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Still alive and well

Novichok  5 | 7883
2 Jul 2024 #301
Tell me how you made this picture that big when I click on it...

Do you have a spare room in case my wife kicks my ass out?
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #302
Tell me how you made this picture that big when I click on it...

I wanted Mr. Angry to see me waving out the upstairs window at him. 😋
He insinuates that houses in Michigan are all built out of wood so I had to correct him again.
Do you have a spare room in case my wife kicks my ass out?

All my extra rooms are spoken for this summer but maybe next winter.
Hey Novi, I am all packed to go on my summer vacation.
Now when Harry claims that I am in prison and Mr. Angry claims I am dead please remind them that I told you about this vacation weeks ago.
Barney  16 | 1651
2 Jul 2024 #303
You live in Castle House, harbor springs?
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #304
No, I live in a house with a hole in the roof according to Mr. Angry and devaluating taxes according to Harry.
Tell me how you made this picture that big when I click on it...

I wanted Mr. Angry to see me waving out the upstairs window at him. 😋
He insinuates that houses in Michigan are all built out of wood so I had to correct him again.
Do you have a spare room in case my wife kicks my ass out?

All my extra rooms are spoken for this summer but maybe next winter.
Hey Novi, I am all packed to go on my summer vacation.
Now when Harry claims that I am in prison and Mr. Angry claims I am dead please remind them that I told you about this vacation weeks ago.
Barney  16 | 1651
2 Jul 2024 #305
Just wondering and now wondering why you double posted via edit
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #306
It didn't clear from my last post I guess.
Maybe you could tell us.
Maybe the Mod could fix it for you, Barns, or are you a Mod too ?
Barney  16 | 1651
2 Jul 2024 #307
Thats horsefeathers. You posted then edited to include your previous comment. It clearly had nothing to do with not clearing from your previous post. Just tell the truth its easier.

are you a Mod too ?

Jon made us all secret mods except you.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #308
What do you think

I think you are a complete liar because I know what your real house, sorry, shack looks like!

Do you have a spare room in case my wife kicks my ass out?

LOL!! He doesn't even have a spare room for his wife that won't sleep with him!!!!

It didn't clear from my last post I guess.

HaHaHaHa!!!! Pathetic!

Maybe the Mod could fix it for you, Barns, or are you a Mod too ?

Jon made us all secret mods except you.

Just to add to your paranoia Jim, we are all mods in Britain and Ireland....... Jon didn't want you to join us.......LOL!!!!!!!
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #309
Jon made us all secret mods except you.

It was a yes or no question, just tell the truth, it's easier.
Barney  16 | 1651
2 Jul 2024 #310
@johnny reb
Its clear not my fault you don't understand. Jon made everyone a secret mod including me. What do you not understand?

Your bollox about your comment not clearing is still bollox, as a secret mod I checked.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #311
Your bollox about your comment not clearing is still bollox, as a secret mod I checked.

And we all know it is!
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #312
Jon made everyone a secret mod including me.

Come on Barns, we all remember when your name was at the top of the home page as a Mod.
Pam/Chemikiem/Feniks/Karen was the other Mod.
You, jon, and Karen are all Brits.
jon is the owner and you two are his Mods.
Its pretty easy to put together.
Oh, you're a Mod alright. 😉
Your bollox about your comment not clearing is still bollox

Well Barns maybe I just stuttered and reposted it, does it really matter other than trying to diminish me.
I mean what is your point besides trying to shame a shameless person ?
I still like you though. 😛
Novichok  5 | 7883
2 Jul 2024 #313
than trying to diminish me.

A scared gutless Euro bootlicker diminishing an American? No fvcking way!
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #314
I still like you though

LOL!!! What a ridiculous comment!

A scared gutless Euro bootlicker diminishing an American? No fvcking way!

Unless your post was meant to be ironic or sarcastic then it was pure idiocy.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
2 Jul 2024 #315
gutless Euro bootlicker diminishing an American?

The new slang word is "Jelly" that describes them.
With the owner of the forum and his two Mods all being British it makes it tuff to stay civil sometimes.
Where does all their hate come from ?
If you only knew how many Americans they ran out of here before I showed up here and put my foot down on them.
Novichok  5 | 7883
2 Jul 2024 #316
Unless your post was meant to be ironic or sarcastic then it was pure idiocy.

