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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

KorkiTaczer  - | 109
13 Jul 2020   #2161
What makes you think I didn`t get over it???? hahaha

Can't you see how ridiculous you are? hihihi hehehe hłe hłe hłe... voting time is over just move on
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2162
Can't you see how ridiculous you are?

No, where exactly? You sound surprising now.

voting time is over just move on

No, I always look ahead, that`s one of my traits, I am already thinking of 2023 elections. Is it a sin? hahaha
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
13 Jul 2020   #2163
I am already thinking of 2023 elections. Is it a sin? hahaha

No, it's only a sign of mental breakdown hohoho hahaha hehehe hihihi hłehłehłe... get real, you live in a country where majority voted for Duda, you need to deal with that.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2164
No, it's only a sign of mental breakdown

Many LLLLLOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEERS are suffering today, now that they have to wait another THREE YEARS before they get another bite at the apple.

Yes some are going mad, the hospitals will be busy, lots of Pawo's will have to take marzipan (sic) to help them recover.

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing gnome and you don't catch me"
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing gnome and you can't catch me"
Said the laughing Pawian.

Many are singing the above tune , poor poor Pawian , pass him the marzipan.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2165
it's only a sign of mental breakdown

Hmm, I didn`t observe it yet. What are the symptoms? hahaha

you live in a country where majority voted for Duda,

Only 2%, la la la. hahaha


What is 3 years compared to enernity??? hahaha

pass him the marzipan.

What is this idiom about?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2166
What is this idiom about?

Ahhh this is a test , only the top 15% of native English speakers will make the connection , your English language skills and deduction of idioms is normally quite fantastic (better than native in many cases) , hence the test no worries I don't think anyone here will get it.

Hey good luck in three years time !!! hahahahahaha .
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2167
Thank you, I will take it seriously. Like these protesters in Lubin below after communist police had killed 5 of their mates during a demonstration. They didn`t fear next shots, they went out onto the street the next day to show their resistance. It was 1983 and the communist system was still inhumanly strong but protesters believed in their victory coz they had moral superiority over communists.

In the same way I believe decent people have moral superiority over those neobolshevik PiS and they will prevail coz the evil is always punished sooner or later and replaced by the good.

Long live Poland, the one that anticommunist protesters fought for!

  • Szokujacekulisyspr.jpg

  • Stanwojenny_1200x80.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2168
will have to take marzipan (sic) to help them recover.

poor poor Pawian , pass him the marzipan.

Aaah, I got it, you played with the word Mortazapine, medicine used to treat depressions etc. hahaha

Sorry, you missed, I never took such anti-depressants. I simply don`t need them - my active participation in the forum has allowed me to keep sane and healthy for so many years. HA!

your English skills and deduction of idioms is normally fantastic (better than native) , hence test I don't think anyone here will get it.

Thank you very much. There is good in you - why do you allow it to be supressed by evil???? Why don`t you allow yourself to move to the light side of the Force??? hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2169
one that anticommunist protesters

Come on Pawian your above post comes straight out of the Marxist commie cookbook, no one falls for that transparent reverse propaganda bull$hit anymore.

PF School Report 2/10 Pawian must do better.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2170
It is an obviously unfair mark coz you are prejudiced against me. I know some teachers like that, fortunately they are vast minority. They are the lousiest teachers devoid of adequate teaching skills and with poor knowledge, releasing their frustrations and stresses onto students and in result hugely disliked by them.

Dolno, do you really desire to be such a teacher???? Now I am really surprised. :(:(:(
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2171
Aaah, I got it, you played with the word Mortazapine,

Wow Pawian I am impressed , I do hope that you teach English here in Poland you are proof that the bar is now so high that there is no more need for native English teachers in Polish schools.

don`t you allow yourself to move to the light side of the Force??? hahaha

Not since I moved to the dark side Pawo Padawan.

Did you know that Pierogi is the only food ever mentioned in star wars.

may the Pierogi be with both of us.
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Jul 2020   #2172
Andrzej Duda has won and regardless whether he won by 20% or 0.1% his presidential powers are the same.

I'm counting on him to continue with necessary judicial reforms (decomunization of the courts) and also starting a project of a structural Polonization of mass media in Poland. Money has nationality.

That's all I'm expecting from him in the next 5 years of presidency.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2173
yes Zip e de Duda what a wonderful day for democracy and freedom.
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jul 2020   #2174
I'm counting on him to continue with necessary judicial reforms (decomunization of the courts)

How many more communist prosecutors do you want appointed to the Supreme Court?

a project of a structural Polonization

You want to lose the US as an ally? Cause that will do it... Count on it, PiS's idea of "polonization" will consist of forced sales of media to PiS cronies.

Money has nationality.

Not in the modern world of liquid capital which you prefer (which is why you're in the UK).
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Jul 2020   #2175
Only a non Pole could make such judgements, will not be long now before many return to Poland under a strong government led by your president Duda.
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Jul 2020   #2176

Thank you for telling me what I do prefer and why I am where I am. Without you I would be lost.

I cannot even say that your blind fury gives me any satisfaction. I feel pity for you more than anything else
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2177
I'm counting on him to continue with necessary judicial reforms

Within the limits of the EU law, of course.

