And tend to be ugly, old, unwanted, and/or bored. I have yet to see an 8 or better at some feminist march. Hence why they get into feminism because it gives them some kind of meaning and feeling of being wanted or appreciated when in reality they're just pawns of some dude in a tiny hat calling the shots. I have yet to see a beautiful, married/taken sane woman who gets into modern feminism by her own accord. So far all I've seen are women who are either flat as a board, look like a pre-pubescent boy, or on the other end of the spectrum and fat asf, are bull dykes, jews, have a few screws loose, are on their rag and their bf doesn't want to deal with them at the moment, or are attention ****** that dye their hair 5 different colors and stick earings in their nose. The women's day rallies depict this perfectly. All across the world you see some bored ugly ass chicks complaining for no reason.
No, those are only your wet fantasies, based on traditional approach from the past. :)
It's not a fantasy. It's a proven fact that the majority of women want a confident strong man.
Because it is a young man who feels and supports women`s cause. :)
Yeah, the same kind of "man" who buys a nintendo for his wife's boyfriend. Soy boys.
Most of these women look more or less like this: