Really?

Hey Paulinass, you claimed right from the git go that you knew who Lazarus was

How did I know. HOOT !

when I had arguments with her.

You really do think you are the Snooty Queen here, no doubt about that. URG !

I don't think his account was taken over. Ziemowit was already an a-hole when he was Atch's lapdog.

You are jealous that Atch has much more MATURITY than you do making her MUCH more respected than an alley cat like you.
And quit calling my friends a-holes or I am going to start calling you a Witch with a B in her pocket.
I bet Atch is much better looking than you are too. HOOT !
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Oct 2021   #57
You really do think you are the Snooty Queen here

And you're basing that on what exactly? lol

You are jealous that Atch has much more MATURITY than you do making her MUCH more respected

You must be projecting :)) I'm not jealous of Atch. I'm my own person - Atch has her own ways and I have mine. And I'm afraid you only "respect" her, because she's not getting in your way.

an alley cat like you.

Alley cats are useful creatures - they eat rats that spread diseases. That makes you the rat :))

And quit calling my friends a-holes

I will call them whatever they are (and what mods will allow).

I bet Atch is much better looking than you are too. HOOT !

LOL I bet TheOther is much better looking than you too :))) And younger! WOOT! lol
Joker  2 | 2447
8 Oct 2021   #58
You are jealous that Atch has much more MATURITY

Oh shut up already! Your posts are totally idiotic and childish.. Get a life you Loser!

Hoot! Hoot!

All you do is repeat the same crap over and nauseum
Novichok  4 | 8677
8 Oct 2021   #59
That's what kids do what they want to annoy their parents for a new toy. I just don't know what it is he wants.

I mean what would have to happen for him and Smelly to stop?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Oct 2021   #60
I will call them whatever they are (and what mods will allow).

Then bring it on Ms. Snooty

And you're basing that on what exactly?

Well it's not like it's only my opinion here

I'm not jealous of Atch.

Of course not.....(johnny rolls his eye as he burst out laughing)

I bet TheOther is much better looking than you too

I will bet that Roz is better looking than you are too. HOOT !

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