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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

15 Feb 2020   #91
'rozbicie tego dupolu ktroy trawi polskie zycie polityczne od 15 lat' - Clearly pointing at PiS

Do you know what "duopol" means? Clearly it means choosing a candidate from outside of either PiS or PO (that's the duopol of two "warring tribes" that destroys Poland). If either Duda or KB is chosen, the Polish-Polish war will continue and get even more brutal. That's why it's vital for a candidate from a different party to win. I prefer Kosiniak-Kamysz, but I could live with Bosak or Hołownia too. As long as it's nobody from the "duopol" (PiS/PO).
mafketis  38 | 11278
15 Feb 2020   #92
not a solution that is populism

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

from a diehard supporter of the "vote for us if you want free money!" party?
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #93
I'm not PiS supporter but I guess that can be expected from some as biased and partisan as you.

Do you know what "duopol" means?

Nope that some new neologism for me.
Braveheart16  19 | 142
15 Feb 2020   #94

A man with no children, no proper family, who gets married just before presidential campaign at the age of 37?

Not sure if having no children and no proper family..? is really a quality which is detrimental to someones aspirations to a career in having a family really that important....I would have thought that it is more important to put forward ideas, suggestions in a manisfesto which provides solutions to the problems which currently face Poland....(to suggest having a family is necessary in order to be credible in politics is in my view a little simplistic..). Having seen the PIS show on channel 5 this evening I wonder if channel 5 will be giving the same amount of air time to the other political would seem fair to do so but who knows....

I hope that people do not vote for PIS on the basis that they will continue to give out 500+ money to people having babies....I really hope that voters also consider the bigger picture......rather than short sighted outcomes.....rather worrying if they do and this is likely to continue to restrict future growth and prosperity in Poland.....(wages will continue to be low and unlikely to increase significantly if people continue to support 500+ as the saviour of just won't work....) People should really look at their personal situations and decide what they want for their families and they want real jobs with good wages or are they just happy to continue with a basic but constant income....? People need to grow balls......and think about themselves and not what the PIS are doing for them which appears to be a cynical attempt to keep the masses happy......
Paulwiz  1 | 55
16 Feb 2020   #95
I found this statement in an article about your presidential elections.

"Since coming to power in 2015, the governing Law and Justice party has been in conflict with the European Union over new laws that give the government more control of the judicial system."

I might be misinterpreting this issue but I would think the relationship between the various branches of your government would be defined in your constitution and your laws. Probably I am just confused again so I would appreciate some clarification.
cms neuf  2 | 1968
16 Feb 2020   #96
Yes it does - the laws they propose are unconstitutional but are enforced by the judges they want to choose themselves
gumishu  15 | 6228
16 Feb 2020   #97
which laws PiS proposes is unconstitutional?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2020   #98
What? Playing stupid again? haha

Read this - also about current President who is accused of breaking constitution

That is why some slogans shouted at him by antiPiS protesters or written on banners read: You will go to jail! :))

Come for the photo - you will show it to inmates

  • TNLk9ktTURBXy9kN2U3N.jpg
Ironside  51 | 13114
16 Feb 2020   #99
antiPiS protesters

Hardly a legitimate source. You still haven't answered that question qumshiu keep asking. Will you answer it properly or will you play dumb and avoid it for ever ?
mafketis  38 | 11278
16 Feb 2020   #100
You still haven't answered that question qumshiu keep asking

Maybe you and he both missed this....

presumably you're both literate and can read or do you want him to chew it up and spit it into your mouth like a baby bird?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2020   #101
presumably you're both literate and can read

PiS supporters play stupid just like PiS politicians who, caught red handed, cry out - It is not my hand!! Prove it is my hand!! :):) And they deny and lie blatantly till the end. Like Lichocka who still claims she only rubbed her eye. hahaha
mafketis  38 | 11278
16 Feb 2020   #102
iS supporters play stupid just like PiS politicians

It's important to not play that game with them... they will waste all your time...
Ironside  51 | 13114
16 Feb 2020   #103
Maybe you and he both missed this....

