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Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!!

pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #1
Poles and Polesses have taken part in 3 elections within the last 7 months - national, local gov and EU ones.

Now politicians are getting ready for the next year when the President of Poland will be chosen. The current one finishes his second term and can`t run for the post.

Mr Rafał Trzaskowski, the mayor of Warsaw, with pro-democratic background, is said to be the most prospective candidate. He ran for presidency in 2019 and lost it to PIS candidate by a small margin.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #2
Mr Rafał Trzaskowski, the mayor of Warsaw, with pro-democratic background,

However, he has rivals in the same political circle he is associated with. Namely, the current Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski.
Both feel great temptation to become their party`s candidates.

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jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #3
Radek Sikorski

He'd be ideal.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #4

No. He is a gloomy wet blanket while Mr President Trzaskowski is a friendly chap with a great sense of humour which proves he is very intelligent. Whenever I see and hear Sikorski, I get depressive feelings.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #5
is a gloomy wet blanket

That's what I like about him.

is very intelligent

As is Radek Sikorski.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #6
That's what

And in another thread we established he speaks English less fluently than Mr President Trzaskowski.

Other potential candidates:
Ex Prime Minister Morawiecki from PiS which means rightist.
Current Parliament Speaker Hołownia - mild conservative
Popular TV presenter Gawryluk leaning to rightists. A woman.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #7
he speaks English less fluently

That's fine by me since I'm fluent in Polish.

And should any politician need to speak or issue a statement in English, it would always need to be proofread by an educated native speaker anyway. He could ask his wife who is very good with words.

The othe4 three can take a running jump.
Torq  10 | 1234
14 Jun 2024   #8
Speaker Hołownia - mild conservative

He's mild alright. Or rather mildly amusing.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #9
it would always need to be proofread by an educated native speaker anyway

Especially during live interviews.... :):):)
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #10
live interviews

Is there a need to give a live interview in a foreign language?

Most politicians don't, and when they do, nobody expects perfection. And Radel Sikorski in any case speaks English very well, as we established here. His rival just sounds like a second language learner with a textbook and a teacher called Agnieszka who starts every lesson with "hello, I am Agnes" and can't pronounce law or girl.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #11
Is there a need to give a live interview in a foreign language?

Yes! Regularly! Amasing you are asking such strange questions.

Most politicians don't,

Now you think of average ones. While I meant the outstanding ones. Like Mr President Trzaskowski.
Check him out. I already showed this live interview in another thread.

I'm fluent in Polish

You mean in reception. While the production is not so fluent.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #12
Yes! Regularly!

No. It's fine for a politician to give interviews in their own language, and should they decide to give one in another language, quirks are fine. It's not a test of language administered by non-natives.

While the production is not so fluent.

Yes, it's fluent. It flows beautifully.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Jun 2024   #13
It flows beautifully

Exactly. And then you wake up. :):):) Never mind.

If there wasn`t Mr President Trzaskowski, I would gladly accept Sikorski or even Hołownia. But he is the best of all.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #14
And then you wake up

It 's even more fluent after a good night's rest.


He's excellent.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
14 Jun 2024   #15
the mayor of Warsaw...ran for presidency in 2019 and lost it to PIS candidate.

That's because Poles outside of Warsaw can't relate to him.

Whenever I see and hear Sikorski, I get depressive feelings.

Imagine how he feels having to wake up next to this face each day? And that's without the makeup on! :) the best of all.

He has taught English and that is why you are biased in favor of him.

He may inspire you that there is life beyond teaching but that is not a reason to vote for him. By the way, Tusk already paid off you teachers for your votes so you shouldn't expect that gravy train to go on forever by voting for Trzaskowski.

I'm fluent in Polish.

This is the condition you are suffering from: The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #16
That's because Poles outside of Warsaw can't relate to him.

Given that he only missed being elected by a tiny margin, I'd say that millions outside Warsaw related to him.


Given that you don't speak Polish at all and have never heard me speak in any language, it seems that the Dunnung-Kruger thing relates more to your assessment of the language skills of people you've never met.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
14 Jun 2024   #17
your assessment of the language skills of people you've never met.

Pawian put paid to your boastfulness before I even posted. Has he met you to do any formal assessment? No.

Like I said, you suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. Doubling down that you don't won't change that and you know it.

Besides your decade-long posting on PF (often between 10 and 20 hours each day) and current record of over twenty thousand posts is all the proof needed that Poles don't understand your Polish and won't accommodate you by speaking English. So you take refuge on PF.

