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Unfulfilled promises by PiS

mafketis  38 | 11143
18 Sep 2021   #151
how big a part do the salaries of ministers and the parliament members consitute in the Polish budget

It's symbolic. Elected officials are supposed to set an example. It's called civic engagement. Admittedly that's a foreign concept for PiS which is into the Sugar Daddy State (the conservative version of the Nanny State).
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Sep 2021   #152
Elected officials are supposed to set an example.

set an example of what? poverty?
read the article please:
gumishu  15 | 6227
18 Sep 2021   #153
read the article pleas

especially check how the earnings of Polish officials compare to those in other countries in absolute figures
mafketis  38 | 11143
18 Sep 2021   #154
Being a posel is supposed to be a _service_ position and it's unseemly for them to vote themselves raises when other's aren't getting them... they should be getting raises last, not first.

check how the earnings of Polish officials compare to those in other countries

Do nurses and paramedics first.
Ironside  50 | 12918
18 Sep 2021   #155
a foreign concept for PiS

Check how others voted those from the so-called opposition.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
19 Sep 2021   #156
A good example of your gibber about Poland while you know very little about it, actually. The opposition didn`t vote for recent rises.
Ironside  50 | 12918
19 Sep 2021   #157
did they vote against it?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
19 Sep 2021   #158
Nope, there was no voting at all. :):):) It is funny you are asking me about such things,. Don`t you have the Internet to keep updated on Polish news?? hahaha If you depend only on fora for news, it is a wrong strategy.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 Sep 2021   #159
Nope, there was no voting at all

How can you be such a hypocritical lickspittle, pawian? See:
It was 61 vs 27 in the Senate:,75398,27553207,senat-debatuje-nad-podwyzka-dla-prezydenta-i-samorzadowcow.html
One day you will stick your head so far up Tusk's a-hole that you will eventually suffocate...
OP pawian  224 | 27252
20 Sep 2021   #160
How can you be such

Darling, you visit the forum too rarely to know what we are talking about. Hence, you talk nonsense. Go back to the beginning of this discussion about rises to find out the context you missed so blatantly. Then come back and apologise for your stupid words cause you are making a fool of yourself again.

And, lastly, keep in touch with us and Polish news more often.

Tusk's a-hole

BTW, what do you think about the support for PO nowadays? hahahaha I think your current fury is somehow connected with it.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
20 Sep 2021   #161

The broad context is as follows: politicians are getting their pay raised. In your sick mind, PO is in no way responsible for that, despite voting hand in hand with PiS and breaking their own promises, at least on two occasions. You even go as far as conveniently omitting the latest senate vote that decided about pay raises for president, local leeches and MPs.

what do you think about the support for PO

I think that we are run by a bunch of old farts, but as long as there is PO and its f-ed up minions (you too, sweetie) they don't have anything to worry about. Idiots, such as Tusk or Grodzki, make it impossible for any change. Because the possible alternative is much more disgusting than the current gov.
Novichok  4 | 8765
20 Sep 2021   #162
Unfulfilled promises by PiS
??? Show me one party that did. Anywhere...Just one...
OK, children, politics is the art of lying with deniability. Now, we are going to google deniability...
Never, ever get caught making promises under oath or in writing and your future shall be bright.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
20 Sep 2021   #163
You even go as far

No, darling, it was you who introduced mess into our discussion coz you started talking about different rises. Go back to post 146.

pay raises for president, local leeches and MPs.

You are lying or making a mistake. Correct yourself.

possible alternative is much more disgusting

You say so coz you are biased. But decent people know it is not so bad. :):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
21 Sep 2021   #164
different rises

Pay raises for your "political buddies" are better than pay raises for your "political enemies"? :) Well, I hate to break it to you, but each time politicians got a raise, your cronies were the ones who benefited the most. Even now, it's not only the president, but also local leeches (mostly representing PO):,75398,27553207,senat-debatuje-nad-podwyzka-dla-prezydenta-i-samorzadowcow.html

But decent people know

...that idiots like you and your party are a threat to Poland. You have no problem lying or selling yourselves to Lukashenko just to remove PiS from power...
OP pawian  224 | 27252
22 Sep 2021   #165
but also local leeches

Your understanding of how a modern country works at the local level is really peculiar. Why don`t you admit you would like to return to communist times when the central government decided about all local problems??? Including such banal issues as what supply of meat should a country shop in the village of Greenville receive each year?

a threat to Poland

No, PiS is a much worse threat to Poland. They are pushing us towards the Kremlin more and more decisively. And you don`t mind. What are you, then? :):)
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
23 Sep 2021   #166
you would like to return to communist times when the central government decided about all local problems

That's exactly what Tusk has been doing all along. And that's probably what keeps your party in the dump. You are not that dumb to forget ;)


You represent the same kind of soviet mentality as Putin and his followers.


