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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #361
I said that 99% of women in Poland do not care or not heard about Istanbul Convention.

They certainly do care, but like a good Bolshevik, you're repeating the Party line as gospel.

Anyway, it turns out that PiS are already backtracking. It turns out that this isn't actually a position taken by the government, but only by Solidarna Polska. They're clearly trying to find a way out of this as it's backfiring...
Ironside  50 | 12916
26 Jul 2020   #362
Oh did you do a survey?

oh did you not pay any attention? I have said it is an EDUCATED GUESS, haven't I? What is that you don't understand? You don't know what an educated guess is?

Well I suppose you don't know seeing you are using the word - illogical - in the context. Whilst an educated guess is all about logic.

I'm still talking about that 99% mark.
A estimated number of people in Poland that pay any heed to politics about 46%.
Men tend to be more into it than women so we divide that number by half and take away 6% . We are left with 20%, at least half don't share lefties view as only leftie would be interested in such abstract for Poland issue as IC. So we are left with 10%.

Even amongst lefties interested to some degree in politics there those who have no time, will or opportunity to take that interested much further, that reduces the number to 5%. Even those who are really into politicks there is a threshold between those who are willing to take an action and those who only vote and that threshold is quite high so we reduce that number to about 1%. Only fraction of those would actively participate in demonstrations and here we arrive on 0,1% ,sure it could be 0,2% but that about it.

By the way have ever heard about IC before?
Yeah that prostitution remark it was a dig at them more than anything else , so what? You do it too if you don't like something, why would you chastise me for that whereas you yourself hardly ever hold back? Happy now?
Ironside  50 | 12916
26 Jul 2020   #363
, it turns out that PiS are already backtracking.

I'm sure they are they have no backbone and in fact that are center left on a political spectrum, that is as it was only about 15 - 20 years ago. Now even so called conservatives in the west are all into progressive Marxism lol ! What a joke! So, that skews the chart a tad.

but like a good Bolshevik, you're repeating the Party line as gospel.

Don't be jealous Delph, I'm sure you keep your membership in the CPB warm.
I see you try hard. Haven't you legend by now your tactics has not effect on me whatsoever lol!
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Jul 2020   #364
Hell of a way to duck out of an argument you just lost miserably through being irrational and illogical.

It ia amazing how Iron so happily engages into discussions only to make a clown and imbecile of himself. He has lost multiple times with me and other posters, yet he is like a moth which always flies towards the deadly light. I think he might even enjoy these masochistic practices.

I have said it is an EDUCATED GUESS, haven't I?

In another thread you abused people for being unprecise and lacking proofs and solid arguments. Now you are practising the same thing. Why are you so chaotic? I pity your employers who you work for - it seems they have to constantly check what you have messed up at work.

All in all, you lost and made a clown of yourself again. And you know about it. hahahaha
kondzior  11 | 1026
26 Jul 2020   #365
Istanbul Convention

I just read it out of curiosity, and much like all other such subversive legalese, it's pretty nefarious. For a longer while I was wondering what the big deal was about it, because for the most part it's your standard "plz think of the poor exploited ppls in bad families who stay silent out of fear, here's sum statistics." Eventually it gets much more juicy in the section dedicated to practical measures that should be taken to combat abuse/violence (not just domestic), namely working against traditional gender roles and definitions, or concepts derived from religion. It's p. much finely-dressed globohomo.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jul 2020   #366
Do tell us the specific parts which you claim are

working against traditional gender roles and definitions, or concepts derived from religion.

Ironside  50 | 12916
26 Jul 2020   #367
All in all, you lost and made a clown of yourself again

oi Goebbels get lost will you if you have nothing to say!
kondzior  11 | 1026
26 Jul 2020   #368
Do tell us the specific parts which you claim are

First example::
"Parties shall take the necessary measures to promote changes in the social and cultural patterns of behaviour of women and men with a view to eradicating prejudices, customs, traditions and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority of women or on stereotyped roles for women and men.

As I said, it is hidden among legalese finely-dressed globalized and homogenized culture.
Forced gender courses, white guilt, white fragility, forced gender reassignment and so on.
Name it "treaty on violence against women" and accuse of fascism and sexism whoever doesn't bend the knee to sign it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
26 Jul 2020   #369
Hmm I was just having a read of it too, out of interest. But probably not in the best head space to read about 'gender' having just been 'defriended' by someone I have known for 30 years for stating 'women don't have penises'... (edgy stuff).

I am starting to agree with you guys more. ..dare to disagree with the accepted left wing view and you are silenced.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jul 2020   #370
As I said, it is hidden among legalese finely-dressed globalized and homogenized culture.


This poster is a good illustration to your chauvinist approach - welcome to Poland, the country where it is always a woman`s fault.

Some ******* wont learn till you give them a good backhand pimp slap. Same with men actually.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Jul 2020   #371
Some ******* wont learn till you give them a good backhand pimp slap.

