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Unfulfilled promises by PiS

OP pawian  224 | 27252
20 Sep 2023   #481
ll you can do is to use

No, darling, we can also use the ballot paper. Amassing amnesia of yours..... :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12918
20 Sep 2023   #482
we can also use the ballot paper.

Do you think you have enough morons with ability to do it right? let see...don't cry if there is only limited number of you ..
Korvinus  4 | 600
20 Sep 2023   #483
The demographic decline will soon become visible, and the follies of PiS will reduce his options even more

You rattle on about population numbers, without taking into account that Poland's population per the land it currently inhabits is probably the highest it has ever been in history. Maybe the Polish people want more space? Maybe we want cheaper housing? Maybe we don't want to have to breed at gunpoint with the threat of mass immigration loaded in the gun? Maybe we will breed more in a generation or so? The world will not fu*cking end if your population decreases for a time. Do you realise that? Your people are more important than economic figures. Keeping that land for your people is more important than economic figures.

If the Polish people are replaced, that's it. Close the book. Replace "Polish" with any other people and the result is the same. You just have to ask yourself if replacing your own people with foreigners is worth the extra dough that might come about.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
23 Sep 2023   #484
An opposition female Parliament member was dragged to the police car during a demonstration.

One of the police force who did it was a certain officer known as Boa Constrictor coz he incapacitates his victims with a throat grab. A few year old photo of such an ignoble action received an award at a press photo festival.

Here is an article about the Constrictor. When PiS is removed, he should be fired for unnecessary aggression and brutality.,30bc1058

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Braveheart16  19 | 142
27 Sep 2023   #485
It really is surprising how accepting people are of PIS and seemingly unable to accept the bigger picture which is a government who really do care about its population and country. Looking at the antics of PIS over recent years really highlights how amateur they are when it comes to governing. To introduce a draconian medieval abortion law during the beginning of the pandemic when the population were looking for leadership and guidance on how to live with this terrible situation was unforgivable. Introducing two completely different tax laws within the same financial year created chaos for businesses and accountants throughout Poland and has never been replicated elsewhere in a civilised just shows how ill equipped the government are when it comes to managing an economy....all the retoric on keeping Poland strong and challenging Brussels on various issues just shows how out of touch these people are.

Poland is a great country but run by amateurs whose only interest is looking after themselves and trying to be brave and forward looking....not... what is needed are people who have experience and knowledge of managing an economy....invest more in the health service, schools, reduce the ridiculously high tax monthly payments for ZUS for people wanting to set up a business (why do they not use a scheme where people pay tax on what they sell....simple... like in France) People are angry with how things are and increasing child benefit from 500+ to 800+, increasing pension payments to 14 months etc are cheap tricks to get votes which just about sums up lacking substance....
OP pawian  224 | 27252
27 Sep 2023   #486
It really is surprising how accepting people are of PIS and seemingly unable to accept the bigger picture which is a government who really do care about its population and country.

Three groups of people vote for PiS:

- homo sovieticuses who grab benefits. They realise PiS are political gangsters but still vote for them out of purely financial calculation.
- brainwashed morons - stupid people who are unable to understand what is discussed in the evening news. They easily swallow black propaganda coz they comprehend simple slogans like Tusk is bad etc.

- people who were promoted to lucrative positions due to connections with PiS.
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Sep 2023   #487
sums up lacking substance....

And about to win the election..

From FT

Until recently, officials in Brussels were hoping opposition leader Donald Tusk would return to power in Poland next month, in an election victory that could rebuild trust in Polish-EU relations

But as the October 15 ballot looms, EU diplomats have started realising that the opposite outcome is far more likely, with grave consequences for the entire bloc.

Officials and diplomats told the FT they were preparing for five more years of PiS to result in a deeper divide between Warsaw and Brussels.

"So much hinges on what happens in Warsaw," said one senior EU official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order not to interfere with another country's political process. "And the signs right now are not good."
OP pawian  224 | 27252
27 Sep 2023   #488
win the election.

It is sad, actually.