Not at all...I don't know how JR feels but I know me. Me and I meet daily and have a very good relationship...

BTW, I have been looking for a reason to feel inferior to anyone and every day I come up empty. Any suggestions?

Also, my daily prayer is to be wrong just once...

If you only knew how many Americans they ran out of here before I showed up here

Ain't gonna happen to me. Actually, I like azholes the way flies like shlt: They attract my attention.

I can take only much of nice and polite crap about flowers and shoes.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #317
If you only knew how many Americans they ran out of here before I showed up here and put my foot down on them.

Careful Jim, you are showing you Brit inferiority complex yet again........

BTW, I have been looking for a reason to feel inferior to anyone and every day I come up empty. Any suggestions?

Why not feel inferior to Brits, like Jim obviously is?LOL!!!!!
Novichok  5 | 7883
2 Jul 2024 #318
Why not feel inferior to Brits,

I have no reason since I reject all authority. I only recognize the raw power of the state.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #319
I only recognize the raw power of the state.

Strange, I never thought of you as a Socialist.
Novichok  5 | 7883
2 Jul 2024 #320
My attitude is consistent regardless of the system. That's why I never tell cops here or anywhere else that they know nothin' and are pigs. My IQ is too high for this...

Or it must be that white privilege blacks talk about so often.
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
2 Jul 2024 #321
My attitude is consistent regardless of the system.

That comment insinuates that you prefer a one party state over democracy.

Am I right?
Novichok  5 | 7883
3 Jul 2024 #322
Am I right?

Yes, because Western-style "democracy" is a fake. Also, a one-party system eliminates finger-pointing.

Political parties should be illegal since they always demand loyalty to them and ahead of loyalty to the country.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
3 Jul 2024 #323
Careful Jim, you are showing you Brit inferiority complex yet again........

My superiority complex towards Brit trolls like you is most enjoyable.
Why not feel inferior like a Brit,

Because inferior Brits like you are jelly. 🤣
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
3 Jul 2024 #324
My superiority complex towards Brit trolls like you is most enjoyable.

It's all lie after lie after lie with you, isn't it?
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that you have a fear of and inferiority complex to Brits, though I don't understand why.
It is also obvious to anyone with a brain that you are the troll and not me.

But just keep trying to divide the PF community into Yanks v Brits or Euros, because that is what you want and we can all see through it.
But the more you do it, the more foolish and idiotic you look!

What a total loser and moron!

As for jelly?Stop wobbling that fat gut of yours.......
johnny reb  46 | 7426
3 Jul 2024 #325
and we can all see through it.

YOU can aye......(johnny snickers) 😋
just keep trying to divide the PF community into Yanks v Brits

(Rinse & Repeat)
You have quite an imagination that your bi-polar shuts on and off.
I had no idea that you really are mentally ill even though "we" suspected it.
From now on I will treat your "jelly" accordingly, little buddy.
Did you get picked on in school too ?
Barney  16 | 1651
3 Jul 2024 #326
does it really matter other than trying to diminish me

Its impossible to diminish you. Have you ever been raped?
johnny reb  46 | 7426
3 Jul 2024 #327
Its impossible to diminish you.

Yeah, I am thick skinned just like Teflon Trump especially when it comes to Limey's.
Have you ever been raped?

Yes, several times when I was younger.
Those college girls plied me with alcohol and drugs and raped me over and over and over. 🥳
Oh my did they use me and abuse me once word got out what a stud I was. 🤠
How about you Barns, any trim ever rape you ?
Barney  16 | 1651
3 Jul 2024 #328
You are certainly thick
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
3 Jul 2024 #329
I am thick skinned

No, just thick..... mentally.....

especially when it comes to Limey's.

Your inferiority complex just keeps coming up! It's unbelievable that an American can feel so inferior to a Brit!!!!

Have you ever been raped?

He has, but only by men, don't believe his daydreaming BS.
How can a woman rape a man if he is unwilling?
Total BS!!!
Barney  16 | 1651
3 Jul 2024 #330
He was trying to humiliate another person this morning with his sick fantasy.

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