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Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons

OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2023   #1051
Domine Deus Omnipotens in cuius manu omnis victoria consistens

In Nomine Patri, et Filli and Spirytus Sanctus. :):):)

maybe there is still hope for you.

For me?? No,. I will remain a monkey till the end.

What I am fighting for against eurosceptic azholes is Poland.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
13 Aug 2023   #1052
What I am fighting for against eurosceptic azholes is Poland.

But do you really have to push the neo-marxist cultural revolution agenda at the same time?

Remember that the roots of Europe and of the European Union are Christian. The current generation of Verhofstadts and von der Leyens will soon be gone and the passing anti-Christian fancy will be gone with them.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Aug 2023   #1053
Remember that the roots of Europe and of the European Union are Christian

Exactly. And it is so Christian to accept all groups which dumb rightists exclude and reject coz they wrongly think such an attitude will save them. No, losers, it won`t, you will still burn in Hell. hahahahaha

Pawianos, pawianos, pawianos.

Stop stuttering when talking to me. Get a grip. I am not a monster. BuHa!
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #1054
And it is so Christian to accept all groups

This is socialism not Christianity, the two are easily confused on the outside, but when you dig a bit deeper you realise that they are polar opposites.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2023   #1055
they are polar opposites.

Of course not. Those socialists are the biggest Christians of all. Rightists only pretend to be Christian to exploit brainwashed people as voters.
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #1056
Those socialists are the biggest Christians of all. Rightists only pretend to be Christian to exploit brainwashed people as voters

Interesting point of is worth considering.
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #1057
But after having considered it, I come back to Matthew 7:15-20. 'You will know them by their fruits'. So we can only wait and see.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 Aug 2023   #1058
'You will know them by their fruits'

PIS` fruit is animosity, conflict, ferment, hatred.
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #1059
And the fruit of socialists is pits of dead bodies...
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Aug 2023   #1060
you dig a bit deeper you realise that they are polar opposites.

Or realise that they have more 8n common than separates them The Sermon on the Mount is worth reading.
Ironside  50 | 12916
14 Aug 2023   #1061
You will know them by their fruits'.

a rotten egg like D Tusk? is he fruitiy enough?
Luke1410  - | 146
14 Aug 2023   #1062
Well maybe he's just suffering from PiS derangement syndrome. If he re-takes power, maybe he'll wake up from this and realise that Russia have invaded Ukraine, this is my hope at least.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
2 Oct 2023   #1063
A rightist PiS sponsored weekly calls for Polexit - leaving the EU by Poland.
So, rightists stopped hiding their true intentions at last.

As pawian, I sometimes let myself be overwhelmed with the impish need for malicious fun. You certainly know this side of me in this forum. I simply can`t resist. :):):) So, occassionally it comes to my mind I would like Poland to leave the EU. Then all those brainwashed homo sovieticus PiS and nationalist voters who are now depending on the EU for subsidies or work in Western Europe and better salaries than in Poland will have to kiss goodbye to all this easy money. It will be a veritable shock to them. I would like to see their stupid mugs and hear their miserable whining. This will be so amuZZing. :):):)

Here is another riddle: will I prove so irresponsible as to wish and contribute to such a disaster for Poland for the sake of my private fun??? :):):)

  • F7W_JX_WMAErBR0.jfif
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Oct 2023   #1064
A rightist PiS sponsored weekly calls for Polexit - leaving the EU by Poland.

Good move.
Check out how the UK economy is doing compared to France, Italy and even Germany since Brexit!
The EU was good for Poland in early years as it was a nett recipient.It is soon about to become a nett contributor........time to bail out!
OP pawian  224 | 27236
2 Oct 2023   #1065
Check out how the UK economy is doing

I heard you are in deep shyt. :):):

time to bail out!

This stupidity means you either hate Poland or are a typical homo sovieticus moron, like PiS voters here.
Which one is correct??? :):):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Oct 2023   #1066
Check out how the UK economy is doing

SHI>TTY,look at ya country all ankle high salwar wearing bending over on streets 5 times a day and that loud ranting noise every morning in most neighborhoods.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Oct 2023   #1067
Which one is correct??? :):):)

All the ones you mentioned LOL plus many more reasons not to be mentioned to embarrass him
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Oct 2023   #1068
I heard you are in deep shyt.

You have poor data...... LOL!!!!! Check again.........

Typical troll...... no answers to serious questions...........
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Oct 2023   #1069
You have poor data.....

POOR???Where can I get some RICH data?

Typical troll...

LQQKING in the mirror?

.. no answers to serious questions..

Only thing serious here is how long is the internet/wifi free happy hour today you gonna use lol
OP pawian  224 | 27236
3 Oct 2023   #1070
You have poor data..

My data says that many Brits feel duped by their Brexit politicians who promised Paradise after quitting the EU but it didn`t materialise somehow. Strange, isn`t it???
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #1071
Hello, all EU haters and objectors!! :):):)

In case you didn`t hear about the results of recent national elections held on last Sunday, I have a great pleasure in informing you that pro-democratic, pro-European, pro-rule of law parties have won. Anti-Europeans have been defeated.

It means that your hopes and great expectations for Polexit in the near future are gone with the wind. Sorry. :):):):) hahahaha

Clap! Clap! hahahaha

PS. Mr Honourable Prime Minister Tusk is going to Brussels soon to talk about the funds which were suspended by the EU after PiS gangsters had broken the rule of law several times.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
19 Oct 2023   #1072
EU haters

MTV awards in Paris cancelled due to safety concerns , wonder what the problem may be any ideas ?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #1073
sorry, your post belongs in another EU thread.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
19 Oct 2023   #1074
My data says that many Brits feel duped by their Brexit politicians who promised Paradise after quitting the EU

Your data is wrong as usual.....most Brits feel that the British government is moving too slowly to achieve that paradise.....but they are getting there.And then The EU will get upset.....

It means that your hopes and great expectations for Polexit in the near future are gone with the wind

For now....Poland will only stay in The EU whilst it is an advantage to Poland.When Poland is faced with paying to support poor states they will leave.

. Mr Honourable Prime Minister Tusk

Oh please, you disgust me!
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #1075
Poland will only stay in The EU whilst it is an advantage to Poland

Stop pretending you are sillier than you really are. :):):)

disgust me!

I hope so! :):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
19 Oct 2023   #1076
Stop pretending you are stupider than you really are

You are the naive idiot in this debate.

I really can't believe that even you are this stupid, but it seems that you are......Poland will only stick with The EU whilst it suits them.

If you think otherwise then you are a bigger moron than I thought you were.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #1077
.Poland will only stick with The EU whilst it suits them.

Darling, I already told you who won the elections. It was pro EU parties. Why do you refuse to listen to wise guys????? :):):):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
19 Oct 2023   #1078
Why do you refuse to listen

Because times will change, as you will discover if you have even half a brain.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
19 Oct 2023   #1079
Because times will change,

And the times have just changed, darling, but you are still ignorant of it. Amassing!!!
Alien  25 | 6353
20 Oct 2023   #1080

It always reminds me of ants. Ants in German are Ameisen.

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