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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #211
Whats Polish should remain Polish. You came here thinking Poland has to bow before you? LOL. It's not Germany or France. Here you have to adapt or GTFO.

And that's what bothers you. You thought you gonna be some kind of a celebrity or elite simply because you're a foreigner lololololo. Reality check!!! You're fking nobody and if you whine you'll get a beat up wussie. :P
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #212
Pilsudski's idea was actually Intermarium.

A step towards greater union. In his lifetime, a period torn by war, conflict and the growing threat of nationalism and fascism, people could only have dreamed of our European Union.

He looked firmly to the west.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Aug 2017   #213
In his lifetime, a period torn by war, conflict and the growing threat of nationalism and fascism, people could only have dreamed of our European Union.

Indeed, his grand hope was for something similar to Austria-Hungary. The European Union would have been a logical extension of that, not least because it would have allowed all people to live in prosperity and for nations to thrive.
G (undercover)
31 Aug 2017   #214
A step towards greater union.

He looked firmly to the west.

Utter nonsense, as usual. Do you get an errection each time you write a lie ? Pilsudski wanted to set up Intermarium as a defense against both east and west. Shut up and grab some history book. Filthy propagandists.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Aug 2017   #215
Pilsudski wanted to set up Intermarium as a defense against both east and west.

As the West was a threat in those times. If the West had been as it is today, Pilsudski would have been first to ally with the West, no doubt recognising the huge advantages that a political, economic and military alliance could offer against the Russian menace.
Ironside  50 | 12916
31 Aug 2017   #216
would have been a huge supporter

He is long dead and buried. It is exercise in futility as well as pointless to guess what would dead people say.

Yes I am very interested in learning about pilsudzki

He never expressed any idea about Intermarium or anything of the sort. That is all build by wishful thinking of some of his supporters or those who had been impressed with him then and later. It all stem from the fact that he ventured to Kiev with Petlura and his soldiers in support of an independent Ukrainian state.

There some talk about restitution the old Poland borders, or about building a cordon by helping create some states between Poland and Russia. However all that was some loose talk and a general concept created after the events. JP didn't write about it, said next to nothing about it and done nil about it. That is just persistent myth as he is seen by some as this wise victories figure. He wasn't.

Intermarium is an old idea derived from of the Polish Kingdom practise. In those times when Polish kingdom controlled lands between Baltic and Black seas.

Today's Intermarium idea has quite different take and doesn't has much to do with some Slavic unity dream based on wishful thinking and superficial similarities.

It is a solid idea of cooperation between countries of the eastern and central Europe between three seas. Based on a common, shared interests and business opportunities. Supported by the USA.

He would have clearly identified the European Union as a safety net against the two great powers, and the ability to tie up Germany economically

Sure,a great idea. Poland should succumb to the German ideas and became a junior partner. All that fight against III Reich waste of opportunity.

Luckily Poland and three seas concept has support of the USA and protection of NATO.
Germans are not very good at building alliances and coalition and even worse at ruling them as they have proved time after time for the last 200 years. I think they should curb their ambitions and step down.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
1 Sep 2017   #217
He is long dead and buried.

And still revered in Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11137
1 Sep 2017   #218
Not everywhere. Where I am he's more tolerated than revered.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
1 Sep 2017   #219
In Warsaw, he's still loved. Someone (a Poznaniak actually) recently said to me that she thinks Poland needs a Pilsudski now.

He was very much an internationalist, always looking West. If you aren't familiar with his brother (an even more staunch internationalist), he is worth reading about. Very much a Francophile, and pro-German (in the era before the rise of nationalism there) too.
mafketis  38 | 11137
1 Sep 2017   #220
Someone (a Poznaniak actually) recently said to me that she thinks Poland needs a Pilsudski now.

To turn his back on Wielkopolska again? no thank you. The whole tradition of rogale świętomarcińskie is actually fairly modern and began as a way of celebrating something besides Piłsudski. Wielkopolska remembers.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
1 Sep 2017   #221
Wielkopolska remembers.

An area with particularly high support for EU membership - it's been good for Poznan. A lot of real changes since accession.
mafketis  38 | 11137
1 Sep 2017   #222
An area with particularly high support for EU membership

And generally the lowest level of PiS support (and the first to openly rebel against communism in the post WWII iron curtain countries).
Crow  154 | 9463
31 Jan 2020   #223
Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Manipulation. What an abominable title for the thread. What an horrible statement. What a lie. What a madness.

Poles, say one great NO to European union. You see that even those Brits understand. They abandoned madhouse. See, no matter their other limitations, one must admit Brits are wise. Sometimes.
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
31 Jan 2020   #224
Brits like to consider themselves as a one superior civilization, be sure that they plan for things 20 years ahead, or at least they would like to think that they know what will happen in 20 years from now...
Lyzko  44 | 9745
31 Jan 2020   #225
Poland probably won't even be affected by the Brexit, save perhaps for Polish nationals residing permanently in the UK or those who have become UK citizens.
Crow  154 | 9463
31 Jan 2020   #226
Only God knows how many Poles assimilated Britain. And Poles have respect for Britain.

Or shall we even speak of how many Poles was assimilated and exterminated by western Europe. And Poles are in EU.

Are Poles sado-mazo oriented, I asking myself.
True Son of Poland
1 Feb 2020   #227
It's midnight GMT. Good riddance Britain.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Feb 2020   #228
It's midnight GMT.

