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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Novichok  4 | 8786
10 Oct 2021   #721
to hold more than 5 000 max,

He meant that 100,000 wished they were there.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
10 Oct 2021   #722
Nazionalists organised their counter demo next to the pro-EU one

There were literally a couple of dozen. Next to 100,000 plus pro-Europe people packing the square and the streets around.

Silence, you boor!

I never quite like 'boor' as a translation od 'cham', however it will do. "Silence oaf" will do as will "silence, doilum" though doilum/doylan is only really a Yorkshire term.

An amazing person, her AK pseudonims were Pączek and Atma.

How would you translate that brave lady's whole sentence: "- Milcz głupi chłopie! Milcz! Chamie skończony,"
What about the skończony bit?

Someone should set her words to music as a marching song.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2021   #723
to hold more than 5 000 max,

Prove it, darling. :):)


Stop parroting me coz you sound silly. :):)

the new left calls him a grandpa

Funny that being a fascist you bring up leftists as an authority. Do you mean you opt for another Ribbentrop Molotov Pact? hahaha

What about the skończony bit?

I would say confirmed.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
10 Oct 2021   #724
The more I read about Wanda Traczyk-Stawska, today's breakout speaker, and a strong supporter of Poland's place in the EU, the more amazed I am.

Such a wonderful person.
Ironside  51 | 13124
10 Oct 2021   #725
Such a wonderful person.

a confused old lady that doesn't understand demonstrations and their rules.

What happened with the PO slogan take your grandma's ID away (to stop them from voting).
What with agism and propaganda that only old people vote for PiS?
Goes out the window if you can use it to hit your enemy.
Hence that is the truth that the left has no principles and values nor honor, opportunist and lairs to the core, Who choose to believe them does it to his peril.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
10 Oct 2021   #726
a confused old lady

Not confused today. Not one little bit.

I'm surprised you don't know her.

By the way, the 'granny's ID' thing was never a 'PO slogan'. But don't let actual real facts blunt your inanity; it gives us something to laugh about in these dull times.
Ironside  51 | 13124
10 Oct 2021   #727
Not confused today.

question of perspective - and the main question - so what?
An old lady no matter how wonderful doesn't make a difference here and still has only one vote.
Those stooges are just morons and they have the right to be morons. As I have the right to call them that.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
10 Oct 2021   #728
stooges are just morons

So now you're calling a hero of the Armia Krajowa who fought in the Warsaw Uprising and suffered in fascist prisoner of war camps a "stooge" and a "moron".

Shame on you.
Ironside  51 | 13124
10 Oct 2021   #729
So now you're calling

So now you are making stuff as you go along. As I have expected from a commie.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
10 Oct 2021   #730

There you go again...

making stuff as you go along

Your words. On this page. "Stooges." "Morons."
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2021   #731
question of perspective - and the main question - so what?

So that you are an emigrant out of Poland for 30 years and it is stupid of you to get so excited over Polish matters. Leave us alone and get back to your career where you are living now.

suffered in fascist prisoner of war camps

A regular fascist that Iron is. Wasn`t his family in SS??? :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13124
10 Oct 2021   #732
So that you are

Really? Doesn't it matter at all? Why are you keep bringing stuff up that doesn't have anything to do with the issue? No arguments?

Wasn`t his family in SS??? :):):

Wasn't your NKVD?
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2021   #733
Really? Doesn't it matter at all?

I only resorted to your style of argumentation, that`s all. I thought you would like it. :):)
OP jon357  72 | 23706
11 Oct 2021   #734
Last night's Polish pro-democracy protests are splashed across the world's media this morning.

Wanda Traczyk-Stawska and Robert Bąkiewicz. One is a war hero and the other is a neo-fascist.

Not only a neo-fascist, but also a thuggish loser making a particularly embarrassing spectacle of himself by trying to drown out the voice of a 94 year old female war hero using a (government-supplied) sound system.

Basically, an ONR fascist using state money trying to drown out the Warsaw Uprising.