PS . Why wasn`t I born in a normal country, for fekks sake? Like Australia or Ireland ??? Why do I have to experience such stresses through all my life?? I had lived in communist times and hoped they were gone forever, but PiS brought everything back. Kurwa mać!
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Sep 2023   #489
win but not create a gov.

Why not? If trzeczia droga don't get 8 percent it's a certainty of a PiS majority, if they do, Kaczyński will just peel off a few sane members of konfa or PSL to form a coalition. don't forget USA is supporting PiS and Germany/EU supporting PO.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
27 Sep 2023   #490
don't forget USA is supporting PiS

Stop lying like out Russian friends. :):):
amiga500  5 | 1505
27 Sep 2023   #491
You did hear the USA just gave Poland a 2 billion dollar loan on very good terms? Not very neutral behaviour before the election, kinda like EU withholding billions from Poland..
OP pawian  224 | 27252
27 Sep 2023   #492
You did hear the USA just gave Poland a 2 billion dollar loan

Yes. Good you mentioned Poland, not PiS. Because this money is for Poland. PIS will leave but Poland will stay under a better gov and use this money wisely.

kinda like EU withholding billions.

Very good coz it is the only way to make those brainwashed morons or homo sovieticus PIS voters aware of certain basic correlations in life. When they suffer with their own pockets, they might eventually understand that they are duped by PiS.
Joker  2 | 2390
27 Sep 2023   #493
PIS will leave but Poland will stay under a better gov and use this money wisely.

Yet, the Leftists lost 8 times in a

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mafketis  38 | 11143
27 Sep 2023   #494
the Leftists lost 8 times in a row.

Economically PiS are extremely left-wing, they base their appeal on handouts and are very hostile to private business (unless run by a PiS crony)....
jon357  72 | 23380
27 Sep 2023   #495

Handouts or developing and maintaining a cohesive society with capital generated by that society?
mafketis  38 | 11143
27 Sep 2023   #496
Handouts or developing and maintaining a cohesive society

In the case of PiS it's definitely more handouts... they certainly don't express any rhetoric about a cohesive society since their whole shtick is that Poland is infested by traitors who need to be excised from society....

I'm in general in favor of welfare but it has to be well managed (and it works best if people are grateful for it and/or a little embarrassed at needing it).
jon357  72 | 23380
27 Sep 2023   #497
their whole shtick is that Poland is infested by traitors who need to be excised from society....

This much is true, however it's a sad fact that a lot of people need enemies or bogeymen even if imaginary. Just look at some of the people who post here.

I'm in general in favor of welfare but it has to be well managed

Agreed, however given that the state (whichever country) are rarely ideal at managing things, I'd rather err on the side of generosity to the poor than stigmatising them.

a little embarrassed

That's almost the opposite of the truth. Child benefit in the U.K. (can be compared to 500+) worked as well as it did because everybody got it, rich, poor or in the middle. This was partly to eliminate shame, something mitigated by every woman with kids in their community from the lady of the manor to the roughest semi-homeless woman and everything between those poles queueing up together for it in the post office. Fishwives could gossip however they'd never truly know if the woman in question needed it to feed their kids or spent it on having their fur coat deloused.

If it hadn't been universal, certain of the families who needed it would never have applied for it and their kids' futures would have been worse off for that.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
28 Sep 2023   #498
Yet, the Leftists

You seem to be really infatuated with that guy. Are you in love? It is amassing coz we thought you were hetero. Such a change at your age!
Novichok  4 | 8767
28 Sep 2023   #499
You seem to be really infatuated with that guy. Are you in love?

I am not authorized by Joker to respond to your idiotic comment so don't blame him.

I just wrote in Random about this kind of patronizing sh*it you and others throw around. Comment on what is written, not the hallucinations of your overly active mind.

What Joker wrote is an objective truth. Stay in that lane or go to your restroom to vent from both ends.

I know your kind and your debating methods of posting things the target cannot possibly disprove. Like "you love Putin" or crap like this. Adding "seem" changes nothing.
OP pawian  224 | 27252
28 Sep 2023   #500
I just wrote in Random about this kind of patronizing

While youy never do it, darling. Really???

