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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

14 Oct 2021   #751

So you are one of those. Nobodies.
Don't lie too much, it is not good for your health.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2021   #752
good for your health.

Are you a doctor by profession? I see you got used to examine and prescribe online........ :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
14 Oct 2021   #753
You have no roots, no honour, no dignity

You have the baboon summed up perfectly.
Novichok  4 | 8786
14 Oct 2021   #754
That's what I said already. A classless, spineless snake playing class clown.
14 Oct 2021   #755
In 1919, Eurostat asked Poles -
What would bettter for your country in the future? To remain in the EU, or to leave it?
47% aswered - outside the EU.

You have the baboon summed up perfectly.

people like him are better to be left alone, attention is their oxgen.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2021   #756
47% aswered - outside the EU

buhahaha you are not talking about Poles but Brits now!
14 Oct 2021   #757
No, I'm talking about Poles. It took place after election in the uk. You know, that election that gave brexiteers win. Maybe I shouldn't doubt you but you seems to be badly informed.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2021   #758
No, I'm talking about Poles. It took place after election in the uk

Oh, I see, Britain-located Poles. But remember there are still other Poles located in Poland who have a different opinion. You seem to have skipped that little fact. :):)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #759
In 1919, Eurostat asked Poles -

Let's say it was in 2019

It seems highly unlikely as most Poles are pro-eu, which is why PiS has most votes as it's the largest pro-eu party in Poland. If Polish citizens wished to leave EU so badly, we would have voted Konfederacja en mass long time ago...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
15 Oct 2021   #760
most Poles are pro-eu

Yes,but the ones against are very powerful.I think Polexit is a dream hard to be achieved.
mafketis  38 | 11284
15 Oct 2021   #761
Polexit is a dream hard to be achieved

It's irrational cognitive dissonance on a grand scale... PiS (esp the Ziobro faction) want to leave the EU and still have all the rights and privileges of EU membership including access to foreign labor markets and large shipments of money for infrastructure (that they can take credit for).

It can't work. I'm not a big fan of the EU in its current form after it turned to imposing austerity after 2009* but there's no rational reason for Poland to leave (yet). If there is a reason in the future it will be decided by Poles - the same way they decided to leave the Soviet bloc after WWII...

*again, austerity has nothing to do with real budget or debt concerns or any such nonsense, it's always a way of transferring public goods to well-connected private players
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #762
If there are members within PiS that wants to leave the EU, they are too power hungry to be able to get it through (otherwise they would had done it allready or cut off from rest of PiS long time ago)

I just cannot imagine a Poland-exit from EU as long as PiS is the governing party. As it has governed a long time and is still part of the EU
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #763
I just cannot imagine a Poland-exit from EU as long as PiS is the governing party

It's just socialists battling about some minor issues, like different commie factions fought each other over some miniscule nonsense, but agreed on general idea of economy. Same with PiS socialists and EU socialists. It's a completely fake conflict between people who need conflict to get and stay into power.

A lot of the reeing about "corruption" in Poland and Hungary is because of public contracts going to corrupt domestic companies instead of corrupt EU-15 companies. Siemens, Strabag, Alstom, and their ilk need the spice to flow. Interestingly, while they believe they have a God-given right to our investment projects, they effectively use national regulations to keep our capital investment companies out of their home countries. Ever seen a Polish or Czech company get a major public contract in Germany? Funny how that works.
amiga500  5 | 1547
15 Oct 2021   #764
As it has governed a long time and is still part of the EU

Yes, it is still a benefit to poland, and like britain did previously we play a role in impeding it's march towards becoming a united states of europe/suprastate.

Ever seen a Polish or Czech company get a major public contract in Germany?

Since you mentioned Siemens and Alston , PESA sold 72 trains to Germany, but that contract went south as they were originally going to buy 400. The Poles were not thorough enough and made bad decisions. Newag also sold trains to Italy. Škoda has been selling trains and trams to Germany in large amounts for many years.

Same with PiS socialists and EU socialists.

Stop your deluded Konfa delusions, on par with the nanobots in the vaccines..
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #765
Yes, it is still a benefit to poland,

Anyone who still believes that needs to read this interview with Oettinger:

Why not save even more - for example, the billions in EU structural funds that go to Poland and Hungary, since those two countries refuse to take in refugees?

