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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #121
The chief crackpot from the usa was banned recently from visiting

Betsy was banned from visiting Oz? Really? Ha ha ha.

...will change their mind once they have a child.

Not in the U.S., unfortunately. These crazies are growing in numbers. But then ... so is the number of people who believe that the Earth is 5000 years old and evolution is a hoax.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
7 Jun 2018   #122
Again: no vaccine protects 100%. T

Then what's the point of vaxxing for diseases that very few peiple die from like measles, tetanus, diphtheria, etc?? Why put nasty chemicals in your body and possibly face injury or death foe which you will never be co.pensated jist to May be protect yourself against catching something that a few people out of millions die from i.e. 2 for tetanus. 22 out of 500-700 mil for measles... seems pointless to me..

Then the anti-vaccination folks are obviously much more at risk to get exposed to a potentially deadly disease than the people who are vaccinated.

I disagree. I've never got a vax against meningitis, tetanus or tb yet have been around people who had them or was at risk of catching it - i.e college dorm for.meningitis, rusty nail.for tetanus.. Yet I never caught them..also 30 kods in my dorm caught meningitis including vaxxed ones. Yet I never did... probably because I have a far better immune system and dont eat garbage food and lift...

Also viruses and bacteria mutate constantly. That's why the flu vax was found to be only 10% effective. Its no different with other viruses and bacteria. If you had a bad 10 20 30 years ago you can bet that there's a new strain by now

anyway all these ones banging on about evil vaccines will change their mind once they have a child.

Doubt it. If I wouldn't put that sh1t in my body ill fight tooth and nail so it doesn't go into my kids either... If they're older and want to vaxx thats their choce.. because unlike the pro vaxxers here o believe in personal choicr
TheWizard  - | 217
7 Jun 2018   #123
@the other
Yes she had her entry visa shredded and was denied. Unvaccinated kids are under the ' no jab no play' policy here. So your unvaccinated child cannot be in daycare expect in isolation. We like it that way too thanks, you can always move to the desert in the middle of nowhere to practice witchcraft, we have plenty of desert.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
7 Jun 2018   #124
If I wouldn't put that sh1t in my body ill fight tooth and nail so it doesn't go into my kids either..

well when or if you have children, you will probably do some reading around it...:)
7 Jun 2018   #125
hen what's the point of vaxxing for diseases that very few peiple die from like measles, tetanus, diphtheria, etc??

When will it sink in, Dirk? If even a small number of people follow your ethos, and the madness reaches a certain level, then many more people will and DO die of these diseases - mostly the non-vaccinated and the infant children of the vaccinated. Others will have their lives destroyed through disability.

If everybody rejected vaccination then millions would be dying every year, just like they did before vaccines were invented.

Deaths from these diseases are relatively rare in our comfortable lives BECAUSE of vaccination programmes. But the diseases are mostly still around.

What I'm getting from your posts is that you're happy for everyone else to provide the herd immunity that you think will keep these diseases from reaching your door - you want others to be vaccinated so that it protects you, but you don;t want to take the responsibility of helping to protect everyone because of the miniscule risk to yourself. What a parasite.

Yet I never did... probably because I have a far better immune system and dont eat garbage food and lift...

Actually, I take it back. Don't ever get vaccinated, nor your kids, and please keep hanging around people with meningitis and TB. Natural selection will weed you out sooner or later, and we'll all be better offf without those kind of street smarts.
7 Jun 2018   #126
Then explain why there are so few cases of polio, measles, tetanus etc in places like africa

Jesus, are you serious? Africa had nearly 400,000 deaths from measles until a WHO push for vaccination, which reduced deaths by 90%. Do some basic research before posting, you're just showing your ignorance.

You're right the migrants are parasites...

Ah, of course, you make it about migrants!

