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Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #511
Self-righteous Germany, always eager to bash Poland and Hungary over the so-called "rule of law", has just pushed the deal with model democracy with sterling rule of law that is China against the will of the other EU members.

There are no bigger hypocrites than Germans.

"Officials from Italy, Poland, Belgium and Spain criticized the way Germany pushed through the investment agreement with China in the final days of the German presidency of the Council of the EU, despite their warnings that the timing was tone deaf to slave labor concerns in China and risked alienating incoming U.S. President Joe Biden."
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 Jan 2021   #512
There are no bigger hypocrites than Germans.

It's not so much hypocrisy as having a permanent neurosis for atoning for sins of their great grandparents generation. They feel like because of what they did back in WW2 they now have to be the savior of Europe. The sad thing is that the policies they push for often harm Europe more than help it. The migrant issue is a perfect example - Merkel felt like Germany has to take in tons of migrants and said herself that it's "their duty" and that they have to do it because of "their history.' She said that the people coming were "doctors and engineers." Well what happened? Millions came pouring in to Europe and after finally realizing that they didn't provide a net benefit and in fact caused tons of problems - tens of billions each year in Germany alone for all their programs - housing, food, medicine, etc. (the budget to coddle migrants is greater than the education budget) and of course all the rapes, thefts, murders, terrorist attacks, etc. So what does Merkel and her sycophants do? Tell Europe to share in the burden. Oh so now it's a burden - I thought these were doctors and engineers coming to help Europe and fill labor shortages? Poland, Hungary and many others said stuff it - and this whole rule of law thing is just one aspect of Poland going against Germany and the liberal western Europeans' agenda. That's all it is. We don't want the migrants, we don't want the LGBT shoved down kids throats, we don't want our media indirectly run by foreign countries' governments, and we sure as **** don't want to be told what to do in our own country. The Polish people democratically elected PiS because of their campaign promises and message. But even if PO were in power there's only so far they could push the country left without losing tons of support.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #513
Tell Europe to share in the burden. Oh so now it's a burden

That idiot knew they would be a burden from day one. What the stupid bi**ch didn't know was how many would come. It was simply an oops-what-the-f**k-have-I-done moment for her when she saw the numbers and the very predictable outcome.

Europe never needed and never will need immigrants and the pro-immigrant weasels know it. That is why the weasels always refuse to say how many is too many. If they did, they would be making my point, which is that 1 is 1 too many.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #514
Merkel felt like Germany has to take in tons of migrants and said herself that it's "their duty"

True, but there's one "but".

Merkel has invited them en masse to Germany and presented herself, and Germany, as some modern saint BUT then she wanted the other EU countries to pay up the bill for 'her generosity'

She wanted to force the rest of Europe into taking in those good for nothing "refugees" and to financially support them by handouts for the rest of their unproductive lives.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #515
The idiocy of taking the first one was off the chart. All she had to do is google "world's population" and get 7 billion, multiply by .9 and that's how many"refugees" would like to be on German welfare. My cat is smart enough to conclude that allowing the first refugee with 6.3 billion of them in line would be really stupid.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #516
good for nothing "refugees"

Similar voices were heard in Western countries after WW2 where displaced Polish refugees found new homes coz they didn`t want to come back to Poland, destroyed by Germans and occupied by Soviets. If you have lived then, you would have expressed your utter indignation that one could be so unsympathetic. Yet, now, you gladly follow that nasty attitude. Shame on you.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #517
Similar voices were heard in Western countries after WW2 where displaced Polish refugees

Comparing WW2 Poles and the present day "refugees" is baseless.
Polish refugees were temporary, white, and Christians. Today, the "refugees" are frauds without a legal basis, permanent, not white, and Christian-hating Muslims. A gift from Hell that will never stop giving - when you consider how many terrorists were born in the host countries. Human cancer that spreads.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #518
Comparing WW2 Poles and the present day "refugees" is baseless.

No, it isn`t.

Polish refugees were temporary, white, and Christians.

This is baseless. Despite being white and Christian (temporary is a false assumption) British people were still annoyed with Poles who stayed in Britain after the war and demanded to know why they weren`t returning home.

Today, the "refugees"

These inverted commas mean you don`t know what you are talking about. The subject matter is about real refugees.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #519
The subject matter is about real refugees.

Quotes mean that I disassociate myself from the term and refuse to accept it as my own.