Missed what? If I post some link pawian says he is not going to read it and I should post him the answer. Some goes here, Why would I go after some link in some newspaper. Pawina posted here let him explain himself. What are you his lawyer?

PiS supporters

I'm not PiS supporter. However people like you and those from the total opposition I hate more - your are scourge and should know you place in the gutters.

I'm giving time and time again to you lot a change to make a proper debate and still all I got is a biased BS nothing factual.

I'm fed up with your emotional slogans and you empty platitudes, double standards, hypocrisy and lies.
Go F Y morons!

You maf you are the most disappointing I expect you to know better. well...Go F y too!
mafketis  38 | 11278
16 Feb 2020   #104
If I post some link pawian says he is not going to read it

When did that happen?

...Go F y too!

Pożegnanie po lichocku!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2020   #105
When did that happen?

In summer 2019, he wanted me to read some nationalist source and I decided not to coz reading Mein Kampf and similar stuff isn`t my cup of tea. :):)

I'm not PiS supporter.

You are coz you sound like one. Simple.

Go F Y morons!

hahaha darling, don`t damage your beauty with this fury. hahaha

There is a certain trick to avoid this acute discomfort: ignore button. Just use it instead of falling prey to emotional outbursts so frequently. Behave like a fekking man at last. hahaha
Ironside  51 | 13114
16 Feb 2020   #106
You are coz you sound like one. Simple.

I know what and whom I'm supporting. You don't. So what I say goes.
WTF are you saying? That means you agree with me that you are a Soviet casue you sound like one, and the rest of that swolocz are traitors. Simple!

OK the latest poll:
PiS - 42%
KO- 25%
NL - 15%
PSL- 8%
K - 8%
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2020   #107
OK the latest poll:

Nope, it`s not the latest, you need to refresh your contact with Polish matters more often. :):)

This is newer than yours
PiS - 36%
KO- 27%
NL - 15%
PSL- 8%
K - 7%
Undecided - 8%
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2020   #108
Nope, it`s not the latest

Most importantly, these are the projected results from the 2nd round, based on a very large sample of 8000 voters.

Duda 50.3%
Kidawa-Błońska 49.7%

Duda 50.4%
Hołownia 49.6%

Duda 50.8%
Kosiniak-Kamysz 49.2%

Duda 57.0%
Biedroń 43.0%

Duda 74.5%
Bosak 25.5%

As we can see, Duda is only narrowly winning with three out of the five challengers, and he only decisively beats one of them (Bosak).

It's very hard for an incumbent to make up ground in an electoral race, which has to be cause for concern for Duda. This campaign looks to be putting his association with PiS front-and-centre, which is a strange tactic given that PiS received only 44.6% of the votes in the Senate. Perhaps this explains why Duda chose to surround himself with known fascists at the convention?

I'm not PiS supporter.

Hahahaha. Yet you and Spike both post word-for-word what PiS politicians say, so what is it?
Ironside  51 | 13114
16 Feb 2020   #109
Nope, it`s not the latest

It is, you M!
By Social changes for

Most importantly, these are the projected results

In Poland people vote differently in a presidential campaign. So it very hard to predict it. Those polls are about declared support for parties.

post word-for-word what PiS politicians say

Whilst you post what Soviets and traitors say. You're not even Polish how come you're Soviet?
mafketis  38 | 11278
16 Feb 2020   #110

Please define that term in clear words or stop using it, it's tiresome beyond belief.....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
16 Feb 2020   #111
It is, you M! By Social changes for

hahaha You pathetic loser, you are manipulating like PiS!! You are offering us a poll made for a rightist info site and quoted extensively by other PiS-controlled media. How about sth more independent???? :):):)

Why are you behaving like a Soviet propagandist???

Please define that term in clear words or stop using it, it's tiresome beyond belief.....