Budgetary policy shouldn't be used to impose political penalties. The structural funds are for making weak regions more competitive. And a large part of every euro the EU gives Poland comes back to Germany. The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks. So net contributors such as Germany should be interested in the structural funds. From an economic perspective, Germany isn't a net contributor but a net recipient.

This interview is amazing from start to finish and can't be posted enough times.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #766
This interview is amazing from start to finish and can't be posted enough times.

Nothing new for a German! That's what we get told whenever there is some wondering why we have to pay so massive to everybody else to support their economies, their poor, their whatever whereas we have so many own problems and will never get any support from them....

Latest examples supporting the rent systems of Greeks and Italians....both countries whose population is comparable richer than Germans (more residential property etc.)

mafketis  38 | 11284
15 Oct 2021   #767
wondering why we have to pay so massive to everybody .... and will never get any support from them....

All I can say is that the system is working for someone... who?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #768
Na ja.....

The Poles use the money to place orders with the German construction industry, to buy German machines and German trucks.

I would say the german construction industry.....the german machine industry.....the german truck industry......

But since so many of them have relocated into far away countries (or not so far like Poland) I'm not so sure anymore...
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #769
Imagine believing Germs invite people to EU and gib them monies out of the kindness of their hearts. Poland is a colonial perifery. A reservoir of cheap but highly educated labour and a market for low quality goods to be sold for western prices. EU is a means of economic exploitation, nothing else.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #770
EU is a means of economic exploitation, nothing else.

So what? You say that is if that's a bad thing....

Better than wars anytime.....and better than the Chinese too!
OP jon357  72 | 23706
15 Oct 2021   #771

In Greece, there are more people who own Porsches than declare a pre-tax income of 40,000 EUR. Go figure.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #772
In Greece

And in Germany poor seniors have to search for returnable bottles at the end of the month....
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #773
Better than wars anytime.....

For Germs, sure. For Poles honest to God war would be preferable.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
15 Oct 2021   #774
@Bratwurst Boy
It's just copy catting america in how U.S.A got prosperous, giving out american dollars in loans (where do you spend american dollars? In U.S.A!)

Giving out Euro? Gotta spend in the EU! Duh!
As such beneficiaries get used to the system and regulations of Germany/EU there the bond gets stronger and habits start to evolve.

In the big picture it's purely an investment, Polish banks should give out loans in złoty to Lithuanians, Belarussians and Ukrainians as much as possible, Russians too if possible.

Just think about it
Novichok  4 | 8786
15 Oct 2021   #775
have to search for returnable bottles at the end of the month....

Let me guess...Muslim refugees are not among them.
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #776
Poland gets 180 billion, pays 60 billion aaand, say, 100 billion of the net 120 gets contracted to German companies. 100 billions makes its way into pockets of German bourgeoisie and German industries are strengthened: first through the influx of funds, second through stunting the growth of potential competition and third through lowering costs of labour by undermining collective bargaining power of workers by importing immigrants. Thus German economic supremacy is strengthened and allows them to dominate not only government contracts but private sector within the EU as well, enriching them and impoverishing everybody else. EU is a project strictly meant for realising German economic particularisms and you can put drivel about "integration" being their mission between children's stories.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
15 Oct 2021   #777
Giving out Euro? Gotta spend in the EU! Duh!

Makes sense on the whole.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #778
For Poles honest to God war would be preferable.

Really! Economic exploitation without additional billions....without cheap access to european markets......ask the chinese to allow your laborers to go in and look for work...

Look for Ukraine when you want an idea of Poland without the EU!

Muslim refugees are not among them.

So nice that sounds...I really doubt the money saved on refugees would get to our never does!

In the big picture it's purely an investment,

I know....that's what we get told all the time too...
Korvinus  3 | 634
15 Oct 2021   #779

Around Germs never relax yourselves.
I unironically believe that G*rmans are responsible for the decline of western civilization. The most poisonous political ideas come from G*rmany.
Mandatory state social security scam? Check.
Prussian education system, focused on producing sheeple? Check.
Children belong to the state, not parents? Check
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
15 Oct 2021   #780
Yeah....that's great...I don't want to take that away from you....but could you maybe try to differentiate between the EU and us Germs?

No matter what you believe those two are not congruent....

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