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Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #271
Do you personally know any rapists like that?

No. I don't know any child molesters, either, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
My question is: What evidence do you have that women are paid less because they are women and not for any other reason?
pawian  226 | 27364
17 Mar 2020   #272
No. I don't know any child molesters, either, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

It means you have to depend on the media to learn about such cases. Why don`t you also depend on the media in case of lower earnings? :):)

Recall a famous speech by nationalist idiot, Korwin:

A far-right Polish MEP who said women must earn less than men because they are weaker, smaller and less intelligent has been handed an unprecedented punishment by the European parliament.

Now, what do you think, how many idiots like that are there? I suppose quite many. Dirk told us that 30% young males vote for far-right parties. It means Korwin and his pack, among others.

That`s what women fight against. Understand?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #273
It means you have to depend on the media

No!!! The media reports the police and court records. They don't just walk around town interviewing random people.

The claim that women are paid 80% must be proven beyond any doubt before laws are passed or individual cases tried in courts. Political speeches is the last place where truth feels at home.

Back to my question: do you know, personally or otherwise, a woman who is paid less than a man - with all else being equal: education, experience, job description, responsibilities, attendance, hours worked per day...etc. In your profession as a teacher, finding them should be very easy.

And, as Dirk wrote, would you hire a man for X if an equally qualified woman was available to do the same work for 80% of X?

Simple yes/no question.

BTW, if you don't want to answer, at least don't insult me with the references to the politicians, regardless of their titles.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Mar 2020   #274
Dirk told us that 30% young males vote for far-right parties. It means Korwin and his pack, among others.

Incorrect, 62% of males aged 18-30 sampled vote for right wing, nationalist parties. For women aged 18-30 it's 43%

The parliament is scared of Korwin because he speaks the truth. When he called migrants "human garbage" he was speaking on behalf of the tens of millions of europeans who have been sold out by their leaders especially Germanistan and allowed in hordes of, as Korwin so eloquently put it, human garbage.
OP jon357  72 | 23482
17 Mar 2020   #275
That`s what women fight against

Indeed; and they're increasingly better at it than others.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #276
When he called migrants "human garbage"

...because that's what they are. If they were a "resource", countries would be bidding for them.
pawian  226 | 27364
17 Mar 2020   #277
No!!! The media reports the police and court records.

Exactly, reports. How about a professional report on earnings in IT industry? It said that women earn from 75% to 90% of what males do in the same positions.

In your profession as a teacher, finding them should be very easy.

Yes, but not in state schooling. I know I have higher wages in private schooling than my female colleagues.

would you hire a man for X if an equally qualified woman was available to do the same work for 80% of X?

Hmm, I don`t know what I would do, does this puzzle/riddle belong to our discussion, coz I see no sense in it? Can you explain the logic behind it first?

at least don't insult me with the references to the politicians, regardless of their titles.

But it was your buddy, Dirk, who started mentioning politics - I thought you agreed to that. Incorrect, 62% of males aged 18-30 sampled vote for right wing, nationalist parties.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #278
Hmm, I don`t know what I would do,

Those who are responsible for the payroll would. It's not a puzzle or a riddle. It's the dollars per outcome question. Nobody in business gives a crap what's down below, a dick or vagina.

in IT industry? It said that women earn from 75% to 90% of what males do in the same positions.

That "same position" is a neat trick that's supposed to imply the sameness of everything else.

Creativity and the ability to explain to and motivate others are critical in science and teamwork. I have been to many meetings with other engineers and the pattern was clear and always the same: while the women were silent, men had to be restrained trying to get to the floor and push their ideas.

As the company pres, who would be on your short list for a promotion? You are right. That's how things are not the same even if the positions are.
pawian  226 | 27364
17 Mar 2020   #279
while the women were silent, men had to be restrained trying to get to the floor and push their ideas.

Yes, most women are like that: good girls, modest, unassuming, quiet, peaceful. First, it is genes, then upbringing. But why should women be punished for being born women? It is unfair.

As long as white males don`t start treating women equal, the latter won`t bear children. The white race will disappear. It will be only your own fault.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #280
But why should women be punished for being born women? It is unfair.

Not being promoted or paid less is not punishment. Punishment is fines or prison.

