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Advice about a job offer abroad

kot  3 | 27
22 Sep 2021   #1
Hello everyone!
I received recently a job offer abroad ( in Luxembourg ), the offer is quite good, it comes with some help to relocate ( about 4 k € ), this is the offer from Company A. In the meantime I had an interview from Company B which is my favourite ( smaller company, better structure, better benefits etc). In the hurry to not lose both companies I have accepted the offer from Company A but I haven't signed the contract yet, the start date is for 1-st of November.

Now, I am wondering what happens if Company B also offers me the job? How to tell to A that I am not going to sign the contract? I got the contract from them yesterday and I can probably wait until weekend before I will have to sign it but I really really want to work at B.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Sep 2021   #2
Now, I am wondering what happens if Company B also offers me the job?

What happens if Company B does not offer you a job?
OP kot  3 | 27
22 Sep 2021   #3
Thanks for your answer to the post. Well in that case the situation is pretty clear. I will go with A.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Sep 2021   #4
But you have to decide on A before you get an answer from B. Is that right?
OP kot  3 | 27
22 Sep 2021   #5
Technically yes, from some source inside the company B I know it takes a week +/-1 day for them to decide. Tomorrow will be exactly 1 week from the interview with them. Now I am basically stalling the offer from A and hoping I will get an answer soon from B.

I was also thinking to call B and ask them about my chances since I am walking on thin ice here, I can't stall forever, but I don't want to annoy them.... I don't know what to do...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Sep 2021   #6
I am walking on thin ice here

That's the point. If you say No to A hoping to get a Yes from B, you risk that you will be left with nothing if B doesn't tell you "Yes".

I would ask B about your chances telling them you also have another offer to consider.
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Sep 2021   #7
I was also thinking to call B and ask them about my chances

I wouldn't do that at this stage. It makes you look either pushy (too forceful) or needy/desperate which isn't good either. Wait until the beginning of next week and then you could call them if you feel you must. Presumably you made it clear to them at the interview that you were very keen to work for them - and if you didn't, you've learned a lesson to make sure you do next time you have an interview with a company you like!

As for Job A, I wouldn't relocate to another country to work for a company that I'm not so keen to work for. If you can financially afford to take a risk on getting option B and keep jobhunting if you don't get it, that's what I'd do. There are zillions of job opportunities out there. It's a big world. Don't sign the contract until next week anyway.

In Ireland, we have a saying 'What's for you won't pass you by' - in other words if you're meant to have Job B, you'll get it and if you don't it means that something else is meant for you :)) Good luck, hope it works out for you.
OP kot  3 | 27
23 Sep 2021   #8
Wait until the beginning of next week and then you could call them if you feel you must

That's what I wanted to to initially, but the HR from A keeps emailing me.

Presumably you made it clear to them at the interview that you were very keen to work for them

I did Atch, I told them how I feel about the company and the possibility to work for them.

Don't sign the contract until next week anyway.

That's what I will do, let's see on Monday if the recruiter from A still wants to talk to me, if he doesn't - no problem, their loss :D

Thanks Atch, helpful as always :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Feb 2025   #9
So we went to Atari and said, "Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us ?
Or we'll give it to you.
We just want to do it.
Pay our salary, we'll come work for you." And they said, "No."
So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, "Hey, we don't need you.
You haven't got through college yet."

-- Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs on attempts to get Atari and H-P interested in his and Steve Wozniak's personal computer.

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