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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1711
o keep the slimy scum up control and force them to remember their subservient position.

Yes, exactly. But that`s not PiS` doctrine. They claim they need everything to avoid mess, chaos and wars at the top.,Jego-prezydentura-oznaczalaby-duzy-chaos-w-kraju-Posel-PiS-o-ewentualnym-zwyciestwie-Trzaskowskiego
Lenka  5 | 3526
30 Jun 2020   #1712
She doesn't like the anti-gay rubbish.

That was the last straw for me too.
Crow  154 | 9525
30 Jun 2020   #1713
Sure Lenka, how could she work with Ana Brnabic with such a stance. And they would have to cooperate.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1714
I will vote for an independent strong president.

It is even one of campaign slogans. As I said, he is able to give up his PO affiliation and function as a really independent President. Duda will never cease being the puppet coz it`s inherently embedded in his character.

  • 2Kopiowanie.JPG
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1715
Anything is possible. In 2005 PiS won due to Tusk`s Wehrmacht grandpa

Now it will be "auntie from Luftwaffe. " hahahaha I like that one.,681c1dfa

Rightists are able to commit a crime so that their candidate can win the elections. A member of one of polling stations added signs X to ballot cards with Trzaskowski vote, thus making them nullified. He forged 4 cards in this way.

I just love it how rightists deem themselves superior to others although they are such natural born swindlers.
kondzior  11 | 1026
30 Jun 2020   #1716
Poland, Presidential election - First round!


--- --- --- Winners --- --- --- Second round next week --- --- ---

ANDRZEJ DUDA (the current president) - 43.5%
The United Right, led by the Law and Justice party (PiS) - Catholic SOCdem. Redistribution of wealth, cultural conservatism and cringe. Euro-fussy, but not really euro-sceptic.

RAFAŁ TRZASKOWSKI (the Justin Trudeau of Poland) - 30.36%
The Civic Coalition (KO), that's rebranded Civic Platform (PO) - the radical centrist party, pretty much without views. We love EU and we're not PiS. That's it. It really is just that.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

SZYMON HOŁOWNIA (the minor TV celebrity centrist) - 13.87%
No political party. Could be in The Civic Coalition (KO). My tinfoil hat tells me he might be a deep state creation. Civic Coalition for people who dislike Civic Coalition.

KRZYSZTOF BOSAK (the terrible nacionalist) - 6.78%
Confederation Freedom and Independence (Konfederacja) - broad alliance of Korwin paleolibertarians, nationalists and more. Conservative nationalist free market monarchism. Hoppeanism?

WŁADYSŁAW KOSINIAK-KAMYSZ (the good doctor) - 2.36%
The Polish People's Party (PSL) - Immortal Agrarian mafia.

ROBERT BIEDROŃ (the gay mayor) - 2.22%
The Left - every shade of left. Old commies adopted young progressive soycialists and wear them as a camouflage.

--- --- --- --- --- ---
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1717
Civic Platform (PO) - the radical centrist party,

That`s a nice oxymoron - radical centre. I really like it after some pondering if you made a mistake or not. hahaha

pretty much without views.

You forgot to add: pro-democratic. Sth that PiS lacks completely.

Poland, Presidential election - First round!

You definitely forgot to add in the title: According to Kondzior. :):)

Old commies adopted young progressive soycialists and wear them as a camouflage.

At last sth I can truly agree with. Decades ago, after having lived 1/3 of my life in communism, I vowed never to vote for communists and I have kept my word.

Gumishu wrote in Polish: you will see Trzaskowski`s united Poland like pie in the sky but it was binned for obvious reasons.

My answer:

Of course, PiS will/would refuse to acknowledge President Trzaskowski as they refused to do so about President Komorowski after 2010 elections; they abused him whenever they had a chance and rejected any offers of cooperation for the good of Poland.

In case Trzaskowski wins, it is PiS` own problem if they take part in making Poland a better place to live under his leadership or not.

PS> Gumi, can you write English in English threads, coz you cause unneccessary chaos.
Ironside  50 | 12928
30 Jun 2020   #1718
In case Trzaskowski wins,

You are going to suck D to prove you are not homotopic. Maybe not as you an old fossil but your children/ grandchildren will have to do it at school.

