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Still alive and well

Joker  2 | 2374
11 Apr 2022   #271
I heard you are living together with a kiddy fiddler. Does your church approve, Jim?

Its really strange that someone claiming to earn $400K per year gambling in the stock market would even have a roommate?

Perhaps, something more sinister is at hand?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Apr 2022   #272
I spent a few days in cook county jail in Chicago.

Was that the time your underaged babysitter accused you of inappropriately touching her when you came home drunk after drinking at the corner bar ?
Or was that for the time you got caught for...........never mind, you will deny it anyways.
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Apr 2022   #273
That sounds like something your room mate You know the convicted felon that lives with you...

Better get those guns out of your shack before the authorities find out youre hiding them! It's a felony just having firearms on your property with Richard living there.

It would suck if someone were to call the ATF on you!

Why do you need a roommate when your earn $400K per year from the stock market? Never mind, we know its just another lie like everything else you say.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Apr 2022   #274
You know the convicted felon that lives with you...

No, no I don't.
Maybe you could fill me in on your claim.
Please use names and addresses.

It would suck if someone were to call the ATF on you!

Well you do have the credible reputation for being a Snitch. Hahahahahahahaha
Filing a false police report is a felony in itself so bring it on, Shrimp. l

Why do you need a roommate when your earn $400K per year from the stock market?

You said that I make $400k a year with yet another lie, not I.
If you want to spend Easter with your "Gravy Train" in laws in Poland, you will need to be heading out this week.
It's down to crunch time, Pinocchio ! HooT !
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Apr 2022   #275
The pedo lover from the "Church of Pervs" is just trying to weasel out

He is still trying to weasel out as the walls are closing in on him:)

HooT! HooT!
johnny reb  49 | 7926
11 Apr 2022   #276
Exactly as there are only five days left for you to make it to Poland for Easter,
The walls are closing in on you. Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2374
11 Apr 2022   #277
I never said I was going there this Easter, you idiot!

Prove it, HooT!
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2022   #278
I never said I was going there this Easter, you idiot!

Technically you are right.
You said you were going at Easter but then cancelled because of Covid even though Cargo was going back and forth.
Then you said you would be going at Easter but technically you didn't say which Easter of which year. LOL
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Apr 2022   #279
Then you said you would be going at Easter

Prove it? Liar!

You cant bc all you do is make up lies day after day.

Why would I tell you when Im going to Poland anyway? Are you my phucking travel agent? You sure are nosey and so concerned about my travel plans, cars Im buying, do you want to sniff my underwear as well?????????

You must be the most BORING person on the planet. lol
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2022   #280
Prove it?

How many times do you have to be told before you get it airhead !
I am not required to prove or defend myself to you in any shape, way or form.
Did it stick between your ears that time moron ?

Why would I tell you when Im going to Poland anyway?

You like to boast.... how wealthy you are, how you're going to Poland at Easter, how you are a world traveler, how you own a company and six houses that are all paid for, a used car salesman that goes to car auctions without a license to bid on cars, a charter boat captain that catches blue marlin in Florida, how you plan on inheriting a huge track of land in Poland on your wife's side to retire on, and all the rest of the lies you tell here.

Remember how jealous you got when I owned a house in Jamaica /
In short, because of your inferiority complex, Thats why......?
I still like you though. :-)
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Apr 2022   #281
I am not required to prove or defend myself to you

Yet, Im supposed to defend myself to you, right? LOL You are the biggest hypocrite on this forum! FU!

The rest of you post is just more of your lies and a bunch of Bullshit that you made up.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
12 Apr 2022   #282
Yet, Im supposed to defend myself to you, right

The guy has rules for him and different rules for everyone else.
We know that she is a liar and a prat.
We also know that it is time to ignore her.
She being the creature that posts under the pseudonym of Johnny reb....
But we all know who she really is....
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Apr 2022   #283
Another meltdown.
Oh yi yi !

Yet, Im supposed to defend myself to you, right?

You sure can dish it out but throw a temper tantrum every time it gets it dished back to you. Boo Hoo Hoo
Even though you have red hair, I still like you, Snitch.

We also know that it is time to ignore her.

Oh lord how many times have we heard that. lol
I have an idea Asswipe, make us all happy, put on your big boy pants, stfu on and 'just do it' ! Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2374
13 Apr 2022   #284
She being the creature that posts under the pseudonym of Johnny reb....

Hey, thats spot on!

If we printed out her posts and showed it to a stranger they would think a 6 year old was writing them.LOL

We also know that it is time to ignore her.

I usually only read one or two of her sentences then scroll past the rest of her delusional rant anyhow.

We are only responding to her made up stories, lies and repetitive meltdowns.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
13 Apr 2022   #285
We are only responding to her made up stories, lies and repetitive meltdowns.

And the $64 dollar question is...........WHY ? LOL
Best thing you two crybabies could do is save your tears and just stfu. :-o
Alien  25 | 6392
27 May 2022   #286
What is with Cargo pants? Still alive and well?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
27 May 2022   #287
just stfu

Back at you.

What is with Cargo pants? Still alive and well?

I think he is dead.
Dead bored of Jim.
jon357  72 | 23482
27 May 2022   #288

He was living dead anyway...

Or he's started to self identify as an orc.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
27 May 2022   #289
He was living dead anyway

Certainly from the photos we saw of him.
But yeah, I think he has passed away.
jon357  72 | 23482
27 May 2022   #290
I think he has passed away

Do you think they burnt him on a pyre, Indian style. Or on a burning ghat in the Hudson River.

And did they make his wife commit 'suttee' on the same funeral pyre?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
27 May 2022   #291
Do you think they burnt him on a pyre


And did they make his wife commit 'suttee

I hope not.
She is/was Polish.
jon357  72 | 23482
28 May 2022   #292
Belarussian I think.
Joker  2 | 2374
29 May 2022   #293
But yeah, I think he has passed away.

Really? I thought his wife kicked him off the internet after she caught him philandering.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
29 May 2022   #294
This may well be true,
But where did you get this info from?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
3 Jun 2022   #295
Do you still have his picture that you found of him under your wife's pillow ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
3 Jun 2022   #296
That is a post that is way beyond stupid....I would rate that as childish and.therefore not worth a response.
Most adults ignore stupid comments from stupid children.
Joker  2 | 2374
4 Jun 2022   #297
This thread is still going!

I do miss our Aussie friend though....

We had some doozie's but was always a good sport about it.

That Kangaroo song must have done him in! LOL
Alien  25 | 6392
25 Jun 2024   #298
What is with Cargo pants? Still alive and well?
I think he is dead.

Did you have any premonition?
johnny reb  49 | 7926
2 Jul 2024   #299
You live In a wooden shack in the sticks....... Who is the jealous one here?

Are you sure ?
I think it may be you who is jealous. 😉
johnny reb  49 | 7926
2 Jul 2024   #300
What do you think Mr. Angry

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