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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Feb 2020   #61
Tit for tat series continued.

PO are outplaying PiS so far. They clearly predicted this reaction, and PiS walked straight into the trap that was set.
mafketis  38 | 11278
13 Feb 2020   #62
PiS walked straight into the trap

It makes them look like wimps... PiS voters don't mind the usual bezinteresowne chamstwo the party is renowned for (it probably helps them) but they can't stand weakness...

It would be a shame if more public gatherings by Duda are accompanied by loud protestors... I don't think Adrian's skin is nearly tough enough.

Though at this point I think I prefer the PSL candidate PiS has taken the countryside so maybe PSL can move into the yawning space for a sane Christian Democrat party (that PiS was advertising itself as back in 2015).
Lenka  5 | 3549
13 Feb 2020   #63
So few new developments on the campaign.

PiS wanted to pass a resolution in parliment condemning the actions of protesters on Duda's meetings. Apparently there is a video when Kidawa- Blońska talks to some of the protesters. That makes it look a bit as she was part of it- not the smartest move IMO.

A message was posted on Twitter of a women hugging the president and staring lovingly into his eyes. She wrote something how she managed to kiss him on the neck few times..At first PiS tried to blame it on opposition as well but it turns out that women was posting stuff like that for years. Now some people are asking how a plike that could gain access to the president.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Feb 2020   #64
PiS wanted to pass a resolution in parliment condemning the actions of protesters on Duda's meetings.

yes, it is the continuation of Who Sows the Wind, Gathers the Storm soap opera. :) PIS are shyttyng their pants such unfortunate events will happen again to Duda.

Yes, they have to go through that Purgatory during the campaign. I am only afraid it won`t teach these morons anything and they will use it against their opponents in the future despite their today`s condemnation. Remember, guys, this vicious circle was started by PiS a few years ago.

She wrote something how she managed to kiss him on the neck few times.

Yes, funny. hahaha Some twitter users claim she is the one called Leśne Ruchadło - Forest Shagger- who twitted with the President at night in 2016. There was a little scandal after media revealed he had conversed with several other females.

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delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Feb 2020   #65
Yes, they have to go through that Purgatory during the campaign.

It's only getting worse. This time, we've got a MP from PiS giving the opposition the middle finger after PiS voted to give 2 billion złoty to TVP instead of giving it for cancer treatment.

not the smartest move IMO.

Hard to say, to be honest. PO supporters were desperate for the party to actually fight back after years of abuse, and the enthusiasm that they now have for meeting Duda at every step of the way is encouraging. PiS have been fighting dirty for years, and it's obvious that they're rattled by this.

A message was posted on Twitter of a women hugging the president and staring lovingly into his eyes.

It's a disaster for him, especially as Agata Duda also made a horrendous mistake earlier in terms of PR.

I'm shocked by how many bad moves PiS have made in the last week. For a party normally so disciplined, they seem to be completely all over the place.
mafketis  38 | 11278
13 Feb 2020   #66
For a party normally so disciplined

How's Jarek doing? I have the idea maybe they're not afraid of him anymore... which means the practical end as they're all far too venal and grasping to function without him keeping them a little in check.....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Feb 2020   #67
I'm wondering exactly that. Is it possible that he's losing control of them? PiS as a party are normally so disciplined, but they've walked straight into the trap that the opposition set for them. TVP propaganda is only reaching what, 2-3m - but I'd say that virtually every Polish person has experiences with family/friends and cancer.

Grzegorz Braun also laid into them for the 2 billion to TVP, so you really have to wonder if Konfederacja are going to support Duda or not.

Perhaps the other key point is that Gowin yet again appears to have blackmailed PiS into giving him what he wanted - more airtime for his mob.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Feb 2020   #68
PO supporters were desperate for the party to actually fight back after years of abuse,

Yes, it reminds me the atmosphere in Warsaw 1944. :)

I'm shocked by how many bad moves PiS have made in the last week.