All the rest of that Marxist ideology you will gladly welcome as you are an old commie fossil.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1719
What you write is quite illogical and senseless, partly incomprehensible as well, as everything you have written today. E.g., what is homotopic?

What is wrong, Iron? Are you experiencing any problems which distract you from remaining relevant and clear in the forum?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1721
What will you do if he does? :)
Ironside  50 | 12928
30 Jun 2020   #1722
hat you write is quite illogical and senseless

common grandpa try to keep up!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1723
hahaha is that all what you can achieve today? Trying to offend me because of my age? Darling, you are wasting your time, coz I don`t care.

A little piece of advice: you definitely should strive to find some reasonable arguments to refute mine. I can see you are unable to coz you use the age reference, but at least you can try. Don`t give up.

So far, you have been losing like hell. :):)
Crow  154 | 9525
30 Jun 2020   #1724
I actually don't care who would win. Whoever win will need Serbs and Serbs will need him.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jun 2020   #1725
I don't need to think about it because I know he's not going to win. He'd need to basically increase his support by 50% to stand a chance. Not to mention the fact that people who supported parties like Konfederacja/Korwin, Kukiz, PSL, etc. are going to be far more likely to vote for PiS than Fagowski and liberals from PO. If he does manage to win, it'll only add to the list of sell-outs like Tusk, Schetyna, etc. that Poles despise and he'll definetely do things that will remind Poles again why they can't trust pro-EU liberals. Why did PO lose 2015 and hasn't been able to recover since? They wanted to push all that multikulti pro lgbt crap and continue selling pieces of key industries to Germany and others. Poles haven't forgotten that.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1726
people who supported parties like Konfederacja/Korwin, Kukiz, PSL, are going to be far more likely to vote for PiS

Of course it isn`t so obvious. But it`s obvious you haven`t been keeping in touch with latest news, interviews and polls.

Why did PO lose 2015 and hasn't been able to recover since?

Because they didn`t offer socialist benefits to bribe voters like PiS. Respect to PO for that.

They wanted to push all that multikulti pro lgbt crap

That`s a huge generalisation. Remember, PO is a centre party which consists of various wings.

continue selling pieces of key industries to Germany and others.

Your distrust of Germany reminds me of Dmowski`s doctrine. As far as I remember, you praised Russia and Putin many times here. Correct? Pure Dmowski.
Spike31  3 | 1485
30 Jun 2020   #1727
K.Bosak has sent a message to his voters asking them to be active in the 2nd round and admitted that he will vote for a lesser evil - that is Andrzej Duda - in an interview for Express Biedrzyckiej.

And Holownia has supported Trzaskowski - well technically he said that he will vote against Duda and not for Trzaskowski. Same thing.

And Tiger Kosiniak-Kamysz is in deep depression and said nothing yet.
mafketis  38 | 11127
30 Jun 2020   #1728
admitted that he will vote for a lesser evil - that is Andrzej Duda

In other words he's ready to be absorbed by PiS....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Jun 2020   #1729
But it`s obvious you haven`t been keeping in touch with latest news, interviews and polls.

The latest news/polls shows that Duda ended round 1 with 43%, Fagowski at 30%. He'd have to gain 50% more and to beat Duda and that just isn't going to happen.

Because they didn`t offer socialist benefits to bribe voters like PiS. Respect to PO for that.

The 500 was only part of the piece. The fact that PO kowtowed to EU and said they'd share in Merkel's burden of bringing in useless turd worlders in - which 3/4 of Poles opposed - hurt PO and Poles haven't forgotten about that. Then there's also pushing faggotry on the Polish populace - another thing the majority of Poles oppose. Add to it all the financial scandals and selling off Poland's key industries and companies piece by piece. You may not remember the Marriot Brigades of the 90s and early 00s but we do.

If PO thought of 500 plus first to win elections they'd definitely go for it, but PiS thought of it first, went with it, and Polish people love it so all PO can do is claim that it'll ruin the Polish economy and create a huge debt load - which actually debt to GDP has been doing down...

As far as I remember, you praised Russia and Putin many times here. Correct? Pure Dmowski.