As long as white males don`t start treating women equal,

Are you nuts? And risk being fired for one off-color and totally innocent joke?
Before I retired, I had two rules: (1) never talk to a female behind closed doors, and (2) never, ever go on a business trip with one.

I am old but not suicidal. You do know that "women must always be believed"? I took notice of this feminazi rule years ago.
pawian  226 | 27364
17 Mar 2020   #281
paid less is not punishment.

Yes, it is. Women are punished for being women. Can`t you see it is already happening that women turn into beatches to keep up with men? Beatches won`t bear kids. We need nice women to be good mothers for our kids. That is why they need to be paid the same. Simple.

You do know that "women must always be believed"?

Still, there are too many cases when women are not believed. Read about molesting scandals at universities.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
17 Mar 2020   #282
Women are punished for being women

Not exactly.
They are, in some instances, being punished for being able to have children at a later date.
Older women of talent generally do not face that type of discrimination.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
17 Mar 2020   #283
Yes, it is.

No. Punishment is fine or prison. Don't stretch or redefine words. If you continue, no intelligent conversation is possible. Under your stretch rules, not being invited to a party is punishment. And so is being denied a visa. This is nuts and I want no part of it.
pawian  226 | 27364
17 Mar 2020   #284
Under your stretch rules, not being invited to a party is punishment.

Nope, I don`t stretch anything. 20% less pay IS like a fine which you mentioned earlier.

Punishment is fines or prison.

I am amazed you don`t get it. Count how many staple food items you can buy for 100% and 80% pay. And it doesn`t matter that the official fine is given by a police officer or judge while the lower pay is offered by an executive azhole. The effect is the same, isn`t it?

This is nuts and I want no part of it.

Coz you know I am right? :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
17 Mar 2020   #285
As long as white males don`t start treating women equal, the latter won`t bear children

And how do blacks and muslims treat their women? They leave them with the kids and go off to some other woman occasionally sending a few dollars to their "baby momma." Look at how many single black mothers there are versus white or asian ones. Muslims are just as bad especially the more religious ones are even worse - they make women walk behind a man never in front or on the side, take on multiple wives, beat them, etc. Then if they go to sharia courts the judge is already biased against the woman. Nevermind the garbage bags/ninja outfits that they're basically forced to wear.

And you think white men need to treat women differently? LOL!

I think that white feminists need to spend a few weeks in africa or the middle east. Then they'll come back and be grateful just to be cooking and cleaning in a developed country and have a man that actually provides for and cares for about them. Just one week in Afghanistan or Somalia will make any white feminist come back and be the most domesticated house wife ever, assuming they aren't raped or beaten to death while abroad.

They are, in some instances, being punished for being able to have children at a later date.

That's their own fault for being brainwashed and buying into feminism. Suddenly they're in their late 30's, have no kids, and are past their prime only then do they realize that feminism and equality is bullshit and all along they would've been much happier marrying and having kids instead of devoting their most fertile years to a corporation.

It said that women earn from 75% to 90% of what males do in the same positions.

Again, women tend to take more days off, tend to be less competitive, and tend to be less aggressive when negotiating a salary. If companies could automatically save 10-25% on labor, most companies' largest expense, then they'd hire only women.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
17 Mar 2020   #286
That's their own fault for being brainwashed and buying into feminism

Your basic comprehension is very poor mate.
I said that younger women are penalised for being potential mothers.
Nothing to do with feminism.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #287
20% less pay IS like a fine

If it's a fine they can file an appeal in the higher court and claim a judicial error on the part of the judge who imposed that fine.

Did any woman ever file an appeal like this and, if so, what was the outcome?

I said that younger women are penalised for being potential mothers.

This is an incomprehensible crap. Can you do better?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #288
Can you do better explaining how a younger woman is penalized for being potential mothers?
Can't they go to the police and file a criminal complaint or sue in a civil court?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #289
Of course not Rich. Besides, they wouldn't complain anyway seeing as how most women like to be domesticated and please their man, regardless of what they say or outward support of feminism. In reality, deep down they're just like the majority of women who want to be controlled, told what to do, serve, even dominated by a man.

If you want proof of that just consider what the best selling books of the past decades are. Hint - the top 3 are all from the shades of grey series. Another fact - those books were written by a woman.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #290
Of course not Rich.

