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Still alive and well

TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Oct 2021   #1
Was browsing just for fun and came across this little nugget...

Damn,I just found out that the member here"theother"died of covid last year.No wonder he hasnt been posting here.Sad.

Hey clown, everybody knew already that you are full of sh*it, but they probably didn't expect you to be filled to the brim with that stuff. LOL!

@Cargo_pants, if you're trolling, then it isn't funny.

The Indian douche never tells the truth.

He was an Aboriginal immigrant from Australia originally and most likely had a low immune system.

I heard you are living together with a kiddy fiddler. Does your church approve, Jim?

All the best and take care everybody
Bobko  27 | 2079
6 Oct 2021   #3
I'm confused, why is the OP referring to Cargo Pants as Indian? When talking about his underwear, as he often does, Cargo Pants refers to it as "my Jewish skidmarked underwear". In other instances he uses the phrase "my smelly Jewish ass". So is he Jewish or Indian? Is this a case of multiple personality disorder?

P.S. - Glad Cargo Pants was shown to be a liar, once again, and glad that you are in good health!
Paulina  19 | 4458
6 Oct 2021   #4
but they probably didn't expect you to be filled to the brim with that stuff.

Yeah, he doesn't seem to have any inhibitions... Just another PF sociopath.

It looks like he got suspended for a bit - it's always something, I guess...

All the best and take care everybody

You too, the Other! I'm glad you're alive :)))
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
6 Oct 2021   #5
Just another PF sociopath

Hey, what do you mean by another PF sociopath, beautiful lady?
jon357  72 | 23482
6 Oct 2021   #6

Great to see you back!
Paulina  19 | 4458
6 Oct 2021   #7
what do you mean by another PF sociopath

That there are at least a few of them on PF. One could say that they're pretty much a "norm" on this forum.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
6 Oct 2021   #8
Alive and well! Good news!

Only need to open your eyes and look on the forums, most seem to point fingers at others while overlooking their own wrongdoings as a mean to deflect attention from their own bad behaviour.

A lot of accusations and a lot of self-delusions, glass cannons!
Joker  2 | 2374
6 Oct 2021   #9
All the best and take care everybody

The ghost of TheOther has come back for Halloween! LOL

Hey, if you return to PF and Ill play your National Anthem for you:)
johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Oct 2021   #10
He took the bait Cargo, good job.
We knew that he was lurking and posting under a new nick.
Can anyone else guess what his new nick is ? Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2374
6 Oct 2021   #11
He took the bait Cargo

Wow, that was clever.... So, he must have been He must miss us:)
johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Oct 2021   #12
So, he must have been lurking..

Oh he has been posting right along here under his new nick.
We first suspected when Lazarus appeared on 5-20 after TheUdders last post was 2-20.
Cargo finally smoke him out and the dimwit confirmed it with his infamous,

I heard you are living together with a kiddy fiddler. Does your church approve, Jim?

You just made my day, week, month Udder. HOOT !
I will make you a deal Bush Boy, you quit telling lies about me and I will quit telling the truth about you. lol
Now play nice as the Mods are finally starting to crack down on the filth and bigotry.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Oct 2021   #13
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back. I won't be staying long, though. Just wanted to demonstrate what special kind of sick puppies Cargo Pants and Johnny Reb really are. And don't fall for Johnny's little lie that I was posting under another nick either. The pedo lover from the "Church of Pervs" is just trying to weasel out as usual.

Anyways, see you again some day.

The Other

I'm confused, why is the OP referring to Cargo Pants as Indian?

Cargo Pants is a forum troll that has posted under a gazillion nicks over the years. His name is Deepak, an Untouchable from India who somehow sneaked into the USA after they kicked him out of India and Australia. His boyfriend Johnny is another sicko that has been roaming PF under a multitude of user names. Never ever trust them! If in doubt, ask Joker or Miloslaw via PM.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Oct 2021   #14
I won't be staying long, though.

We are sure you won't now that you have been smoked out. Hoot !

don't fall for Johnny's little lie that I was posting under another nick either.

Of course not.....anyone want to guess what his new user name is/has been lately ? lol

Cargo Pants is a forum troll

We haven't forgotten your ill record of trolling Udder, (two Abuse warnings still showing on your profile) plus take your Lazarus nick (one of many) for example of your lies and trolling.

