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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates

KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #661
very PRL

Almost as farked as nearly entire opposition being controlled by a guy who is paid by foreign intelligence - very much Yanukovych style ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 May 2020   #662
It's interesting to see how PiS trolls are now targeting PF with their disinformation.
jon357  72 | 23361
10 May 2020   #663
PiS trolls

Don't forget, today's the day of Schrodinger's Election, the vote that isn't...
10 May 2020   #664
the vote that isn't

Well, you know what they say: in an ordinary country you know the date of the vote and how it will be conducted, buy you don't know the winner; in Poland you know the winner, but you have no idea when and how will the voting take place. :)

Also, I find it mind boggling that two oridnary MPs (szeregowi posłowie) - Kaczyński and Gowin, agreed to call off the democratic elections and move it to some unspecified date in the future ("maybe July, maybe August"). What a mess...
jon357  72 | 23361
10 May 2020   #665
As Brecht wrote "The people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people"
mafketis  38 | 11137
10 May 2020   #666
What a mess...

That's what JK wants. All he ever does is create chaos (he's a lot like Putin in that regard).
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
10 May 2020   #667

You need to stop doing that asap. Btw, you still think Tanajno is part of the far-right? Then how do you perceive the relationship between Giertych and Tusk? Nazi and a nazi-lover?
jon357  72 | 23361
10 May 2020   #668
All he ever does is create chaos

It's basically from a certain playbook. Right now, he's almost certainly thinking about his legacy and posthumous image, while successors jostle for attention and power; we can expect some very unpredictable times ahead.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #669
You need to stop doing that asap.

Why, does it conflict with the messages from Nowogrodzka? The best thing is that PF is based in the US, so you can't and won't censor this forum.

Right now, he's almost certainly thinking about his legacy and posthumous image

I think he's at this point now where he knows that it's all or nothing, and if he fails, there's a very real chance that he'll end up spending the rest of his life fighting legal action. He's going to be acutely aware that an economic crisis was enough to finish off Gomułka and Gierek, and a fall in income (in real terms) by 10% or worse - 4% fall in GDP, inflation of basic goods is skyrocketing - will hurt their support considerably.

The latest Presidential poll shows that Duda won't win in the 1st round, and that Hołowina or WKK are his likely challengers. With Konfederacja now clearly coming out against PiS, where will Duda get a majority from?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
11 May 2020   #670
Duda is a disgrace - what is weird is that in 5 years he has not grown into the job at all - he is still like a kid, in a typical Polish business he wouldn't get a second interview for an admin job,

I'm probably voting for WKK. In the meantime I will be covering any Duda posters I see with a printout of JK since Duda hasn't bothered to voice any of his own opinions since about 2017.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 May 2020   #671
he has not grown into the job at all

Au contraire, mon amis! He's grown into the job quite well as imagined by JK (pliable puppet who does whatever he's told with no back talk or silly ideas about having any power or authority on his own).

I wonder if h'es really that.... weak or if they have some blackmail hold over him.

Maybe Marta was a honey trap? I don't think she and her uncle like each other but maybe she was convinced that it would improve her father's legacy?
cms neuf  1 | 1846
11 May 2020   #672
I don't know if that is true or not but even if it was then if he were a man he would just tell his wife he screwed someone else. Probably he would have a month of sleeping in the couch and have to buy some jewellery but then it would be over and done with.

Acting as someone else's puppet for 5 years seems a high price to pay for a brief indiscretion.
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 May 2020   #673
seems a high price to pay for a brief indiscretion

Allow me to introduce you to the 'sunk cost fallacy'....

I don't think his wife would care either (her body language in public is pretty indifferent to him) but maybe she could/would use it in an ugly public break up?

On the other hand, maybe the simplest explanation is that he's just a really weak person (and that was part of why he was chosen).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #674
I know one quite honest PiS supporter who says that Duda wasn't meant to win. He was intended as a weak candidate that could be blamed internally for losing, and no-one quite expected him to fight as hard as he did. Of course, they wouldn't have predicted that Komorowski would run probably the worst campaign since 1990.

He's obviously a very weak person, but when you think about the illegal things he did, he clearly knows that any attempt to move outside JK's circle will result in the state going after him heavily. There's already strong evidence of his wrongdoing (flying at the taxpayer's expense to teach at a private university) in the past, and he will be painfully aware that PiS are malicious.

Agata Duda's body language is fascinating, though. There's no real evidence that she's happy with the situation, especially when even her own brother has made it clear that he despises PiS.

I've just read something very interesting. It turns out that the masks that came on the Antonov are simply useless (as was known almost as soon as they arrived), but that they also cost nearly 8PLN each for single use disposable masks. Let's remember that the same masks can be purchased in places like Zabka for 1.62PLN each.