I was just yanking their chain for that "penalized". They use this word to mean whatever their feminazi propaganda spewing brians want to mean. To counter that, I went with the literal meaning of "penalized" to mean penalty in the legal sense - something that typically only the government can impose, not a private employer.

I am with you 100% about this nonsense how women doing the same work are paid 80%. When I asked if pawian would hire a man for more, all else being equal, he turned stupid on me - a known debating technique.

As I wrote in another post, debating with Polaks is a herculean undertaking as they are so capable of weaseling out no matter what evidence or common sense argument is in their faces. It's like Lyzko times 10.
pawian  226 | 27364
18 Mar 2020   #291
most women like to be domesticated please their man. majority of women want to be controlled, told what to do, serve, even dominated by man.

Oops, wet dreams again. :) Of course, there are also such women but their number is decreasing. I already mentioned the statistics: single countryside males with such sick attitudes like you will remain single all their life coz they are considered useless morons by their female peers who massively rush to cities to find a decent partner.
OP jon357  72 | 23482
18 Mar 2020   #292
their number is decreasing

Hence the success of Czarny Piątek.

single countryside males with such sick attitudes like you will remain single all their life

Still single and living with parents in his 30s. But hey, he's a great expert about women and what they want :-D
pawian  226 | 27364
18 Mar 2020   #293
When I asked if pawian would hire a man for more, all else being equal, he turned stupid on me - a known debating technique.

No, really, I just wanted to know why you asked me about hiring a man. Coz it sounded so strange and illogical. Do you mean I would prefer to hire a woman at a lower cost than a man with higher salary?

Then learn one thing! Exploitation of humans is a long tradition in the USA - native Ams, black slavery etc. But I have always been against such oppression. That is why I would offer my female workers the same pay as males get. Simple.

Still single and living with parents in his 30s. But hey, he's a great expert about women

You mean Dirk? Do you think it is all false pretence that he writes here?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Mar 2020   #294
Still single and living with parents in his 30s

Seriously whats wrong with that? We miss our kids who are out.We dont mind if they still lived in the house even after having family.
pawian  226 | 27364
18 Mar 2020   #295
That`s an attitude worth recommending. Until the day your son- or daughter -in-law tells you to remove your stuff which clutters the bathroom, kitchen, garden or whatever. :):)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #296
their female peers who massively rush to cities to find a decent partner.

Yes, one that will treat them kind of like the guy in 50 shades of grey - a strong confident man who will dominate and control them.

Still single and living with parents in his 30s. But hey, he's a great expert about women and what they want :-D

A) I have my own place and have lived on my own since I was 18
B) I have the same girlfriend for over 2 years
C) This is coming from an old gay dude? Seriously?
OP jon357  72 | 23482
18 Mar 2020   #297
kind of like the guy in 50 shades of grey

That only works if he's a handsome billionaire and she's a bored haut-bourgeois housewife.

I have m

Yeah yeah, we all believe you...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #298
we all believe you...

Just like when you say you don't have AIDS

That only works if he's a handsome billionaire and she's a bored haut-bourgeois housewife.

Most women are or want to be bored haut-bourgeouis housewives...
OP jon357  72 | 23482
18 Mar 2020   #299
The difference is, that I speak the truth :-D

Strange how those who are most dismissive and disrespectful of women in general and women's rights in particular are the ones most unlucky in love. Rather like those losers who pay money to lowlife like that 'Roosh' prannock and similar to learn how to be a 'pick-up artist'...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Mar 2020   #300
The difference is, that I speak the truth :-D

You speak as an AIDS infected internet detective that either has mental issues or simply such a lame boring life that you follow strangers on the web for YEARS on end. As a result you follow me like a nasty fast after eating a cheese omelet.

Strange how those who are most dismissive and disrespectful of women in general and women's rights in particular are the ones most unlucky in love.

Are you saying that the majority of Polish men and women, tens of millions of people, who don't give a rats ass about feminism or women's rights are unlucky in love?

That is why I would offer my female workers the same pay as males get.

Like the vast majority of businesses in Poland... Now of course if a man negotiates a higher salary by being more aggressive you'll give it to him if you want it. But if there's a woman who agrees to work for the initial wage offered and does little to no negotiation you obviously wouldn't raise her wage to equal the man's.

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