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Polish universities for Polish students (only?)

AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #31
There is no such thing as the United States of Europe-BB, is trying hard to bring about one, but it hasn't yet come to fruition.

The EU is not a place, but a political body, therefore it cannot be a capital.

Anyhow, I ask again: in regards to Polish universities, what are you saying needs to be held accountable and why does EU officials need to hold it accountable?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
26 Jul 2021   #32
What? Just because the English ex-colonies created a federation in America, it doesn't mean that the EU has to do the same. Only a control freak would want that, most elements of the future is out of our control anyhow.

Besides, every time a strict centralized type of governing was tried in Europe it came down cracking. It's asking for trouble...
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #33

We consider ourselves a republic, as opposed to a federation- but, I'm splitting fine hairs here. :)

Anyhow, it'd be interesting to know what Lyzko thinks Polish universities need to be held accountable for.
Novichok  4 | 8414
26 Jul 2021   #34
Only a control freak would want that,

It's so simple. Jews like monolithic societies only when they are Jewish. Everywhere else, societies must be fragmented into warring groups to make their monolithic group just one of many. Staying at the top is then easier to explain. You know, we are "multicultural", so what's the problem. That is why Poland and Hungary are on their sh*it list.
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #35
The great Jewish comedian Jackie Mason died yesterday. He is an example of a Jew who proves your theory wrong, Novichok. This type of generalization is intellectually grotesque.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
26 Jul 2021   #36
A republic with a federal government and with federal institutions thanks to the American civil war. The states aren't independent or in a confederacy co-operating together, but have federal laws (decided by congress/senate? Not sure how it works from there)

The EU is definitely not an republic in a democratical way as they are proposed and discussed by sovereign states (elected representatives) rather then directly voted in for as a whole. The EU parliament is tho
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
26 Jul 2021   #37
what Lyzko thinks needs to be held accountable and why the EU needs to get involved.

Especially since the students in question aren't from EU countries....

Anyhoo, this has been made public in PoznaƄ, but I wonder how widespread this is in other universities.... mainstream press has not shown much interest in that question.
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #38

That's kind of a banal reply, Lyzko.

What specifically does the Polish universities need to be held accountable for and why is it the EU needs be involved?


From your perspective, do the Polish students have, at least, a semblance of a legit complaint?
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
26 Jul 2021   #39
do the Polish students have, at least, a semblance of a legit complaint?

Sort of.... the Polish 'don't admit everyone' probably cuts off a fair amount of late blooming talent (I probably wouldn't have made it to uni in Poland because academically I was a late bloomer it wasn't until I left high school I discovered I liked it....) this would mainly hurt those going to university but with no idea why (bunch of students like that).

On the other hand, the new matura is a bad joke and standards have... slid (new students have maybe 25% the computer skills of students 10 years ago (thanks, smartphones - you make people dumber!) so it's harder to find the real talent as the matura conceals it rather than revealing it.

The new university reform is just... dumb (no other word fits).
Lyzko  44 | 9711
26 Jul 2021   #40
If a Polish-speaking Dane, German, American or Brit chooses to study in Poland,
where's the big problem? You people kill me, honest to G_d! Like Germany, France,
and other European countries, you have a lovely space, begging for visitors and then
you tell them they aren't welcome. Then you get mad when those visitors raise protest.

It's analogous to a beautiful women, showing off here wares, so to speak, then getting
furious when men make a pass at her. What do you expect?? Self control goes only
so far:-)
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #41
My wife graduated from AMU, so, naturally, I brought this "controversy" up to her and we got to talking about admissions to AMU. She brought up the same thing you did: the recent reforms. From what she understands, she agrees with you that it's dumb.

I get what your saying about late bloomers.

Is there still the option to pay to attend a Polish university if you don't make the matura ranking?

Obviously, you don't have to answer this, but what you do over there in Polska, maf?
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #42
@ Lyzko

Focus, Lyzko, focus.

You're not answering the question. The question is whether or not foreign students are taking the seats of Polish students in normal Polish university programs. You said the universities need to be held accountable for this by the EU. I asked for clarification of what needs to be held accountable and why Brussels, ie the EU, needs to be involved.

PS-the beautiful woman analogy, you're dangerously close to humor there, Lyzki, be careful, you might hurt yourself. :):D
Novichok  4 | 8414
26 Jul 2021   #43
Chasing profits is actually a very lousy reason to allow foreigners in. The US educational system is one of the most corrupt. For a buck or a trip to some conference, professors would and do reveal trade secrets to our worst enemies like China. Patriotism and ethics are foreign concepts to those who*res with degrees.

@ Lyzko
Focus, Lyzko, focus.

When I am made pope.
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Jul 2021   #44
the Polish 'don't admit everyone' probably cuts off a fair amount of late blooming talent

This is a huge problem in those countries where post-25 you don't get any chance at all.

the new matura

It's bizarre, as are some of the ways tests are administered.
AntV  3 | 670
26 Jul 2021   #45
post-25 you don't get any chance at all.

Seriously? Not even if you pay?
jon357  72 | 23482
26 Jul 2021   #46
In the place I'm thinking of (I recently taught in a university there) the country doesn't have neatly enough HE/FE places for the under 21s that qualify (a computer selected our students from the top 5% of baccalaureates in the country) and most of those who can afford to pay want to study abroad.
OP mafketis  38 | 11127
26 Jul 2021   #47
the option to pay to attend a Polish university if you don't make the matura ranking?

There are weekend (occasionally evening) programs people can pay for (at one point they were all that were keeping universities financially afloat though they're not so important now). The level is often not as high as day studies.

I'm in higher education... let's leave it at that (I know from where I speak when it comes to students - have had a few Ukrainian and a Belarusian student in recent years and they mostly don't stand out one way or the other. Though they seem to suffer more in exams but I think exams are stressed too much here).

I've also had a few students whose parents returned to Poland after years Germany. They stand out more (either with German accents in Polish or extreme German body language)...

in those countries where post-25 you don't get any chance

A number of years ago there was a student in his mid 20s (while most were 21 - it was a second or third program for him).

As soon as he left the room a colleague grabbed his index, saw his age and exclaimed 'To stary facet!'....

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