Polish women have more b@ll$ then Polish men.
I agree. That what Polish woman told me, Polish man never did.
These hooligans guarding churches are a joke.
Truly sad. I mean, truly. How low Poland can fall. I hope that is maximum. Vatican in deal with Austria and Germany commits genocide in most bestial ways on Serbs (1 mil.) and Polish Catholic Church don`t have public opinion on that.
I mean really don`t have opinion. If not for pure simple empathy on kin Slavic/Serbian people then as empathy for the kin Christians. If not even that then at least because that same Vatican with those same Germanics allays plot against Poland, too. Now genociding Serbs is strategically speaking nothing but weakening of Poland. But, no, Polish Catholic Church is silent.
NOW. What NOW? To move against Polish woman?
I telling you Poles, f*** Vatican and f*** it hard. That way you would even defend Catholicism. Decent Catholicism, from those pervs who using and selling Poland for centuries.