PolAmKrakow 2 | 916
11 Jul 2020 #2041
@johnny reb
While I respect your opinion, the future of immigration is a Polish idea, not JK. Most Poles are against the EU immigration idea, its not an original JK thought. Most Poles are also not in favor of open support of gays, again, not an original thought. The election should not be about these two narrow subjects. It divides the country into the educated and the non educated. Really both sides are quite stupid in this regard in not finding a centrist way to bring cross over voters.
Christianity out of politics? Like the separation of church and state in the USA? LMAO of course this is highly successful (sarcasm)
This election will once again come down to the poor, and uneducated voting for Duda and the educated, young voting for Trzaskowski. The young and educated would vote for a ham sandwich before voting for Duda and PiS has no way of ever getting that vote. This is the PiS long term problem. As each term in office ends they have less supporters simply due to people dying off and people becoming more educated. This election or the next they are done. Its too close to call for sure now for either side.
Its the voter who lost his job or business that should decide this election. People who actually continue to suffer because the "shield" failed the majority of small business in Poland. That is what matters. The EU money will be reduced in coming years, Poland will become a net payer into the EU, and then where does the infrastructure money come from that PiS has been spending to create jobs that are long term temporary?
While I respect your opinion, the future of immigration is a Polish idea, not JK. Most Poles are against the EU immigration idea, its not an original JK thought. Most Poles are also not in favor of open support of gays, again, not an original thought. The election should not be about these two narrow subjects. It divides the country into the educated and the non educated. Really both sides are quite stupid in this regard in not finding a centrist way to bring cross over voters.
Christianity out of politics? Like the separation of church and state in the USA? LMAO of course this is highly successful (sarcasm)
This election will once again come down to the poor, and uneducated voting for Duda and the educated, young voting for Trzaskowski. The young and educated would vote for a ham sandwich before voting for Duda and PiS has no way of ever getting that vote. This is the PiS long term problem. As each term in office ends they have less supporters simply due to people dying off and people becoming more educated. This election or the next they are done. Its too close to call for sure now for either side.
Its the voter who lost his job or business that should decide this election. People who actually continue to suffer because the "shield" failed the majority of small business in Poland. That is what matters. The EU money will be reduced in coming years, Poland will become a net payer into the EU, and then where does the infrastructure money come from that PiS has been spending to create jobs that are long term temporary?