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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Marsupial  - | 871
30 Aug 2017   #181
The eu says big no to pis who have done more damage to poland in a short time than anything else. Pis are losers.
Ironside  50 | 12916
30 Aug 2017   #182
Stop talking out of your ass Marsupial. Do you even speak Polish? I doubt it. You're some kind of freak with no clue. Are you being paid for posting garbage or want is your game?
Marsupial  - | 871
30 Aug 2017   #183
Utter trash government of the worse kind backed by losers of the highest order. You aren't polish ironside time to adopt a new nationality gypsy boy.i suggest the Albanian goat herding forum for someone like you.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
30 Aug 2017   #184
Utter trash government of the worse kind backed by losers of the highest order.

Stop relying on that bulroarees for your information about poland they are dangerous, look what happened last time u used one cobber.

Sixty-five percent of Poles have a positive view of the performance of President Andrzej Duda, according to a new survey by pollster CBOS.,President-Duda%E2%80%99s-ratings-skyrocket-poll
Ironside  50 | 12916
30 Aug 2017   #185
Utter trash

Talking about yourself again? You have just confirmed that you are a freak with no clue. What is wrong with you Ozzie boys too much bush to brush? No matter, you're just another 'educated' fellow with absolutely nothing to say. You as well could be a parrot your intelectual equal. I'm done with you.

Soon I will run of people to exchange posts with on PF. lol!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Aug 2017   #186

Pilsudzkis intermarium idea would be wonderful. A federation of Slavic states from sea to sea would be wonderful but its a pie in the sky idea for now. Although who knows anything can change n tens of millions of Slavs living and working together would be a great thing. Kind of like the way Yugoslavia was under Tito but bigger and better. He was a Croat but still all the different ethnicies of yugo liked him. Unfortunately I don't think it will happen anytime soon but who knows. At least we have v4 for now and id love to see other countries like romania bulgaria Ukraine serbia as well as the other Slavic countries in the Balkans and baltics join us or At least form more economic and security ties. We live in a very troubling time in Europe. Everyone knows its just a matter of time before the next major terror attack.

If there's one thing I absolutely hate seeing is slav fighting slav like in east Ukraine. So sad to see fellow brothers and sisters killing each other, shelling Slavs homes businesses etc.

At the end if the day Pis won. Not just the presidency but they gained quite a few seats as well. There's several reasons why PO lost - the whole tape scandal, talking down to fellow poles, being all to willing to cut deals esp with Germany in what many saw as selling out some of the county's most important, and also kow towing to Brussels on the migrant issue. All those really upset the poles contributing to their losses.

I like certain leaders in PO although many have a rather shady past back from prl days and some like komorowski appear to have made up where they're from, who their family is, etc.
Marsupial  - | 871
30 Aug 2017   #187
That's because they are dumb and poland will be screwed over like it always was. Screwed themselves for all those years after ww2 and got forgotten and left to rot. I have no doubt that will happen again. It's a whole country of self destructive idiots. I am going to renounce my citizenship after i sell my assets and change my polish name to something else.
mafketis  38 | 11137
30 Aug 2017   #188
A federation of Slavic states from sea to sea would be wonderful

And impossible. the non-slavic belt of Romania and Hungaria and Austra separate the southern slavs (bulgarians and former-jugoslavs) from the rest
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
30 Aug 2017   #189
goat herding peasant

I do that each day, what so no voice In the EU for peasants like me, that sounds like marxist commie talk there boy, back in the II Republic we had camps for marxist Bolsheviks who wished to curtail free speech by force , well so harry says.

That's because they are dumb and poland will be screwed over like it always was. Screwed themselves It's a whole country of self destructive idiots

Its alway a laugh to watch the true colors come out of a lefty once they blow a main fuse
Ironside  50 | 12916
30 Aug 2017   #190
Pilsudzkis intermarium idea would be wonderful.

He had no any such idea. It is not his idea and doesn't belong to him.

I am going to renounce my citizenship after i sell my assets and change my polish name to something else.

Please do, you're not Polish and if you're you are not an asset to the nation.

is slav fighting slav

You're believing in a myth or u r a victim of a divisive policy of the left that focuses on a race. There is no Slavic unity or commonality and never was.