PS. Did you notice I resumed calling you my fave name for forum azholes? You fully deserved it, darling, coz you have been acting like an azhole for a few days now. Your childish dreams of removing certain posters from here were the last straw. Enough is enough. Dog fekk you and your stalinist grandpa too, darling! hahahaha
OP pawian  224 | 27252
28 Sep 2023   #501
I am not authorized by Joker to respond to your

Darling, you made a mistake - you had a chance to keep your muzzle shut up but you prefered not to. Now you are going to pay for it. Ha! Graj, muzyko!!! hahahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8767
28 Sep 2023   #502
While youy never do it, darling. Really???

Is this a question or a claim dressed up as a question?

you had a chance to keep your muzzle shut up but you prefered not to.

...until you and Atch started that moronic "I know what is in your head" game.

Now you are going to pay for it.

No, I will not. Do it one more time and you will join the faggot, maf, and Ms. Pee on my ignore list.
mafketis  38 | 11143
28 Sep 2023   #503
on my ignore list.

Don't throw them in the briar patch! Do anything to them but don't throw them into the briar patch!
GefreiterKania  31 | 1438
29 Sep 2023   #504
ignore list

There's only one poster here that I ignore (but a particularly obnoxious one), and that was a very good decision that I don't regret.

Sure, there's a lot of toxic, abusive arseholes on internet boards but with the especially retarded ones that's the only reasonable thing to do.

That's, of course, a matter of taste sometimes though. All the people that you mentioned being on your list I actually consider quite likeable (even if I don't always agree with them).
Korvinus  4 | 600
29 Sep 2023   #505
Until recently, officials in Brussels were hoping opposition leader Donald Tusk would return to power in Poland next month, in an election victory that could rebuild trust in Polish-EU relations

Why EU can't just let Poles decide who should rule them? Why they keep interfering to promote lefitist parties?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
29 Sep 2023   #506
PiS is a leftist party. It's core belief is handing out money, high taxes and nationalization.
jon357  72 | 23380
29 Sep 2023   #507
core belief is handing out money

Or even giving back money to the society which generated it.
Atch  22 | 4299
29 Sep 2023   #508
PiS is a leftist party.

Yes, it's basically economically socialist and socially conservative.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
29 Sep 2023   #509
I'm fine with that argument but now they are just handing out borrowed Gierek style money Jon - nobody has generated it, but the dwindling number of taxpayers will have to pay it back.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
29 Sep 2023   #510

Yupp, basically Opposition with Donald Tusk as an option leads to stronger ties with the EU/Germany (with risk of vassalization, feared by centrist-right and right-wing which can tip the scale to a PiS victory. Germany preferring only Donald Tusk option and not showing any signs of willingness to Co-operate or communicate with PiS or Konfederacja, only strengthens this viewpoint. Basically making it worse for Donald Tusk to win)

While PiS being one of the most socialist (state view/economy) in Polish politics, behold prefers the U.S.A of all foreign states and powers. Not only due to U.S.A military complex, but also by U.S.A being to far away to notice any shenanigans done by PiS and would give PiS and Poland the most leeway and power in Europe/neighbourhood. It would allow them to be or become as autocratic and create a firm grip on matters in Poland and abroad as far as they are able to reach (Ukraine is trying to combat this soft power grab approach recently by having anti-Polish movie in the cinema and by exchanging to a larger degree for soft power use in Germany) as long as they refrain from going away from basic democratic principles, enact U.S.A like laws and open to American businesses.

Konfederacja however isn't strongly affiliated to any foreign power, but because of it's neutral/non-hostile approach to Russia. It is seen as the most positive towards Russia, and that by default put's it in to the "Russia option category" as others are taken.

Konfederacja, would most likely try and use Russia for all it is worth opportunistically (similar fashion to Orban in Hungary) but, it would doom Poland to a situation more similar to Hungary internationally with the west. However, there is a major blunder done by western press, equalising PiS with air and approach, cause it renders Konfederacja option as a "We might as well have something from Russia, if they think we are pro-Russian anyways" which is excactly what happened with Serbia and Belarus who used to be far more neutral and balancing the scales.

Serbia still tries to remain neutral, but pro-Russian sentiment is growing. From excactly that reason

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