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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #121
I only know for myself - I would have no problem voting for any of those three.

Yes, compared to that fanatic party candidate Duda, they are very moderate.
Lenka  5 | 3549
17 Feb 2020   #122
huge political backup in the largest Polish political party, PSL, and Ruch Kukiza.

The party might be huge but their electorate isn't. Simple as that. You treat your guy like some holy grail of a candidate and he simply isn't. He is good but not to that extend.

As to Kidawa-Błońska. One, she has PO electorate but even outside her party her negative electorate will be fighting with Duda's one. And hos one is not small either.

What really shocked me is that when Kaczynski started talking about Duda during convention he started with Smolensk. It's so many years, he already serves as a president and yet his description starts with that?

To add to it some commentators are worried that choosing two people to run the campain is a mistake that may cost them dearly. Especially since both of them are MEP's and because of that not in Warsaw so much.

BTW- it seems PiS takes Lichocka scandal a bit more seriously than Iron. The rumour is she was supposed to be the campaign spokesperson but now they will hide her till election
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #123
but now they will hide her till election

Too late. She will stay with us in opposition`s TV spots, billboards, cabarets, shows etc throughout the whole campaign. :)

Lookie here. That`s what I like: quick crime, quick punishment. Not like boring Dostoeyvski with his intricate psychology.

  • unnamed.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3549
17 Feb 2020   #124
I hope they won't overdo it. It can backfire.

It's a bit like that story with Duda's stalker- she posted again that they have an affair and called on the president to admit it. A lot of comments saying that it's the opposition stunt.... If that women won't shut up it may harm the other candidates (mostly Kidawa-Błońska I guess)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #125
she posted again that they have an affair and called on the president to admit it.

Wow, really? hahaha I didn`t find it in any media today. She is really nuts. :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Feb 2020   #126
she posted again that they have an affair and called on the president to admit it.

She's already old news, but when you think about these incidents, they all add up. If every picture discourages 1000 people from voting for Duda, and there's 80-something days to the election, he stands to lose 80,000 votes from these mistakes alone. If he then refuses to meet people face-to-face while Kidawa-Błońska is going around and hugging everyone in sight (as she's been doing) - it will hurt him even more.

I'm more interested right now in what Biedroń will do. Will he torment Bosak in order to get a predictably disgusting reaction?
Lenka  5 | 3549
17 Feb 2020   #127
She's already old news

Sie postać that yesterday. And if peiple will believe it's an opposition nasty play it will backfire

Will he torment Bosak in order to get a predictably disgusting reaction?

Again- dangerous play. Would have to be done veeeeery carefully
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Feb 2020   #128
And if peiple will believe it's an opposition nasty play it will backfire

Maybe not though, because Duda has history - remenber those weird late night tweets? If he was more of a sympathetic figure, maybe, but I think it's hard for him to get any when you consider how he's behaved so far.

Would have to be done veeeeery carefully

It's just enough to promote equality and so on, I think. Bosak is weak and uneducated, and he's not a match for Biedroń.

I still think the unknown here is Hołowina. If he takes some of Duda's electorate, then Duda will be in serious trouble.
Ironside  51 | 13114
18 Feb 2020   #129
Lookie here.

Geniuses from the Total clown circus - take people for morons and use all kind of propaganda to lie to them. How about some true to live placards - traitors should hang?

Lichocka scandal

sure everything is scandal in Poland. Boring ....BS!
Anyway they should just ignore all the rabble.

If every picture discourages 1000 people from

You are delusional. Do not feel Polish pulse, Torq make lot of sense. All those polls and predictions - not at all.

Biedroń will do.

Is he an official candidate? If not I say he will not run. F traitor and a liar.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Feb 2020   #130
Someone is definitely rigging the polls... :-/

It's Kantar, so it's pretty reliable. Some of the pills are a joke, but the Kantar ones are fairly reliable.

Interestingly, I looked at the provincial polls yesterday, and Duda stands to lose in most of them vs Kidawa-Błońska. His narrow lead comes from winning by big margins in the East, nothing more.

