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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 May 2018   #181
Ever hear of a C section ?

jesus H Christ JR yes I have. ofc. Babies do not come out of their mothers' 'tummies'. ...
johnny reb  49 | 7855
21 May 2018   #182
OH, o.k., tell me now that an owl sh*t you on a fence post and the sun hatched you.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 May 2018   #183
JR a 'tummy' is a child's abbreviation for 'stomach'.Now don't tell me that you came out of your mother's stomach....
Alien, much?..@)
johnny reb  49 | 7855
21 May 2018   #184
Well I don't talk child's talk much anymore unless I am talking to delph.
You ought to know by now that us Yanks ain't quite so legalistic with our English as you POM's are.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 May 2018   #185
And in the meantime parents of the disabled have been fighting for better money for weeks now.
They didn't abort their babies. They sacrifice all their time to their children. But apparently their lives don't matter that much after they are born.
mafketis  38 | 11036
21 May 2018   #186
But apparently their lives don't matter

"We're spending more money on the disabled!" is not a campaign slogan that has ever gained a significant amount of votes.

It's very amazing how poorly PiS has handled their very legitimate complaints and it's a little disgusting how the party-run media has tried to turn the public against the disabled...

That's PiS for you "If you're no use to us then spie.....cie!"
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 May 2018   #187
To the language police: do you know what artistic license is?

You want to be literal? Fine. All babies come from vaginas. Happy now?
johnny reb  49 | 7855
22 May 2018   #188
Hell no, it will be something else now in your next post that they will nit pick apart.

All babies come from vaginas.

Not all, some are taken by C section from what we here in America call tummy, belly, gut and even stomach.
Shame on us for butchering the fine English language in such an unacceptable fashion old chap.
Damn, am I even allowed to be posting at this hour without permission ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
22 May 2018   #189
Not all, some are taken by C section


Here is a more precise, medically and legally correct version: Majority of babies come from vaginas.

At the other end of spectrum of the weird: some men got pregnant and actually delivered babies thus putting an end to the reactionary claim that only the females of any species can pull this off.

Unfortunately for the liberal loons - my apologies for being redundant - those "men" turned out to be mentally screwed up chicks with identity issues.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
22 May 2018   #190
All babies come from vaginas.

in fact they come from 'wombs'...:)
mafketis  38 | 11036
22 May 2018   #191
gadzooks! What female witchery is this?!
Ironside  50 | 12738
22 May 2018   #192
nd in the meantime parents of the disabled have been fighting for better money for weeks now.

They should be kicked out. The Parliament Building it is not a place for protesters. Out to F! it is not circus or shouldn't be.

By the way PiS raised money they got for those children even before protest. Show they say it is not enough, is it ever enough?

Socialist economy never worked and never will work, state should stop interfere so much and cut taxes down, dissolve ZUS and let people take care of themselves.

But apparently their lives don't matter that much after they are born.@ kaprys

hmm, so you're for killing babies just because it is convenient.

the party-run media has tried to turn the public

aha because it is not a political protests - right? dishing out out slogans of corrupted mafia connected PO.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 May 2018   #193
Nope, I'm not for killing babies. Neither am I for kicking out the disabled.
Ironside  50 | 12738
22 May 2018   #194
Nope, I'm not for killing babies.

you clearly are, don't hide behind rhetoric and word games.

Neither am I for kicking out the disabled.

I would have kicked out those parents or family member (whatever) who are using their disabled family members as political tools and as a shield they hide behind. It is absolutely reprehensive behavior - those people should be ashamed of themselves.

Disabled, (well some of them look to me like the Down syndrome and that different) then would be helped out of the building to join their families.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 May 2018   #195
You really need someone to fight, huh?
So you're telling me what I think.

As for the disabled, they're adults. Quite a lot of them are physically disabled, not mentally. Why do you assume it's not their decision?
Ironside  50 | 12738
22 May 2018   #196
You really need someone to fight, huh?

Fight? I challenge your claims as they are contradictory. Maybe you should rethink some issues? eh?

Why do you assume it's not their decision?

Whatever, they shouldn't protest in the Building and should be removed, forcibly if needs to be. I don't think that disability should be a ground for a giving them a free pass or a carte blanche to do as they please.
mafketis  38 | 11036
22 May 2018   #197
they shouldn't protest in the Building and should be removed, forcibly if needs to be

I guess Krynicka is your girl....

krynicka and disabled

best political photo of the year
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 May 2018   #198
She was just running away from them. Poor thing.
pawian  222 | 26670
8 Mar 2020   #199
55,000 apparently. Good that so many turned out on a cold day to support women in Poland.