Yes, because unlike the western european leaders he has balls. Russia doesn't take **** from anyone despite having an economy the size of Texas. They manage to gain respect/fear from every country in the world. I don't care who you are - that's admirable. At least Russia isn't trying to push a bunch of turd worlders, jihadis and lgbt ideology onto Poland like Germany is thanks to Merkel's come one come everyone policy that completely changed the demographics, safety, and society of w europe - they're just as against that crap as Poland is.

And yet it'll be Dmowski's monument that continues to stand in Warsaw - not Fagowski.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1730
And Tiger Kosiniak-Kamysz is in deep depression and said nothing yet.

The latest news/polls shows that

No, guys, I was talking about really latest ones. I don`t blame you coz Poles who live out of Poland are never up to date with most recent events. You are excused. :):)

So, KK has just overcome his depression and said he supports democracy and constitutional order and that his voters would behave decently. What do you think, whom does he suggest they should vote for? :):):)

K.Bosak admitted that he will vote for a lesser evil - that is Andrzej Duda - in an interview for Express Biedrzyckiej.

Express Biedrzyckiej? What is it? A primary school magazine? hahaha
Seriously, I haven`t seen such a declaration from him.

The 500 was only part of the piece.

Nope, not only 500+. Also 13th pension and school benefit. ASAIK, also 14th pension and holiday benefit are prepared.

And don`t connect it with LGBT. Let`s be honest, if PiS suddenly declared they love LGBT and Kaczyński is a former drag queen who used to dance on the pole in most notorious clubs, people who love bribes would still vote for them. Also the EU, Germans and Merkel have nothing to do with it. It`s money which talks, Dirk, stop concocting such a big ideology out of a simple matter. hahaha

They manage to gain respect/fear from every country in the world.

Your words about Russia are amusing considering the state of affairs between our two states. I stress: states, not ordinary people.
amiga500  5 | 1491
30 Jun 2020   #1731
Poland, Presidential election - First round!

Brilliant Post and Summary! Post of the month if not political year . Well done!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1732
Yes, it was funny, I admit, but mainly because it was so strongly subjective. Impartial one would be boring, indeed.
30 Jun 2020   #1733
Doesn't Poland has someone like Orban? Someone who doesn't just say "I love Poland" but who does the walk? Someone who doesn't want to make Poland a US/Israel puppet state, nor EU or Russian one for that matter?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1734
Doesn't Poland has someone like Orban?

There are a few PiS politicians who would like to have Budapest in Warsaw. Fortunately, the resistance from patriotic Poles is still too big for them to take all power, like in Hungary or Russia. Poland is Poland, not Russia - suppressing independent thinking here has to take longer or is impossible.
Ironside  50 | 12928
30 Jun 2020   #1735
In other words he's ready to be absorbed by PiS....

Bosak is supported by the majority of Poles in the age group from 18 to 29.

Doesn't Poland has someone like Orban

Yes, some in Konfedracja.

you have been losing like hell. :):)

Has an early dementia set on you? You don't understand posts, have no idea about internet TV and are delusional as who has been loosing like hell. Visits a specialist before it is too late
Crow  154 | 9525
30 Jun 2020   #1736
There are a few PiS politicians who would like to have Budapest in Warsaw.

What? Do you speak of hungarization of Poland?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1737
You don't understand posts,

You still haven`t explained the problem with your homotopic, darling. :):)

What? Do you speak of hungarization of Poland?

Yes, the hungarization which means taking over all independent institutions in the country by an autocrat and doing what he wishes to.
30 Jun 2020   #1738
Pawian, I haven't heard that Orban is repressing voices. Duda wants to sell Poland to Israel and just like our PM Borisov wants Poland to be a US puppet state (I think the way is for CEE countries to embrace a union between them plus Sweden and Finland and not be very close to USA nor Russia.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
30 Jun 2020   #1739
Pawian, I haven't heard that Orban is repressing voices.

This means you need to read more about recent events.
Crow  154 | 9525
30 Jun 2020   #1740
which means taking over all independent institutions in the country by an autocrat

Ah, in sense of Orban is a dictator. Well, no Orban isn`t perfect but, he is under extraordinary pressure from western Europe.

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