Dirk diggler 10 | 4452
12 Jul 2020 #2071
You have not been in Poland in years
My presence has absolutely nothing to do with Poland's macro and microeconomic situation rofl.... A person can live on the damn moon and still know a lot about Poland's macro and microeconomic situation - especially if they have qualifications and data at their disposal....
And for your info, I was just there over the winter... I'm probably going again in September hopefully by then the covid insanity is mostly over
Any monkey can cite newspaper clippings and propaganda from PiS.
Right. Because tradingeconomics.com, the World Bank, are all PiS mouthpieces...
GTFO dude... you're starting to sound dumber and dumber.
And for your info, statisticians say that Poland's 2020 Q2 GDP will shrink AT MOST 1.28%, but more likely closer to -.04% because of covid. But I'm not talking about the past few months, I'm talking about the few past YEARS. Yet you keep reverting back to PiS' economic failure because they closed **** down for 2 months - same thing as Illinois and many other places went through.
You simply don't have any facts, data, or statistics to disprove my claim that PiS did a wonderful job managing the economy from 2015-present growing the country a consistent 3-5% every year and keeping debt to GDP low even with 500+, so you either revert back to talking about how terrible it will be now because of covid, state that oh it's because of EU funds although now I educated you on how tiny that sum is compared to Poland's overall economy, or start talking about how I'm not in Poland or some other b.s.