What is weird is that Bosak is so quiet

Money issues, I think. I read one report where they were trying to raise the money needed, and there were questions over whether he could even get the signatures needed.

That is a surprise.

I think it shows how difficult it will be for Duda in the second round. PO are hammering PiS with simple viral videos showing PiS as arrogant and out of touch, and Kidawa-Błońska is doing the right thing by making her campaign about local issues.

It won't have helped that Duda has no programme so far, while other candidates are offering their vision of Poland already. WKK for instance is highlighting the damage done to Polish education.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Feb 2020   #131
I will obviously vote for PAD to keep leftist liberal-loonies away from destroying my country by bringing abortion and LGBT ideology to schools and (just like it's happening now in Spain) remove parents' right to rise kids to their beliefs and insight.

Other candidates are bland and care only about them (and their party) to get to the koryto.


Kidawa-Błońska - i think the guy who operates her prompter would be better candidate than her,
Kamysz - is a communist,
Hołownia - is nobody,
Bosek - comes from Mikke's party and Mikke would like to disassemble the country at all. The'yre anarchists.
18 Feb 2020   #132
It's Kantar, so it's pretty reliable.

Reliable or not, I am against publishing polls - they indirectly tell people for whom to vote (not to "lose" their vote). They're kind of like self-fulfilling prophecy. :-/

Kamysz - is a communist

Say what? :) He said recently that now, with the UK outside the EU, Poland should take over the role of the defender of independent nations and state sovereignty. He also criticised Hołownia's disrespectful campaign spot that was mocking the Smoleńsk air disaster.

As I mentioned earlier, PSL has transformed into a proper Christian-Democratic, centre-right, party - and hopefully they will manage to win over the centrist voters as well as significant part of those who are "undecided". Poland really needs a reasonable centre that would keep at bay the more ridiculous ideas of both leftists and nationalists.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Feb 2020   #133
I love the fact that I cancel out Notty's vote :)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Feb 2020   #134
Love the fact that mr. Duda will win regardless :)))
Lenka  5 | 3549
18 Feb 2020   #135
Money issues, I think.

Possible. I'm surprised as they had the momentum going recently and it may turn out it will be all gone. As the saying goes 'Tak dobrze żarło i zdechło'
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 Feb 2020   #136
Poland should take over the role of the defender of independent nations and state sovereignty.

I can't believe you are that naive
Lenka  5 | 3549
18 Feb 2020   #137
I wonder, because that accusation appeared few times, what is communist in Kosiniak-Kamysz?
mafketis  38 | 11278
18 Feb 2020   #138
Nothing since the wedding...Honeymoon

Too traumatized... if you believe certain rumors....

what is communist in Kosiniak-Kamysz?

Nothing, it's just what some under-educated people say when they can't think of anything else....
18 Feb 2020   #139
because that accusation appeared few times

Twice - it was mentioned by Iron (but for him pretty much everyone is a "Soviet), and now by this NoToForeigners guy.

I wonder (...) what is communist in Kosiniak-Kamysz?

Yes, I wonder too. Especially that he was 8 years old when the communism in Poland fell. :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
18 Feb 2020   #140
I will obviously vote for PAD to keep leftist liberal-loonies away from destroying my country

Hey, it`s the same as me but in the opposite direction! Obviously, I won`t vote for PAD to keep rightist neobolshevik loonies from destroying my country. :):)

LGBT ideology to schools

BS. None of non-PiS candidates supports such ideas, probably except Biedroń.

bland and care only about them (and their party) to get to the koryto.

Exactly. That`s about Duda and PiS.

Kamysz - is a communist,

BS. You mistook him with sb else. Zandberg? But he doesn`t run for presidency.
18 Feb 2020   #141
"Do Poles want Andrzej Duda to be elected for the second term of office?"

NO - 72%, 26799 votes
YES - 25%, 9470 votes
Undecided - 3%, 1041 votes

accessed: 18.02.2020 20:31

Good luck in the second round, Mr. President. :)
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Feb 2020   #142
Rofl. Very accurate. Its like doing a survey among subscribers od official TVN24 Twitter account. Hillarious.

