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Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #31
You may need a transplant... Your parents may caught something...

Then off to Nepal I go

If your kid dies from a vaccine, the doctor isn't even held accountable

The doc is administering the vaccine so it's not really his fault unless he used a dirty needle or something. The pharma company shoukd be sued, but they almost need

Vaccines are a good idea for poor countries but for wealthy countries we have superior medical care
5 Jun 2018   #32
if you die or face other serious health problems because of vaccination it surely was a bad idea to undergo it

Not on an odds basis, no. You still have better odds against Polio is you and others are vaccinated.

Vaccines are a good idea for poor countries but for wealthy countries we have superior medical care

You'd rather be treated for the symptoms of Polio (paralysis, withered limbs etc), rather than never get it in the first place?

Look at the problems even winter flu causes in developed countries. Medical care would be overwhelmed, people would be crippled/blinded for life, pregnancies lost, weak/old people dying before their time.

So lefists really are that far gone, huh?

Not leftists. Remeber that George W Bush gave orders to shoot down hijacked passenger jets full of citizens rather than risk them crashing into more buildings - for the safety of the most people.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
5 Jun 2018   #33
The issue to me is not whether vaccines are overall good - they are. It is instead whether parents should be forced to vaccinate their kids and the hysterical reaction of calling them criminals and murderers if they decide not to. You can listen to medical science but can someone force you to do stuff just because he wears a white coat and stayed a couple of years longer in college ?

For sure some of the existing vaccines in use will turn out to have serious side effects. That has alwas been the case and new issues will alays crop up with drugs but once billion dollar profits are involved its difficult fo doubts to get a fair hearing. Asbestos and cigarettes were once considered harmless.
jon357  72 | 23361
5 Jun 2018   #34
It isn't an issue; they are good and have saved millions of lives.

It is instead whether parents should be forced to vaccinate their kids

Parents don't vaccinate their kids. Doctors and nurses do. If anyone, parents or otherwise want to endanger the health of others in the community they are welcome to purchase a deserted island and move there.
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Jun 2018   #35
When I was a child, my grandma's neighbour was a woman who had been affected by polio. A beautiful woman with a disfigured leg (or legs, I can't remember now).

We have forgotten what the consequences of such diseases are.
And it's not about being right- or left-winged.
I know quite a few people with liberal views who are against mandatory vaccinations.
There are more and more kids who suffer from autism and Asperger's Syndrome. Some blame the vaccines.
As far as I know, the main difference is that we were vaccined with biological, not chemical substances. It's also important that the baby is healthy when given the injection.

But personally I believe vaccines should be mandatory.
cms neuf  1 | 1846
5 Jun 2018   #36
It's obviously not a solution to send people to a desert island. If i remember a few years ago when i lived in Britain Blair himself was refusing to confirm that he vaccinated his kids

In fact relgious exemptions for Amish, Jehovahs etc have been quietly tolerated for years until compulsory vaccines became polticized (often by the same people who defend abortion rights on the basis that the state does not own peoples bodies)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jun 2018   #37
it wasn't 'his kids' it was his youngest one that was born while he was in office.
At that time, there was a huge media hoo har about the single dose MMR and a lot of middle class parents were taking their children to France, to pay to have the immunisation as three separate injections.

I expect he did that, and didn't want to fess up, due to his government advice...

Anyway it is not compulsory to vaccinate your children in the UK. Where is it so?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #38
You'd rather be treated for the symptoms of Polio (paralysis, withered limbs etc), rather than never get it in the first place?

The chances of me getting polio are very very slim to none. According to this article there were just 17 cases of polio. So I dont see a need to put inject vaccines which may have some rly nasty side effects, possibly permanent. I'm more concerned about diseases and conditions that many people get like cancer, heart and lung problems, etc. .

Most of the diseases that vaccines address are extremely rare esp in developed countries
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jun 2018   #39
The chances of me getting polio are very very slim to none. According to this article there were just 17 cases of polio

now, Dirk why do you think that might be?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #40
Look at the problems even winter flu causes in developed countries.

I've never got a flu shot, nor will I. I haven't had the flu for probably a decade. My body my choice, and I'll let my kids choose when theyre grown If They want vaccines or not.