It seems the biggest Soviet here is Ironside. He surely lived in Poland in communist times and moved out when borders were opened. He had had enough time to soak with communist manners.
Ironside  51 | 13114
16 Feb 2020   #112
How about sth more independent???? :):):)

Like your poll in is independent?with their Leftie lies and BS. They wouldn't give you a time right. Independent my foot! Why don't you post something independent.

KO - 27% who have they called their family memebrs? 8000 lol

Please define that term

I might make a thread about it one day if I feel like it.
For know - how would you define a Yank in the South if you couldn't use an accent and a place of origin card?
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Feb 2020   #113

you need to subscribe to newsweek to read the article - nice try though
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #114
Oh, yes, I forgot about it.

More or less the same content can be found on other sites, e.g.,

In short: these are PiS` main transgressions before 2016

1. The President did not promptly swear in the 3 judges correctly appointed by the previous Parliament.
2. PiS MPs nullified the appointment of 5 judges by the previous Parliament.
3. As of 15 Aug 2016, Prime Minister Beata Szydło has not published the CC verdict of 9 March 2016 pronouncing the so-called "repair bill" of 22 December 2015 to be unconstitutional.

read the site for more.
mafketis  38 | 11278
17 Feb 2020   #115
how would you define a Yank in the South

Yank =/= Yankee
The first is used by Brits to refer to Americans (mostly if they look down on them)

Yankee, a person (usually white) from the Northern United States.... (esp great lakes area and over to the northeast)

Yankees don't necessarily share values of white southern culture (hospitality, proper manners, aristocratic pretensions, various kinds of social hierarchies etc) and have their own values (self-sufficiency, ingenuity, egalitarian civic duty etc).

Westerners have their own things going on (more rootless, with a tendency toward alienation and other stuff).

How do you define Poles vs Czechs apart from language and latitude?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
17 Feb 2020   #116
Why am I not surprised that more people would be inclined to vote Biedroń than vote Bosak?

It seems the biggest Soviet here is Ironside.

True words have been spoken here.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #117
KO - 27% who have they called their family memebrs?

No, that`s the percentage which comprises people with these two characteristics:
- patriots of Poland who can see that PiS is leading us towards Russia and Putin style pseudodemocracy.
- patriots who are intelligent enough to see where PiS is leading us.

Simple speaking, patriotic intelligents. Or intelligent patriots. Which one do you prefer? :):)

Anybody who isn`t in the group is either a renegade or idiot. Which one do you prefer? hahaha
17 Feb 2020   #118
Duda 50.3%

The numbers make no sense. Kidawa-Błońska as a PO candidate will have a huge negative electorate, and Hołownia has no political backup whatsoever. WKK, on the other hand, would seem to be acceptable to most opposition voters, and he has a huge political backup in the largest Polish political party, PSL, and Ruch Kukiza.

Simple speaking, patriotic intelligents.

You better be careful with that, Pawian...

... there might already be plans for all those pesky intelligentsia members who don't appreciate "dobra zmiana". ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
17 Feb 2020   #119
Yes, quite possible one day with PiS in power.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Feb 2020   #120
The numbers make no sense.

They do. Look at Duda's support - it will come from PiS supporters and possibly Konfederacja supporters, with a very small amount from the PSL and Hołowina. Meanwhile, Kidawa-Błońska, Hołowina and Kosiniak-Kamysz are largely electable by each other's electorate. I can't imagine the average PO voter deciding to stay at home just because Hołowina or Kosniak-Kamysz made it to the 2nd round.

Duda meanwhile has firmly placed himself as the candidate of PiS, which will also sour some voters.

I only know for myself - I would have no problem voting for any of those three.

and Hołownia has no political backup whatsoever

True, but what did Kukiz have beyond a bunch of small town mayors in 2015? Voters seem to like their maverick non-partisan candidates in Presidential elections, after all.

Why am I not surprised that more people would be inclined to vote Biedroń than vote Bosak?

Love always defeats hate, after all.

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