There are no "real" refugees in Western Europe or the US. Not a single one. They all came from a safe country somewhere. Country shopping is not allowed under the UN rules. To claim that status, you would have to come directly from a war zone like Syria. Period.

Today, the sick Western men bestow that status even on the victims of violent a-holes at home or anti-gay attitudes in the village.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #520
you would have to come directly from a war zone like Syria.

Yes, I was talking about Syrians.

They all came from a safe country somewhere

Only in theory. Turkey isn`t considered a safe first asylum country so your rule doesn`t apply to Syrians who found temporary shelter but not asylum in Turkey.

would not be allowed to request refugee status there because Turkey excludes non-Europeans from qualifying for refugee status.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #521
A quote from the article: "In Turkey we didn't feel safe," said Shabby Hosseini, a 22-year-old woman from Afghanistan,
1. There are a million black women who don't "feel safe" in America's black zones. Now what? Buy them a ticket to Berlin?
2. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq is at war. Their homicide rates are a small fraction of the homicide rates in Latino hellholes. Now what? Send all Latinas and their bambinos to Berlin?

Ah, those damn numbers again...
Tacitus  2 | 1255
2 Jan 2021   #522
Neither Afghanistan [...] is at war.

The Taliban will be very surprised to here this.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #523
don't "feel safe" in America's black zones. Buy them a ticket to Berlin?

Not the best example. They can move out of unsafe zones to safer ones within the USA..

Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq is at war

You mean war as an external conflict? But you know that civil wars or simply persecution because of religion, race, political views etc are a sufficient reason for becoming a refugee.
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #524
I know links are boring, but try this one:

They can move out of unsafe zones to safer ones within the USA..

Every country has safer zones. Afghanistan and Iraq included. Even Syria was not bombed everywhere.
I don't know the exact wording of the refugee UN rules, but my bet is that internal crime is not a good enough reason to claim the status.

So, the only thing at play is the weasely guilt on the part of the stupid Western white man who does his knee-jerking without thinking things through.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #525
Comparing WW2 Poles and the present day "refugees" is baseless.

On top of that, WW2 Poles helped to protect Britain and fought against Germans in WWII, contributed greatly to British victory in Battle of Britain for example.

I paid a visit to the Northolt Polish war Memorial to pay my tribute to those heroes who stopped barbarians in 1940.

Muslim "refugees" on the other hand, only fight against the countries which invited them, hosted them, and paid for their stay.

  • 1940_1945_Polish_War.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8411
2 Jan 2021   #526
Muslim "refugees" on the other hand, only fight against the countries which invited them, hosted them,

What fascinates me is how the very same people who would not tolerate this kind of crap in their own homes for a millisecond get to be so tolerant and generous what it comes to their homeland. Weird.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #527
WW2 Poles helped to protect Britain and fought against Germans in WWII,

That was still irrelevant to post war Brits who constantly asked Poles when they were planning to go home.
Please, stop enumerating those Polish merits. I know them very well. I am talking about real attitudes, not the ones that Poles expected and dreamt of.

only fight against the countries which invited them,

All of them are Muslim and fight?? I am really amazed you are resorting to such cliches and simplifications. I always thought you were more reasonable.

but my bet is that internal crime is not a good enough reason

I know nothing about such refugees. We are discussing wars and persecutions.

the weasely guilt on the part of the stupid Western white man

No, it is a different matter which you aren`t able to comprehend - it is Christian benevolence. Jesus talked about it many times, especially in the context of people who flee persecution.

Guys, you aren`t able to convince me that hosting refugees is wrong. I stick to my beliefs and the case is closed. Do you want me to go against Jesus` teaching? Never.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #528
What fascinates me

A home is [still] a private space to which a person is physically and emotionally attached. The country on the other hand, in the general opinion of culturally and ethnically mixed and socially alienated modern Western societies, belongs to "nobody".

If they only let private citizens adopt their own Muslim "refugees", nobody would invite them in.

Do you really think that social justice hypocrites would take a few young Muslim men (that's the largest group of "refugees"*) to live with him in his house with his family and would pay for their upkeep for years? Of course not.

That is why leftists pushed so hard for mandatory regimentation of "refugees" on a government level. It could only work if it was done by some agency and paid with "government money" [which is of course a taxpayer's money].

kondzior  11 | 1026
2 Jan 2021   #529
Guys, you aren`t able to convince me that hosting refugees is wrong

I am not surprised. Europeans are cucks. It makes me want to let the Muslims go visit and rape you all, but sadly that would affect us as well.