Besides remember about the leftist media propaganda fiasco with Brexit. For months they were so loud about the need of the next referendum because ppl seemingly changing their mind and trying to manipulate the society into thinking that's really the case. Election day comes and BAM! Johnson gains another 10%of support.

Brace yourself and do all the necessary preparations needed for another five years of whining, spitting venom and hate speech under any article about the govt. 😁😁😁

Also subscribe to TVP info Twitter account to spout hatred like the rest of leftist lunatics.
18 Feb 2020   #143
I really don't care that much about Brexit, John Borison or anything else connected with that far away, irrelevant country.

Also subscribe to TVP info Twitter account

Sorry, I don't have a Twitter account, and I most certainly don't watch TVP.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
18 Feb 2020   #144
I don't watch TVP either. Well i do watch a movie or sport but for news i go with Polsat. Both TVP info and TVN24 are agressive propaganda tubes. Shame u don't have Twitter though. You could see with your own eyes who really divides Poles. TVN Twitter is 95% of leftists tweeting and TVP info is 80% leftist hating.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 Feb 2020   #145
Good luck in the second round, Mr. President. :)

It's a marathon, not a sprint, but I'm sensing that things are much closer than Duda would like them to be. For example, in Wielkopolska, the latest poll gives Kidawa-Błońska a lead of 57-43, in Silesia 56-44, in Lower Silesia 53-47, in Pomorskie 58-42. It's clear that Kidawa-Błońska needs to pick up votes in Lower Silesia, but she also needs to limit the damage in Małopolska (currently, 62-38 to Duda).

(Torq, just to be clear, WKK is only slightly less popular than Kidawa-Błońska in the second round in all of those places.)

For me, I have great hopes that WKK will connect with voters in the East.
Ironside  51 | 13114
19 Feb 2020   #146
PSL has transformed into a proper Christian-Democratic, centre-right, party -

They are transformers by nature. Not the first time not the last. Are they really changed. Nope. Why do you claim otherwise - no idea. I don't even care that much for your reasons. I'm mean you rather vote for them, lol!, go ahead.

Don't be taken aback if someone somewhere will call you a Soviet.

Poland should take over the role of the defender of independent nations and state sovereignty.

Talking doesn't cost them anything. IF you really believe that Poland can take on that role you are very naïve.

I love the fact that I cancel out Notty's vote :)

You are weird.

by Iron (but for him pretty much everyone is a "Soviet),

Not really although it might seems so.

Doesn't matter how old he was. Don't you know that certain values or in that case anti-values can be taught/transferred to the next generation?
19 Feb 2020   #147
Are they really changed. Nope.

I think they did change. The alliance with Kukiz, among other things, changed them. I don't see any other sensible centrist party in Poland: they are either national socialists (PiS), neo-marxists (SLD, Wiosna, Razem), vulgar party of power - devoid of any thought or ideals (PO), or some strange conglomerate of monarchists, korwinists and football hooligans (Konfederacja).

So, an intelligent man with a bit of common sense, kind heart and love for his country, has only PSL left to vote for. Don't get me wrong, Iron - I would love to have a wider choice, but I really don't.

Don't be taken aback if someone somewhere will call you a Soviet.

Well, you are the only person to ever call me that, and now that I think of it - it is rather amusing. :)
mafketis  38 | 11278
19 Feb 2020   #148
someone somewhere will call you a Soviet.

someone somewhere = ironside

no one else uses that word anymore
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 Feb 2020   #149
certain values or in that case anti-values can be taught/transferred to the next generation?

Exhibit #1, your honour.

no one else uses that word anymore

It's amazing how Ironside has no problem with actual Communists, but has problems with people who identify with an older Polish political tradition.
Lenka  5 | 3549
19 Feb 2020   #150
They are transformers by nature. Not the first time

He has a point there Torq.

Don't you know that certain values or in that case anti-values can be taught/transferred to the next generation?

So what is communist in him?

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