What happened yesterday in Poland shows that, despite the efforts of the 'authorities', People still remember their school geography and history lessons. In geography they learnt that on a map of Europe, Poland is more or less in the centre. In history they learnt that Poland's location has led to immense tragedy over the centuries.

In the words of a respected commentator today (my translation): "anyone who forgets these simple conclusions is not only an ignoramus, but also a traitor. To have brought about a situation in which we are once again completely alone, in conflict with everyone, offended and constantly insulting whoever we can, is simply national treason".
OP jon357  72 | 23706
12 Oct 2021   #735
Someone made this and has said it's fine to share and use.

  • 244389342_3073152466.jpg
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2021   #736

Yes, it is amazing to watch how PIS neobolsheviks cooperate with neofascists. New Ribentrop Molotov Pact.

said it's fine to share and use.

That is a symbol of milenium-long strive of Poland to become a European nation, instead of being an Eastern mess under the Kremlin boot. PIS and neofascists are doing their best to make us return to that half-European, half-Asian barbarism again. Tfu, traitors!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Oct 2021   #737
"That is a symbol of milenium-long strive of Poland to become a European nation, instead of being an Eastern mess under the Kremlin boot."

You mean another Belarus?

"PIS and neofascists are doing their best to make us return to that half-European, half-Asian barbarism again. "

You sound pretty racist and ethnocentrist here. Asians accomplished much more I would say than oland in its history. Ever been to Tokyo or Japan lately?
Novichok  4 | 8786
13 Oct 2021   #738
under the Kremlin boot. opposed to the wimpy Brussels sandals...
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2021   #739
Brussels sandals...

Of course most Poles prefer sandals to boots. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5263
13 Oct 2021   #740
Given the Polish climate I.would say that is a very unwise choice...... :-)
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Oct 2021   #741
This joker Pawian is an example why all Polish people are racist and ethnocentrist doesnt matter their political meanings and why when Biden dies Kamala Harris and POC or black lives matter will cancel culture poland and ut a second yalta conference on when biden dies of heart failure.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2021   #742
Given the Polish climate

You take it literally why we are applying metaphors. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8786
13 Oct 2021   #743
Literal always trumps metaphors as well as sarcasm. Both are used to confuse, not to enlighten.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2021   #744
Intelligent people process metaphors easily, whereas morons need literal clarification. Simple. I purposefully resort to metaphors. Do you know why?
OP jon357  72 | 23706
13 Oct 2021   #745
an Eastern mess

Ciemnogrod sometimes seems like it's beyond a very thin veil. Fortunately that veil is somewhere in Russia.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2021   #746
that veil is somewhere in Russia.

But it might fall on Poland again one day and PiS seem happy about it.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
13 Oct 2021   #747
PiS seem happy about it.

They long for it.

They'd have people wearing folk costumes and Sarmatian moustaches if they could.

Look west or look east? There has to be a balance between tradition and progress, however one can have (even a lot of) tradition while looking forward.

I've a feeling that with their latest games involving the Constitutional Tribunal they were basically testing the water to see what they could get away with. It backfired on them spectacularly.

And by getting that fascho Bąkiewicz to bąk through a loudspeaker trying to drown out a female AK hero, they scored a real own goal..
14 Oct 2021   #748
why all Polish people are racist and ethnocentris

You must be an exception. You are so loving and kind and open. Don't let me stop you expressing your loving self freely.

PIS and neofascists are doing their best to make us return to that half-European, half-Asian barbarism again. Tfu, traitors!

What is that? Are you for real?
Poland is a country and a nation with it history and culture and traditions.
You side with forginers against your country and call those who don't - traitors?
You have no roots, no honour, no dignity.
OP jon357  72 | 23706
14 Oct 2021   #749
You side with forginers against your country

Or perhaps the opposite, since the overwhelming majority of Polish citizens strongly favour their country's membership of the EU.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2021   #750
call those who don't - traitors?

Of course PiS does side with foreigners - with the Kremlin. Like Targowica in the past - that is why I call them traitors. Simple.


Yes, they are such losers.

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