Thanks to the mighty good EU and its rules Poles pay 80% more for their electricity bills.
Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons
Crnogorac3 3 | 673
29 Dec 2023 #1112
Today - 5 billion.
They sold themselves cheaply.
Who? This money is going back to the German firm that is going to 'sell' to Poland turbo wind catchers BS or some such to make the electricity bill even higher for an average Polish customer.
I would say that is a curse and a gift that you all bare asses wage slaves feel when you see some money exchanged you never imagined existed.
I would say that is a curse and a gift that you all bare asses wage slaves feel when you see some money exchanged you never imagined existed.
Thanks to the mighty good EU and its rules
Thanks to the EU and rules, PIS were removed from power.
Goddess bless you, the EU!!!!
This money is going back to the German
Do you have a crystal ball and a black cat??? No!!! I have two black cats and that makes me authorised to say that you are lying as usual.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11970
29 Dec 2023 #1115
Erm....what has the EU to do with the election in Poland?
(Besides being an argument in the election campaign, that is)
(Besides being an argument in the election campaign, that is)
(Besides being an argument in the election campaign, that is)
An important argument. Young people and not only them who support the EU voted against anti European parties.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11970
29 Dec 2023 #1117
Young people and not only them who support the EU Germany we enjoyed years of it and our youth is turning against it....or at least away from it!
Tell me if Tusk wants to open polish bordes to all immigrants who want to come and how the young Poles would react to that....
Tell me if Tusk wants to
No, he doesn`t. He will defend the borders like independence.
and our youth is turning against it
They will learn to love it anew when AfD gains the ruling majority and destroys everything like PiS in Poland.
Tell me if Tusk wants to open polish bordes to all immigrants
He sure does!
No, he doesn`t. Stop lying, you forum hooligan!
Thank you, Saviour!!!
Yes get down on your knees and lick that tusk.. also don't forget to lick his ars*hole. I think the kids call it rimming.
Then enjoy while he pi*sses on your face. I think the the kids call that a golden shower.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11970
29 Dec 2023 #1122
They will learn to love it anew when AfD gains the ruling majority and destroys everything
I truly come to believe that will depend on how an AfD led gov would (will?) handle the immigrant-crisis in Germany. Every survey says that is the absolute main bone of contention between a huge majority of our people and our gov...for years now.
Wars and climate crisis and everythinge else is really taking a back seat to that....
Our green/leftists surely expect from Tusk also a more leftist handling of the immigrants, since they have become a minority regarding this in the whole of Europe and look for support now from Warsaw, that should be interesting to watch if and how they will be disappointed!
rimming. a golden shower.
Wow, you are quite an expert. :):) Amassing!
that is the absolute main bone of contention between a huge majority of our people and our gov...for years now.
Quite doubtful. Your people with full awareness vote for parties who reject brutal handling immigrant problem.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11970
29 Dec 2023 #1124
Your people with full awareness vote for parties who reject brutal handling immigrant problem.
I even might have agreed with you....last year!
I told you 2023 changed alot of standings and underestimate that at your own peril....just saying....
Still a Happy New Year to you too, Pawi! :)
Hey, anti EU azholes. Let me repeat what I have been saying here and elsewhere for years. You are azholing imbeciles by rejecting the EU which might be the last support for Poland when NATO stops functioning.
By undermining Poland`s position in the EU, you are working for imperialist Russians, in fact.
Fekk you, traitors of Poland! You are like Targowica backstabbers who colluded with Russia in dismantling Poland during 18th century partitions.
That`s what decent intelligent humans and apes think of you!
PS. I also pee on you but won`t show it in images for a while. hahahaha
By undermining Poland`s position in the EU, you are working for imperialist Russians, in fact.
Fekk you, traitors of Poland! You are like Targowica backstabbers who colluded with Russia in dismantling Poland during 18th century partitions.
That`s what decent intelligent humans and apes think of you!
PS. I also pee on you but won`t show it in images for a while. hahahaha
Hey, anti EU azholes
Where are you, morons?
Ironside, darling, who will defend your poor ass when US withdraws from NATO while Poland withdraws from the EU according to your pathetic wishes?
