Not only public, but also private and charter. No vaccination, you home school. Simples.
Well good thing it doesn't work that way and we have a little something called freedom of choice, which you guys are so against.
Think tetanus.
Rofl another vaxx I didnt receive for over 2 decades yet I work construction and scratch myself on rusty **** all the time and no problems.
I'll take a healthy lifestyle, good food, working out, lots of supplements vitamins minerals etc over a chemical vax with God knows what side effects and no recourse should it cause you permanent damage. So far its been working out - no tetanus, no flu, no meningitis even without taking any vaccines since childhood (which if it were up to me and not commie authorities i wouldn't take any except hep b because thays a fairly common disease thats reallt bad). Till I have a guaruntee that me or my familt wont get side effects and life long health problems and if they do well be compensated with millions to pay for all the problems cajzed by a bad vax, no thank you..
Oh, it does - unless you pull the laughable "faith" or "philosophical" card.
Laughable or not its enough to get my kids to not get vaxxed in the us... gotta use what's at your disposal in life if you want to get your way whether its with taxes, bankruptcy, divorce, vaxxinf whatever else.. only.foolish people dont use loopholes to their advantage.
And not that id raise them anyway plus in poland theres plenty of kids enrolled who aren't vaxxed including some in my family and some of the neighbors kids.
Again im.willing to vaxx under certain conditions, but not the current ones. Especially laws which make it basically impossible to sue a vaccine maker.
So you want the freedom to kill other people's kids?
If they're vaxxed they should be fine then and theory only affect other people who arent. I didn't vaxx for meningitis, tetanus, flu, tb and whatever other boosters I was supposed to get yet neber caught those diseases even despite living in a dorm with several hundred people some of whom had said diseases, namely flu and meningitis, yet I never caught it. So based on my personal experience, and medical professionals who have argued ahainst vaxxing... I'll take my chances.
In fact- a tin of tuna contains more mercury (different type though) than a vaccine. So does fruit and vegetables- it's all trace amounts.
Great I dont eat nasty canned tuna or any kind of tuna for.that matter and get my veggies and fruit from a co op where my girl literallly grows the ****
chances of harm because of vaccins' side effects are far smaller than chances of complications after illnesses.
Yet you can still get diseases all the same as a non vaxxed person. Maybe even more so if you're not living a healthy active lifestyle. I've been cut with rusty nails more time than I can count working in construction including even yesterday, lived in college dorms where there was a meningitis outbreak with dozens infected yet never caught it even though a good chunk of the people who got it were vaxxed, haven't had the flu in over a decade and even then I have it for 1 day sip on couch syrup throughout the day and get a lot of sleep, drink a lot of tea, and next morning I'm back at work.. no need to feel like **** after a flu shot, plus there's a lot of horror stories of people have weird reactions immediatelt after one. And if you die too bad so sad, you can't sue.
Seems to me from my experience these vaxes are bullshit. Here's why:
-vaxxed people can get those diseases anyway
-there no suing if you have a permanent disability because of it or even die, and all drugs affect people differently. Sometimes people don't eveb know theyre allergic to something until they take it.
- theres modern treatments and cures for all the diseases that peiple get vaxxed for.. esp whooping cough which is caused a bacteria
-I've never caught any of the diseases despite being not vaxxed even though I was around those people and im sure many other non vaxxed people have
-most of the diseases like polio are super rare, you're far more likely to.get heart disease, cancer, etc. And if there was an effective cancer vaccine that would even cut my risk in half id pay 5 figures for it right now.
And no, the top killers are almost all from diseases and conditions that are preventable and mainly due to lifestyle - drinking alcohol, eating tons of sugary ****, not staying active, smoking, obesity, etc
And rabies vaccine rofl seriously... yeah bc I plan on handling dead raccoons and playing with stray animals lol... And Ebola? Right because I plan on eating barely cooked bush meat from w africa (monkeys and such)