Look who's talking LBH who leaves a wealthy country to live the cheap 'native speaker' high life in poland

Wrong again, doofuss! I spend part of the year in Poland, but my primary residence is my native country, just like you, where I'm a PhD academic scientist in a top research institute, and one of the top experts in my field of expertise. Remember from when I schooled you on Bialowieza?
TheWizard  - | 217
7 Jun 2018   #127 are pretending right? This is a joke and you are screwing with us? Tell me it's so.
7 Jun 2018   #128
Yet people aren't catching certain rare diseases and viruses not because they've been vaxxed but because of modern practices

Wrong again. Let's look at those 'rare diseases':

Smallpox = eliminated in 1977 through vaccination - WHO global vaccination programme
Polio = getting close to eradication through global polio vaccination programme
Leprosy = eradicated in developed countries through the TB vaccine (doubles for leprosy)

That's why they're rare, Einstein.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
7 Jun 2018   #129
Jesus, are you serious

Is that the same Jesus that died on the cross for your sins ?
Hey Buddy while I have you here, what about all the people dying from STD's that there is no vaccination for ?
The ones that penicillin doesn't touch.
You know who Chicken Little is ?
You can't keep googling this stuff and then cherry picking a line or two out of an article to make your point.
Most vaccines ARE NOT tried and true to even know the side effects yet.
I had measles and they didn't kill me or the rest of the school that I went to where everyone got them.
You were raised by a helicopter mom weren't you ?
7 Jun 2018   #130
Is that the same Jesus that died on the cross for your sins ?

No. I'm an atheist and don't believe fairy stories.

what about all the people dying from STD's that there is no vaccination for ?

Let's develop a vaccine! More research! I think of all the millions of people who *haven't* died from smallpox, measles, or polio, and I think "hell, yeah, that seems a good way to prevent diseases, where a vaccine can be developed".

Most vaccines ARE NOT tried and true to even know the side effects yet.

Care to prove any statistical support for that? Can you provide objective research that shows that "most" vaccines have "unknown" side effects? Please provide research and numbers, not a baseless opinion as you have done here. Then we'll talk "buddy".

Had to google 'helicopter mum', but no, you're way off.
TheOther  6 | 3596
7 Jun 2018   #131
Then what's the point of vaxxing for diseases that very few peiple die from like measles, tetanus, diphtheria, etc?

I explained that two times already. Even though vaccines are not 100% effective, they always either significantly lower the risk to contract a disease or make the infection less severe (like in flu shots). Measles and meningitis for example are extremely dangerous for kids and can disable them for life. You don't have to die from a disease to make it dangerous.

I've never got a vax against meningitis, tetanus or tb yet have been around people who had them or was at risk of catching it

That's just lucky. Simple statistics. At some point it turns against you, and then?

we have plenty of desert.

I know, I was born in Oz... ;)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
8 Jun 2018   #132
That's why the flu vax was found to be only 10% effective.

Actually only 8% this year.
You can bet it did more harm to your body then good.
Talk about Fake News........
They will preach though that if you do catch the flu after being vaccinated it won't be as bad as if you hadn't had the flu shot.

Another line of crap they expect their guinea pigs to fall for to push their poison. $$$$$
Right in my medical records I had them put; Allergic to flu shot vaccinations with adverse reactions.
Keep's all my Doctors from trying to jam a needle in my arm. (I get tired of arguing with them when they don't get one themselves.)

I tell them that I eat the proper foods to build my immune system up so there is no chance of catching the flu.
Then somebody that has had a flu shot that is coughing and sneezing all over everyone says that they are over the contagious stage because they had a flu shot.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Jun 2018   #133
they always either significantly lower the risk to contract a disease or make the infection less severe (like in flu shots).

Right.... is that why flu shots were proven to be less than 10% effective due to rapid mutation and new strains?

The reason why vaccines arent totally effective is because there's new strains constantly coming out. Most people who get stung by a scorpion will likely die if not treated. However many native Americans in the Americas Mexico etc have a baby scorpion sting their kids when they are young. This builds their immunity and gives them more time to treat a sting. The difference is that the poison in a scorpion is all the same. Whereas bacteria and viruses have all different genotypes tons of strains mutations etc thay are constantly evolving..hep.c wasn't even discovered will like 1991

And again I repeat, if I don't have the vaccine, you by your own words have a significantly lower risk to contract the disease and have a less severe infection..... so why are you getting your panties in a bunch???

