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Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!

jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #61

He is certainly excellent, if rather right wing, as are they both. Have you read his book?
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Jun 2024   #62
For those who have no clue - who is Tusk?
1/3 of Obama plus 1/3 of Biden plus 1/3 of craven minus dementia = Tusk.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jun 2024   #63
1/3 of plus 1/3 of plus 1/3

Wow! You can do maths. Amassing!!!
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
15 Jun 2024   #64
For those who have no clue - who is Tusk?
1/3 of Obama plus 1/3 of Biden plus 1/3 of craven minus dementia = Tusk.

Oh no! He is much worse than that!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Jun 2024   #65
you might consider voting for Morawiecki

Morawiecki as a PIS candidate is already outdated news. Recently he fell in disfavour with the PIS Chairman.

Mateusz Morawiecki , according to the PiS president, is capable, but not with more than 50 percent support. - Morawiecki is not an ideal candidate because he was a bad prime minister and increasingly dark clouds are gathering over him because of his premiership - points out Monika Wielichowska from the Civic Platform.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jul 2024   #66
I just heard that PiS nominated ambassador in the US named Magierowski just blew his chances for candidacy though I had read he was considered for the post by PiS. How? Being a rightists nominee, he was dismissed by the current democratic gov 1.5 year before the end of his term. So he demanded 1 million PLN as compensation for lost earnings. AmaSSing!!! Dinero! That`s what really counts for those PiS gangsters.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2024   #67
Oops, sth`s definitely wrong with me. I completely forgot I had started this thread. I searched for an old thread concerning any Polish elections to ask Alien to start a new thread about 2025 ones. And got this one. Amasing!

Rightist PiS are still looking for the best candidate. He should be "handsome, tall, impressive and should know 2 foreign languages." Their short list undergoes constant changes.
Why he and not her??
PiS leader said a woman would be a bad choice for the Pres position in such troubled times.
Korvinus  3 | 628
11 Nov 2024   #68
Der Tuskfuhrer acknowledges that the CO2 emission limits are bullshit:

Not only does Europe have energy that is on average two and a half times more expensive than the United States, but we are unfortunately at the forefront of energy prices.
I thought for a long time whether to say it directly, but I will: Some assumptions about CO2 emissions are disarming the European economy.

All hail the European Donald T., may he continue to reflect the wisdom of the American Donald T.*

*our Donald T. already has a wall. And he is improving it!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2024   #69
All hail the European Donald T.,

Korvin, on your knees when you utter his holy name!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Nov 2024   #70
Mr Sikorski, one of KO candidates, sulked when an interviewer asked him about his wife`s roots which are Jewish. Ann Applebaum is a known American journalist. `The interviewer mentioned it in reference to one of Sikorski`s anonymous party buddies who suggested Anne`s background might be a problem in the coming election.
Sikorski made a fuss, left the studio without saying goodbye and later in social media accused the interviewer of spreading antisemitism.

Sorry, I don`t want such a President who takes offence like a kindergarten child when they ask about things known to wide public. I have had enough of Pres Duda`s infantile behaviour.
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Nov 2024   #71
Sorry, I don`t want such a President who takes offence like a kindergarten

So he has already lost.
mafketis  38 | 11258
13 Nov 2024   #72
Sikorski ... sulked when an interviewer asked him about his wife`s roots which are Jewish.

Very bad. The question was completely predictable and it's not good that he had nothing prepared (like the disastrous Harris 'interview' in which she was stymied by completely predictable questions).

One misstep should scuttle his whole campaign but he needs to come back from this and soon.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2024   #73
So he has already lost.

Exactly. Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk frequents this forum from time to time to read what his loyal voters think. And he fully realises we don`t like Sikorski as a Pres coz he tends to behave like a spoilt brat aka current Pres Duda. Mr Trzaskowski is a much more agreeable jolly good fellow. Ha!!!!

Mr Sikorski, stick to the function which suits you best aka FM. You can be one for a few decades, I have nothing against. But you would make a lousy President. Don`t even try.

74% of Civic Coalition voters support Rafał Trzaskowski's candidacy in next year's presidential elections - according to a poll by the Pollster Research Institute. Less than one-fifth of Donald Tusk's party supporters see Radosław Sikorski as the candidate. The results of the internal primaries will be announced on December 7.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #74
we don`t like Sikorski as a Pres coz he tends to behave like a spoilt brat aka current Pres Duda.