Roz im pretty sure in numeroud eu countries vaccines. In the us they are required to enroll but you can get a waiver for like personal beliefs and religion.

now, Dirk why do you think that might be?

Modern medicine and cures. Vaccines to some.extent but nonetheless people in poor countries dont get vaccines unless the who convinces them to as tgey tend to be very reluctant. I remember watching this doc about health workers trying to vaxx people in Pakistan and very very few people got one.

So exactly if polio is all but eradicated except for sh1tholes like Afghanistan (where most people don't vaccinate and even when the un or who comes by theyre scared because they don't want some kuffar sticking their kids) then I dont see the need for vaccinating myself or my kids against it, especially since were lucky enough to not live in a third world country
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Jun 2018   #41
They want vaccines or not.

Get ready to home school your offspring then. No vaccination = no day care and no education.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jun 2018   #42
Modern medicine and cures.

yes, it's called 'vaccinations'..:D
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #43
And yes I believe that's a personal choice. I'm not going to allow the government to tell me that I should inject myself or my kids when there could be life threatening consequences PLUS there is basically no recourse should a person get really sick or die because of a bad reaction. Good luck suing the pharma company for that. And more importantly, were not living in the 1800s. With modern hygiene, modern medicineyour chances of catching polio or rubella or whatever are far far lower than getting cancer or having heart or lung disease.

. No vaccination = no day care and no education.

You can get waivers in the U.S.....And i know plenty of families in poland who didn't vax their kids and had no problem getting them enrolled... especially in the wioski

If they want to get vaccines when theyre older and have a good idea of the pros and cons ill support their decision either way.
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Jun 2018   #44
You can get waivers in the U.S

Yeah, I know. It's against my faith to protect my child from contagious diseases. The "Let the other parents vaccinate their kids, then mine is okay" philosophical excuse. Selfish nut jobs. Reminds me of the Jehova's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions or the crazy Followers of Christ in Oregon who prefer ointments and prayers over saving their children. Kill yourself if you have to, but leave sane people out of this.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #45
It's against my faith to protect my child from contagious diseases. Let the other parents vaccinate their kids, then mine is okay. Selfish nut job

Well if vaccines are as effective as you and others claim then it won't matter if me or my kids get measles or whatever, right? You and your kids wouldnt get sick because theyre vaccinated, so how is that putting other people at risk???
gumishu  15 | 6227
5 Jun 2018   #46
very good point
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Jun 2018   #47
A colleague of mine had jaundice some time ago. He spent weeks in hospital. I had not heard of anyone suffering from it, yet he managed to get infected.

As for rubella, I had it as a kid. I remember people saying it was better than having it as an adult.
People travel. You don't know what viruses they may bring back home. You don't live in void but go outside, touch things, get in touch with others.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #48
I don't see any problem when parents refuse vaccinating their kids. Just don't send them to the public schools, promise that you will pay when they get sick and we are done. And be ready to get sued by them later if they develop lasting complications. It's that simple. I love simple.
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Jun 2018   #49
very good point

No, it isn't. It's a cheap excuse. See below.

Well if vaccines are as effective as you and others claim then it won't matter if me or my kids get measles or whatever, right?

No vaccine is 100% effective. So if you send your meningitis stricken kids to school, you automatically endanger all the other children. If just one of them catches the disease and dies, I would consider YOU to be responsible. The grieving parents should be allowed to sue your ass off and strip you of any assets you own.

Just don't send them to the public schools

Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #50
No vaccine is 100% effective

Then what's the point of getting a vaccine if it neither guaruntees you won't get sick, diseases like polio are extremely rare and modern medicine will treat/cure the more common ones like meningitis. If there were vaccines against common deadly diseases like hiv hep cancers id be all for it but the diseases that vaxxinf is supposed to protect against are either very rare, fairly easy to cure and the vax isnt completely effective anyway

I never got a meningitis vaccine either and a few students on campus got it back in my undergrad days. Yet I bet many of the kids both at my uni and others were likely vaccinated

Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.

