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Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?

gumishu  16 | 6182
11 Jun 2024   #391
even more amasssing you count my posts

the number of your posts is shown in your every post - you only need to check your last one - so don't feel that flattered, pawian
OP Crow  154 | 9174
11 Jun 2024   #392
Brate Tuske, please don`t disappoint me.
pawian  219 | 24512
11 Jun 2024   #393
you only need to check your last one

I don`t have time for such sillinness. I have a job to do here. Unnerve Ironside, educate you, reject Russian imperialism and a few other.
pawian  219 | 24512
5 Jul 2024   #394
Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk congratulated Labour Party on their victory.

Miloslaw  21 | 4878
5 Jul 2024   #395
Mr Dishonourable Prime Minister and Polish traitor Donald evil Tusk congratulated Labour Party on their victory.

As a Socialist Polish traitor would!
Alien  22 | 5410
6 Jul 2024   #396
Tusk congratulated Labour Party on their victory.

Will the Labor Party bring Great Britain back into the EU?
jon357  73 | 22695
6 Jul 2024   #397
Labour, not 'Labor'. They aren't Seppos.

The EU? I doubt it. Barring some unforeseen crisis, the EU would have to change before that happened. There will be closer links though.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
6 Jul 2024   #398
Will the Labor Party bring Great Britain back into the EU?

They will probably try, but will fail when the riots start......

Barring some unforeseen crisis, the EU would have to change before that happened.

True, and it will change because of the huge swing to the right occurring in it's member states,but I can't see the UK ever rejoining the EU without another referendum.
And even having another referendum after we already decided to leave, gives a bad taste in the mouth.
wslipach  8 | 97
7 Jul 2024   #399
AsfarasIknow - Iamonlyliving six yearsinPoland - DonaldTuskisprimeministerbecausehisparty - of whichheisthepartyleader - wonthebiggestshareofthevotes in a democratic parlimentary election. His party is part of democratic coalition between two normal parties.

As far as you know it is wrong, the elections were won by a right wing party PiS , but then the weaklies as they are the lefties used the stupid election system and got together with 10 other leftist parties and created a coalition of parties and that way they could take the parliament by achieving the majority within it and thus a constitutional mandate to create a govenment.

And Tusk is a **** who should be in jail but jail of a different kind. He will be in jail once the right wing stops being so nice and nicely spoken and gentle with the hord of **** that brought this new harsh regime as we have never seen before to Poland
pawian  219 | 24512
7 Jul 2024   #400

Leave Polish alone coz you will never learn it. Better take care of your sewer and make it more comfortable for living in it.

Labor Party bring Great Britain back into the EU?

Labour might want but the EU doesn`t.

Tusk is

Of course - Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
7 Jul 2024   #401

Hilarious! You are so predictable that when I see you post that word, I know immediately that you are talking about me!

You really need to change your insults up a bit, they are getting very boring....... LOL!!!!
pawian  219 | 24512
7 Jul 2024   #402
I know immediately that you are talking about me!

We all know it! Ha!!!

You really need to change

No, I am reluctant to change due to age. Sewer is OK for your needs. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
7 Jul 2024   #403
No, I am reluctant to change due to age.

Because your brain is a left wing sewer and stinks?
pawian  219 | 24512
8 Jul 2024   #404
sewer and stinks

You know the characteristics of sewers so well....... hahahaha

I had no idea that Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk is so tall! Amasing!

wslipach  8 | 97
9 Jul 2024   #405
I had no idea that Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk is so tall! Amasing! @ pawian

I had no idea that noone threw a bag of shitt at Tusk and that other short German turd next to him. Maybe they were scared of getting arrested just like new victim of Tusk Ms Urszula D.
Alien  22 | 5410
9 Jul 2024   #406
Tusk is so tall! Amasing!

I wouldn't use the word tall here, it's just that one is smaller than the other... but each is much bigger than Putin. 😄
pawian  219 | 24512
9 Jul 2024   #407
one is smaller

The German chancellor reminds me of a gnome which Germans love putting in their front yards.
Alien  22 | 5410
9 Jul 2024   #408
reminds me of a gnome

I don't have one yet, but if I buy one, I'll call it Olaf.
OP Crow  154 | 9174
14 Jul 2024   #409
One of these days I expect to see Tusk in Belgrade, Bratislava and Budapest. That, or he is truly a traitor, installed by those who lead NATO madhouse and EU vampires. Installed to turn Poland into the cannon fodder.

Same goes for Duda.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
10 Aug 2024   #410
Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Friday accused Poland's previous government of illegally spending 100 billion Polish zlotys ($25 billion) as he announced a government effort to try to recover the money.
Tusk said that six months of investigations and audits had revealed widespread financial abuse, with 62 members of the previous "ruling elite" being charged so far.
pawian  219 | 24512
10 Aug 2024   #411
Poland's previous government of illegally spending

Those leeches were fekking thieves. Do ciupy ich wszystkich!
Ironside  50 | 12305
10 Aug 2024   #412
Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Friday accused Poland's p

C'n't is lying it is his thing. Think Democrats and all becomes clear to you. He is picking on issues like pork barrel and such.
pawian  219 | 24512
10 Aug 2024   #413
C'n't is lying

True, he can`t be lying. It is rightists` specialty.

Home / News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think?
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