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Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!

jon357  73 | 22634
15 Jun 2024 #61

He is certainly excellent, if rather right wing, as are they both. Have you read his book?
Ironside  50 | 12415
15 Jun 2024 #62
For those who have no clue - who is Tusk?
1/3 of Obama plus 1/3 of Biden plus 1/3 of craven minus dementia = Tusk.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
15 Jun 2024 #63
1/3 of plus 1/3 of plus 1/3

Wow! You can do maths. Amassing!!!
Miloslaw  20 | 4836
15 Jun 2024 #64
For those who have no clue - who is Tusk?
1/3 of Obama plus 1/3 of Biden plus 1/3 of craven minus dementia = Tusk.

Oh no! He is much worse than that!
OP pawian  220 | 24841
18 Jun 2024 #65
you might consider voting for Morawiecki

Morawiecki as a PIS candidate is already outdated news. Recently he fell in disfavour with the PIS Chairman.

Mateusz Morawiecki , according to the PiS president, is capable, but not with more than 50 percent support. - Morawiecki is not an ideal candidate because he was a bad prime minister and increasingly dark clouds are gathering over him because of his premiership - points out Monika Wielichowska from the Civic Platform.
OP pawian  220 | 24841
23 Jul 2024 #66
I just heard that PiS nominated ambassador in the US named Magierowski just blew his chances for candidacy though I had read he was considered for the post by PiS. How? Being a rightists nominee, he was dismissed by the current democratic gov 1.5 year before the end of his term. So he demanded 1 million PLN as compensation for lost earnings. AmaSSing!!! Dinero! That`s what really counts for those PiS gangsters.

Home / News / Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!

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