At some point it turns against you, and then?

I'll take my chances... But IF... and a very big IF at that.... I'll do the following:
I will have my girls wait on me me till I'm healthy - home cooked food, lots of hot tea, vitamins, etc. Ill make then sleep in another room or on the couch because 'i dont want to get you sick honey' but really its bc hate cuddling or kissing after sex.

And if thay doesnt work ill have them take me to the docs for course of antibiotics, antivirals or whatever other meds they habe for things like tetanus, measles, etc.

And if that still doesn't work ill go into the hospital under an alias, act super nice to the docs and nurses and have them figure it out.

Measles and meningitis for example are extremely dangerous for kids and can disable them for life

So do vaccines... They can disable and kill you too..
8 Jun 2018   #134
The reason why vaccines arent totally effective is because there's new strains constantly coming out

For flu, yes. Flu is unusual in that regard, because of the muliple hosts that it has (birds and mammals) and the different surface proteins. Most viruses aren't so variable - birds don't get measles, polio or smallpox, or the type of herpes that humans get.

Flu is an exception, don't use it as the rule, as it isn't. The rule is polio, smallpox, rubella and measles for viruses, and tetanus, meningitis and tuberculosis for bacterial infections.

Can you think of a group of infectious diseases as big as that, in terms of the number of people they used to kill?

So do vaccines... They can disable and kill you too..

But not with the same probability, Einstein. 15% of meningitis cases alone are fatal. The fatality rate from *all* vaccinations (about 9 jabs) in the UK are 0.00005%. The rate of adverse reactions is 0.25%

How'd you like those odds?

I will have my girls wait on me...ill have them take me

Yeah yeah, 'course you will. Women love being treated and spoken to like that. You're going to die alone, and you know it.

Talk about Fake News........

Yes, let's talk about it. I aslked you in post #131 to justify the statement you made in post #130 that "Most vaccines ARE NOT tried and true to even know the side effects yet." I asked for objective medical research in a journal, but I'll accept a technical report from an objective authority, such as the WHO.

You haven't done that. I wonder why - is it because you were making it up?

but yeah sure lets vaccine for something that doesn't even exist anymore

Nobody vaccinates for smallpox, because it has been eradicated. It was eradictaed by vaccination.

Is any of this sinking into your noggin?

Bubonic plague - killed millions and was eradicated through mostly hygiene and better waste disposal practices. NOT VACCINES.

Sit down and have some more schooling: the cause of the plague is not fully known. It's not certain that it was bubonic plague, or caused by rat fleas. There is no academic consensus. Typhus and cholera are the diseases that were largely overcome by sanitation in the developed world.

Not at all - they're WAY higher than dying from some of the diseases that people are being asked to vaxx against, Einstein...

Is that a mathematical term, "WAY higher", or just something you plucked out of the air to sound impressive but doesn;t actually mean sh1t?

Here's some actual numbers for you.

Annual number of UK deaths from meningitis: 50 (2011 figures)
Annual number of UK deaths from all vaccinations for all diseases: 1.5 (6 deaths over the 4 years 2005-8), from 780,000 vaccinations per year.

So the chances of dying from meningitis alone are 33.3 times greater than the chances of dying from the vaccine - and that's not including your chances of dying from other diseases.

Funny because the chance of you dying from tetanus is .0000000004 from tetanus (2 out of 500 million)

Where are you getting that number from? Because 26 people in USA died of tetanus from 2001-8. You can't use the '500 million' number, as many of those will be vaccinated. The actual death rate after CATCHING tetanus is 13%. Prior to vaccination from the late 1940s, there were 600 cases of tetanus per year in the USA (so about 79 deaths per year).

Though I'm getting the feeling that numbers aren't your strong point...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Jun 2018   #135
Where are you getting that number from? Because 26 people in USA died of tetanus from 2001-8.