I wrote a poem for you:
Upon Tusk's epitaph
Here lies a man
Who's happy in his grave
And you know what?
He has Pawian stuck in his butt :)))
OP pawian  224 | 27252
23 Sep 2021   #167
what Tusk has been doing all along

Of course you are lying blatantly now. Shame on you. Tfu, svoloch! :):):)

You represent the same kind

Of course you are lying blatantly now. Shame on you. Tfu Tfu.

I wrote a poem for you:

Wow. A love poem? Thanks, but you should turn to amiga with such advances. hahaha
Ironside  50 | 12918
24 Sep 2021   #168
are lying

you are lying

Don't emulate Harry, you twerp. After all, you don't care about merits and the substance.
You live in a hyperpartisan world and you enjoy immensely the hype as you love to hate.
Hence I hold such a low opinion about you. You slime.
Opposition (so-called opposition) you so admire hasn't done a thing to stop it.
They could have done a lot they haven't done a thing. More oft than not they vote on many issues like PiS. Much more often than Konfa.

That fact illustrates that PiS and PO differ only in a few minor details.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
24 Sep 2021   #169
Don't emulate Harry,

I can`t emulate Harry coz I vaguely remember our discussions, darling. And as I know I mustn`t believe you in anything , so I don`t know what Harry`s style really was.

You live in a hyperpartisan world

Called Poland. Which you left nearly 28 years ago so you should have a different perspective. Yet, you don`t have it - funny.

hasn't done a thing to stop it.

Of course it is a lie.

Hence I hold such a low opinion about you

hahaha Yes, I know. But it plays a therapeutic role for you - hating me, you are setting yourself certain important goals, your life gains sense, you are no longer so lost as before you met me here. The hatred of me keeps you alive, sort of.

I am ready to perform this service for you. :):)
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Sep 2021   #170
Every bare faced lie you get caught out in soviet babbon, the last one denying PO voted for pay rises, is another vote for PiS/Konfa/Kukiz by any new pole that stumbles onto this forum and sees how you lie. congratulations :)
OP pawian  224 | 27252
24 Sep 2021   #171
any new pole that stumbles onto this forum

and sees your and a few other maniacs` sick ramblings will stay away from any rightard parties in Poland. :):):):)
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Sep 2021   #172
at least we are not chronic liars, people can see a difference in political opinion and someone who lies to score a point. :) only scum and traitors do that.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
24 Sep 2021   #173
at least we are not chronic liars

Of course you are. Do you remember how you got suspended a few times recently for lying about me??? hahaha

Never mind. Get back on topic, darling.
amiga500  5 | 1505
24 Sep 2021   #174
you got suspended a few times recently for lying about me

Proof or it's just more lies from you. getting back on topic. yes we do u keep lying about Po voting for politician pay rises?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
24 Sep 2021   #175
lying about Po voting for politician pay rises?

No, it is you who is lying coz PO had no chance to vote for rises for politicians. Your beloved PiS gangsters settled it with their puppet President`s signature coz they knew PO would thoroughly criticize the idea in the Parliament.

You are a notorious liar, I see. :):)


There are a lot, just one of them. You got suspended for lying but not through my whistle blowing - it was sb else.
Ironside  50 | 12918
25 Sep 2021   #176
Yet, you don`t have it - funny.

Oh but I do. You just don't like it.

hating me,

Why would waste my energy on hating you? Don't be delusional.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
26 Sep 2021   #177
You just don't like it.

Correct, I don`t like fascists and nazis coz they are disgusting scum.

Why would waste my energy on hating you?

You waste it coz you can`t restrain! It is stronger than you coz you internally feel that it keeps you alive.
Novichok  4 | 8765
26 Sep 2021   #178
I don`t like fascists and nazis coz they are disgusting scum.

But communists and other leftist and woke scum are fine?
OP pawian  224 | 27252
26 Sep 2021   #179
Communists are also bad but not as scummy as fascists.
Novichok  4 | 8765
26 Sep 2021   #180
OK, today, name the worst that the fascists and the communists are doing and where?

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