This wonderful tradition is cultivated each year.

Today, on the 8th March, Polish women again took to streets.,44425,25770108,manifa-2020-przeszla-przez-krakow-na-trasie-kontrmanifestanci.html

  • z25769570V.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
9 Mar 2020   #200

1 good looking girl in that whole pic. The one holding the women unite sign looks like a pubescent teenager belonging to the high school computer club. Feminism is just something for bored, ugly, fat and/or old women to have something to do and feel all intellectual about. At tye ejd of day, the vast majority of women want a strong confident man that wears the pants, not some skinny liberal beta male marching alongside feminazis in some march.
pawian  222 | 26670
10 Mar 2020   #201
Feminism is just something for bored, ugly, fat and/or old women

No, not only. Also for beautiful women who have had enough of being looked at and treated as sexual objects. Like you just did in your post. :)

pubescent teenager belonging to the high school computer club.

Because it is a young man who feels and supports women`s cause. :)

the vast majority of women want a strong confident man that wears the pants,

No, those are only your wet fantasies, based on traditional approach from the past. :)
kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Mar 2020   #202
How can you not tell a woman from a man? O_o
johnny reb  49 | 7855
10 Mar 2020   #203
This wonderful tradition is cultivated each year.

To see all those "Liberated" women come to those rallies being told to dress alike, being told what to shout, told when to sit, told when to stand, told when to march, told what to think.......there is nothing like an independent liberated thinking woman.

How can you not tell a woman from a man? O_o

Check out what is in their genes.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
10 Mar 2020   #204
those are only your wet fantasies, based on traditional approach from the past. :)

Not necessarily. If you read a description of whatever romance book you may find in one of the Polish and non-Polish e-book stores, you will soon find that a strong confident man is always the hero of such novels. And those novels are mostly (if not exclusively) written for by women for women .

A strong and good-looking man, successful in life and good in bed has always been the dream of every woman on this planet. That's biology, Watson.
johnny reb  49 | 7855
10 Mar 2020   #205
Great point Ziemowit.
You never see a romance novel with a soy boy as the hero.
pawian  222 | 26670
10 Mar 2020   #206
How many have you read to know it? :):)

And those novels are mostly (if not exclusively) written for by women for women .

Do all women on the planet read them? I don`t think so. :):)

you will soon find that a strong confident man is always the hero of such novels.

Similarly, we can claim that there were no gays in ancient Rome during Nero`s rule cause there are no such characters in Sienkiewicz`s novel Quo Vadis. :):)
pawian  222 | 26670
10 Mar 2020   #207
you will soon find that a strong confident man is always the hero of such novels

You never see a romance novel with a soy boy as the hero.

Guys, it is obvious you know very little of women. If you did, you would be aware of the fact there are a lot of romance books featuring soft gentle sweet males. hahaha

Check this one:

Yet the only one she felt truly comfortable with was Simple Jess. Sweet and gentle, Jess wasn't as smart as your average man. But his tender manner stirred Althea's heart in ways she had never dreamed possible. It would take a miracle to find a husband in Marrying Stone. But sometimes miracles are right under your nose.
pawian  222 | 26670
10 Mar 2020   #208
told to dress alike, being told what to shout, told when to sit, told when to stand, told when to march, told what to think

Probably you are talking about American women now. I didn`t observe such style in Poland. Polish women who attend those rallies are quite independently thinking.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Mar 2020   #209
And tend to be ugly, old, unwanted, and/or bored. I have yet to see an 8 or better at some feminist march. Hence why they get into feminism because it gives them some kind of meaning and feeling of being wanted or appreciated when in reality they're just pawns of some dude in a tiny hat calling the shots. I have yet to see a beautiful, married/taken sane woman who gets into modern feminism by her own accord. So far all I've seen are women who are either flat as a board, look like a pre-pubescent boy, or on the other end of the spectrum and fat asf, are bull dykes, jews, have a few screws loose, are on their rag and their bf doesn't want to deal with them at the moment, or are attention ****** that dye their hair 5 different colors and stick earings in their nose. The women's day rallies depict this perfectly. All across the world you see some bored ugly ass chicks complaining for no reason.

No, those are only your wet fantasies, based on traditional approach from the past. :)

It's not a fantasy. It's a proven fact that the majority of women want a confident strong man.

Because it is a young man who feels and supports women`s cause. :)

Yeah, the same kind of "man" who buys a nintendo for his wife's boyfriend. Soy boys.

Most of these women look more or less like this:

  • feminists.jpg
OP jon357  72 | 23298
10 Mar 2020   #210
quite independently thinking.

Very much so. The rallies are also strongly supported.

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