Yes, we know, you don`t need any defences, you will welcome Russians with flowers.
Tfu, kanalia!
Ironside greets a Red Army soldier who "liberates" Poland from the EU
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11970
12 Feb 2024 #1127
Do you think these guys had been closet-gays???

The Head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced in Warsaw the release of funds from the National Reconstruction Plan, which Poland had been waiting for since May 2021.
It is about 137 billion euros.
Stupid PiS bolsheviks were ruining the judiciary that is why the EU suspended the payment. Pro-democratic gov of Mr Saviour Tusk and Co is fixing what PIS ruined so it is quite correct that they should get this money.
Long live the Saviour!!!
It is about 137 billion euros.
Stupid PiS bolsheviks were ruining the judiciary that is why the EU suspended the payment. Pro-democratic gov of Mr Saviour Tusk and Co is fixing what PIS ruined so it is quite correct that they should get this money.
Long live the Saviour!!!
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2138
23 Feb 2024 #1129
Here I thought it was Jaruzelski filling up TK with old party commie judges to safeguard themselves during the transition of power and as a result of the round table talks.
How come
Here I thought it was Jaruzelski filling up TK with old party commie judges to safeguard themselves during the transition of power and as a result of the round table talks.
How come
Here I thought it was Jaruzelski filling up TK with old party commie judges
Yes, but he had done it until 1989 when communism collapsed. When PiS started harassing independent judges in 2016, 27 years had passed. How many communist judges had remained in the judiciary system till then??? What do you think??? Only about 10%. So PIS didn`t oppress judges because they had a commie background - PiS bolsheviks couldn`t stand that judges are independent and can`t be influenced. So any judge, also this majority nominated in democratic times, could be the object of PIS persecution.
PIS gangsters apart from being political gangsters are also morons like all rightists coz they really believed they would finaly succeed. They forgot that Poles had rejected communist gangsters before and the same happened to PiS ones. .
How many communist judges had remained in the judiciary system???
How many of their sons and daughters are in the the judicial system?, still following daddy's advice, even from the grave.
still following daddy's advice, even from the grave.
Prove it!!! :):):)
If PIS bolsheviks were crystal clear with immaculate democratic conception themselves, I would swallow your argument. But PiS also has sons and daughters of commie apparatchiks in its ranks. Even full time commies! They are not so clean after all.
They only tried to suppress any independence in the judiciary to have the last word when PIS apparatchiks break the law and are tried - it was expected that they had to be acquitted or receive light sentences. Independent judges couldn`t agree to that so they were oppressed.
Crnogorac3 3 | 673
27 Feb 2024 #1133
Poland takes its $148 billion "BRIBE" from the EU to DESTROY its own Culture, Traditions, Nation.
to DESTROY its own Culture, Traditions, Nation.
$148 billion "BRIBE" from the EU to DESTROY
To destroy independence and economy so Poland can become a semi-colony of bigger powers in the EU. A very short-sided and lame policy.
Mega Rubbish
Poland takes its $148 billion
You are jealous coz Russia won`t get this money from the EU! HA!!
Poland can become a semi-colony of bigger powers in the EU
You prefer Russian colony in Poland, yes, we know.
You are jealous coz Russia won`t get this money
There is nothing to be jealous of. what is that money some numbers on a computer screen we could generate it ourselves but those attached conditions that is where lies a problem.
You prefer a Russian colony in Poland, yes, we know.
I would prefer a Russian colony in Poland, a few more Russians living in Poland ain't the problem.
For example, Królewiec could be such a colony.
I would prefer a Russian colony in Poland,
Yes, we know, your nazio far right party is known for that.
PiS rightists are officially ant EU which they blame for everything to cover their own incompetence and corruption.
However, before the EU Parliament elections in June, dozens of major PiS politicians are going in beseehcing pilgrimages to their lord, Chairman Kaczyński, to be put on the lists of candidates for potential MPs. They all love the EU when it is time to grab huge euro salaries.
However, before the EU Parliament elections in June, dozens of major PiS politicians are going in beseehcing pilgrimages to their lord, Chairman Kaczyński, to be put on the lists of candidates for potential MPs. They all love the EU when it is time to grab huge euro salaries.