Ha! Such a wife beater is called ladies` boxer in Polish. If you do it in real life, you are svoloch. Even if you don`t do it but only support it publicly, you are svoloch, too. .
johnny reb  49 | 7974
27 Jul 2020   #372
I don't support it but I certainly understand it.
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2020   #373
Some ******* wont learn till you give them a good backhand pimp slap

Where did you learn that effed up idea? At home?
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2020   #374

It's not your fault...
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Jul 2020   #375
big difference between punching a woman and beating her silly vs slapping someone

But you know that ladies` boxers tend to escalate violence. You start from slapping and then end up beating her unconscious. it is especailly important with you who can`t control yourself. That stuff you smoke eats your brain out and you cease to think rationally.

That is why one day you might even kill her in a fit.

Another poster: Coz the soup was too salty.

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mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jul 2020   #376
You start from slapping and then end up beating her unconscious.

I'm sure he knows that very well....
cms neuf  1 | 1846
27 Jul 2020   #377
That Ivy League education being put to good use
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Jul 2020   #378
Again, violence against women isn't the purpose of this bill.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2020   #379
So, it seems PiS was impressed by the scale of the latest protests and decided to shelf the decision about rejecting the Convention. They sent it to the Constitutional Tribunal which they control. There it will wait for years, just like the decision to introduce strict abortion laws, also postponed after huge protests two years ago.

Polish women rule!! Thank you, I love you all.

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delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Jul 2020   #380
Usual PiS tactic with controversial stuff. It does seem clear from news reports that this was very much a Ziobro initiative and that others within PiS are furious at him for trying to push this through.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2020   #381
that this was very much a Ziobro initiative

yes, in United Right he plays a hawk. hahaha
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2020   #382
Protests in hundreds places all over Poland after the Tribunal ruled a stricter approach to abortion law. Symbolic photo: a female police officer is approvingly clapping for demonstrators who demand respecting women`s rights.

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pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2020   #383
As I said before, protesters are as mad as hornets after PiS fueled another ideological conflict. It seems that it is going to be really nasty and new psychological barriers will be crossed. E..g, so far churches haven`t been attacked directly - today it has just taken place - in Poznań, the priest had to cancel the mass due to protesters inside. A few dozen churches were covered with grafitti.

Rightards, you got what you wanted - Sam tego chciałeś, Grzegorzy Dyndało!

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Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Oct 2020   #384
They are shooting themselves in the foot, don't they understand which path it leads them to? Trust in marriages are declining in the west, soon these women protesting now thinking they can find a husband when turning 30-35 years old will get a huge shock about who they will be able to choose.

It's a dark and grim future I wish we could avoid... at least in Poland. Men will soon lose interest in having children or proposing marriage if nothing is done. You should know perfectly well what hopeless and careless men are capeable of (as a teacher knowing history)

Those protesters need a wake up call
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2020   #385
No, Grundi, it is the rightards that need to wake up. They launched a deadly rocket which is going to cause a lot of mess. People only fight for their rights which rightards are trying to abolish.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #386
rightards that need to wake up

Just to throw spanner in the works how can you call people who wish to preserve the lives of the disabled as rightwards? , was it not the Nazis (Real rightards) who systematically liquidated disabled people.

Hmmm Think about it !!!!#

So are pro abortianists not rightards like the nazis ?

Your use of rightard in the context of women's right to choose is not working, just saying.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Oct 2020   #387
If you don't believe me, then just google "red pill movement" they are actively working for the abolishing of marriage as they consider it one sided. Only sleeping with women and bailing as soon as possible after they had their fun, just spreading misery everywhere. This needs to stop

We need an open dialog in the Sejm, not more protesters in the streets. We need to talk honestly about this and not fixate on PO vs PiS contest.

This is about the future of Poland and not some football match
matimm94  - | 2
25 Oct 2020   #388
pawian  224 | 27236
25 Oct 2020   #389
Your use of rightard in the context of women's right to choose is not working, just saying.

Rightards are bad guys who try to impose their own views on other people who hold different ones. What, don`t you understand basic logic? I am against abortion personally. But I am also against infringing on people`s rights to choose the way they consider the best.

If you don't believe me,

Of course I believe you, you are a decent person, we need more such people here. But believing in your decency and considering your view as erroneous are two different things.

We need an open dialog in the Sejm,

Exactly, but that`s what rightards tried to avoid, ordering "their" Tribunal to issue a ruling. Sorry, Grundi, you are a decent man but sometimes a bit naive. Rightards don`t allow any discussion, they just change laws and expect everybody to adapt.

This is about the future of Poland and not some football match

Tell it to PiS. hahahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
25 Oct 2020   #390
don`t you understand basic logic?

Your use of rightard in this case is erroneous, your use of the word logic in this context does not make any sense either, just sayin I expect more from a advanced student like yourself.

I am also against infringing on people`s rights to choose

Me too.

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