By the way, did you ever get your O-level in English? Poles probably don't understand your English either. You are from Leeds after all.

Given that he only missed being elected by a tiny margin, I'd say that millions outside Warsaw related to him.

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jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #18

Has absolutely no idea either, since we've never met.

You are from Leeds after all.

Actually no, but never mind accuracy.

We're talking about Poland's next President, something nothing whatsoever to do with you, and which you evidently know as little about as the zero you know about anyone's language skills here. And since you can't even hold a conversation in Polish, language skills are something, like slimness or girlfriends, that you have never been blessed with.

Two driven candidates, both centre right, no credible challenger on either side of them, and only one thing sure; that the winner will be from the same party as the government; a good thing right now.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
14 Jun 2024   #19

Mate, you are as Polish as American Apple Pie!Go find a forum where you know something about the subject, because, frankly, you are just an embarrassment here.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
14 Jun 2024   #20
the winner will be from the same party as the government; a good thing right now.

The election is one year from now.

There is already voters' regret with Tusk.

It's only going to get worse as time goes on and this always favors the leading opposition party.

something nothing whatsoever to do with you

Keep dreaming but keep it to yourself. You have no choice anyway since no one in Poland understands you in any language.

You are in quite the conundrum actually. Poles ignore you because they can't understand you and if they did they would still ignore you once they realized what sort of character you really are.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Jun 2024   #21
Mate, you are as Polish as American Apple Pie!

Mate, you are as British as they come and haven't been to Poland in the last 40 years so keep your Nerdy hep hep Yorkshire yapping to yourself.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
14 Jun 2024   #22
you are as British as they come

If he has any diversity in his DNA it would be 50% British and 50% McDonald's grease.
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Jun 2024   #23
The election is one year from now.

There is already voters' regret with Tusk

So plenty of time.

You are in quite

That's certainly an interesting word salad. Why not come to Poland? Despite the language barrier, you could get laid in one of those dodgy kiosks with the curtained-off back bit where they offer 'dances'. There are still a few around town and they'll let anyone in who pays and doesn't mind scar tissue and greenish discharge.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 938
15 Jun 2024   #24
Sikorski is the only sane choice. Trzaskowski exposed himself with supporting 15 minute cities, limited clothing purchases and other insanely far left ideas. He would open the floodgates to immigration if he had any real power to do so. Him and Tusk together would be an EU dream, and Polands worst case scenario. Sikorski is conservative enough to keep Tusk in line with what most Poles want and value.
Lenka  5 | 3548
15 Jun 2024   #25
supporting 15 minute cities

What is wrong with that? Most people like being able to access services etc without the need to travel far.
Part of the reason Biedronka was so successful
mafketis  38 | 11258
15 Jun 2024   #26
Trzaskowski exposed himself with supporting 15 minute cities

Large parts of big Polish cities are already that..... it's only suburb-crazed Americans that freak out at that idea.... (yeah, I know there's another agenda behind it but the basic idea of having many/most necessary services close by is fine.
Lenka  5 | 3548
15 Jun 2024   #27
it's only suburb-crazed Americans that freak out at that idea...

And almost all I've seen on You Tube on traveling/ cultural shocks etc are mentioning how lovely it is to have things at a walks distance
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #28
15 minute cities

An excellent concept, don't you think? That and good public transport and safe streets for kids.

freak out at that idea

Most of the developed world is like that and always has been. Unfortunately there are some crazies in the UK who believe internet lies that they're going to be somehow confined to their street.

it's only suburb-crazed Americans

Ironically, the planned towns and cities built in the Gulf (the expansion of Kuwait City, Jubail, Dammam, Jizan, etc) by American companies (mostly Bechtel) have always been not 15 minute cities, but 10 minute cities. It's just good town planning.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
15 Jun 2024   #29
What is wrong with that?

The Soviets limited people's movement and choice. Why don't you see anything wrong with that? You must be nostalgic.
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Jun 2024   #30
There is already voters' regret with Tusk.

Latest polls show that among supporters of Tusk's party, 89% are satisfied and only 9% said they are disappointed.

It's only going to get worse as time goes on and this always favors the leading opposition party.

Finally, the poll asked respondents who said they hold no party affiliation whether they assessed the ruling coalition or the opposition more favourably. The proportion choosing the ruling coalition, 42%, was significantly higher than those picking the opposition, 10%

supporting 15 minute cities

What's wrong with that model?

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