she was told about/shown PRL files
By who? Michnik? where are these files? I have never heard of them. Instead we have the bolek teczka that walesa brought down the Olszewski government to stop being unveiled. If they were fake you think he would be the first to release them. A multitude of ex comrades and friends who claim he was a traitor, his actions in always simping to the communist government and calling off strikes against the majority of solidarity, leszek millers leaked comments that the navy dropped him off at the gdansk strike, a multitude of historians documenting evidence that he was a traitor, his ignoring the workers 84-89 and then being put forward by the communist authorities as the 'head' of solidarity, his actions in 92 in opposing NATO and wanting the Russian bases to be free trade zones under Russian sovereignty. Additional documentation confirming the Bolek files released by Kiszczaks widow last few years. A court telling walesa to apologise to the historian who wrote a book about his traitorous activity. It's important to note he was under military intelligence auspice and not SB which is why there is no documentation to his treason in the 80s. As Biden would say Come on man!
I forgot to mention his pathetic grovelling nature to jaruzelski which was captured on camera , getting drunk with the communists during the round table, etc etc. When he was interviewed by SB in the 79 or 80, he haughtily told the agents I will convey this approach to where it needs to go. Many historians think he was referring to Military Intelligence as he was their agent.
And even if some dept in SB had that stated aim about Walesa, they would not have known he had been transferred to the military. And who held the power in poland during and post marital law, definitely not the civil intelligence side, look how SB agents took the fall for the murder of Popiełuszko.