Your ignorant, irrational beliefs are not truth. Do you know how you can objectively determine which societies are good and which societies are bad? Bad societies are societies people want to leave, they produce emigrants. In contrast, good societies attract immigrants, because they are places where people actually want to live. Proves that communism was sh!t (they literally had to lock people in because those societies were so horrible), proves that Islam is sh!t.

As long as Muslims keep leaving the Islamic world to come to the West while we certainly don't want to live in sharia ********* they are not telling us how to build something good.

Morals? Dignity? Self-respect? Patriotism? You know the things decent, respectable people have, but Muslims unfortunately don't. And one cannot build something good on lies. We do not actually have a "Every bedouin who wants some juicy welfare can come here" offer, you know? They need to claim to be "refugees" and that they are coming here for "protection". If they said the truth.. the authorities wouldn't accept them.

And they need to keep lying. E.g. if they were open about their beliefs and goals not even the German Green party would defend them. It's all dependent on lies. On fraud.

Muslims are pretty much animals. They don't want to build their own wealth, just like we did, instead of trying to jump into our made bed. Germans, Poles, etc had and have to work hard for it. Prosperity does not rain from the sky here, and unlike in the Gulf Arab states it does not come out of the ground either. We have to work for it, and then foreign parasites come feeling entitled to it. They certainly aren't.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
2 Jan 2021   #530
Your ignorant, irrational beliefs are not truth

A perfect self-description.
cms neuf  2 | 1810
2 Jan 2021   #531
The main Pakistani immigration to the UK was many years before 2004 - in the 60s and 70s. The majority of British Muslims have been born in the UK - so they are more British than you are American.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #532
young Muslim men (that's the largest group of "refugees"*)

Cliches and manipulation in case of Syrian refugees. Shame on you.

Your ignorant, irrational beliefs

Irrational? yes, exactly. Religious beliefs are irrational. Ignorant?. No - I cherish my beliefs with full awareness of their weight.

We don`t need to accept millions. Let`s say 10.000 annually would be OK. Is it still too many for you?

Muslims are pretty much animals

That`s an irrational, ignorant belief. Shame on you.

God knows I needed it.

Frankenstein monster used to say it after each strike of a lightning. hahaha
mafketis  38 | 11127
2 Jan 2021   #533
Cliches and manipulation in case of Syrian refugees

A very large majority of "refugees" to Europe in the last 5-6 have not been Syrian... easily available information....

Let`s say 10.000 annually would be OK

Why on earth would refugees want to be placed in Poland when Germany is just an unguarded border away?
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #534
.. easily available information....

yes, darling but it is obvious you didn`t read the whole discussion. Go back to the top of the page where I joined in and get acquianted with a few posts to understand the context, OK?

Why on earth would refugees want to be placed in Poland

Is it my concern? First of all, Christian Poles 9statistically over 90%) should create opportunities. If anybody uses them, it is their business.
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #535
Why on earth would refugees want to be placed in Poland when Germany is just an unguarded border away?

That's where it gets funny.

Since Germany has such a generous welfare state and most of the so-called "refugees" lack both: skills and desire to work they would likely leave Poland and move West as soon as possible.

So I guess Germany would demand building fenced concentration camps for them so they would stay in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #536
would demand building fenced concentration camps

It is obvious hatred towards Germany and refugees is blinding you and you can`t think rationally. Spike, what is wrong with you? Do you have any serious problems that you have become so radically unreasonable?
Spike31  3 | 1485
2 Jan 2021   #537
@pawian, would you be so kind to provide logical counter-arguments and generally a value to this discussion instead of emotional rants?
Tacitus  2 | 1255
2 Jan 2021   #538
and most of the so-called "refugees" lack both: skills and desire to work

Skill maybe, but most of them desire work and had been increasingly succesful in doing so until the Pandemie hit.

I guess Germany would demand building

No, just register their names and finger prints in an international data bank to make sure that they can not apply for asylum elsewhere and there won't be any issues with that.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2021   #539
logical counter-arguments instead of emotional rants?

Do you expect me to provide a logical counter argument for your emotional rant about Polish concentration camps for Muslims? Here you are:

just register their names and finger prints

How simple.
buttman  - | 4
3 Jan 2021   #540
Germany has the money to entertain refugees, Poland does not.

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