Intermarium doesn't talk about federation or Slavic federation, only about close economic and political collaboration. Most states of the three seas area would benefit from it. Talk business not some dreams of empires.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Aug 2017   #191
@Ironside Eh not totally true..

First sentence says it was a ww1 plan of pilsudzki..

Also yes many different Slavs lived together peacefully during the polish Lithuanian commonwealth and in titos yugoslavia

And no, I just hate to see my Slavic brothers and sisters fighting each other. That feeling has nothing to do with politics. Anyway I believe as Slavs we ought to be united as we share much in common similar cultures similar religions similar languages etc. We can put past differences aside and focus on what unites us. Especially to take a stand against things like forced multiculturalism Islamic terror unctrolled migration attempts to destroy the traditional family unit ostracism of Christians etc
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Aug 2017   #192

How dare you say that. You're lucky you can hide behind a keyboard because if you said that to a real pole like myself in person wed set you straight real quick.

You need a history lesson. Ussr occupied everything to east Berlin after ww2.. After poles helped basically collapse communism through solidarnosc our economy has grown tremendously. People from all over the world from Europe to Africa to s Asia to e Asia come as tourists, investors, students, etc. We rebuilt our country and we won't let it be destroyed. That's a foreign concept to you though as you're the total opposite of a patriot - a traitor.

This is a polish forum. Gtfo if you're going to talk $hit about Poland and polish people. I hope you get banned.

Go leave Poland and change your polish name. People like you aren't welcome. You won't be missed.
31 Aug 2017   #193
A history lesson from a dummie like you. I was there for the strikes little boy. The only thing you would do if i was there is run to mummy. You contributed nothing little boy. I am sure you're not just a parasite and employ heaps of people. Save your baby comments for the other pretenders. Polands progress is finished now, going backward, start learning russian you will need it.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #194
So called refugees

fking animals
France in 2017

Half of the elementary school books treat about and glorify Marxism.

"Our teacher had a homosexual disease and every month he took us to the liberal shows such as "Klątwa"

"The hand of Fatima is allowed to wear yet Christian Crosses are banned"

"Leftist students do threat me with violence and even death for being patriotic and rightist. "

"The police told us that we have no right to oppose the incoming immigration."

"Everytime i said anything about intaking muslim refugees i was branded a nazist".
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #195
I just hate to see my Slavic brothers and sisters fighting each other.

Our EU was formed after Europeans were fighting each other. So it will never happen again.

As for Poland's membership, I remember seeing Jan Nowak-Jezioranski interviewed after leaving church live on TV on the day of the referendum to join. He said he'd never imagined that he would live to see the day when Poland could join together with other free nations.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Aug 2017   #196

Idc if you were sucking off walesa behind the podium during his speeches. Little boy huh? Come see me in Poland us or anywhere else and say that to my face. This little boy will make you his little b!tch. Well see what happens punk. You are one messed up person if you hate your own heritage and country. Perhaps sucking on a tail pipe is the answer to a miserable existence? Just make sure its not a hybrid.

Also ill have you know I'm pretty well versed in russian and i contribute plenty to both America's and Poland's economy. I'm proud of the fact that I came from poverty and made it and I say that to encourage others. I don't need to prove jack to you or anyone else though but ill have you know I'm pretty financially successful. Now phuck off, no one wants you here. Better yet come find me I dare you. Anytime any day anywhere punk.

Well its a good way to solve disputes and debate but I wouldn't say that it will totally eliminate fighting violence wars etc. League of nations and un were set up for similar purposes. Plus we still have some low level fighting in Kosovo not to mention east Ukraine. If Russia invaded the baltics I kind of doubt the rest of the eu would rush to help. Plus everyone's coming in w a hodgepodge of different ideas agendas traditions goals etc so its def a challenge to sort it all out. For the most part the eu got along well for years and years but now old tensions and issued have boiled up to the surface esp with the strong left right divide in the western world and the migrant crisis.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #197
but I wouldn't say that it will totally eliminate fighting violence wars etc.

It's certainly played its part.

Plus everyone's coming in w a hodgepodge of different ideas agendas traditions goals etc

One reason our EU works the way it does.
Ironside  50 | 12916
31 Aug 2017   #198
@Ironside Eh not totally true..

wiki got it wrong, there is misconception flouting about. They are wrong on few levels. If you are interested I can explain it to you, you need to ask.