Then its a bit over 3 people a year so what still a miniscule number. I was going by the 2 people a year cites earlier in the thread therefore itd be .0000000091 (3 out of 330 mil)

Again, far greater chance of death from vaccine then dead from tetanus...

Nobody vaccinates for smallpox, because it has been eradicated.

Than why'd you bring it up earlier??

Typhus and cholera are the diseases that were largely overcome by sanitation in the developed world.

Yes, not vaccines.

Though I'm getting the feeling that numbers aren't your strong point...

Ah insults insults, when failing a debate thats lefties favorite go to. Atleast you didn't call me a redneck bible thumper or racist.. yet... again too ignorant and lacking in rhetorical skills to make a good arguement.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
8 Jun 2018   #136
I wonder why - is it because you were making it up?

No, it's because there is no way to know the long term effects of these new vaccines until AFTER they have been administered for long term.

You can talk until you are blue in the face and you will not convince me of ever getting poked with a needle again in my life time.

My government has lied to many times with vaccines even using our military troops as test subjects without their prior knowledge.
I do not need or want your vaccines as they do more damage then good.
How did all of us old frumps manage to make it to where we are without getting the recommended 65 vaccines before a child is five years old with just teeny weeny amounts of mercury that is linked to so many of the new handi caps the kids have today that never existed before these vaccines came out.

So no, I did not make this stuff up, I just get tired of trying to explain it to someone that has been so brainwashed and doesn't think for themselves.

Nothing personal my friend as you only preach what you know and have studied.
I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to change my mind so I guess this is a moot subject with us.
8 Jun 2018   #137
Ah insults insults,

Ahem, check out post #131 where you start calling me a 'LBH'.

and lacking in rhetorical skills to make a good arguement.

And that's your problem, you think "rhetorical skills" win an "argument". No, Dirky, it's called 'reasoning'. You wouldn't know it if it popped up on one of your three monitors or 'you had one of your girls' spell it out to you. You just like arguing on the internet because you like to think you're 'winning' at baiting a leftie, and so winning in life - you do it on every thread. Sadly for you, you're not, and you're not, because I'm not. And judging by the amount of time and energy that you burn on this board rather than putting it into your real-world life, you certainly aint winning at that either (cue Dirk telling us all how successful he is, how much money he thinks he earns, how many 'girls' he's banging who he thinks care about him, and the $million house that he said that he owns, begging the question of how come he has so much time to devote to internet forums and googling replies to posts. Literally. All. Day. Long. Yeah, sounds like one of life's winners!).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Jun 2018   #138
Ahem, check out post #131 where you start calling me a 'LBH'.

I didn't start with the insults - you did, far before my LBH comment.

No, Dirky, it's called 'reasoning'.

Which you severely lack...

Literally. All. Day. Long. Yeah, sounds like one of life's winners!).@ CasualObserver

Um yeah I'm online a lot during the week as I trade and am always going through emails, calls, and other sh1t that comes from angieslist and home advisor setting up appointments... so yeah I take breaks and go on here... And look who's talking? You have what 20k posts with all your numerous personas combined from 'native english'teacher, to forestry expert, to now a casual observer...
8 Jun 2018   #139
You have what 20k posts with all your numerous personas

I've only ever posted with this handle. Sometimes not for months. Yet you're always here, every day, most threads, all day long. Business must be slow...or you're not concentrating where you should be in life.
OP Slavictor  6 | 193
28 Jun 2018   #140
It seems in Italy, new Interior Minister Salvini shares the same estimates of the dangers that vaccines present with the Poles:

"Salvini announced that he will be reviewing legislation, allowing children in nurseries to avoid the 10 obligatory vaccines, giving parents a choice."
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Apr 2019   #141

Anti-vaccination movement in Poland is rising. Right or wrong?

I was provoked to start this thread when I read that President Trump encourages Am parents to vaccinate their kids. That`s nice. I have nothing against vaccinations - I read somewhere that most evil things ascribed to them are urban legends.