You left because you kept shooting yourself in the foot and we made you the laughing stock of the forum for it. Hahahahahaha !
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Oct 2021   #15
LOL! The ink on my last post is not even dry yet and you already respond. Must suck to be you.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Oct 2021   #16
And he shoots himself in the foot yet again......HOOT !
It took you half the time as it took me, moron. lol
It took 17 minutes to respond to you while it only took you 9 minutes to respond to me.
That means you suck twice as bad as me. HAhahahahaha

Anyways, see you again some day.

LOL - would that day be today by any chance ? LOL
Take that "Kick me in the Ass" sign off your back idiot. Hoot !
Novichok  4 | 8478
6 Oct 2021   #17
The ink on my last post is not even dry yet

I hope you have plenty of that ink left. Our differences aside, stick around in your current role.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
6 Oct 2021   #18
stick around in your current role.

Thanks, but no thanks.

It took 17 minutes to respond to you

Home schooled by any chance? Anyway, let's play a little game. I will post something so humiliating about you that you will never be able to show your ugly face here ever again. I will not tell you when, though. Soon. In an hour, in a day, tonight ... dunno. Watch out and make sure you don't miss it! Your social life will depend on it.

Any minute now ... tick tock ...
johnny reb  49 | 7926
6 Oct 2021   #19
Home schooled by any chance?

I wasn't raised in the back bush where there weren't any schools like you were.
I think you are just jealous that I am White.

let's play a little game.

I'm all gamed out.
Your immaturity has exhausted me.
Cargo will be back next tuesday and I am sure he will be more than happy to entertain you though, Lazarus.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2021   #20
I am White

As white as your KKK robe and hood. Your fellow Klansmen still call you names behind your back. Ha ha ha.
Joker  2 | 2374
7 Oct 2021   #21
I will post something so humiliating about you that you will never be able to show your ugly face

What did he do now??

The music thread is totally dead after you and Milo left:(
johnny reb  49 | 7926
7 Oct 2021   #22
Your fellow Klansmen still call you names behind your back.

Better than some Aboriginal troll with a sock puppet name of Lazarus. Ha ha ha.

who are old as dirt

No denying that, Bush Boy.
OP TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Oct 2021   #23
The music thread is totally dead after you and Milo left:

Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe we can revive it one day.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Oct 2021   #24
As far as I can remember, TheOther was one of the most aggressive posters here on PF, and one always looking down on Poland.
amiga500  5 | 1492
7 Oct 2021   #25
and one always looking down on Poland.

so not much different to ziemowit then?
Paulina  19 | 4458
7 Oct 2021   #26
TheOther was one of the most aggressive posters here on PF, and one always looking down on Poland.

TheOther?? In your head maybe.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Oct 2021   #27
take your Lazarus nick (one of many) for example of your lies and trolling.

Certainly he posted as Lazarus. There is no doubt about that!

so not much different to ziemowit then?

We know that you are half-Aboriginal and half Polish. TheOther is half-Aboriginal and half-German, so you are in a good company here.

In your head maybe.

Maybe yes or maybe no. Ask the Reb and he will tell you ...
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Oct 2021   #28
TheOther?? In your head maybe.

Aggressive or not, he still owes me how many illegals the US should allow in to make him happy.
Joker  2 | 2374
7 Oct 2021   #29
PF, and one always looking down on Poland.

He is kind of a leftie but never seen him make any disparaging remarks about Poland. So, stop lying to cover up for Jimmy.

he still owes me how many illegals the US should allow in to make him happy.

At this point in time only leftard extremists want more illegals. Im just watching the prices of everything going up and up, it will be nice in 2022 when the demise of the Democratic Party occurs:) Keep screwing up Joe!

Ask the Reb and he will tell you ...

You are the most gullible poster on this forum since you believe everything Johnny says, hook line and sinker.

I wonder what TheOther has on him, must be really bad as JR is sweating bullets.

Too bad this forum is the only thing some ppl have in life....Hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8478
7 Oct 2021   #30
He is kind of a leftie

My favorite leftie here that I dislike the least is pawian.

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