The company that sold them turns out to have been founded by an ex-WSI officer, too. Let's also remember that according to PiS, WSI was the enemy.

Perhaps our new PiS activist can provide us with the rationale for such a purchase?
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 May 2020   #675
I'll tell you something even more interesting: all those dust mask that you're wearing are simply useless. But it is your choice if you're feeling safer wearing a muzzle. Your health may even benefit from it thanks to placebo effect ;-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #676
all those dust mask that you're wearing are simply useless.

According to which measure? Given that the purpose is to avoid infecting others, not to protect yourself...

Still, it's good fun to watch the anti-mask crazies attack PiS.
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 May 2020   #677
@delphiandomine everying is so simplistic to you. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail ;-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #678
Still wondering which measure you're using.
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 May 2020   #679
If by asking this question you want to know from which political propaganda repository I'm slurping my "messages of a day" [to be able to counter them effectively using political instructions from your chosen repository] the answer is simple: none.

And I advise you to do the same: just use your own brain and don't delegate all your thinking processes to propaganda centres. One day you'll wake up and you'll have to google "what are the lastest news and how should I react to them?"
mafketis  38 | 11137
11 May 2020   #680
Given that the purpose is to avoid infecting other

Well I think by now the main purpose of the masks is as a placebo, making people feel safer when they go outside... any real health purpose they might have served stopped a while ago...

That said, I'm happy to wear one to make other people feel better cause I'm not a complete @ssh0|e who's more interested in posturing than getting things moving again.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
11 May 2020   #681
Still, it's good fun to watch the anti-mask crazies attack PiS.

Don't offend them. They are gaining up on Kidawa in the presidential race so you could be looking at your next big partner in your grande coalizione against PiS. Then you gonna jump around them as you do around Giertych now.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
11 May 2020   #682
Here is the news we've all been waiting for; Romuś telling it how it is... get rid of that old fart - Kidawa, get rid of her now or you are going to lose, PO clowns:,nId,4489332
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #683
the answer is simple: none.

Dear Spike, if you're going to make such claims as:

all those dust mask that you're wearing are simply useless

Then you need to back it up with some evidence. It's really quite simple, isn't it?

Well I think by now the main purpose of the masks is as a placebo

This is worth a read - - while it hasn't been peer-reviewed yet to my knowledge, they suggest that masks can reduce the amount of particles inhaled by around 75%.

From a Polish perspective, last weekend proved that it's pointless asking people to wear masks if you're not going to enforce the rules.

As for the poster above, it's pretty obvious that he's reposting the messages from Nowogrodzka and ignoring the current trends. He might want to worry more about WKK and Hołowina, as both of them look like a serious threat in the 2nd round.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
11 May 2020   #684
As for the poster above

I can almost feel your pain, buddy.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #685
The pain of knowing that a PiS activist is concentrating on a minor forum?

Tell us, what's the quota? How many posts does Daddy have to show at the Party meetings?
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
11 May 2020   #686
The pain of knowing

Nope, the pain of not being able to accept the reality. The further you step away from reality, the more hilarious you become. It feels like watching King Julien live ;)
Spike31  3 | 1485
11 May 2020   #687
Then you need to back it up with some evidence. It's really quite simple, isn't it?

I'll try to explain it using a highly sophisticated specialist jargon:

That piece of clothing called face mask which you're are wearing has tiny holes which allows you to breath in and out. And that felonoius coronavirus is tiny-weeny and it easily gets through those holes in and out causing all sorts of trouble, inluding brain damage among followers of a cult of coronavirus.

Yet, there's a solution to all those issues: you can just simply stop breathing. Suck that coronavirus!

If that sounds too radical you can also spend the rest of your life locked in your flat. Oh, wait...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 May 2020   #688
Ah, so you're actually not able to understand the science. That makes sense, given your penchant for repeating what politicians tell you to think.

If you'd bothered to actually read the research on the matter, you'd know that a cloth mask is of some use. It might not be as good as a correctly worn N95 mask, but anything that helps to cut down on the infection rate is worthwhile. The idea that cloth masks are 'useless' is laughable, because the evidence shows otherwise.

Nope, the pain of not being able to accept the reality.

Reality. The one in which your father's job depends entirely on how much you post on the internet about how great PiS is.
KorkiTaczer  - | 109
11 May 2020   #689
your father's job

Let's not bring my father's job into all this mess... or else I will have to mention your mother's job and 'quota' she charges for it. Oh no, I guess I already did. I'm sorry buddy, I'm so careless these days ;)
cms neuf  1 | 1846
11 May 2020   #690
Very classy - I thought all your PiS guys were devout and wanted to go back to traditional values.

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