1) Myopic viewpoint - everything from Poland's regional perspective. Understandable, perhaps, but a disservice to the loyal readers.
I understand Russia sees itself as a global player, but Poland doesn't
2) Incredibly partisan.
once all Polish mainstream media were let's call it liberal (though it is not a good word in my opinion) - opposing media arose very slowly until 2015 when the state-owned media became a mouthpiece of the PiS government - since they (the public media in the times of PiS) brought up a lot of topics the mainstream media (of which public broadcasters had been previously a part) there arose the demand for "non-liberal" media in Poland which culminated roughly a year ago in the surge of the popularity of TVRepublika and WPolsce television after the current ruling coalition illegally took hold of the public broadcasters
Is there not enough readership for niche papers by class?
the biggest "serious" daily newspapers in Poland sell less than 50 thousand copies throughout the country (don't know about their internet service subscriptions) - for example before PiS came to power in 2015 Gazeta Wyborcza (the main "liberal" title) mainly lived off advertisments ordered by the state or state owned companies and subscription from state insitutions - most people in Poland who don't want to watch TV (and that is lots and lots of people) look for news in the internet
thing is Poles (me included) are poor or at least have the poor people mindset when it comes to consuming media - so it's all the internets now