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Polish vodka as a mean of protest

Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Oct 2024   #31
0g added sugar.

Alcohol itself, chemically, is sugar. Quoting:

The body treats alcohol as fat, converting alcohol sugars into fatty acids.


Each drink contains approximately 100-150 empty calories.

Two drinks a day, times 365, times 150, divided by 3500 equals 30 pounds of annual weight gain from just the drink calories.

It's actually a lot worse...Alcohol makes you lazy and sleepy so instead of going to the gym or for a walk, you watch some BS on TV and burn less. Say 500 calories a day less.

Add a pound of body weight per week. The result: 80 pounds of pure ugly fat added annually to that Mr Universe screaming to get out.

OK, so you will eat less to make room for your favorite drink. Now you are really fvcking with your health.
7 Oct 2024   #32
All kinds of fruit contain a lot of sugar, but if sugar is natural it is all good because it contains other stuff that neutralize any potential the negative effects. In fact, in paradise Adam and Eve only ate fruit and that somehow worked for them too :P
Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Oct 2024   #33
because it contains other stuff

It's the other stuff we want. Sugar itself is pure evil.

I remember adding 2 heaping spoons of sugar to tea back in Poland. It's a miracle that I still have my natural teeth.
pawian  219 | 24771
7 Oct 2024   #34
still have my natural teeth.

You are my role model in it.
7 Oct 2024   #35
Right, added sugar = poison. But 100% natural sugar (eg. from fruit or alcohol) is perfectly fine.

Case in point, but they don't want regular folks to know that: "Researchers have discovered that tequila can help those with type 2 diabetes. The agavins, natural sugars in agave, are non-digestible so blood sugar levels won't spike. In fact, it can lower glucose levels and increase insulin production."
Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Oct 2024   #36
is perfectly fine.

No. It's empty calories that make you sleepy and add fat to your body.

I remember that stupid Polish slogan "Cukier krzepi".

Quoting: Refined sugars can increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, dementia, liver disease, and certain types of cancer.

The problem is that refined sugar is cheap and being added to almost all foods. Fruit sugar is better but only because it comes with the good stuff - not by itself.

  • "Cukier krzepi" slogan
pawian  219 | 24771
7 Oct 2024   #37
"Cukier krzepi"

It does. Mountaineers take chocolate as their iron food supply. Do you know why????
Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Oct 2024   #38
Alcohol calories are stored in the liver as fat, which can make liver cells more insulin resistant and increase blood sugar levels over time.

and this:

New research may have discovered an unexpected driver behind the mysterious rise of colon cancer cases in young people.

The study found patients with high blood-sugar levels were up to 65 percent more likely to be diagnosed with the cancer before age 50 than their peers.

jon357  72 | 22950
8 Oct 2024   #39
A geriatric wittering on about health and illnesses.

People like a drink. If you're a teetotaller, you might get a couple of years more however they're the worst years.
mafketis  38 | 10907
8 Oct 2024   #40
If you're a teetotaller, you might get a couple of years

More like months... most very old people with a good quality of life regularly have small amounts of alcohol (I remember a news story about a lady in her 90s who was mentally alert and had a small glass of schnaps every evening.

Life is a series of tradeoffs and life is full of double edged swords and alcohol is one of them. Like I said, too little is better than too much (many teetotalers fear addiction and they should probably stay way) but consumed in moderation it probably brings more health benefits than danger.
Atch  21 | 4147
8 Oct 2024   #41
most very old people with a good quality of life regularly have small amounts of alcohol

The Queen lived to be 96, was in rude health up until about two years before she died and had a little drink every day - as indeed did her mother who lived to be well over a hundred though she did have a few healh issues in her final years but at 95+ you'd expect that! Even when Elizabeth was only two days away from death she was able to give a genuine smile for the camera and stand on her own two feet to greet the new PM.
Novichok  4 | 7775
8 Oct 2024   #42
had a little drink every day

I stand corrected...Quoting from:

New research, which was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science's annual conference, has found that moderate drinking is linked to a longer life.

My best guess as to why is that alcohol makes you mellow and able to sleep better.
Alien  23 | 5533
9 Oct 2024   #43
However, all of the examples given were not alcoholics but people who used regular alcohol consumption, e.g. gin and tonic, as a way to relieve stress. And this is the only way to explain the possible positive effects of small doses of alcohol, which, as everyone knows, is one of the greatest poisons.
jon357  72 | 22950
10 Oct 2024   #44
gin and tonic, as a way to relieve stress.

I use g&t as a way to put a smile on my face before dinner or in an airport lounge.
Alien  23 | 5533
10 Oct 2024   #45

Tastes better than vodka and cola.
jon357  72 | 22950
11 Oct 2024   #46
vodka and cola.

That sounds vile.

It's also hard to know why people in some places put coke in whisky. I've seen Italians do that, and sometimes Poles too. It just seems crude and a waste of both drinks.
Alien  23 | 5533
11 Oct 2024   #47
That sounds vile.

Very popular among young people, unsophisticated but cheap and effective.
jon357  72 | 22950
11 Oct 2024   #48
A few years ago, bars in Berlin were all selling (fairly weak) Cuba Libre which was just right and sort of suited the city, then it was Aperol Spritz and now, anyone's guess. I dodn't notice anything on special offer this summer.

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