PiS's idea of "polonization" will consist of forced sales of media to PiS cronies.

Yes, of course, but that should be prevented by the EU and America. PiS will have to go back to its kennel and only bark from there.

will not be long now before many return to Poland under a strong government

They have had such a government for 5 years and how many Poles have returned so far? 10.000 out of 2 million? It seems you lost contact with reality.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
13 Jul 2020   #2178
Hmm, I didn`t observe it yet. What are the symptoms?

Hmm I don't know.

la la la. hahaha

Maybe a nervous laughter... just maybe.

Said the laughing Pawian.

C'mon, that's not nice ;)
mafketis  38 | 11137
13 Jul 2020   #2179
telling me what I do prefer and why I am where I a

You seemed hazy about it. Stated preferences (what people say they want) are always less reliable than revealed preferences (what they actually do). People who leave Poland and then fantasize about returning are a dime a dozen here, so you have lots of company.

blind fury

Sadness that Poles have chosen a government that will ultimately do a lot of damage to the country.... (what about them tarcze? what about all them empty stores?)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2180
Maybe a nervous laughter...

I had an impression your laughter sounded much more nervous, haha

C'mon, that's not nice ;)

I am used to such behaviour, so it really doesn`t matter. :)
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Jul 2020   #2181
Within the limits of the EU law, of course.

The EU law doesn't control nor supersede National Court System which the case of German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe versus European Court of Justice have already established in May 2020
13 Jul 2020   #2182
Dirk, stop your bs attacking me. Don't you see a problem that the capital of a redneck tiny state like Slovakia has higher salaries than Warsaw, a much larger capital? And Poland has 5 more cities that are larger than Bratislava. I think something's fishy... Poland has higher GDP and is wealthier supposedly, yet the salaries even in Warsaw are too low.

Also Poland has more natural resources, more arable land, more space, more large cities for industry, offices, culture and more people. It also has a sea port. To be falling behind tiny Slovakia means it's mismanaged.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
13 Jul 2020   #2183
I had an impression your laughter sounded much more nervous

Nah, I was just taking the **** out of you. Sorry ;)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2184
Dirk, stop your bs attacking me.

Wow, Zlatko, I didn`t know you can show your claws like that. :)

which the case of German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe versus European Court of Justice have already established

Yes, but it is Germany which, according to you, rules the EU. While Poland will be treated more strictly.

Sorry ;)

Hey, come on, no need for that, it is only a forum, we are having fun, that`s what it is for. hahaha
13 Jul 2020   #2185
EU is must be called the France-BeNeLux-Germany plus minions Union as most institutions are located in Belgium, France or Germany.
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Jul 2020   #2186
Yes, but it is Germany which, according to you, rules the EU. While Poland will be treated more strictly.

Well, at least you do are agree with the fact that some EU members are more equal than the others. That's a very important first step.

And you probably wouldn't argue and something needs to be done with that unjust fact, right?
Then the rest is just a technical matter : what tools do we need, and what steps do we have to take, in order to destroy this unjust status quo.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Jul 2020   #2187
Poland won`t destroy anything coz, under PiS rule, we are too weak and unimportant and our only ally is authoritarian Hungary. PIS are able to destroy only one thing: Poland - by means of Polexit.
Spike31  3 | 1485
13 Jul 2020   #2188
Poland won`t destroy anything coz, under PiS rule, we are too weak and unimportant

That's decades of mental conditioning and implanted (for many) - during communist era - inferiority complex talking.

Poland is well capable of defending its own rights and changing the course of the European politics. And especially since similar changes took place in some other EU countries where we can find allies.

Poland - by means of Polexit.

I wish they would. Unfortunately they want to stay in this neo-marxist structure. The only way to change their mind is convincing majority of Poles to become EUsceptic and the party will have to follow. Konfederacja is the only truly EUsceptic party.

And how to do that? By showing regular Poles not abstract concepts but real concerns about how the EU wants to interfere with their normal lives and how they want change them for the worse.

To show them the truth that Brussel "elites" wants to destroy our natural order with islamization, enforced multi-kulti, refugees ("refugees" won PiS 2015 elections), militant LGBT movements (this has greatly helped Duda to win also), anifa thugs (like in the US quite recently), "liberal" media attacks on Poles marching on Independence Day calling them "fascists" and "nazis"

And as a counter-balance to show them the vision of an independent European nation-states bonded by trade agreements and not by centralized political control coming form Brussels.

Another important thing which will help greatly is the fact that soon Poland will become a EU net payer so the sacramental words of EUenthusiasts that "the EU gives us money" will loose its power.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
13 Jul 2020   #2189
EUenthusiasts that "the EU gives us money" will loose its power.

I can't wait. The whole free access to western job markets is already less attractive to Poles as local wages keep going up and countries like France, Germany, UK, etc. are overrun with turd world migrants. Hell I personally know of several Polish women who left the west and moved back because they didn't feel safe with all the kebab around.
13 Jul 2020   #2190
But Poles need to build a wall with Germany now before it's too late. You never know... you so don't want them to go to Poland should German economy plummet.

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