Hello, Britain. Your nightmare will soon be over.
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Feb 2020   #229
Could it be that Britain, by escaping EU, now switching on right and winning side of history? I contemplated on this and I see that many thinkers of my country also contemplate on this. Some even says that we after Brexit live in a New World and nothing is the same, that Britain abandoning its scheming with Reich and meek Francos.

But where is Poland then? What is the path of Poland? Where goes Poland?

Does anybody ask Poles anything?

Hello, Britain. Your nightmare will soon be over.

True. True. So true.

When one door close, another door opens.
kondzior  11 | 1026
1 Feb 2020   #230
If it wasn't for the diversity pushing and pandering to the sexual rainbow alphabet crowd, the Brusselist eurocrat corruption and bureaucracy would be way better than what the majority of the politicians on Wiejska (except for a part of Konfederacja) is serving us currently. Unfortunately the krauts and globalist-in-denial leftists ruined what the EU could be.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2020   #231
Does anybody ask Poles anything?

Yes, they do. The latest poll: 6% want to leave the EU, 89% stay in the EU, 5% doesn`t know.,106/sondaz-dla-faktow-tvn-i-tvn24-na-temat-stosunku-polakow-do-unii-europejskiej,1003143.html

Unfortunately the krauts and globalist-in-denial leftists ruined what the EU could be.

When Poland leaves the EU, she will be soon embraced by Putin and Russia who won`t allow themselves to lose such an opportunity. And most Konfederacja has nothing against.
Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Feb 2020   #232
Poland leaves the EU, she will be soon embraced by Putin and Russia

Utter tripe!
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Feb 2020   #233
Yes, EU lost Britain.


Britain founded its soul.

Unfortunately the krauts and globalist-in-denial leftists ruined what the EU could be.

Sure. Even 10 years ago I told here that EU died the moment western Europeans (led by Germany) joined with Islamic league and US madman Bill Clinton in destruction of Yugoslavia and partitioning of Serbia.

The latest poll: 6% want to leave the EU, 89% stay in the EU, 5% doesn`t know.

I can`t believe that. It must be fake poll.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2020   #234
Unfortunately, it is true. I am really sorry.

Utter tripe!

How do you think it will be prevented? Once you mentioned NATO or USA. Do you still believe that Poland out of the EU will be considered a fully fledged partner worth fighting for? That`s daydreaming. The West won`t give a damn about isolated Poland. In the EU Poland has a chance, out of it - none. Of course it won`t happen next year. How about a decade or two? The partitions of Poland were also spread over decades.
Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Feb 2020   #235
The latest poll: 6% want to leave the EU, 89% stay in the EU, 5% doesn`t know.

31,3% - yes/ 46% - no/ no idea 27,7. In the latest poll.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2020   #236
Before your post loses edit status, you can still supply it with the source. :):) Otherwise, it looks like a poll among Konfederacja members, and as such - too biased. :)
Ironside  50 | 12916
1 Feb 2020   #237
How do you think it will be prevented?

What are you? soothsayer? Don't be ridiculous it is only your rather silly opinion.

Konfederacja members, and as such - too biased. :)

If that was the case that poll would look like that - 99% - yes/ 1% not sure.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2020   #238
So enlighten us with your wise opinion which will refute my silly one. It is a problem to discuss anything with you if you only comment like " BS" and say nothing more - a very simplistic, even primitive style, I must say. Rich already pointed to it long ago.

I am still waiting for a nice source, dear. Saying interia something isn`t enough. :):) You could say "The Internet" as well.
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Feb 2020   #239
When Poland leaves the EU, she will be soon embraced by Putin and Russia who won`t allow themselves to lose such an opportunity.

I call you to free your mind from this idea.

Russia can`t allow itself any such adventure. Not just Poland but Russia can`t digest any country overtaken by force. Simple, not enough Russians to waste them in this totally hostile world. Not to speak of morale damage on Russia if, unprovoked, move troops on territory of Poland. All Slavs and all world would be against such a Russia. No, Russia don`t need that.

What Russia can is to try to be best as possible partner to eastern Europeans. For all sorts of reason.... To hope to develop closer ties with its Slavic kin and others with time. To secure its back if things with China deteriorate. To have friendly zone on its western borders if things with western Europe become ugly. To have secured market. Etc, etc, etc.

Unfortunately, it is true. I am really sorry.

One can always learn the hard way. If poll isn`t fake.
pawian  224 | 27236
1 Feb 2020   #240
Not just Poland but Russia can`t digest any country overtaken by force

Who says about force? I said "embrace", didn`t I? The Kremlin won`t use any force, they will take advantage of Polish renegades and traitors, mostly from nationalist and rightwing side, who will gladly accept Kremlin`s proposition to join Russia and Belarus.

To have friendly zone on its western borders.

Yes, it is understandable and we can`t blame Russians for that coz all countries do such things. The problem is that in Russia such securing of safe borders always ended with a full political, economic and military domination over her neighbours. I don`t want to live in a country dominated by Russians who still haven`t come to terms with their Soviet past - e.g., they glorify Stalin despite all his purges and millions sent to Gulag or certain death in WW2. Who can ensure Russians won`t bring back Stalinist methods in the future? Also in dominated Poland? Thank you very much.

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