We should see it exploited by the opposition wisely, which isn`t so obvious. :))
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
13 Feb 2020   #69
Yes, it reminds me the atmosphere in Warsaw 1944

I did not think that you were old enough to remember 1944......
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Feb 2020   #70
What if my grandpa was old enough? :):)
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #71
Was he watching in from the Soviet side of the river?
mafketis  38 | 11278
15 Feb 2020   #72
Party Party Uber Alles, Uber Alles auf der Welt!

PiS shows those suffering from cancer just exactly what it thinks of them....


trans: MP Joanna Lichocka has a special greeting for all those suffering from cancer....
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #73
Party Party Uber Alles,

Aren't you talking about yourself. Your level of bias is up the roof.
mafketis  38 | 11278
15 Feb 2020   #74
Yeah, you're right.... F*KK cancer patients!!!! Who cares about those losers when there's a propaganda arm of the government that needs (more) funding?
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Feb 2020   #75
The gesture itself would be a minor thing but the circumstances....
After puttong the money on TV rather than on healthcare... Can you imagine an older, devouted lady that not only probably has a lot of compassion for sick people but just after sees such rude gesture? She can't like it. Of course it won't change her vote but it might be the first brick...

The MP herself seems to be loaded so that is next thing that can be thrown at her by the other side
mafketis  38 | 11278
15 Feb 2020   #76
but the circumstances....

...are not easily comprehended by someone who chooses to not live in Poland.
15 Feb 2020   #77
Ropert Kropiwnicki (PO) fainted during parliamentary debate. He received first aid from Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz...

... once a doctor, always a doctor! :)
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Feb 2020   #78
You are getting too cheesy for your own good now Torq :)

The fact is they were there around 17 hours. I'm not aware of any emergency so why can't it be better planned? As someone said- screw the MPs, but what about the support stuff that had to pull those long hours as well.
15 Feb 2020   #79
Oh, I'm simply enjoying supporting WKK - the best presidential candidate in a long time. :)
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Feb 2020   #80
There is a chance there and he is not a bad candidate (especially if compared to ruling president) but come on, don't over do it :) If you push too hard the result might be the opposite.
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #81
but the circumstances....

Circumstances are the same. PiS versus so called total clowns.
One of those clownish antics provoked one of PiS MP and because they could stretch it and make it look like clowns actually care about anyone else that themselves, let alone some sick people, they are having a field day. Cheerleaders of clowns are having emotional meltdown. Simple.

It show that pollical fever can strike anyone anywhere even seemingly sensible people like maf are victims of it.
You know, that question would never arise If clowns were in charge, they would divide this money between themselves under the table long time ago.

I'm simply enjoying supporting WKK - the best presidential candidate in a long time. :)

You're so predictable. Sad thought you voting on an epitome of post-communisms and all that it stands for.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
15 Feb 2020   #82
One of those clownish antics provoked one of PiS MP

Tell us, how did they provoke her into giving the middle finger to cancer patients?
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Feb 2020   #83
they could stretch it and make it look like clowns actually care about anyone else that themselves, let alone some sick people

It's nice to know you can read minds of so many people you never even met...I guess in real life you are medium...

But seriously- who cares about what they feel and care for- the result is that the money could have gone to sick people but instead went to a freaking TV station to bail it out yet AGAIN even though it had budget surplus before PiS took over

provoked one of PiS MP

She was just on the winning side of a vote and she was provoked? So either she's mentally unstable or you are talking ballocks. And please don't forget she said that she was just scratching her eye or correcting her hair. So your choice is- either she is a total as**ole or a liar. You pick.

they would divide this money between themselves under the table long time ago.

Yes, yes. We know. You know thise things and you don't need any proof- after all you are our forum's fortune teller.
mafketis  38 | 11278
15 Feb 2020   #84
can read minds of so many people you never even met...

he knows the inner workings of a country he chooses not to live in... it's a short step from that to reading minds...

She was just on the winning side of a vote and she was provoked?

narcissistic rage (a relatively mild version) in the min of a narcissist anyone who doesn't worship them is the enemy...
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Feb 2020   #85
The fact that Andrzej Duda will win the upcoming presiential elections is almost certain. The question is: is there going to be a second round or not? I think there will be. Kosiak-Kamysz would be the most dangerous opponent for Duda because he could take over centrist voters, and also because he doesn't have as much "negative electorate" as the other candidates. Fortunately, great political strategists from "total opposition" have decided to promote a dummy known as Kidawa, maiden name "Faux-pas", instead so they're heading for a certain failure :-).