Well good thing it doesn't work that way and we have a little something called freedom of choice, which you guys are so against. You claim to be pro freedom and against authoritarianism yet thats exactly what your doing by your views on vaxxing religion guns etc. You don't like freedom and want to force things upon people just like.commies
TheOther  6 | 3596
5 Jun 2018   #51
Then what's the point of getting a vaccine

A vaccination lowers the risk to contract a disease significantly. Think tetanus.

Well good thing it doesn't work that way

Oh, it does - unless you pull the laughable "faith" or "philosophical" card.

You claim to be pro freedom and against authoritarianism

So you want the freedom to kill other people's kids?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jun 2018   #52
Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.

I meant rather than home schooling.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #53
Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.

Well good thing it doesn't work that way and we have a little something called freedom of choice, which you guys are so against.

Think tetanus.

Rofl another vaxx I didnt receive for over 2 decades yet I work construction and scratch myself on rusty **** all the time and no problems.

I'll take a healthy lifestyle, good food, working out, lots of supplements vitamins minerals etc over a chemical vax with God knows what side effects and no recourse should it cause you permanent damage. So far its been working out - no tetanus, no flu, no meningitis even without taking any vaccines since childhood (which if it were up to me and not commie authorities i wouldn't take any except hep b because thays a fairly common disease thats reallt bad). Till I have a guaruntee that me or my familt wont get side effects and life long health problems and if they do well be compensated with millions to pay for all the problems cajzed by a bad vax, no thank you..

Oh, it does - unless you pull the laughable "faith" or "philosophical" card.

Laughable or not its enough to get my kids to not get vaxxed in the us... gotta use what's at your disposal in life if you want to get your way whether its with taxes, bankruptcy, divorce, vaxxinf whatever else.. only.foolish people dont use loopholes to their advantage.

And not that id raise them anyway plus in poland theres plenty of kids enrolled who aren't vaxxed including some in my family and some of the neighbors kids.

Again im.willing to vaxx under certain conditions, but not the current ones. Especially laws which make it basically impossible to sue a vaccine maker.

So you want the freedom to kill other people's kids?

If they're vaxxed they should be fine then and theory only affect other people who arent. I didn't vaxx for meningitis, tetanus, flu, tb and whatever other boosters I was supposed to get yet neber caught those diseases even despite living in a dorm with several hundred people some of whom had said diseases, namely flu and meningitis, yet I never caught it. So based on my personal experience, and medical professionals who have argued ahainst vaxxing... I'll take my chances.

In fact- a tin of tuna contains more mercury (different type though) than a vaccine. So does fruit and vegetables- it's all trace amounts.

Great I dont eat nasty canned tuna or any kind of tuna for.that matter and get my veggies and fruit from a co op where my girl literallly grows the ****

chances of harm because of vaccins' side effects are far smaller than chances of complications after illnesses.

Yet you can still get diseases all the same as a non vaxxed person. Maybe even more so if you're not living a healthy active lifestyle. I've been cut with rusty nails more time than I can count working in construction including even yesterday, lived in college dorms where there was a meningitis outbreak with dozens infected yet never caught it even though a good chunk of the people who got it were vaxxed, haven't had the flu in over a decade and even then I have it for 1 day sip on couch syrup throughout the day and get a lot of sleep, drink a lot of tea, and next morning I'm back at work.. no need to feel like **** after a flu shot, plus there's a lot of horror stories of people have weird reactions immediatelt after one. And if you die too bad so sad, you can't sue.

Seems to me from my experience these vaxes are bullshit. Here's why:
-vaxxed people can get those diseases anyway
-there no suing if you have a permanent disability because of it or even die, and all drugs affect people differently. Sometimes people don't eveb know theyre allergic to something until they take it.

- theres modern treatments and cures for all the diseases that peiple get vaxxed for.. esp whooping cough which is caused a bacteria
-I've never caught any of the diseases despite being not vaxxed even though I was around those people and im sure many other non vaxxed people have

-most of the diseases like polio are super rare, you're far more likely to.get heart disease, cancer, etc. And if there was an effective cancer vaccine that would even cut my risk in half id pay 5 figures for it right now.