But more and more opponents claim vaccinations bring about more harm than benefit. In result, the number of non-vaccinated children also goes up in Poland. In drastic cases, parents even "abduct" their newly born babies from hospital to prevent them from being vaccinated.

Doctors are alarming some forgotten diseases will be on the rise again, yet movements against vaccines do not relinquish.

When young, in my neighbourhood I sometimes saw a young man who walked in a peculiar way, as if his both legs had been broken in a few places and hadn`t healed properly. I was always terrified by the sight, and the word Heine Medina disease (polio) became a synonym of ultimate suffering to me.

The article shows the number of anti vaxxers has been growing steadily in Poland.,More-parents-refuse-to-immunise-their-children-in-Poland

The Polish government site about history and need for vaccinations

See the graphics showing vaccination periods in Poland

Parents who took their baby from hospital to avoid vaccinations were later acquitted by the court.

However, reading about polio vaccine, I learnt that 3.8 kids in 10 million get infected with the disease after vaccination. So, vaccines are not so safe after all.
pawian  224 | 27236
26 Apr 2019   #142
Oops, I had searched for "vaccinations" and didn`t find it. :):)
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #143
Outbreak of diseases are not only due to anti-vaxers but due to contact with those carrying diseases.

It's been widely reported that recent outbreaks of measles in the US largely impacted Orthodox Jewish communities after their members returned from trips to Israel.

The movement of millions of peoples from the third world (where disease is rife and vaccinations rates low despite expensive Western Aid programs) have also been the vector the transmission of diseases including the reintroduction of diseases hitherto thought to have been eradicated from Western nations.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #144
Parents who took their baby from hospital to avoid vaccinations were later acquitted by the court.

Vaccination should certainly be mandatory, and should be encoded on the chip in passports. No vaccinations, no travel.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #145
Passports are meaningless in the virtue signaling progressive West. They are anachronism of the racist colonial past.

Indeed, untold thousands have arrived in Europe and North America without them and were given the red carpet treatment.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #146
Passports are meaningless in the vir

Perhaps on your planet they are. Down here on earth, we use them rather a lot.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #147
Oh, that's right, you see passports as a status symbol. Hence, your need to chase around and middle class boasting of get three of them.

The game of one-upmanship in gated suburban communities can be pretty fierce I hear!

But as proven time and time again ithe vast majority of migrants don't need them to get into the virtue signaling progressive West
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #148
Oh, that's right, you see

You might; the rest of us see passports as the means to travel; and now that biometric and other data is storable in them, the logical step for public health is to encode vaccination records on passports and other state ID.

The game of one-upmanship in gated suburban communities

I wouldn't know about such places, Sh1tty; perhaops you could enlighten us about them. Or more likely not.

What I do know is that the health of a community (gated or otherwise) can be severely compromised by the behaviour of nuts who decide not to vaccinate their kids based on spurious unscientific woo.
Shitonya Brits
27 Apr 2019   #149
passports and other state ID.

So passé.

Travel is moving away from documents all together. The future is now and in modern airports (obviously you don't travel through them or have suspect reasons for dodging them) are now scanning faces of passengers without the need to produce any colonial era papers. "Your papers, please." will be a quaint movie script line consigned to the dustbin of history along with your three passports.

In the meantime millions of more migrants without passports will continue to flood the West along with their communicable and contagious diseases which vaccines are increasingly useless against.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Apr 2019   #150
So passé.

Travel is moving away from documents all together.

Making a fool of yourself again, Sh1tty? Documents are still very much used for travel.

You also seem to be rather confused about facial scanning; the same information is on file, however a person's identity is confirmed.

And you're also trying to go off the topic; a rather important one nowadays, since there are some outspoken anti-vaxxers here in PL. The majority still vaccinate, however unfortunately there are some cranks with websites pushing their unscientific and dangerous ideas.

In the matter of health, the consensus of the medical professions is that vaccination is essential within a community; the clusters of outbreaks of diseases once seen as a thing of the past are a literally deadly judgement on those people who do not vaccinate.

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