Not only that. He is also suspected of cherishing quite conservative views. That is why the conservative members of the current democratic coalition gov prefer Sikorski to Trzaskowski.
To dissipate those doubts, Sikorski made a key vow today:

During his speech in Rokietnica, Radosław Sikorski also touched upon the issue of women's rights. "Women's safety is an obvious thing for European conservatism," Sikorski said. "I pledge to you. We know what the PO position is, until the 12th week [of pregnancy termination is possible]. My hand would not tremble to sign such a law," declared Radosław Sikorski.
- As far as civil partnerships are concerned, I would go further. If a majority does not emerge in the Sejm, I would even see room for legislative initiative, which the president has. This matter must finally be resolved - said the minister. He added that "I already voted for in vitro in the previous term."

Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Nov 2024   #75
Mr Rafał Trzaskowski, the mayor of Warsaw

How about Mr. Jacek Sutryk, the Mayor of Wrocław, whom your patriarchal personal lord and savior officially endorsed just last March for his current mayorship? :)

"Donald Tusk: I strongly encourage you to vote for President Sutryk

- Jacek Sutryk has our official support. It seems that he absolutely deserves a chance for a second term - said Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Tuesday, March 19, urging people to vote in the April elections for the current president of Wrocław, who is running for re-election.",531387.html

Another article says Tusk's endorsement tipped the scales in favor of Sutryk's re-election :)

"Sutryk would not have governed Wrocław if Tusk had not supported him."

What say you? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #76
What say you? :)

I say white sheep which are black inside may mislead even a genius like Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk. We can`t blame him! Ha!!!

The university diploma scam was invented by and for PiS bolsheviks to take positions in state enterprises, that`s what counts here!!! Ha!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Nov 2024   #77
The university diploma scam was invented by and for PiS bolsheviks to take positions in state enterprises

That's what you call a POlak conspiracy theory! :)

You know what they say: there's no smoke without fire! :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #78
conspiracy theory!

No, it is true, darling. PIS bolsheviks needed third tier edu diplomas to take CEO positions in state companies as it is required by Polish law. That is why they set up the Humanum University in 2018, 3 years after they had come to power.

Most fake diplomas were issued for bribes to PiS guys! Ha!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Nov 2024   #79
Oh, so, if someone from PiS pays a bribe directly, that's bad, but when someone endorsed by Tusk uses a public company to pay a bribe, that's okay? :)

If that's the case, then why was Tusk-endorsed Jacek Sutryk detained and charged? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #80
that's okay? :)

You are asking yourself your own questions, darling??? Nice. :):):) So answer them yourself, too. :):):)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Nov 2024   #81
You're the so-called teacher! Why don't you have the answers? :)

Is it your PRL education that limits your ability to think critically, or your PO activism that requires you to self-censor? :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #82

Of course not!!! I am just a caretaker! I take care nobody is left behind in my schools, darling. That`s all. :):):):):):)

PO activism

PO activism is meant to rebuild this country from PiS bolsheviks` ruin like it had already happened in 1990s with communism ruins. Ha!!!!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
16 Nov 2024   #83
I am just a caretaker!

Translation: "I'm retired on the job!" :)

PO activism is meant to...

Oppose political pluralism like the Bolsheviks and establish one-party rule for PO!
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Nov 2024   #84
Oppose political pluralism like the Bolsheviks and establish one-party rule

I wonder where he pulled that bit of rubbish from.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #85
Oppose Bolsheviks

Yes, I have been opposing PiS bolsheviks all my life, since the very day they came into being about 30 years ago. And I am so proud of the fact I contributed to their failure in 2023 election. Ha!!!
Before PIS bolsheviks, I had opposed Soviet communists and contributed to their demise in 1989.

Said by a Polish patriot. Kneel down and kiss my paws, darling. hahahaha
Crow  155 | 9695
16 Nov 2024   #86

I somehow trust in Tusk. He moving Poland closer to Hungarians, Slovaks and Serbians, so we form a new block in Europe.

Sarmatian army strike back, live Elven army we shall fly bringing satisfaction to our ancestors..

BDW, appearance of Sarmatians inspired appearance of Elves in movies
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #87
He moving Poland

He is building a European front against Russian imperialism right now. :):):)
Crow  155 | 9695
16 Nov 2024   #88
He is building a European front against Russian imperialism right now. :):):)

Just buy the popcorn and watch. Tusk spoke to Vucic. Poland won`t falter.
Alien  26 | 6527
16 Nov 2024   #89
He moving Poland closer to Hungarians, Slovaks and Serbians

PH SS ? That would be your dream.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2024   #90
Tusk spoke to Vucic

I speak to my cat every day. :):):)

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