And no, the top killers are almost all from diseases and conditions that are preventable and mainly due to lifestyle - drinking alcohol, eating tons of sugary ****, not staying active, smoking, obesity, etc

And rabies vaccine rofl seriously... yeah bc I plan on handling dead raccoons and playing with stray animals lol... And Ebola? Right because I plan on eating barely cooked bush meat from w africa (monkeys and such)
kaprys  3 | 2076
5 Jun 2018   #54
But weren't you vaccined in Poland as a kid anyway? How old were you when you left?

It's not about the flu vaccine, it's not compulsory in Poland. And diseases like polio are so rare because of vaccines.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #55
Yes but I never got any boosters nor any additional shots like meningitis. Plus the schedule for vaxs in prl was far far smaller than what the us asks children to get. Less frequent, smaller doses, and less vaccines. Yet id argue the average pole is far healthier than the average American

And diseases like polio are so rare because of vaccines.

They certainly help but not entirely. Most of the polio occurs in third world countries. In third world countries the majority of people are not vaxxed. That is why the WHO and other organizations with bill gates money sends workers to try to vaxx people especially in muslim.and african countries. Nonetheless most people refuse it because they don't trust a foreign 'kaffir' organization that wants to give them and their healthy kids a shot
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
5 Jun 2018   #56
First- a question to admins- why was my post deleted? it did took me a lot of time to copy & paste & reply it. if there were parts that were in breach of rules, they should be removed/highlightened/whatever.

@Dirk diggler

-vaxxed people can get those diseases anyway

yes, they can. they are much less likely and even if they do their illness is lighter than those who are not vaccinated.

people don't even know theyre allergic to something until they take it.

the risk of side effects is almost zero. it's pretty much non-existent (and by side effects I mean something permanent, not just headache or something like that). the risk severly outweight the risk of complications from illnesses.

theres modern treatments and cures for all the diseases

it's better to stop the illness from happening than to deal with it.
things like chickenpox cannot be properly cured. same as rabies (well.. afaik 6 people has survived after showing symptoms of it, but nevermind). on top of that, complications- like weakened heart muscle etc are not that easy to deal with.

you're far more likely to.get heart disease, cancer, etc

yes, you are right. you are more likely to die in car accident than from flu or its complications. same goes with polio etc.
but have you ever wondered why such serious illnesses are rare (in civilized world at least)? while good sanitation etc is important, but sharp decline in the illnesses i've mentioned in my previous post is caused by the vaccination. we had eradicated smallpox after all (and polio is on its way out as well).

and (mentioned by me already) chickenpox isn't rare. neither is flu.

an effective cancer vaccine that would even cut my risk in half

hpv vaccine almost practically eradicated cervical cancer.
PM me for my bank account numbers, I'm not greedy I'll settle for 4 digit figure (in us dollars) ;)

the top killers are almost all from diseases and conditions that are preventable and mainly due to lifestyle

for most cases of cancer there is no single cause- so it's a mix of both.

Great I dont eat nasty canned tuna or any kind of tuna

so no fish at all? and you call it healthy diet?

Less frequent, smaller doses, and less vaccines.

you are aware that new 5-in-1 vaccines do contain fewer pathogens than old "single" one, aren't you?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
5 Jun 2018   #57
no need to feel like **** after a flu shot

They do knock the hell out of you for a couple of weeks no doubt about that with flu like symptoms.
And the real kicker was that in the 2017-2018 flu season the vaccines were not even 10% effective.
There were four strains of flu going around and the flu shot did not cover any of them.

I've been cut with rusty nails more time than I can count

Oh lord did you get a tetanus shot !
What a load of crap, when was the last time anyone got tetanus ?
All the Medical Industry cares about is listening to their song.....cha ching.....cha ching.......cha ching.
Sorry, no one sticks a needle in me anymore.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
5 Jun 2018   #58
They do knock the hell out of you for a couple of weeks no doubt about that with flu like symptoms.

few weeks? knock the hell out?
while flu vaccine is a live vaccine and therefore it **may** be more serious for you than a normal dead one, it's unlikely they would have such strong effect on a healthy person.

