I didn't see that.But I think that you have fully understood the type of person he is, as most of us on PF have.
Still alive and well
johnny reb 49 | 7888
3 Jul 2024 #332
You are certainly thick
Thats what she said.
He was trying to humiliate another person this morning with his sick fantasy.
Why didn't you suspend me if it steamed you so bad, Barns.
Now tell me, have you ever been raped ? 😳
@johnny reb
Just felt sorry for you
Just felt sorry for you
johnny reb 49 | 7888
3 Jul 2024 #334
Just felt sorry for you
Awe shucks Barns, you're hell of a guy.
How about we arm wrestle for a beer. 🍺
Now tell me, have you ever been raped ?
Men can only be raped by other men...... get over it and did you enjoy being raped by a man?
johnny reb 49 | 7888
15 Jul 2024 #336
Men can only be raped by other men.....
Under British law, rape can technically only be perpetrated by a man however the world does not revolve around Britian.
You need to expand your horizon.
under British law
What is that? Is there a new legal system?
rape can technically only be perpetrated by a man
In English law, (Scots & NI law may have their own equivalents) there is an offence called "rape by digital penetration". It is not gender specific.
however the world does not revolve around Britian.
Why? Have they moved the Greenwich Meridian?
It is not gender specific.
To say that an act is "gender specific", you have to have a list of genders.
How many genders are there in the UK and what are they called?
How many genders are there in the UK and what are they called?
It's very simple and same as in the USA.
Male, female and Gay...... there are no other genders...they all fall into one of those three.
Under British law, rape can technically only be perpetrated by a man however the world does not revolve around Britian.
You need to expand your horizon.
You need to expand your horizon.
Really?Please explain
and BTW it's Britain not Britian........
they all fall into one of those three.
No. Only two.
Nobody ever walked into a gender clinic and said: Make me gay. Many said make me a woman or a man.
So even trans freaks agree with me that there are only two genders.
So even trans freaks agree with me that there are only two genders.
That is a sign of your ignorance.There are three, male female and gay.
Nobody wants to be born into any of those sexes, it just happens!
People that are born gay have an immediate disadvantage.First, they have to come to terms with the fact that they are Gay and then they have to learn how to deal with that.For the rest of us heterosexuals, life may not be simple, but it is a lot easier than for gays.
Rich, you have really shown your ignorance here.
male female and gay.
But gay is not a gender but a state of mind. A male gay is a male, a female gay is a female. Simple. 😎
There are three, male female and gay.
Rich, you have really shown your ignorance here.
The only ignorant person here is you.
Gay men are men who happen to be gay. Still XY.
Lesbian women are still women who happen to be lesbians. Still XX.
Rare deviations do not create other genders just as missing fingers or co-jointed twins do not create different species or genders
Still two genders: XX and XY.
Gay men are men who happen to be gay.
Yes, they become gay solely to get on your nerves! hahaha
That is a sign of your ignorance.There are three, male female and gay.
Have you lost your marbles today?
There are only 2 sexes and Im not even a biologist.
Being gay is a choice, a bad choice. Losers of society that should be outcasts.
Losers of society that should be outcasts.
I know I would rather leave next to a nice gay person than half of this forum.
to a nice gay person
How about a nice heterosexual person? Stop the cope.
lesbian couples are where 80% of domestic abuse happens.
How about a nice heterosexual person?
Fine as I'm not the one trying to outcast people based on their sensuality.
lesbian couples are where 80% of domestic abuse happens.
Please, please, PLEASE, share your source. I beg you.
But gay is not a gender but a state of mind. A male gay is a male, a female gay is a female. Simple
And so what?What does that prove besides the fact that we are all born male or female?Your logic is far too simplistic.
Still two genders: XX and XY.
OK, I concede that both your arguments are valid and correct.We have males and females..... end of .....but you are both oversimplifying things by ignoring that some of those people may be gay.....
Being gay is a choice
I don't think it is.It happens at birth.
lesbian couples are where 80% of domestic abuse happens.
Please, please, PLEASE, share your source. I beg you.
He can't, because it's bollox!
I don't think it is.It happens at birth.
Then it's just a birth defect.
Some people are born colorblind. Another gender?
I don't think it is.It happens at birth.
That sounds ridiculous...
Then it's just a birth defect.
Then it should be medically treated as such. Start them out with shock therapy...lol
I would rather leave next to a nice gay person than half of this forum.
I have 2 lesbo neighbors. One was in the Army and the other from Moldova. They aren't the type that flaunt it, no stupid rainbow flags, green hair or piercings. The funny thing is when we bought our house a few years back the neighborhood association came over with a nice gift and invited us to their yearly party. When the lesbos moved in,,,nothing, crickets, totally shunned by the homeowners association. I think they are good neighbors and I talk with them. If they were fags, frooooogetttaboutit!
One was in the Army and the other from Moldova
This sentence seems strange to me.
Yes. He speaks like a corporal to his lower rank soldiers: Take your cleaning equipment. Clean the area from here to 3pm.
LGBTs are defective people we can live with only because the freaks are a minority.
Just like the blind or retards.
Just like the blind or retards.
Vesko Vukovic - | 157
24 Sep 2024 #355
I know I would rather leave next to a nice gay person than half of this forum.
Be careful what you wish for. Homosexuals are 36 times more likely to engage in extreme violent acts & homicide towards their partner.
The Polish cop and his partner did a terrible job. They will have the soul of the 14 year old Asian boy on their conscience.
36 times more likely to engage in extreme violent acts
And Serbians aren't? We've all seen that dreadful film.
And of course there's a significant overlap. Given how often you post about male sexuality, you must think of nothing else but todger.
Vesko Vukovic - | 157
25 Sep 2024 #357
Dateline NBC | Jeffrey Dahmer | The Final Interview | November 29, 1994 (at 29 minutes 15 seconds)
Inside the Mind of Jeffrey Dahmer: Serial Killer's Chilling Jailhouse Interview
You can count your lucky stars, as you basically dodged a bullet there, these are the type of characters you may run into by visiting gay bars, bathouses and such similar shady places.
And Serbians aren't? We've all seen that dreadful film.
A work of fiction. That came from a deranged and perverted Western mind. This however is the real deal, and you will be able to watch it on Netflix.
Vesko Vukovic - | 157
25 Sep 2024 #358
Some parents of the victims are against the Netflix series as it is making them relive the trauma all over again.
these are the type of characters you may run into by visiting gay bars, bathouses .
I'd rather meet them than genocidal shady Serbian bigots.
A work of fiction.
So you say...