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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #151
a literally deadly judgement on those people who do not vaccinate.

Will that be your dismissive remark when there is an Ebola outbreak in Europe?

Vaccinations have limitations and are increasingly becoming ineffective.

Quarantine through border enforcement is the only viable solution.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #152
Vaccinations have

Vaccines are essential in the fight against communicable diseases; every public and community health organisation makes that very clear.

Immunisation is supported by an overwhelming body of scientific evidence: There exists no alternatives that is as safe and effective as vaccination..

There is also overwhelming medical and scientific evidence which shows clearly and indisputably that vaccination has saved the lives of around 20 million people, and it is one of the most succesful public health interventions in the history of healthcare.

You're digging yourself even further into a hole, Sh1tty. It's hard to know why you'd be anti-vax, unless you actually get a kick from reading online reports of kids dying from measles.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #153
I'm all for vaccinations but as stated they are not a panacea since disease is spread by infected carriers (i.e., mainly migrants from high population, high disease, low vaccination countries as well as anti-vaxers such as Orthodox Jews as reported in the media).
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #154
I'm all for vaccinations

Very good to hear.

tated they are not a panacea

They are the nearest thing to a panacea in the history of medicine; They have saved (and continue to save) the lives of millions.

Any other factors (specifically about an ethnic minority you constantly rattle on about) isn't backed up by science; there has been no corresponding rise in non-vaccinateble diseases in that group.

In any case, the most deadly outbreaks of disease in Europe and the US caused by lack of vaccination have all been traced back to anti-vaccine parents in the community as a whole rather than any single minority group.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #155
A childless gay man like you is in no position to lecture any parents.

The rise of diseases in North America and the Europe is due to uncontrolled migration as well as giving certain "ethnic minority" groups anonymity and a free pass when they are spreading diseases.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #156
is in no position to lecture

We are all of us 'in a position' to expect everyone to maintain basic standards of public and community health.

This includes vaccination for all, and heavy penalties for any individuals who directly risk the health of their children and others.

diseases in North America and the Europe

As stated before (perhaps you missed it) the reoccurance in diseases once eliminated from the community is due to unscientific and irresponsible anti-vaxxer woo and no other cause.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #157
We are...'in a position' to expect...heavy penalties for any individuals.

A booming lecture from a Soviet mindset tucked away in gated suburbia.

reoccurance in diseases once eliminated

Is due to exposure to disease carried by countless migrants from (as well as numerous travelers spending time in) places like Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #158
A booming lecture

A simple statement of realty. The risk from anti-vaxxers will sooner or later (hopefully sooner) necessitate more robust practice. You do keep going on about gated communities (on the whole a bad thing) for some unfathomable reason... same as making a fool of yourself (as usual) about vaccination.

Is due to exposure to disease

As established already, it is not.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
2 May 2019   #159
If vaccines are so effective than a person who is vaccinated has no reason to worry about catching a disease from an unvaccinated person. It's that simple.

vaccination has saved the lives of around 20 million people

That's nothing considering there's over 7 billion people most of which aren't vaccinated or at least not nearly to the same extent as in us and w europe.

Is due to exposure to disease carried by countless migrants

No one can deny the fact that the rates of HIV, hepatisis, scabies, even **** like ebola is far higher among middle eastern ans African migrants than native europeans

Good thing atleast in the USA we still have freedom of choice...
jon357  72 | 23361
2 May 2019   #160
than a person who is vaccinated has no reason to worry about catching a disease from an unvaccinated person. It's that simple.

Depends if they're a. vaccinated against that disease and b. in good health. It's that simple.

Vaccination is one of the single greatest medical advances in human history; anti-vaxxers are dangerous cranks.


There is no vaccination against ebola, nor is there an issue with migration. Nor is there a vaccine for scabies, which is rife in Poland.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 May 2019   #161
Actually there is a vaccine against ebola. It's called not letting monkey people into Europe.

Depends if they're a. vaccinated against that disease and b. in good health. It's that simple.

Exactly. So they should have no concern about people who don't want to take vaccines. If you're vaccinated against things like diptheria, measles, pertusis, etc and believe vaccines are effective then there's no reason to worry about people who aren't.

nor is there an issue with migration.

Millions of Europeans think otherwise including even tusk and merkel who admitted it's a big problem
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 May 2019   #162
You don't have to look for millions...

He is against it. At home. Here, he is lying because it feels good.
pawian  224 | 27236
15 Jul 2020   #163
Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

it seems some also reject covid vaccinations.