Apart of that Duda will be attacked from a right side by Bosak from Konfederacja who will take over conservatives and right-wing voters dissapointed with PiS and from the left side by a homo-mascot Biedron, with whom he doesn't share any electorate.
15 Feb 2020   #86
You're so predictable.

I suppose I am: always for Poland, always for Polish people, always for Saint Virgin Mary.

you voting on an epitome of post-communisms and all that it stands for

Oh, come on...

Kosiak-Kamysz would be the most dangerous opponent for Duda

Exactly. How can PO promote "Komorowski in a skirt" instead is beyond me. :-/
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #87
how did they provoke her

Ask them. why are you asking me?

t's nice to know you can read minds

You should try it too. Just read them by discerning their deeds and words and people they associate with. You'll know what there is to know. Not if you are fooled easily.

the money

What money? All that racket about some money that PiS can spent on whatever their decide they want to spend.
It will be judged by the voters. Sane people, a real opposition not clowns would point it out and show a real solution rather than go into that hysterical BS they excel at. Cheer those idiots some more if that makes you feel better but don't tell me you know what you are doing.

She was just on the winning side of a vote and she was provoked?

For simple minds everything is so simple. Do you think that all you see on the screen is just all that goes on? Yes, I bet it is what you think. Good on you lol!

We know.

No you don't. it wasn't on the news in your favorite newsletter. IF it wasn't there so all those things never happened. Since it never happened and clowns and thieves are honest diligent people you can ride that high tide of yours unbounded. You know it only a wet dream don't you?

Oh, come on...

Prove me wrong if you dare.
Even on that placard you posted. That Dude talks about erasing Pis from the political life in Poland. IF that what for him and for Kamysz is the most important key factor they are not different from so called 'totalen' opposition know otherwise as a factory of clowns.

Basically all was good in post-communist Poland until PiS came and soured things. Most unabashed post-commie swan song and Kamysz is their candidate. Yes, he chooses his words more carefully but one need to be a douche to buy into it.

I am: always for Poland, always for Polish people,

You need to take off soviet footwraps - metaphorically speaking - to grasp what I'm about.
Lenka  5 | 3549
15 Feb 2020   #88
real opposition not clowns would point it out and show a real solution rather than go into that hysterical BS they excel at.

They did- they proposed to use it somewhere else instead and voted against giving TVP another bail out. What she did was AFTER the vote that her side won.

If in your opinion finding better goal for the money and voting for that is being total opposition than what isn't?

But as usual you don't give any proofs, any examples just slogans and insults and the only validarion being that you said so.
15 Feb 2020   #89
Prove me wrong if you dare.

What is there to prove? PSL is the largest Polish political party with well over 100,000 mebers, a lot of them farmers - the salt of this land. Do you really want to call them "post-communists"? Get real, Iron. It's been over 30 years since the fall of communism in Poland, and sure - there are some neo-marxists still alive and kicking, but you won't find too many of them in PSL. No political party is perfect, but in comparison to any other Polish political formation PSL wins in very important categories of common sense, decency and political realism.

Even on that placard you posted. That Dude talks about erasing Pis from the political life in Poland.

Erm... where exactly?

You need to take off soviet footwraps

Don't make me use that rather rude combination of one verb and one preposition again, Iron. You're a good guy, but you really need to stop seeing communists behind every corner.
Ironside  51 | 13114
15 Feb 2020   #90
They did- they proposed to use

That is not a solution that is populism, to score some points.

a lot of them farmers -

They have lost support of farmers. PSL is a party of opportunists. I knew them inside out. I knew them but from what I can see they haven't changed.

Erm... where exactly?

'rozbicie tego dupolu ktroy trawi polskie zycie polityczne od 15 lat' - Clearly pointing at PiS. Some old same ...

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