Also yes many different Slavs lived together peacefully during the polish Lithuanian commonwealth and in yugoslavia

So what? They were held together by the Polish culture or most of them were peasants and no one asked their opinion.

as we share much in common similar cultures similar religions similar languages etc.

That is a very superficial observation. As those similarities are oft of a superficial nature too.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #199
Our EU was

Hilarious. Everytime you talk about "our" EU i see Macron bending over to Makrela lololo. Looking at Makrela it's quite obvious she's one of you. Probably a guy dressing as female lol A male cock enthusiast just like yourself.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
31 Aug 2017   #200

Yes I am very interested in learning about pilsudzki and the info you know esp if it differs from the sources on wiki. I remember one of his quotes that was rather funny it was something about politicians but I can't find it online
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #201
@Dirk diggler
We write surnames with capital first letter. But it's just us Poles. Might be different in a country u come from though.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #202
He was a fascinating man - he always looked West, and would have been a huge supporter of our European Union.

The quote you mean is: "Do polityki garną się ludzie , którzy nic nie osiagnęli, a więc nieudaczniacy i darmozjady.
Polityka to dla nich deska ratunku, mogą godnie żyć nie dając w zamian nic ."

In English: "People who have never achieved anything, losers and freeloaders, are drawn to politics, Politics is like a a last resort for them; they can live with dignity giving nothing in return."

This is my favourite Pilsidski quote, about Russia.

"They are all more or less disguised imperialists, including revolutionists. The trait of these minds, always longing for the absolute, is a vivid centralism. They loathe varieties, cannot conciliate dissonances - such things dull their will and imagination to the extent that they cannot combine varieties into one whole; they reject even the idea of conscious social organizations. [...] Let everything happen by itself, vividly - that is the wisest solution according to them, because it is the simplest and the easiest. Which is why there are so many anarchists among them. A strange thing, but I have never met any republicans among Russians!"
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #203
"Do polityki garną się ludzie , którzy nic nie osiagnęli, a więc nieudaczniacy i darmozjady."

You have just described Nowoczesna and PełO politicians lol
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Aug 2017   #204
A strange thing, but I have never met any republicans among Russians!"

That's a wonderful quote, and describes Russians perfectly.

He was a fascinating man - he always looked West, and would have been a huge supporter of our European Union.

Without a shadow of a doubt. He would have clearly identified the European Union as a safety net against the two great powers, and the ability to tie up Germany economically without sacrificing the Polish identity would have been a huge thing for him.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #205
He would have clearly identified the European Union as a safety net against the two great powers, and the ability to tie up Germany economically without sacrificing the Polish identity would have been a huge thing for him.


Pilsudski's brother was even more pro-European.

They both loathed the whole pan-Slavic Ciemnogrod thing.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
31 Aug 2017   #206
I just lol at the faggot jon. I wonder what his line gonna be when PiS wins the next elections lolloololol Only a total CRETIN would expect leftists win lololol
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Aug 2017   #207
They both loathed the whole pan-Slavic Ciemnogrod thing.

It's an easy concept to hate. I can't see any way for Poland to ever coexist with Russia, and the two great pan-Slavic experiments of the 20th century failed miserably.

Even anyone that visits Slovakia can see how Slovakia is similar, yet different.
OP jon357  72 | 23361
31 Aug 2017   #208
I can't see any way for Poland to ever coexist with Russia

It could never be, without the larger and richer country terrorising the other - as they did. Hence Pilsudski and others seeing Poland's best interests as neither looking east nor 'splendid isolation', but looking very firmly westward.

It seems the 88% of Poles who support EU membership agree with that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Aug 2017   #209
Hence Pilsudski and others seeing Poland's best interests as neither looking east nor isolation, but looking very firmly westward.

Exactly. The geopolitical reality means that Poland has two choices - to look West, or to look East. PiS are now talking about 'enhanced cooperation' with Belarus, which tells us exactly what they intend. Anyone that's actually been to Belarus can see that it's a miserable dump of a place, with sour faces everywhere and very little to be joyful about.
G (undercover)
31 Aug 2017   #210
Hence Pilsudski and others seeing Poland's best interests as neither looking east nor isolation, but looking very firmly westward.

Again utter nonsense from the EU marxist. Pilsudski's idea was actually Intermarium.

Home / News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union

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