Protest on 6 June, Warsaw

  • 5edb8380929e9_o_orig.jpg
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2020   #164
it seems some also reject covid vaccinations.

Not as many as in Russia, where it's up to half the population.

Anti-vaxxers may well find that they have to put up or shut up.

Fortunately vaccination in Poland is commonplace.
kondzior  11 | 1026
16 Jul 2020   #165
The West may need to realize that the first vaccines will be of Chinese and Russian origin.

A state-owned Chinese company is boasting that its employees received doses of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine even before the government approved testing in people.

I'd rather shoot myself than take a chinese vaccine
jon357  72 | 23361
16 Jul 2020   #166
The West may need to realize that the first vaccines will be of Chinese and Russian origin.

Perhaps. Though the Oxford A-Z vaccine is making particularly good progress, and the Americans are working on an RNA vaccine. Despite Russian attempts to steal the clinical data by hacking.

I'd rather shoot myself than take a chinese vaccine

Not that you're typing on a computer full of Chinese parts or anything ike that....
pawian  224 | 27236
16 Jul 2020   #167
Fortunately vaccination in Poland is commonplace.

Warsaw authorities have decreed that non-vaccinated kids won`t be admitted into local kindergartens and creches. 90% polled parents who vaccinate their kids expressed such desire.

I think it is fair.

I'd rather shoot myself than take a chinese vaccine

Afraid of getting slanted eyes???
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jul 2020   #168
I think it is fair.

Me too.

There's also a legal issue that hasn't surfaced yet in Poland or elsewhere in the EU but probably will sooner or later. That's the human rights of people with certain disabilities and illnesses that cause them to be immunocompromised. Including kindergarten Teachers and other staff who may come into contact with an unvaccinated kid and be harmed by this if the kid infects them with a serious illness..

Disability rights are enshrined in European law and there is no shortage of disability activists; in the age of masks and quarantines we can expect them to be assertive.
pawian  224 | 27236
17 Jul 2020   #169
be harmed by this if the kid infects them with a serious illness..

Can such staff demand legal compensation for damages? Who/what from? The parents of unvaccinated kid or kindergarten`s supervising body?
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Jul 2020   #170
Can such staff demand legal compensation for damages? Who/what from?

There'd need to be a test case to establish whether that is appropriate under the Human Rights Act or not.

Injury and illness resulting from presence at or duties at a workplace are certainly grounds for compensation under most circumstances.

The parents of unvaccinated kid or kindergarten`s supervising body?

Presumably the employer who has a legal duty of care to all staff.
kondzior  11 | 1026
20 Jul 2020   #171
Afraid of getting slanted eyes???

Will you be first in line to take the mandatory and insufficiently tested vaccine? Will your children be there too?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Jul 2020   #172
The parents of unvaccinated kid or kindergarten`s supervising body?

Potentially both, particularly if a vaccine is mandatory. Warsaw requiring vaccinations to attend public kindergartens is a move in the right direction.
pawian  224 | 27236
20 Jul 2020   #173
Will you be first in line to take the mandatory and insufficiently tested vaccine?

As a teacher, I must give a good example, especially that I believe in nationwide vaccination against various diseases. Polish teachers` motto is: First to Fight.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jan 2021   #174
Let me tell you what I dreamed last night.

I dreamed that when Germans receive Covid vaccine of any producer, they become proud Slavs. I wondered in a dream whats going on and I heard chorus of angelic and spirit voices and finally Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our ancestral God Svetovid who said that they stays behind plot with vaccine in order to save Germans from the Allah.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jan 2021   #175
I heard chorus of voices

It might be a different kind of doctor that you need to consult, rather than an immunologist.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jan 2021   #176
Possible. But, at least I can separate dream from reality. You can`t say that for yourself. You are too deep in the world of Matrix.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jan 2021   #177
Sit down, take a few deep breaths and get the covid vaccine. It works.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jan 2021   #178
No, I am not against Covid vaccine. Any vaccine. We can`t escape future.

Genetic reprogramming and manipulation, nano machines, implants, non-organic body parts, full or partial cyborgization, brain transplantation, mind digitalization, etc, etc are all inevitable future.
jon357  72 | 23361
22 Jan 2021   #179
No, I am not against Covid vaccine. Any vaccine


are all inevitable future.

And good things. Humanity has been practising trans-humanism since the first stick was used to help someone walk with.
Crow  154 | 9463
22 Jan 2021   #180
Yes, we now see its part of human evolution.

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