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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #452
and vaguely threatening seeming to call for violence

He is a faithful follower of communistd snf their methods - during strikes and turmoil in streets they also resorted to threats first.
moondoggie  - | 26
27 Oct 2020   #453
PIS may lose the next election but libtards will invite a million refugees to Poland, when you have mass rape and head chopping like in France, PIS will sweep back to power
cms neuf  1 | 1846
27 Oct 2020   #454
This has been a rough year but just imagine if we finished it with Trump and JK both deep sixed
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
27 Oct 2020   #455
@cms neuf
Then there would be proof of god.

Just back from Rynek. At least 30 police vans and cars full of officers protecting Mariacki. Not a single regular person standing in the way of thousands of protesters heading to the square. Two pubs open serving food and drinks outside and police doing nothing.

JK has turned his march to control into a powder keg ready to explode. When people take control of their own lives thats when change comes. PiS is nothing more than a religious cult carrying a political banner. The Pope doesn't even support these extremist's.
Lenka  5 | 3531
27 Oct 2020   #456
I have three granddaughters and I do it for them.

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pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #457
Polish people should be embarrassed. This is how they want the world to see Poland?

These are Troubled Times for Poland. But we shall overcome the evil forces and will be a normal country again.

Yes, it is very funny, fascists and soccer hooligans- the scummiest dregs of the Polish society, vow to defend churches and religion.

That was un unfair statement, some of those church defenders are truly decent people.

Their banner reads: We support women, let`s fight against PiS, not traditions.
Amazing how everything got so mixed up in this country.

  • ElW7ojtWMAQ_vQc.jpg
Crow  154 | 9463
27 Oct 2020   #458
Well finaly. Polish woman are awaken. Go sisters and save sanity of Poland from Vatican and servants of Rome!

Racowie are with you!

Like ancient Amazons. Polish woman are Sarmatian finest.
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Oct 2020   #459
If they were doing that while I would have been they would be carried out on stretcher. Scummy soviet rabble.

So you approve of this....,79cfc278

"- Jeden podbiegł do mnie i uderzył pięścią w głowę. Kiedy upadłam, pojawił się drugi mężczyzna. Razem mnie skopali - opowiedziała "Głosowi" poznanianka. "

"One of them run up to me and slugged me on the side of the head. When I fell another showed up. Together they were kicking me" said the Poznanian woman to (a local newspaper)

" napastnicy odeszli w kierunku pomnika papieża"

"The attackers went off in the direction of the monument to (John Paul II)."
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Oct 2020   #460
So you approve of this....

Yes, he does as he is a fascist svoloch. He regrets he isn`t there to kick, beat and push down the stairs. Ladies` boxer.
Crow  154 | 9463
27 Oct 2020   #461
Fanatics wont give up easily and will only increse attacks. I admire to Polish woman.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 916
28 Oct 2020   #462
Polish women have more b@ll$ then Polish men. These hooligans guarding churches are a joke. They wont stay long when drug sales start drying up they will go back to work and leave the police to actually do something. I wonder how long the police and military will accept having to detain and potentially arrest their neighbors and family members. Not too long is my thinking.
amiga500  5 | 1505
28 Oct 2020   #463
police and military will accept having to detain and potentially arres

Considering the Warsaw Police Commander stated they had to deploy tear gas on the protesters because they were being attacked with stones and bottles, I have a feeling they are looking forward to giving the Antifa/Far Left contigent of the protest a good beating
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Oct 2020   #464
Antifa/Far Left

Don`t be silly. Most protesters are ordinary women and men - they don`t belong to extremist groups. .
Braveheart16  19 | 142
28 Oct 2020   #465
Why was it so important for members of Parliament to query the provision on abortion law and ask the Constitutional Judiciary to decide on the issue of abortion in cases of deformed seems that this provision was perfectly suited to these circumstances which gave the mother the choice to have an abortion or not..... it now seems that there is now no choice and mothers have to give birth and then decide what to do.....? This is a rather odd decision and clearly a lot of people disagree with it. Any reason why this has happended....or is it now a useful distraction from Covid?
OP jon357  72 | 23361
28 Oct 2020   #466
Any reason why this has happended

Pressure from the Polish Episcopate.
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Oct 2020   #467
And from the radical wing within PiS.
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Oct 2020   #468
And heat from Konfederacja
mafketis  38 | 11137
28 Oct 2020   #469

This should pretty much finish them.... it's the most unpopular political move in..... years and they have/had a big part in it.

Waiting for Spike to show up and explain how this will strengthen them....
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Oct 2020   #470
some of those church defenders are truly decent people.

Yes,SOME,not all.I did see 2 groups of hooligans on Nowe Swiat with pumpkin pockets heading to church,some had beer bottles in hand.
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Oct 2020   #471
Waiting for Spike to show up and explain how this will strengthen them....

Spike is busy explaining their current agenda on other fora. :):)
Lenka  5 | 3531
28 Oct 2020   #472
This should pretty much finish them...

There's hoping.. :)
OP jon357  72 | 23361
28 Oct 2020   #473
This should pretty much finish them....


The question is, what will emerge next.....
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Oct 2020   #474
Polish women have more b@ll$ then Polish men.

I agree. That what Polish woman told me, Polish man never did.

These hooligans guarding churches are a joke.

Truly sad. I mean, truly. How low Poland can fall. I hope that is maximum. Vatican in deal with Austria and Germany commits genocide in most bestial ways on Serbs (1 mil.) and Polish Catholic Church don`t have public opinion on that.

I mean really don`t have opinion. If not for pure simple empathy on kin Slavic/Serbian people then as empathy for the kin Christians. If not even that then at least because that same Vatican with those same Germanics allays plot against Poland, too. Now genociding Serbs is strategically speaking nothing but weakening of Poland. But, no, Polish Catholic Church is silent.

NOW. What NOW? To move against Polish woman?

I telling you Poles, f*** Vatican and f*** it hard. That way you would even defend Catholicism. Decent Catholicism, from those pervs who using and selling Poland for centuries.
mafketis  38 | 11137
28 Oct 2020   #475
Kinga Duda the president's daughter has weighed in and is critical of the decision and says the previous compromise should be reinstated....
moondoggie  - | 26
28 Oct 2020   #476
you Polish libtards supposedly support womens rights but also Islam in Poland makes so much sense
mafketis  38 | 11137
28 Oct 2020   #477
also Islam in Poland

What do the very, very, very few muslims in Poland have to do with the bungled overreach of PiS and its mouthpiece tribunal which have caused the largest, most sustained protests since..... when?
pawian  224 | 27236
28 Oct 2020   #478
The question is, what will emerge next.....

In 1939, Poles stood up to fight for freedom and nobody asked about the future.
In 1980, Poles stood up to fight for freedom and nobody asked about the future.
In 2020, Poles have stood up to fight for freedom and nobody is asking about the future.

In all cases, the primary aim has been to get rid of corrupt murderous regimes.
gumishu  15 | 6227
28 Oct 2020   #479
murderous regimes.

I wonder if you are at least sometimes able to see things in proportion
Crow  154 | 9463
28 Oct 2020   #480
Where are Polish man to protect their woman from ackward system and hooligans ? Where are they?

Do something. I don't know what. Go out on the streets and walk naked. Fight prejudices.

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