There were four strains of flu going around

AFAIK there were 2 (none of them covered).
it's not an easy task to predict which strain will be most popular. you gather data available now, and pray nothing will change when you make and distribute vaccine for that strain.

What a load of crap, when was the last time anyone got tetanus ?

"(..)From 2009 through 2015, a total of 197 cases and 16 deaths from tetanus were reported in the United States. Forty-nine (25%) cases were in persons 65 years of age or older, 124 (63%) were in persons 20 through 64 years of age, and 24 (12%) were in persons younger than 20 years, including 2 cases of neonatal tetanus (Figure 2). All tetanus-related deaths occurred among patients >55 years of age(..)"

"(..)Despite the availability of highly effective tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines, tetanus continues to have a substantial health impact in the world. In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 34,019 newborns died from neonatal tetanus, a 96% reduction from the late 1980s.(..)"

All the Medical Industry cares about is listening to their song

you are aware that many vaccines are worked on by non-commercial entities?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #59
If vaccines were sooo safe, effective and the side effects were all known the pharma corps wouldnt have lobbied the us government esp the fda to pass a no fault statute where a pwrson cant sue for damages caused by a vaccine. No other drug has that not Tylenol or aspirin, not medical devices not antibiotics nothing... and yet they try to comvince people they *have to* get them and won't tell you about waivers if you dont want them, try to brainwash people into thinking that people who get vaxxed are doing something noble and the ones who aren't are somehow evil - even though both parties can still get that disease regardless of whether they had a vax or not... sorry that just all sounds super sketchy to me especially since I never got any boosters or meningitis or flu or tetanus and ive never caught them despite not being vaxxed, while others who have been vaxxed namely for meningitis got it anyway

You habe the freedom to vaxx yourself or not I for one chose not to as it is might right to decide what I do to my body. My body belongs to me, not society and certainly not government. So if you support freedom and are against authoritarianism which seeks to tell people what to do, how to do it, punish you or ostracize you if you dont... even if its a person choice (similar imo to abortion or even physician assisted euthanasia) you ought to respect peoples freedom of choice. I respect your choice to vax or not, have a gun or not, abort or not, vote for one person or other or not vote at all, etc. I don't see how vaxxing is any different. All the others affect society just as much, perhaps even more profoundly.

That's what democracy is - having freedoms and being able to have freedom of choice especially with your own body

you are aware that many vaccines are worked on by non-commercial entities?

Not in us. It is pharma corps that own and distribute most vaccines. And you can't sue them if they cause you permanent damage or kill a loved one

you are aware that many vaccines are worked on by non-commercial entities?

Not in us. It is pharma corps that own and distribute most vaccines. And you can't sue them if they cause you permanent damage or kill a loved one

197 cases and 16 deaths from tetanus were reported in the United States

16 deaths out of over 300.million people....

Again, I see little point in vaxxing against something so few people get, even though I probably habe the highest risk of getting it im not concerned because theres great medicine treatments and I have a strong immune system. If I was going to.get tetanus or meningitis or flu etc it would have happened by now for sure especially.tetanus
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Jun 2018   #60
Sorry, no one sticks a needle in me anymore.

Exactly fts...

Its a shame though so many people are immediately brainwashed by the medical industry and dont ask questions themselves like how effective is the vaccine? What are my chances of permanent problems or even death and can I get compensation if that happens? How common are diseases like polio, tetanus, diphtheria, etc? Are there modern medicines where I live for these diseases should I be one of the rare cases where I'm diagnosed with it? Why does the industry push vaccines so hard - what do they get out of it? How have other people felt after a vaccine - did they have issues if so what kind and did they vary from the 'common' side effects listen on the med sheet?

People don't even bother asking these questions themselves and figuring out the answer - even though its their own health on the line. They let a multi billion dollar industry, huge corps, government bodies like fda controlled by former lobbyists of said pharma corps then push the line that anyone who questions them, even if they're wrong or their question sounds foolish, is regarded as some conspiracy theorist or tin foil hat person. No i don't believe in some vast conspiracies but I do use the facts and statistics widely available plus my own experiences to draw my own conclusion and not let others make mind

I.prefer to be au naturale thank you very much....

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